
Amy is awoken by a loud whining noise.

She quickly sat up in her bed. ‘Oh crap, maybe someone has broken in,’ She thought panicking.

She continued to sit in silence for a few more minutes.

But nothing.

Maybe in her sleepy state she had just imaged the sound.

‘Yes, that must be it,’ She told herself.

After all, only a couple of weeks ago she had a similar experience which turned out just to be a dream too.

She shook her head remember the details.


Being the youngest child of three, Amy – sixteen – is the only child of her parents still living at home.

She has two old brothers – Blaze who’s twenty-two and Garrek who’s nineteen – who are both away at university.

Blaze is in his final year but Garrek has a couple more to go.

It is the Christmas holiday and her brothers have both just returned home.

Everyone was sleeping, when was Amy woken up to a strange groaning sound.

Having just got a new pet dog, ‘Yun,’ She thought maybe it was her.

But as she left her room and passed by Blaze’s room the noise got louder.

Instead of going downstairs and checking on her dog she decided to stick her head in her brother’s room.

‘Maybe he is having a nightmare,’ She thought to herself as she silently pushed the door open a crack.

She opened the door only a couple of inches, just enough to peek in and what she saw had her stop breathing.

Sat on the edge of his bed in only a shirt is her brother, Blaze, but that wasn’t the shocking part…

Kneeled on the floor with his head between Blaze’s legs and his mouth wrapped around Blaze’s hard erection was her other brother, Garrek.

Blaze had his head tipped back, eyes closed and smiling. “Oh yeah, keep going,” He moans.

Garrek began to move faster.

“Yeah, Gar, I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum in your mouth and I want you to swallow it all!” Blaze finished just in time to as he exhaled a loud moan and release his seed deep into his younger brother’s mouth.

Garrek pulled away and swallowed the load, but soon went back to finish cleaning his brother’s cock off with his mouth.

“You taste great,” He said once he was finished and stood up. “Now my turn,” Garrek began removing his bottom half and pushes his brother down to the favor.

Amy wasn’t sure how she felt.

She knew she should feel sick, disgusted, but she didn’t.

She mostly felt lightheaded.

Quietly closing the door she headed back to her room and closed the door, and then falling to the floor.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in bed in the morning.

She convinced herself what she had saw that night was simply her sick imagination playing overtime in a dream.

Especially when she saw how both her brothers acted in the morning.

Both teasing and arguing with each other about girls.

‘No, my brothers aren’t like that. They aren’t gay,’ She thought watching them that morning.

End of Flashback

She hated herself for having such a sick dream.

How could she ever think her brother were like that?

Not when they always took such great care of her.

Helping her if she ever has any trouble at school.

Taking care of her when their parents are on a trip.

Amy continued to think about all the good things that her family did for her and eventually began to fall back off to sleep.

Just as sleep begins to take her she hears the same whining noise.

“What the hell is that?!” She groans and bangs her fist into her bed irritated of the constant annoyances tonight.

Again the noise…

“That’s it,” She mumbles jumping out of the bed.

She knew it wasn’t her dog, because for the last week she has been sleeping in her room and right now she is sat on the floor beside the door waiting to go explore the sound of the noises with Amy.

“Alright, Yun, lets go,” She spoke to the small wolf-dog puppy.

She exits her room with Yun right beside her.

“So what do you think it is?” She asks him, Yun tips her head to the side and gave her a puzzled look making her smile.

“Okay, come on,” She says quietly whilst continuing to walk down the hall.

The pair follows the now constant whining noise to its source.

‘Just great,’ She thought.

‘This seems familiar.’ Stopping outside of her parents room.

Yun decided this hunt isn’t interesting enough and runs down the hall to a different part of the house.

“Gee, thanks,” Amy mumbles.

‘Just the parents doing…Urm the parental bed stuff,’ She thought slightly disgusted.

She is just about to turn around and head back to her room, when she notices the door ajar.

Disgusted at herself she can’t help but look inside.

Her jaw drops open, ‘Yeah, this is messed up,’ She thought to herself.

She wished it was a dream but knew it wasn’t.

Not only is her mother naked on the bed on all fours being taken from behind by her father, but also pumping himself into her mouth is Amy’s brother, Garrek.

‘What the hell is going on? Why is Garrek doing that to his mother and why are our parents letting him?’

Slowly walking backwards, she wanted to flee and hide.

But she must have walked further back than she thought because her body hit something hard.

She tries to turn or move but an arm wraps around her waist stopping her.

She goes to open her mouth to say something but another hand covers her mouth.

