Chapter 32

Tim (Several hours earlier)

Unable to sleep he paced his room.

He was alone, completely by choice but it didn’t mean he wasn’t regretting it.

Normally on a Christmas morning, he, Tidus and their Mama would wake up all in the same bed and open their presents before going to the Anders house and joining them for the rest of Christmas day.

But not today. No. He decided to be noble. The pair had wanted too, but we’re torn. Their mates had told them it was alright, that they were alright with it. But he saw the sadness in their eyes.

No, they would share a bed with their mates. Sleep only. Neither Tidus nor his Mama was ready to completely mate. Though there will surely be a lot of playing in his case, though Tim doubted it would go any further.

His mama was still getting used to kissing and hugs, there is no way anything else would happen any time soon.

But all their mates respected and loved them. That is why Tim had suggested… No, told them they should spend the night, their first Christmas waking morning together.

The group were all in the same house – after the old Alpha Ray had arranged a separate room in the main house for Tidus and his mates – so they wouldn’t be far apart.

Mama had only agreed after everyone agreed to meet in the morning, all open gifts together and spend the day with the Anders as they would every other year. Everyone had agreed. Even Ray had interrupted insisted it would happen because Garrek would be out of the hospital and they all wanted a family Christmas, with old and new family.

Ray – as was most of the pack – is going hairless worrying about Garrek, though Tanya had said he was well and this seemed to sooth many fears but not his.

After another hour of sleeplessness Tim finally decided he would go for a run.

His wolf was restless. But not surprisingly after all of the recent events.

He passed Beta Lucas on his way out. He warned him not to go too far, a rogue had been scented close to the borders.

Stripping off his clothes he shifted into his large dark grey wolf, letting the wolf take control and just run. He ran with intent. Or at least, that is how it seemed until he stopped suddenly.

‘What is it?’ Tim asked his wolf, Lake.

‘I smell…’ His head started moving in different directions as if trying to find something.

‘This way!’ Lake said taking off towards and past a couple of guys who were guarding the border.

‘That’s the Humans woods. No one lives there but rogues have been scented not far. You shouldn’t-‘ One of the men linked to him.

‘I won’t go far. I just need to find…’ Tim trailed off not sure what Lake was trying to find. But the guards seemed to understand. ‘Ah. Say no more. Luck be with you.’

Lake’s strides lengthened until finally coming to a stop in front of what he could only describe as a shack. Maybe once, years ago it may have been home to a lonely woodcutter but now… It was a derelict wooden shack ready to topple over if the winds become too strong.

But to Lake it seemed like the most beautiful place in the world.

‘Lake…? Umm… Why are we here?’ Tim asked his wolf unsurely.

‘You’ll see,’ He almost sounded giddy.

Creek Someone is inside. Lake didn’t seem surprised. Instead, he stood patiently, waiting for the door to slowly open. Tim forced Lake back and took control. The last thing he need was his wolf in control when he was acting so oddly.

Prepared to growl, the sound stopped before it began, caught in his throat as the most delicious smell ever filled his snout.

“Mate!” The word came not from his own mouth but the beautiful black boy in his teens now stood in the doorway.

Without a thought, he shifted into his Human form. With Raven hair and blue eyes, he looked a lot like his younger brother, only taller and more masculine.

The boy’s eyes widened watching his body crack and reform. Tim smirked as the boy looked over his naked body, lingering on his now massive erection and then gulp.

Moving closer the boy, it was Tim’s turn to check him out. He a good couple of inches shorter than Tim’s own over six-foot frame. But even through his clothing, he could see the boy was well built, but at the same time a little underweight for his frame.

With every step he took, the boy took one back until they were both in the shack and the door closing behind him. The boy’s eyes flickered between a silver and hazel, indicated the struggle for power between the pair. “Calm, little pup,” His voice huskier than normally. “We have forever.” This was enough to calm the obviously newly shifted boy’s wolf and let the boy resume control.

“How…?” The boy’s voice a hushed whisper, his eyes staring at him in awe.

This pleased both Tim and Lake.

Though he had never admitted it before, he had always considered himself gay. From an early age, he found himself having crushes and feelings for other boys rather than girls like his friends would.

But knowing most shifters choose to keep their sexual preference undecided until mating, he decided to do or, at least, try to do the same.

But it proved impossible when he finally shifted for the first time and discovered that his wolf had the same affinity as himself.

He was almost certain at that point that he would be mated to another man. Though two men and wolf promised they would love a woman just as much.

“Shh. My love.” He reached and began to undress his mate. “Perfect,” He whispered looking over every inch of his mate’s dark chocolate body. The boy’s lust is just as evident as his own.

“Why aren’t I stopping you?”

Tim moved him back, laying him down on the mattress on the ground.

“Because you and I are mates. We are meant to be, my love.” Without another word, he crashed his lips to his. Bolts of pure pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced before shot through his whole body. The feeling most has been just as strong for his mate because seconds later he was whimpering beneath him as he ejaculated all over himself and Tim alike.

