Chapter 2

“Right, I’ve made my choice,” Amy says out of the blue.

Both men feel their hearts drop when she lets go of their hands.

‘She can’t leave us,’ Blaze almost cries into Garrek’s head.

Amy stands up and begins pacing.

“I want to believe your story, but it’s all just a bit well… Out there,” She says without telling them her answer.

“We’re not crazy. We can prove we are, how about we show you?” Garrek says hopeful.

Amy stands and thinks about it.

She looks at them unsure, “Um… Go on then,” She humors the pair.

Both men stand up and take off the pair of shorts they had thrown on earlier and threw them on the floor.

She watches them wanting to look away from their naked forms but unable too.

“Don’t be scared. I promise you we will not hurt you,” Blaze says in a strangely soft tone that she had never heard him use before.

Amy doesn’t speak, only nods.

With that the two men give each other a nod and begin the shift.

Amy jumps back as both men fall to the floor, onto their knees.

Bones begin to break, shift and fur begins to sprout.

Within just under ten seconds the brother’s have both fully shifted.

Both normally have dark coloured hair, but now Blaze have shifted into a white Tundra Wolf with grey patches on his head, feet and tail. And lastly his normally grey eyes have now turned a bright blue colour.

While Garrek is also a Tundra Wolf, but he is mainly a dark grey almost black colour with a couple of white patches on his snout, underbelly and feet. And as his brother his once green eyes are now also the same blue colour as his brother.

Amy stood frozen at the sight of the two previous men now wolves in front of her.

“Holy hell!” She exclaimed lowly wide eyed.

Blaze took a slow step towards Amy, whilst she was busy watching Garrek who’s wolf was very happy at finally seeing his mate.

His tongue was hanging out of the corner of his mouth, which was curved up into a wolfy grin and his head tripped to the side.

Garrek that to warn his wolf – Kray – to keep still and not happily jump on her and play as his wolf was begging too.

Amy turned her head to notice that Blaze’s wolf – Tye – was no longer next to his brother, but was now standing only a couple of feet away.

As if sensing her fear Kray let out a short whine and lay on his belly in a submissive position.

She noticed this and relaxed slightly, Tye soon copied his brother and placed his head down hoping not to scare her.

Standing and looking for a moment in the same spot, she couldn’t help but laugh when she noticed that Kray was now slowly trying to sneak closer by shuffling on his belly.

“Very sly, Garrek,” She couldn’t help but laugh as he stopped next to his older brother.

Tye moved his head to the side so he could look at his brother sending him a message through the link the two shared saying, ‘Couldn’t wait?’ He teased.

Garrek’s wolf had the same grin as before, ‘No, but I think she might like me,’ He said hopeful.

Blaze’s wolf rolled his eyes, ‘No, she just thinks you are a weirdo.’

Kray whined in sadness and Tye laughed at his soft hearted brother.

Both turned their heads back to Amy when they heard her footsteps, but the action was so fast it made her jump and scream quietly.

“Sorry, I just wanted to touch your fur,” She said defensively as the wolves starred at her.

She couldn’t tell if they wanted to eat her or mate her, but either way she was once again unmoving.

‘We scared her,’ Garrek said to his brother and wolf.

‘Yes, we need to be more slower not to scare her again,’ Blaze answered.

Amy sat on the floor her back against the door and bringing her knees up to her chest, she closed her eyes tight, hoping and praying they wouldn’t hurt her.

Both men felt guilty about scaring her so much and as he did before Garrek and his wolf shuffled forwards, ignoring the warnings from his older brother and stopped in front of Amy.

She sat still eyes closed with her chin resting on her knee.

He looked back his brother sending him a grin.

‘What you up too?’ A suspicious Blaze asked.

‘Nothing,’ Garrek answered innocently, turning back to Amy.

‘Why do I not believe you?’ Blaze quickly added moving forwards slowly as his brother did.

But before he could get half way Garrek decided he would try and cheer her up.