“Shhh, little sis,” The voice she knows all too well whispers.

She tips her head back and looks up to see her oldest brother holding her.

He smiles down at her. “Promise to be a good little girl and be quiet and I’ll answer all your questions,” He whispers into her ear, his lips so close they brush against her ear this made her shiver and him to grin, but she still nods her head.

Never removing his arm from her waist, he leads her into his room on the other side of the quite large house and then closes the door behind them.

“Sit down,” He says finally letting her go.

She sat on the only chair he has in his room, his computer chair.

He sighs and sat on the bed.

“You know you can sit on my bed. I won’t hurt you,” He tells her with a strange look. She could have sworn she saw a hint of blue in his grey eyes but she convinces herself it is her imagination.

Ignoring him, she has a thousand things going through her mind, but one stood out most.

“Are you gay?” She blurts out.

Blaze’s eyes widen as though not expecting the question.

“What?” He asks shocked.

“Are you gay?” She asks again not looking at his face.

“No, why do you ask that?” He sounds confused.

“I thought it was a dream, but now I don’t. I saw Garrek blowing you and you, him,” She states looking up at him starring at her.

“So you gay with him, right? But he is doing Mum, so maybe he is bi…” She starts to babble.

“You saw that?” He asks lowly stopping her speaking.

She nods her head, “Yes.”

“We are not gay. Let me explain,” He stops and looks at her for a second. “Sit next to me and I’ll explain,” He pleads.

She sighs, but does as he asks.

“The four of us… Me, Garrek, Mum and Dad have been sexually involved for several years now,” He admits.

“Garrek and I both find each other sexually attractive but no other men. Neither of us are gay, we have only ever done that stuff with each other.”

“And you two share a room at uni?” She asks.

“Yes and before you ask yes, we do often do it,” He tells her never taking his eyes off her.

“And Dad?”

“No, never! We share Mum, but nothing else.”

“You do that stuff with Mum too?”


“What about other women?” She asks remembering her brothers speaking about women to each other in the past.

“I have tried a several times, but I didn’t really like it. So now I only do it Mum and Garrek,” He confesses.

“Really?” She exclaims.

“Yes and Garrek is the same.”

“So that’s why you both never date?” She asks.


“How old were you when you started?”

“Well, first me and Garrek started when I was eighteen and he was fifteen. Mum and Dad caught us and asked us if we were gay and we told them the same as we told you and then Dad asked if we wanted to join them one time and do Mum, and it just continued since then.”

Amy sat shocked, unsure what to say her whole family had been having sex together for four years and she had been none the wiser.

“How did I never find this out before?” She began to say to herself.

“I don’t know, but I am glad you have found out,” He admits placing his hand on her shoulder.

“What do you mean?” She looks at him and saw the same strange look as before.

“Well, when me or Garrek asked Mum or Dad about telling you, they said we had to wait until you found out for yourself and then ask what you wanted,” He moves his hand from her shoulder to her cheek and began stroke it.

“You mean?” Her voice low almost a whisper.

She knows it’s wrong but her brother touching her cheek is making her feel hot.

He leans in closer, his shaggy dark hair falling forwards. “Amy, I want you. I’ve always wanted you,” He admit leaning in more until she is flat on her back.

“Mum and Dad knew this but didn’t want to force you, so that is why we were told to wait. It was hard, every time I used to help you bath or see you in a swim suit…Often when Garrek blows me and I do mum, I think of you,” He is now laid on top of her on the bed.

Amy stares at him mouth wide.

She had always had feelings for her brothers, but never imaged anything would happen.

He moves from the top of her and laying at her side, looking at her lustfully.

“What have you done with boys?” He inquires.

“Nothing,” She replies quietly.

He looks at her wide-eyed. “Nothing?” He sounds surprised.

She nods, “Boys don’t seem to like me. I guess I’m ugly or something,” She looks off to the side.

Blaze is shocked by his sister’s admission.

Yes, she maybe of only been sixteen, but she has the body of a grown woman and is the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He had wanted to take her since she was young.

But knew it was wrong and he had to wait.

He is shocked whilst he and his brother isn’t here to protect her from the many boys who want her, that not one had taken her.

But it seems that he and his brother past deeds had scared off any boys interested.

“Good,” He found himself saying.

Garrek had also wanted to be with her, when their parents found out. Their father told them to wait and when she is ready or if she wanted to she could join them.

“Good?” He hears her sexy soft voice saying.

He looks at her, she is dressed in a long shirt and panties which are not covered by the shirt.

“Yes, I want to be your first,” He looks down at her panties and notices a wet patch.

