Chapter 30

James had tried and failed to have the siblings go to bed. He had even promised to wait by Garrek’s side and contact them when he awoke. But they had said no and he had let them stay, not wanting to fight.

His parents and Amy’s had come for answers about both Garrek and the mating and had been forced to leave with answers to none after Tanya kicked them out of the room, telling them there wasn’t enough space for them all to stay and it wasn’t the place to argue.

That night they had spent in the room with Garrek. Alpha and Luna on a mattress they had brought in, Garrek on a chair still in wolf form – as was his punishment – with his head resting on the edge of his brother’s bed and Amy curled up in bed beside her youngest brother.

“Shh, Princess,” Garrek whispered pressing his mouth to his younger sister before gently pushing inside her.

Their aunt and uncle were still asleep, but Blaze sat in the chair watching them longingly.

‘James is going to punish me for breaking my punishment. But I don’t care. I just need you,’ Garrek linked to her, slowly moving in and out of her.

A nurse had removed the drip and cannula during the night, something both were now thankful for.

‘I don’t care! I’ll take the blame. We were so worried about you,’ She replied.

He had woken up in the medical bed only a short time before. Blaze had woken up straight after and proceeded to cover his brother’s face in slobby Wolf tongue kisses. Then gave the soon angry Garrek the rundown of everything that happened.

But Garrek being Garrek couldn’t stay angry long, at least not when he felt his little sister’s body closer to him in her sleep state.

‘Are you sure you’re well enough to do this? We still don’t know what’s wrong with you.’

‘Yes. I feel amazing. I don’t know what happened yesterday. But I’m better now. So let’s forget about it and you let me fill your sweet pussy.’

His thrusts became deeper, but not faster. This was a different type of sexual style to what he usually showed. This time, he was attentive and gentle. This time, she could say he truly made love to her. She never felt more loved in her life and when Blaze began to nuzzle their necks instead of turning them off it turned them on more.

Neither of the pairs heard the door open though Blaze did he didn’t stop what he was doing. He didn’t worry about whoever it saw because a blanket covered the pair. The most they would see is the motions.

“Good mo- Oh my… I’ll return for a while.” James and Bianca opened their eyes just in time to see Tanya make a quick escape.

“I love you so much, Amy,” Garrek mumbled against her lips.

“I love you too, Gar. Never leave me.”

“Never! You are mine forever! Here and the afterlife. We are a family in every possible sense now.” She could hear the happiness in his voice but also his smile her lip and see it in his eyes.

His body pulsed with ecstasy, as did hers. Her pussy twitched around his hard erection and her body filled with heated pleasure which soon expelled itself, erupting from her sex.

Garrek caught her screams of rapture with his mouth, before finding his own release not long afterward.

“I fucking love you, little sister. Merry Christmas.”

“Ha, Merry Christmas,” She giggled as he covered her face in kisses and Blaze licked them both. “And I you, big brother and you, Blaze.” Garrek nodded as if to say ‘me too’ and Blaze yapped happily.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

All three looked across the room to see both James and Bianca watching them intently.

“I am. I just needed to love my baby,” Garrek replied cheekily, before giving his hips a couple of shakes, jerking his still erect member inside of Amy.

She moaned, he smirked and stopped.

“Tease,” She grumbled.

“I would love to help you out, my little love, but…” James trailed off as the door reopened.

Tanya re-entered and paused, looking at the boy still on top of his sister.

“You said they were done?”

“They are,” James sat up on the edge of the bed, dressed in only boxers.

“No, we’re not. Come back later,” The teen boy replied defiantly and his sister pressed her face to his neck to hide her nervous giggles.

“No. Stay.” James stood up from the bed. A bulge in his boxers clear to see, but the irate expression on his face overshadowed it.

Blaze sat back on his chair. ‘Gar, you should stop. He looks pissed.’

“Garrek,” The older man walked to the edge of the bed and said in a firm but strong tone, “Stop! You have already broken the rules of your punishment…”

‘Welcome to my world,’ Blaze mumbled, but James continued.

“Do not think because you are or were injured I will not find a suitable punishment for you,” He warned. “Now get off your sister so Tanya can check you over.”