Looking at the front part of her bare leg, he leaned forwards slightly and took in a deep breath taking in her scent.

‘God, she smells so good,’ He purred.

He moved closer rubbing his nose on her leg, making her shudder and himself sneeze all over her.

She snapped her head back whilst still sat down and looked at herself and then the wolf in front of her, who she recognized as Garrek.

Her fear all of a sudden vanished at the sight of the wide-eyed wolf.

“Garrek!” She whined.

“You got wolf snot all over me,” She cringed looking at the wolf spit all over her legs.

Blaze reached his brother’s side who was smiling innocently with his head tipped to the side trying to get out of trouble with his mate.

Amy felt her heart soften a bit. She straightened her legs and put them flat down on the ground.

Garrek straightened his head and went to move his head, but Blaze pushed him with his head and gives him a warning growl.

Amy didn’t know what could came over her back she suddenly felt brave and protective over Garrek.

“Blaze, be nice,” She said firmly surprising him and Garrek before.

Garrek took this an invitation the lay his head on her legs.

She shivered at his touch and began to slowly run her fingers through his fur on his head making him purr.

“You sound like a cat,” She laughed.

Blaze watch on with jealously, laying flat on the ground and sad at being scolded.

His sister noticed this and suddenly felt guilty.

She patted the floor to get his attention and motioned for him to come over.

He didn’t have to ask twice, he quickly got up and rushed to her side making her jump.

Garrek lifted his head and sent Blaze a glare.

Blaze gave him and Amy an apologetic look.

Amy shook her head, “It’s okay. I’m just not crazy about wolves running around and trying to eat me.”

Garrek licked her leg to get her attention when she stopped rubbing his head.

“Gar!” She whined, “I swear,” She shook her head, “I do not need a tongue bath.”

‘Good idea,’ Garrek said to Blaze.

‘I’ll help,’ Blaze said letting his playfully side out.

Garrek began to lick her legs, making her squeal, “Garrek!” She laughed trying to push him off, but only made him lick more.

Blaze took this moment to lick her cheek.

“Blaze! You too? You’re meant to be the grown up one,” She said trying not to laugh as their furry faces and tongue’s went on her face and legs.

“Not my face,” She whined and tried to push the playful Tye’s head away but he didn’t budge an inch, instead she fell on her side.

“Umf!” Escaped her lips as she hit the ground.

Garrek looked up and glared at his brother, ‘Be careful!’ He warned.

Blaze didn’t answer, instead only nodded his wolfy head.

Garrek/Kray stood up towering over her but freeing her legs, he moved to her side and looked at her face crouching down to see if she was alright.

Blaze/Tye also stood, but only took a step back. Giving Amy enough space so she could straighten herself out.

Still lying on the ground she rolled so she was now full on her side facing a concerned looking Kray.

She propped herself up on her arm and said whilst looking to the wolf in front of her face, “I’m okay,” She smiled and leaned forward placing a single kiss on Kray’s snout just between his eyes and nose.

He felt his heart skip a beat, ‘She kissed us,’ Kray exclaimed happily in Garrek’s head, Blaze heard his and whined.

Amy heard the animal whine behind her and instantly felt bad for ignoring him, even though it was not intentional.

She pushed herself off the ground, taking one last look at Kray and patting his head before standing up and walking over to Blaze’s wolf Tye.

Who was now standing in the corner of the room feeling guilty for knocking her over.

‘Our mate hates us,’ Tye said heartbroken too Blaze.

‘We both need to learn how not to be so heavy handed or pawed as the case maybe,’ Blaze replied trying not to think about her hating him.

Tye’s eyes snapped up from the ground when he heard someone walk and stop in front of him.

Both wolf and human alike were surprised to see Amy standing with a smile on her face.

“Hey Blaze, are you okay?” She said slowly moving her hand and turning his ear, making he shiver.

“You know you didn’t hurt me right?” She asked in a soft tone.

