Chapter 1

Returning home from my part-time job as a secretary at a local doctor’s office, I couldn’t wait to see my boyfriend.

I am Kimberly, I am twenty-two and have been dating Chris since school. We became friends in high school. He was the local bad boy, always getting into trouble for dumb things like graffiti, ditching classes, stealing cars, getting into fights – you know the type. With Greek roots, he was most girls crush.
But he was friends with my older sister, Chelsey’s on and off boyfriend David. She was barely nine months older than me, mum had her and got pregnant with me straight away. So we were always in the same year at school.

To cut a long story short, Chris and I fell in love. He stopped acting the bad boy and we got together, pretty cliché but I wouldn’t change it.
I am not going to lie, over the last seven years we have gone through a lot of ups and downs. Including Chris trying drugs, but we got over it and now we were happier than ever.
I had two part-time jobs, one at a local playgroup and the other at the doctor’s office.
Chris works for his dad’s contracting company and is always telling me I don’t have to have two jobs, but I enjoy them and like to help out.

I like having my own money to live off. Unlike Chelsey, who is still dating her on and off again boyfriend, David. If they had stayed together the whole time, they would have been dating about eight years. But they split up a few years ago and only this last year started seeing each other again. I honestly don’t think they will last though. They are both as bad as each other. They are both constantly cheating on each other and she is always bumming money off him and anyone else who will give it to her.
If she wasn’t my sister, I wouldn’t like her at all.

It was three in the afternoon before I finally got home and much to my surprise Chris’s car was parked outside the small three bed house we shared.
He was normally at work until five.

Walking inside the house and couldn’t help but smile when I saw the biggest bunch of red roses on the table, with a small black box beside it.
He was often surprising me with little gifts but walking over I knew this was different. Inside the black box was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

Was he going to ask me to marry him?

I would pretend I didn’t see it and then it would spoil any plan he had.

I took my coat off – we lived in England and it was always cold – and placed my bag on the side, when I went in search of Chris.

After finding no one downstairs, I headed up.

I wish I never did, because what I saw made me feel physically sick.

In my bed, with my boyfriend was my sister, Chelsey.

“Good to know our relationship means that much to either of you,” I said not bothering to hide the fact that I saw him having sex with my sister.

Chris froze and as if slow motion turned to me with a look of shock, but then it turned to confusion. He turned to back to Chelsey stare for a second and then jumped up wide-eyed.

“What the fuck?!” He was pulling at his hair. He was either going insane or putting on the best act of his life.
He looked back to me, his face full of regret and still some confusion.
“I didn’t. I thought it was you…” He tried to say. His pupils dilated, I knew without a doubt what that meant.

“Yeah! Fucking right! How long have you two been taking me for the fucking fool? Taking drugs and having sex together?” I didn’t give him a chance to answer.
“You both must have found this really funny?” Chris tried to walk over to me, his eyes full of tears. But Chelsey grabbed his wrist.

“Leave her, you were saying before how much you love me more, anyway,” She tried to sound seductive, she was even smirking.
My heart was broken into a million pieces.

“I didn’t!” He exclaimed and pulled his arm from hers.

“I don’t know what is going on, but it was you…” He sounded convinced and truthful, heartbroken even. But I couldn’t believe him, she looked nothing like me. She had bleach blond hair and size zero body. I was a size ten with dark hair.

“I don’t know what’s happening,” He walked over to me naked. Chelsey stood up from the bed, also naked and walked up behind him.
“Nice try, Chris, but she’s not buying it. Just come back to bed.”

My mouth hung open, we had never been super close or anything. But if my sister ever needs anything I would give it to her.

“How can you do this to me?” I look from Chris, who was trying to get Chelsey off him to her. “You are my sister!”

She smirked and took a step closer to me and with a voice that held no regret she said, “He is hot. I wanted him. You had him, now I do.”

She leant into kiss him, but he pushed her away.
“Yeah, but you had to make sure he was drugged up first,” I spat and he looked confused.
“I haven’t taken anything.”
“That’s why your eyes are almost completely black?!” He walked over to the mirror and saw what I saw.
He tried to talk again, but I cut him off.

“I am not in the mood for your lies,” More tears fell. “You know what? I actually was happy until now. I thought you were. I even…” I swallowed a sob.

He came to me in a flash and hugged me, but I didn’t hug him back – I pushed him away. I wanted to believe his lies. I love him so much, it hurts.
But I couldn’t…

“Well, I hope you two are happy.” He pulled back and tried to talk again, but again I cut him off.

“I am going to stay somewhere else. I’ll be back for my things.” I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm and fell to his knees crying.
“No, no, no, please don’t go. I love you, please,” He cried.

I felt bad, but he cheated on me and lied.

“No. I’m going.” I pull my arm his and turn to leave but then stop and turn back.
He looked at me hopefully. “I came home to actually give you some good… Well, it was good news. You remember what you said about twins?” His eyes widen and Chelsey looked confused.

He looked to my waistline, which had expanded a bit recently.
“Y… you’re pregnant?”
“Yes, I guess the pill stopped working.”
I turned to leave again, not failing to miss the shocked expression on my sister’s face.

I left the house to Chris screaming and crying for me to return. I got into my small car and drove away, not looking back.


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