Surprisingly Garrek listened, but not before making a couple of jerks of his hips first.

“Fine, but I need to pee first,” He said moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Me too,” Amy agreed earning her a grin from her older brother.

“Nope. You’ll both have to wait a while,” Tanya told them just as the door opened and a male nurse came in pushing a machine inside and next to the bed.


“Do you know what happened to him?” Bianca asked now stood with her husband, still dressed in the shirt from last night.

“I’d rather not say anything until I am certain. But what I can tell you is the blood results are unusual.”

“If you could lay back, Garrek.” He did like the doctor said. The nurse reached and proceeded to pull the blanket down, leaving just his pelvic area covered.

“I’m getting a bit of a gut,” The teen patted his stomach. “I haven’t been training enough recently.” He glanced out the corner of his eyes at Amy with a grin.

“I like your belly. It’s cute.”

He frowned. “I’m not cute, I’m sexy.”

“That too.”

Tanya pressed buttons on the screen of the machine before grabbing the probe and a bottle of gel.

“This is going to be cold,” She poured a small amount on his abdomen making him wince.

“Sorry about that,” She returned the gel to the shelf and began to rub the probe over the gelled area while she and the nurse looked at the monitor, pressing buttons sometimes.

“What are you doing?” Amy asked.

‘Isn’t that an ultrasound machine?’

‘Yes, it is,’ The doctor replied through the pack link making Amy jump slightly.

‘I’m guessing no one explained how to connect to different people?’


‘I’ll make sure it’s all explained later.’


Tanya turned her full attention to the monitor.

“If you keep pushing on my bladder like that I’m going to piss myself.”

“Sorry, Garrek. Just a while longer.” She pressed down on the probe making him wince and his mates – other than Amy – growl. Amy held his hand looking concerned.

“Sorry again. It’s just… Hard to find… What I’m looking for,” The older woman spoke slowly looking at the screen the whole time as if searching.

“I think my initial thoughts was right and the tests were wrong…” She said the last word slowly and drew it out. “Or maybe not…”

Blaze whimpered, Bianca sat on the arm of the chair and hugged the Wolf. James stood at the side of the bed staring at the doctor and nurse with an almost stern expression.

“What is wrong with him?” His tone almost threatening.

“Hmm, nothing wrong per say.” A slight pause. “Hang on, it’s easier to show you…” She turned the machine until they could all see the monitor clearly.

The screen was mostly a snowy white with a black spot in the center with a smaller white spot in the center of that.

“Is that a tumor?” The younger girl asked worried.

“Impossible,” James said sitting on the edge of the bed taking hers and Garrek’s linked hand in one of his. “Shifters don’t get cancer or tumors. Half-breeds sometimes, but rarely and you are all full breeds,” He explained.

“Then…?” She seemed to think for a second before a look of realization took over her face. “You’re pregnant too.”

Garrek frowned, “I’m a man!”

“I’m going to be a daddy,” She squealed bouncing and making James laugh.

“I am not pregnant, Amy! Boys don’t have babies.”

“He’s right, little one. Shifter or not, men could not have babies,” James said agreeing.

“Whereas that maybe have been the case,” Tanya said redrawing their attention. “Garrek is indeed pregnant with a fetus which somehow is growing in a pocket in his abdomen. And from the blood tests,” They have high tech tests which Humans don’t. “I did on him, it is Amy, Blaze, and his child.”

They all stared at her.

“Ha, good one. Now, what is it really?” Garrek laughed.

Tanya smiled, “No, Garrek. Really. You are the proud owner of a little pup. I would let you hear its heartbeat. But it’s only days only… About the size of a five-week fetus in Human comparison. You generally can’t hear the heart until seven or eight weeks earliest.” She paused again before adding, “I’m surprised we can even see it. Most women need a vaginal probe to see it this early.”

“But… But… But… What? How can I be pregnant? I’m a man!”

The doctor shrugged. “I have no idea that’s something we’ll have to work out. But I would say it’s something you’ve done but not your brother.”