Her smile faltered slightly when she saw the unsure sad look in his eyes.

“Really…Tye, is it?” She looked off to the side as if thinking.

“I’m sure that’s what you told me earlier and Garrek’s is…Um…Ah, yeah, Kray.” She looked back at Tye who had brightened up slightly at hearing her say his name.

‘She remembers our name,’ Tye and Kray almost cheered.

Blaze and Garrek both laughed at their wolves, but were just as happy as them that she had remember.

The pair was brought out of their thought by her speaking.

“I know you were only playing,” She placed a kissed on Tye as she did Kray.

Before he could stop him Blaze’s wolf Tye let out an embarrassing purr, but sounded more like a sheep than a cat.

Amy burst out laughing, as did Garrek only his was inside Blaze’s head.

‘Oh my God, man. That was so funny,’ He laughed.

‘Grr, shut up!’ Blaze growled back.

Tye didn’t seem bother, just being happy to be near the mate he had so long been kept away from.

Blaze felt the same happiness, but still didn’t like his wolf making him look like a fool.

Amy didn’t even notice as she walked other to Blaze’s bed still laughing and sat down, that both wolves were following closely behind her.

“Aw, that was so cute, funny but cute,” She said her laughter finally coming under control.

She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes feeling the happiest she had in ages.

Not bothering to open her eyes when she felt the bed dip beside her, thinking nothing of it.

“Are you scared of us?” A voice asked making her open her eyes.

Laid either side of her was Blaze and Garrek both looking at her.

It was then she realized the person asking was Garrek.

Raising her eyebrow slightly she asked, “Garrek, do you really even have to ask?”

“Please, just humor us?” She was surprised to hear Blaze ask this time.

They both looked so worried, but tried their best to hide it though Amy could still tell.

She wanted to roll her eyes at their stupid question, but knew they just wanted reassurance.

“When you first changed or shifted or whatever you called it, yes.” Both men expressions dropped.

But then Amy quickly added, “But then Garrek and you came up to me and he,” She paused to point at the younger brother

“Sneezed on me and decided I needed a tongue bath,” She slapped his head playfully, he gave her a sheepish grin which made her heart melt.

“Then you joined in and after that I couldn’t be scared,” She smiled. “I mean, yes, Garrek’s wolf isn’t sure whether he is a ninja or a dog, but it’s kind of funny and cute. How could I be scared of that?” Garrek knew he shouldn’t be happy at being compared to a dog but he didn’t mind.

‘Cute,’ was all he could think, whilst still smiling.

“Don’t worry, Blaze, I like your wolf too. He is sweet, playfully like Garrek’s, super strong and mysterious,” She grinned.

“Mysterious?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to hide a smirk.

“Yep, that’s what she said,” Garrek said with a large smirk.

She couldn’t help but blush as the pair starred at her.

“Aw, she’s blushing,” Garrek laughed poking her cheek.

She hit his hand away, making him laugh more.

“So cute,” Blaze said in a low lust filled voice, as he blushed some lose strands of hair out of his face.

The comment only made her cheeks heat up, “Stop teasing me,” She said in a playing growl, the two men laugh again.

“Always laughing at me,” She mumbled to herself annoyed as she went to stand up.

Before she could fully get up an arm pulled her back onto a hard body.

“Umf!” She said as she hit the naked chest.

“What is all with all the knocking me over?” She mumbled pulling herself up.

Sitting up she realized she was now sat on top of Garrek.

“Where do you think you’re going? We haven’t finished chatting,” He said with strange look on his face.

“Oh my God,” She said under her breath hoping the two others didn’t hear her.

Blaze looked at her curiously, whilst at the same time wanting her to be sat on him like that.

“What is it?” He asked her.

She turned her head and saw the same.

“Urm, nothing,” She said shyly laying down on Garrek and hiding her embarrassment in his neck.

Garrek’s wanted to know her answer too, but as soon as she lay down on top on him her dressing grown

shifted slightly from under her so he could now feel her naked vagina on his bare flesh.