Amy looks down to see what he is looking at and noticed she is still only in her shirt and panties which she was sleeping in.

“Crap!” She tries to cover herself but he stops her.

“Please, don’t,” He almost begs.

His voice alone makes her wet, not to mention the fact that when she tries to sit up to cover herself his hand touches her breast, pushing her back and making her moan.

He didn’t mean to touch her breast but is glad he did and the sound of her moan made his already hard cock, even harder.

“When I first saw you outside Mum’s and Dad’s room and I saw you dress like that, I wanted to take you there and then.”

She looks at him and notices the large bulge between his legs.

“But I love you, Amy. Love you more than a brother should and would never force you to do anything,” He tells he honestly.

Amy looks at her old brother and knew what she wanted, she had known since the first time she saw his cock in Garrek’s mouth.

“I love you too, Blaze.”

Blaze looks down sadly, “I know like a brother, but…”

She stops him. “No, not like a brother.”

He stops and looks at her.

“I want you to be my first. “

He isn’t sure if he heard right. “Sorry, can you repeat that?” He asks.

Amy stood up, making Blaze again think he had heard her wrong.

He looks away and stares at the wall.

He knew it was too good to be true.

He loves being with his mother and brother, but wants nothing more than to be with Amy.

But that would never happen.

He sighs sadly and closes his eyes.

If only he hadn’t bumped into her when he was heading to join his family playtime, then maybe he could still pretend they could happen.

“Blaze…” Amy’s voice gains his attention.

“Yes,” He answers opening his eyes and sitting up.

“What is …” He stops when his eyes land on a now completely naked Amy stood at the bottom of his bed.

“I said, I want you to be my first… That is if you still want me?” She asks looking down at herself.

Blaze jumps up and rips off the boxers and shirt he is wearing, before picking up his little sister and placing her on his bed.

“I want you…” He growls.

He captures her lips and let his hand wander.

“You are so sexy, Amy,” He growls into her mouth as he grabs her breast.

She moans loudly opening her mouth. Blaze takes this moment to insert his tongue inside and explore her mouth.

With one hand still on her breast his other glides over her stomach and down to her smooth cunt.

Pulling away from a disappointed looking Amy he apologizes. “I’m sorry, but I have to taste you and take you. I have been waiting too long for this. I will go slower next time.”

Before she has chance to answer he goes down and buries his face between her legs.

“Goodness, you are so wet,” He hums lapping up her juices.

“And you taste so good.” His cock is now so hard it hurt.

Never before had he been so hard.

Amy felt as though electric is travelling through her body as her brother eats her pussy.

“Please…” She begs, panting.

He stops and looks at her with lust.

“Please, what?”

“Please, Blaze, take me,” She moans.

“Push your huge hard cock inside me.”

A huge smile made its way to his face.

“I like you moaning my name, baby.” He moves so he is over the top of her and kisses down her neck.

“This might hurt, but I will try and be gentle, it should feel better after a while,” He places a kiss on her lips lovingly and waits for her to nod.

“You sure you want me to do this?” He asks one last time, positioning his hard erection at her entrance.

“Yes, please, Blaze.” Without another word he pushes his member into her wet virgin core.

He stops and waits for her to get used to his size, in the meantime placing kisses all over her lips and neck.

Soon, he begins to thrust in and out again slowly looking into his little sister’s face as she grimaces at the pain. “I’m sorry, do you want me to stop?”

“No, I’ll be alright. I want to do this.” She tells him truthfully.

“Good, because your pussy feels too good,” He admits.

He continues to move slowly inside her several more times, before she begins to moan.

“Does it feel better?” He asks.

“Yes!” She exclaims in a moan.

“Please go faster,” She adds.

Blaze smirks, “OK, Sexy,” He pumps his hips faster.

Neither one noticing the door opening nor someone enter the room.

“Well, this is a bit unexpected…” A voice says stopping Blaze mid thrust.

“Garrek,” He growls thinking it would be too much for Amy.

But she doesn’t care. “Please don’t stop, Blaze,” She begs looking deep into his eyes.

“Sure?” He asks again.

“Please…” She begs again.

“What about Garrek?” He asks.

“Please, Blaze, you feel so good,” She begs again.

Blaze doesn’t need any more convincing. “Alright, Sexy, just keep saying my name like that.”

He moves his hips into hers.

“This is so hot,” Garrek moans.

Amy looks to the door and sees her other brother standing in nothing with damp skin and a towel on the floor, as if he has jump got out of the shower and with his hard cock in his hand.