Blaze had his back legs on the chair and front on the bed to see the screen better. Not that he had trouble seeing. Even Bianca was on the bed now.

“I have been smelling pregnancy on you more than your brother since around the same time as Amy. But I just passed it off as you being more sexual with her.”

“Now you say that…” Bianca spoke up. “I smelt that too, but not on Blaze. I thought something similar.” James nodded.

“Something Blaze hasn’t?” The teenage boy asked and the doctor nodded. “With Amy?” She nodded again.

The same thought hit each of the five mates. “I am glad you have our pup, Gar.” Amy leaned down and pecked his lips.

“You forgive me?” He whispered hopeful, his eyes glued to hers.

“I did in the car.” She pecked his lips again and a small tear made its way to his eye. “I love you and Blaze too much to stay angry… Even if you are morons sometimes.”

Blaze meowed, rubbing his cheek on her arm as it was the only thing he could reach. She leaned over and pecked his nose.

“Am I missing something?” Tanya asked certain she was.

James shook his head. “No.”

“Okay, you don’t have to tell me how it happened. But I would avoid doing it unless one of you wish to be pregnant too.” She looked to James and Bianca. “It’s true you mated her?” He nodded.

“I’m sorry. I got to pee too much.” Garrek jumped up and ran to the rooms joining bathroom.

“Hmm, I’ll be right back,” Amy said standing up from the bed. James frowned and went to sit her back down. “No, don’t. I’m just going to check he’s alright, he’s a lot more sensitive than he pretends to be.”

He sighs and nods, “But don’t pee, Tanya wants to scan you too.”

She waved her hand and walked towards the bathroom. Hearing a familiar clicking behind her.

Once inside the bathroom she paused with her hand on the handle and as she thought Blaze trotted in and she closed the door.

“Gar?” She walked further into the bathroom with the wolf, until she came to her brother.

He was sat hugging his legs on the floor of the shower stall.

Amy and Blaze’s hearts clenched to see their mate in such a sad state.

Both sat either side of him silently.

“I don’t want to be a woman,” He whined.

His mates just stared at him before laughing, but they stopped when they realize he was frowning and had tears in his eyes.

“I don’t want boobs. I like being a man. How am I going to be a Mom?” He sobbed his heart out.

“Aww, Gar is that seriously what you’re worried about?” She asked cupping his face.

He silently nodded his head. “Don’t worry, Gar, I’m pretty sure you will still be a man and won’t get breasts. But I will ask Tanya to make sure, alright?” He nodded his head again.

“As for the mom part, you will always be the daddy even if you birth the babies… Pups,” She smiled rubbing her hand over his small stomach and Blaze nuzzled and licked it, making his brother laugh.

‘I love that you have our pup too,’ Blaze mind linked. ‘I am a little jealous in all honestly that I don’t get to feel our pup growing inside myself,’ He admitted.

“Really? You don’t think I’m a freak?” Garrek sniffled and wiped his cheek.


‘No,’ Both his mates said.

“Do you think Bianca is a freak?”

“No! I think she’s hot.” The teenage boy said smiled.

His mates agreed.

‘Also, I can’t wait to fck you both when your rounder.’

Garrek opened his mouth to reply but as was becoming common the last couple of days the bathroom door opened and James entered.

Without a word he walked over to the trio, bent out and without breaking a sweat lifted both the naked pair – Amy and Garrek – into his arms and carried them out of the room.

“But I need to pee,” Garrek whined as James placed Amy on the bed ready for her scan but kept his nephew in his arms and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Soon,” Is the only answer the Alpha gave him as the large man nuzzled his neck.

“Are you alright, Garrek?” Tanya asked him.

“Um,” He chewed his lip.

“How does this work?” He asked nervously.

“Basics… The pup is growing in a cavity inside you close to your stomach. Much like Amy’s pup, it will take its nutritional needs from you. So I will give you both a list of things to avoid and what you need.

Again, like Amy’s pup it seems to be growing at the same rate. So I want to see you both at least every other day until I say otherwise. Also, I heard about your punishment…” The doctor looked to her Alpha. “I would not recommend Garrek or Amy stay in Wolf form for long periods of time. It could prove dangerous for them and the pups.” James’s arms tighten around Garrek.