Her breathing on his neck only made it worst.

He felt his member become impossibly hard.

‘I can feel her pussy on me,’ Garrek link to Blaze.

Blaze first noticed his brothers body stiffen and then another part of him.

He sat up and kneeled next to the two.

“Amy, honey,” Blaze was getting turn on just by looking them.

“What?” She said into Garrek’s neck making him shiver.

“I want to bang that sweet little pussy of yours,” Garrek deep lustily voice whisper into her ear.

Her eyes widened as she sat up again and looked down at him.

His eyes had darkened and his glaze was full of want.

“What?” She asked quietly making sure she heard right.

“He said he wants to bang that sweet little pussy of yours,” Blaze repeated moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

Her breath froze as his lips touched the back of her neck.

Garrek watched his brother slowly pull on the strap on the grown making it fall open and reveal their mates naked form.

Blaze pulled off the grown the rest of the way, trailing his fingers down her body as he went.

Her body shivered, his touch felt so good.

Amy did nothing to stop him, wanting this just as much as them.

“Do you feel what you do to Gar and me?” Blaze said into her neck.

She gasps as two large hard rods stab into her butt cheeks.

Barely touching her, but their slight touch made her body ache and she exploded with pleasure without even being touched.

Her body ached back as did her head and her eyes closed and she moaned as orgasm hit and her juices spilled on Garrek’s stomach.

Both men watched in shock and pleasure as their member hardened more than they thought was possible.

“Oh my God, that is so fricking sexy!” Blaze now deeper sounding voice said.

“Umhum. I can feel you hot little pussy and your juices all over me, little mate,” Garrek smirk.

Amy opened her eyes and looked down with a mixture of embarrassment and lust.

“Sorry,” She mumbled.

“Don’t be, sexy girl,” Garrek said running his hand over her body, cupping her breast making her moan.

“Amy, we need to know now,” Blaze said getting her attention at his serious tone.

She looked back with a worried expression.

Blaze saw this and places a single kiss on her lips. “Don’t worry, my love.”

Amy smiled loving being called that.

“We just need know if you accept us, me and Garrek as your mates?” He paused waiting for her reaction.

But then quickly added, “But just remember once we have completed the mating you will only ever be with us and us with you. We will be yours and you will be ours.”

Amy thought for a minute. “What about Mum and other girls?” She asked lowly.

“It will only be me, you and Gar,” Blaze says hopeful.

“Forever and never anyone else,” Garrek added to what his fellow mate was saying.

“We will effectively be your husbands and you our wife,” Blaze also adds.

“Really?” Amy voice high.

“Yes,” Blaze said.

“Really really,” Garrek said.

Amy bit her lip to stop from smiling.

Yes, when people or if people found out they would have things to say but he didn’t care.

She had two super strong, large were mates to protect her.

Looking up she saw the worried look on Garrek’s face, she turned to see Blaze with the same expression.

“So?” Garrek didn’t want to force her, but knew if she said no whilst still on top of him like this, no matter how much he loved her he would forcibly mate her.

He and Blaze were silently praying she would answer soon and say yes to prevent that from happening.

“What do you say?” Blaze felt more defenseless than he did in his life.

Amy was still sat on top of Garrek.

She looked between the two, liking making them sweat.

Rubbing the back of her neck as if unsure she began to say, “Well … Urm …I’m not sure.” The men’s expressions turned to ones of panic.

“But but…” Garrek began.

“We won’t hurt you. We…” Blaze started to rambled, but was cut off by Amy’s lips on his.

The kiss was short, only lasting a few seconds.

But it was enough to do the job.

“Does that answer your question?” She smirked as she moved herself slightly without the pair noticing and I began to grind my nub against Garrek’s member.


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Susan Daniels
Susan Daniels
2 months ago

I really enjoy your story and I am very pleased to have located it once again on this platform. I’m not sure how the male is pregnant or will give birth.

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