Chapter 13

We all had a shower together, but never had sex because Bella was still a bit sore from taking us both last night. The shower was located in the master bedroom, aka mine… I guess now our room. It is huge with four large heads on the walls surrounding us.

“I am sorry.” she said lowly as the water ran down the contours of her curves.

Both me and Micheal looked at her unsure. “Why baby girl?” Micheal asked before I could.

“Because we aren’t… You know…”

It took a moment for me to clock on. “You mean sex?” she bit her juicy lip and nodded.

“Bella. You know we love you right?” she nodded again.

“And you know we know we will never leave you?” I was stood one side of her and Micheal the other.

She was hesitant, but nodded yes.

“Why don’t you believe us baby?” Micheal asked concerned after seeing the same as me.

“B.. Because…” she was nervous and was looking at our hard members.

“If I… Don’t… You know… Often enough…” Micheal cut her off by pressing his lips to her. Then pulling back a second later.

“My precious Arabella, these stupid things…” he pointed to our erections. “Get hard just seeing your cute butt walking.”

She looked to me for confirmation. “It’s true. That day in the hospital when I first saw you and you cried. I got a hard on.” her eyes widen. “c0ck’s are insane. But only because they are like this…” point again. “It doesn’t mean we have to do anything. It will go away. I am… We are in love with you. That means both me or Micheal don’t mind going without sex if you are not in the mood or are hurting.” I tried to explain.

“Listen to Eric baby girl. We love being intimate with you. But we also just love being in the same room as you. Taking care of you. Washing you.” Micheal said moving some hair which had fallen, out of her eyes.
We all had a shower together, but never had sex because Bella was still a bit sore from taking us both last night. The shower was located in the master bedroom, aka mine… I guess now our room. It is huge with four large heads on the walls surrounding us.

“I am sorry,” She said lowly as the water ran down the contours of her curves.

Both me and Micheal looked at her unsure. “Why, baby girl?” Micheal asked before I could.

“Because we aren’t… You know…”

It took a moment for me to clock on. “You mean sex?” She bit her juicy lip and nodded.

“Bella. You know we love you right?” She nodded again.

“And you know we know we will never leave you?” I was stood one side of her and Micheal the other.

She was hesitant, but nodded yes.

“Why don’t you believe us, baby?” Micheal asked concerned after seeing the same as me.

“B.. Because…” She was nervous and was looking at our hard members.

“If I… Don’t… You know… Often enough…” Micheal cut her off by pressing his lips to her. Then pulling back a second later.

“My precious Arabella, these stupid things…” He pointed to our erections. “Get hard just seeing your cute butt walking.”

She looked to me for confirmation. “It’s true. That day in the hospital when I first saw you and you cried. I got a hard on.” Her eyes widen. “Cocks are insane. But only because they are like this…” Point again. “It doesn’t mean we have to do anything. It will go away. I am… We are in love with you. That means both me or Micheal don’t mind going without sex if you are not in the mood or are hurting,” I tried to explain.

“Listen to Eric, baby girl. We love being intimate with you. But we also just love being in the same room as you. Taking care of you. Washing you,” Micheal said moving some hair which had fallen, out of her eyes.

“I have always been happiest in the past when I was just doing things for or with you. Like fixing your room for you or buying you things. Sat watching movies, playing video games, even when you were depressed and we were at our old house and you would just lay and let me hold you. It was a small act but I could honesty live without sex forever, just as long as I can hold you,” I confessed.

“I agree completely.”

“I’m sorry, guys. I am just bit over emotional. I always get like this during this time.”

Both me and Micheal looked at her unsure again.

“This time, your not on your periods?” I ask with confusion present in my voice.

“No.” She looked down shyly intriguing us. “When I’m… ovulating,” She said the last part quietly, but we heard her.

Micheal and I shared a look.

“Well, then it’s a good job we are getting married soon. Maybe later, if you aren’t sore, we can make you a mama and us, daddies?”

She looked back up and smiled nodding. “Come on. Let’s get you washed,” I said grabbing a body wash. With some strange puffy thing in my hand and now covered in the soapy liquid I began to wash her and Micheal did washed her long hair.


Micheal sat dried and in a pair of my boxers on the edge of our large bed brushing and drying Bella’s hair with a hair dryer, whilst I found her an outfit in her old room next door.

I laid the underwear and a cute black high waist pencil skirt, a dark red off the shoulder crop top and a some black strappy pumps.

We really need to buy her more clothes. She had a few good things. But most I knew my parents had bought her and they were slutty for Wesley, I guess. Nothing she would buy herself.

Other pieces were comfortable but not suitable for everyday use.

But she always seemed to manage to do her best out of the bits she had, without being slutty. A lot of the things looked never worn.

I will speak to her about maybe giving the bits she didn’t like to a charity shop and I would buy her more. I made a note mentally before returning to our bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and watched the pair. Bella was still sat between Micheal’s legs, hair now dried and her eyes closed as Micheal kissed her neck and told her how much he loved her and couldn’t wait for us three to be official.