“You are so sexy, Amy,” He moans. “I am so jealous of you, Blaze.” He looks lustfully at his two siblings.

“I know, she is so much better and sexier than I could ever imagine,” Blaze admits lovingly looking at her whilst still pushing into her.

“Harder, Blaze,” She moans still looking at Garrek.

Garrek is surprised when his brother didn’t join him and his parents in their room, but now understands why.

Both of them had spoke in-depth about her and asked their parents who always told them to wait.

But now here she is with his older brother inside her.

Garrek wants his brother to release his seed, so he might have a chance to be with her.

But he isn’t sure if she wants him too.

By the way she is watching him to touch himself, he hoped she does.

“Garrek,” She moans getting his attention.

Blaze continues, turning his head and smiling at his little brother.

“Come over here, please,” She adds.

He slowly walks over stopping a few feet away.

She pats the bed next to her and indicates for him to sit next to her.

He is unsure but does as she told.

“Stop a second,” She tells Blaze.

“Get up,” She adds.

Blaze looks unsure and moves.

Amy gets up and as she does Garrek takes in her full body with his eyes.

Amy kisses Blaze hard on the mouth before getting down on all four as she had seen before in her parent’s room and indicates for Blaze to continue.

Blaze is quick to return into her tight pussy, “So good,” He moans pumping away.

Amy is now facing Garrek on all fours, her breast hanging close to his face.

She grabs his head to his shock and crashes her lips into his.

At first he is shocked but soon begins to move his lips against her.

But before the kiss can get too deep she stops and moves her mouth over his erection.

Licking the tip, cleaning off the pre-cum.

“Oh my good God, Amy!” He exclaims gripping the bed.

“Oh yeah, take it,” They both hear Blaze say.

Looking into Garrek’s eyes and he into hers, both see the same look of lust and love.

Slowly she take the head into her mouth.

“Oh my God, I’m coming!” Blaze moans pumping harder and faster.

“Blaze!” She yell moans with Garrek’s cock still partly in her mouth.

Her back aches and she pushes herself hard against him as they peak together.

Slowly Blaze pulls away, Amy removes her mouth from Garrek’s still hard cock and turns to Blaze and kisses him.

“I love you, Amy,” He says with another kiss.

“I love you too, Blaze,” She replies.

She kisses him again and turns to Garrek and wraps her arms around his neck and straddles his waist.

“And I love you, Garrek,” She says with love.

Garrek is beyond happy, but surprised by his sister’s confession and he wraps his arms around her and kisses her nose.

“And I love you too, Amy,” He kisses her lips. “You are so beautiful.”

Garrek feel so much love from both his siblings, he almost forgot about his hard cock until he felt his little sister push her tight wet pussy onto his throbbing member.

His eyes widens in shock as his little sister begins to ride his cock.

“Holy hell….” He moans almost losing his load there and then.

“You are so tight,” He grabs her butt as she rides him harder.

Blaze watches happily as his brother and sister bond together.

This makes him happy.

Amy and Garrek cum together in no time.

Both continue to kiss for a while after and Blaze rubs her back.

“Amy,” Blaze says getting her attention.

“I and Garrek have to speak to you about something, but we can do that in the morning,” He says.

“What about?” She asks.

“We will explain in the morning when you had a sleep,” Garrek tells her, lifting her up from his lap and laying her down on the bed between him and Blaze.

“Tonight you will sleep here with me and Blaze,” He quickly adds.

“You sure?” She asks.

“Yes, our sweet sexy little sister,” Blaze says lustfully.

“Come on, lets sleep, before I take you again,” He growls.

Amy yawns, “I’m a bit sore, maybe tomorrow.”

The three lay down and wrap their arms around Amy.

“I like this, ” Amy mumbles sleepily.

“I love the sparks when you both touch me too,” She adds before falling asleep.

“She feels it too,” Garrek says quietly not too wake up Amy, who is sleeping in his and his brother’s arms.

“Yes, she does,” Blaze smiles widely.

“I think we will be finally able to complete it soon,” He adds.

“Me too,” Garrek smiles at the thought, before also falling asleep.

Blaze lay in bed with his two siblings with him.

He had known for years she was going to be theirs. They had told their parents, but they told him and his brother to wait.

But he is still worried about one thing.

He has to tell the rest of the truth.

He has to tell her soon because soon she would change and find out the truth for herself and he can’t let that happen.

She would hate him and he can’t let that happen, he loves her too much.

He needs to tell her not only that they aren’t human but also that she is his and Garrek’s mate.

Their one and only.


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