“I..I’m sorry,” He mumbled mortified after Tim broke the kiss.

“Don’t be…”

“Cedric, my name is Cedric.”

“Cedric… Mmm, I like that.” He placed a kiss on Cedric’s jaw. “Hello, Cedric. I am Tim. Your mate and future.”

“Hello, Tim,” He said shyly.

“As for this…” Tim scooped up some of the cloudy liquid in his fingers and placed them into his mouth.

“Mmm…” He moaned, moving his hips against his mate. “You taste so good.” He began kissing down the boy’s body, scooping up more cum. “It seems a waste, but I haven’t got any lube and I’m not going into raw. I want you to enjoy our first time.” He reached between Cedric’s legs and rubbed the liquid over his tight, puckered hole.

“What? You mean you’re going to…” He trailed off looking almost scared.

Tim stopped what he was doing. His brother and Mama had known enough pain from sex for him to know never to force anyone, even his own mate.

“We can stop. Lord knows I want you, I want to make you mine forever right now. But it can wait. If that is what you want,” He said honestly.

“W…what?” Cedric was taken back. “No.” He shook his head. “No, no, no. I want you,” His voice got quieter with the admission. “It’s just…” He avoided eye contact and bit his lip nervously.

“You’re a virgin?” Tim guessed and was elated when he nodded his head.

“I am glad,” He admitted. “Because so am I.”

The boy’s bright hazel eyes snapped to him in shock. “You are?”


“But… But you are so… Hot!”

“Thank you, my love. So are you and now if I have your permission I am going to make you and me one.”

Cedric seemed confused. “I don’t understand this. But I want you. So so bad.”

“Tell me what you want then, love.” Tim teased the twitching hole, pushing one, then a second finger in before reapplying more of the makeshift lube to his fingers and pushing them back inside.

“Tim!” The dark boy moaned pushing himself against the hand.

“Does it hurt?”

“No,” He shook his head. “I like it.”

“I know I am going a bit fast, but I promise I’m going slower next time. I just need you so badly.” He added a third finger earning another loud moan from his mate.

“Not too fast,” Cedric spoke breathlessly. “I need you too. Please, Tim…”

Tim’s heart fluttered every time he heard his mate speak his name.

He had only just met him, but he could ask him to jump off a cliff and he would.

That is how the mate bond worked, fast and strong. That is why it was almost unheard of to reject a mate. That is not saying it never happens, but it is very rare.

“What do you want me to do, my love? Tell me and I will do everything you bid.” He nibbled and gently bit on his mate’s tiny buds at the same time moving and positioning himself between his legs.

“Take me, Tim. Make me yours.”

“With pleasure.” Pulling his fingers free, he rubbed them over his hard length, lubricating it the best he could. “This might pinch, tell me if it hurts.” Lifting his mate’s legs against his chest, he aimed himself at his budding entrance and slowly entered him, stopping when he was completely engulfed.

“Does it hurt?” He asked giving his mate a chance to adjust to the massive intrusion.

“N..No. Just feels a little weird,” Cedric replied breathlessly, but then quickly added, “But good. You make me tingle.” Tim smirked.

“Good, because you do the same to me.”

Moving in and out of his mate, everything else, everyone, all other sounds seemed to sound existing outside the pairs bubble. It was just them. He now understood the reason both Garrek and Blaze were always mating each other and Amy alike. The feeling of completion, love, like all was right in the world. This was the man he would spend the rest of his life and the one after with. He knew nothing about him, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t be happier.

“Mine!” His peak was built fast. His canines broke through his gums, he leaned down and in only a second his teeth were embedded in his mate’s neck, marking him as his mate.

The shack filled with moans and screams as both reached their peaks. Again Cedric erupted on his stomach without being touched and this time, Tim joined him, filling him to bursting with his own seed.

Retracting his canines, his licked the mark making his mate shiver.

“Now you are mine forever,” He said and pressed his lips to Cedric’s plump ones in a tender, loving kiss.

“But how…” Cedric’s eyes changed to silver before he could finish the sentence.

“Later. He’s had enough of your time,” The cheeky wolf was now in control.

“You are a naughty boy. I should punish you,” Tim tried to sound stern but was too happy to hide his smile.

“Then punish me, Daddy.” He wiggled his backside which was still impaled on Tim’s manhood.

“God!” Tim groaned.

“Close. The names Xenon. But you, Daddy, can call me anything you like. Just know I’m the one who’s going to be marking you this time.” He flipped their bodies, so Tim was now on the bottom and Xenon on top, straddling his waist.

Lake growled taking over and gripping the boy’s waist and he bounced on his knotted and still hard manhood. “You horny little minx,” Lake growled in pleasure, thrusting hard and fast into his mate.

“Yes, but only for you, Daddy,” He grinned down innocently.

“You are definitely my mate.”


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