“But again like all pregnant wolves you will not be able to shift at all when the pup gets to a certain size. I am going to start giving you both pregnancy supplements. You – Garrek – will have to be more careful. You can exercise and train with a bag. But-“

“Neither will train nor fight!” James said in a no nonsense tone.

Tanya simply nodded her head. “As for the delivery… Both will be closely monitored, but Garrek will have to be brought in around his due date and will be given a caesarean section. That is simply an incision in the abdomen where I will remove the pup. You will be given anesthetic, so you will feel nothing,” She explained.

“Is Gar going to grow breasts or produce milk?” Amy asked knowing her brother wouldn’t.

He squeezed her hand as if to thank her.

Blaze sat on the ground beside the standing Luna, who was petting his head absentmindedly. Both listening to what was being said.

“No,” Tanya smiled. “Sadly not, but you should have enough milk to feed two pups. But should you need for some unknown reason we have plenty of women who donate or wet nurse,” She offered.

The younger girl nodded but frowned. “Couldn’t… I mean…” She glanced at her brothers briefly, then her aunt and uncle. “Is there a way to make Aunt Bianca produce milk?” James, Bianca and Tanya all seemed surprised by the question.

“There is… Is that something you would be interested in?” Tanya asked trying not to sound surprised.

“Yes,” Garrek answered with a smile.

“She and James are our mates. That makes them feel more like mother and father to our pups too.”

James froze and Bianca looked taken back.

“You don’t have to. We understand they are your three’s pups,” She tried to say, but Blaze licked her face as if to quieten her.

‘We want to be a real family with you… Ha, yeah, we are already. But I mean when the pups are born we want you to be their parents too,’ He mind linked to the group.

“In all honesty neither of us had even thought about pups coming into the equation after…” Bianca looked at her husband before continuing. “After we discovered I only have testes. Even after mating Amy and marking you… We never thought…” She took a deep breath and composed herself.

“We want this, we want you, we really do. But I don’t want to think-“

“We offered,” Amy interrupted guessing what she was going to say.

“And we don’t.”

A moment later Amy and Garrek were both in James’s arms. He had his hands on their stomachs and looked at them with a grin.

Soon Bianca and Blaze were in on the hug.

No one had to say anything. The happiness of both the older couple was clear through their link.

“I love you guys too. But if you don’t let me go I’m going to pee on you.” The words had barely left Garrek’s lips when his brother latched onto to his manhood.

“What the…?” Their uncle’s words trailed off as he watched his youngest nephew empty his bladder into his brother’s mouth.

“Our mates are crazy,” Amy giggled and Blaze licked it wolfy chops happily.

“Thank you, Blaze. I love you too.”

“That’s not really healthy,” Tanya said with her nose scrunched up.

“But we are shifters, so it’s alright,” Garrek argued.

“That maybe so, but still…”

“So Gar shouldn’t…?” Amy asked her.

“No! Not at all while he is pregnant.”


“No, Garrek!” James said in his Alpha tone.

“You and Amy will be careful.”

“Okay. But can I have my examination because I need to pee too.”

“Yes, yes,” Tanya nodded and indicated for James to lay her back on the bed.

As she did before, she squeezed the gel on the teen’s stomach and moved the probe over it.

“May I ask…?” The doctor asked not looking away from the screen. The nurse who remained silent pressed buttons on the machine.

“You and Luna both completely mated Amy, plug and all?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?” James asked watching the probe go over his niece’s stomach but stroking Garrek’s.

“Then there is a good chance she is pregnant.”

They looked too confused.

“She already is.”

“She is. But…” Tanya paused. “It does happen often… Finding a second mate after already mating another. As you know, most women fall pregnant soon after mating.”

The older couple nods their heads.

“But what most don’t know is that it is possible to get pregnant even if you are already pregnant.”

They stared at the doctor wide-eyed and then looked to Amy and her stomach.

“You mean…” James’s voice was almost a whisper.

“I cannot guarantee it, but there is a very good chance she is now pregnant with your pup too.”


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