I stood in the doorway and smiled, happy everything was working out so well.

As if sensing my gaze, Michael’s eyes flicked to me and he pulled his head back smiling in my direction.

“Clothes are done, baby girl,” he whispered standing her up and slapping her backside.

She mock glared at him and then turned to me and thanked me. Walked over and kissed me before disappearing to get dressed.

I walked over to my own wardrobe and started getting clothes out for myself and some for Micheal to borrow.

I jumped slightly when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. “Shit!” I cursed. But relaxed when I turned saw who it was.

“Sorry,” Micheal said kissing my neck as he was Bella’s only moments earlier.

“I really do love you both, you know that right?”

“I know.” I breathed out and soon found myself leaning into his touch. His kisses were placed on my neck with such care, the same care he showed Bella earlier.

“In the past I always thought it was a cop out or bull when I heard someone say they loved two people at once. I would laugh and call them idiots. But now…” I took Micheal’s hand and brought it up to my lips and placed a kiss on it. “I know exactly what they meant.” I felt him exclaim a deep breath. Almost like breathing a sigh of relief.

“I couldn’t imagine being without either of you. I love you both.”

We just stood like that for a minute enjoying each others touch. Then I took clothes finally out for us and he let me go. But not before kissing my neck once more.

“She is ovulating. That gives us a good chance. I can’t wait for us to be parents.”

I agreed as I continued to get dressed. “Yes. We will be so much better parents than our were.”

“We will not force them to marry someone we want them too. They will marry who they love,” Micheal adds.

Soon we were dressed. After knocking on Bella’s door we reluctantly agreed to meet her in the dinning room. She said she was just finishing up.

Once downstairs we were greeted by Antonio, who had laid out a large breakfast table full of food.

We were deep in conversation, telling him about the new changes, aka Micheal and Bella moving in and us being away for a few days when the sound of heels got our attention.

All our heads turned to the door to see my beautiful princess.

My eyes raked over her body as she walked toward us.

From her perfect feet, up her long toned, tanned legs, her skirt which ended an inch above her knees and perfectly showed off her curves.

Up her hips to her flat stomach, which will hopefully be round with our child in a few months. A small amount of flesh was showing, where her top ended and her skirt began. If it was possible, the top actually made her chest look bigger. Finally, I got to her precious face, with little natural make up, which she didn’t need but still looked good and she wore her hair in a loose high ponytail.

“Beautiful princess,” My voice deep with lust. She blushed and thanked me as she went to take a seat next to me but I caught her waist and pulled her onto my lap.

She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off.

“Antonio, this is Bella. Bella, this Antonio our chef.” Her eyes flick to him as if noticing him for the first time. “Good morning, Bella. It good to put a face to the name finally. Eric is always talking about you.”

Way to embarrass me.

Bella blushed. “Good morning. Eric talks of me?” She asked shyly. Antonio told been my chef for a few years and we had become good friends.

He also knew Bella was my sister.

But I knew he wouldn’t say anything. Why? Because he himself is sexually involved with his aunt. But only sex, they are both married. I found it out accidentally. I was having a difficult day and we decided to have a drink. He told about him being force to marry a woman he got pregnant when they were younger and the rest followed. I was shocked, but promised not to tell.

“Yes. He and Micheal often have long chats about you when he visits,” He chuckled at my mock glare.

“Well, I best be going. I have some food in the oven cooking for the guards,” He said, then left. But not before giving me a thumbs up.

Yes, I have my chef prepare food for my security. Got to keep them happy if you want them to do a good job.

I rolled my eyes. It’s hard to think he is thirty-four sometimes.

“So you too spoke about me often?” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Of course. I missed my little sister and worried about you,” I tell her not denying it.

“Plus we were both in love with you. Only Eric hadn’t realized it then.” I wanted to deny what Micheal was saying, but I knew it was true. “I think I have been in love with you, Princess, for a long time. Only I thought it was normal to love your sister the way I did. I only realized recently it wasn’t,” I admit.

She seemed happy with my answer, because the next thing I knew she had her lips on mine.

Not that it lasted very long because a scratching sound and Micheal chuckling made us pull apart. I sighed not liking being interrupted. I looked in the direction of the noise to see a large dog with its paws on the glass door which led from the dinning room to the garden. I stood up and walked over and chuckled when I saw another three dogs waiting patiently behind the first.

“This is your fault.” I say laughing. “They have barely known you ten hours and they are already begging for your attention.” Not that I blame them. I would be the same in their place.

“Me?” Bella asked shock.

“I did nothing.”

The rest of breakfast was spent with four whiney dogs at the door. Bella wanted to let them in but I said no. Knowing the would end up on the table eating the food.

Once she had finished eating I let her go outside to pet them for a moment before we left.


“You look beautiful, angel,” Micheal told Bella as we walked out of the house after finishing petting the dog’s.

“Thank you. You look adequate.”

His face dropped, “Adequate?”

He sounded disappointed.

I notice her lips twitch, but he didn’t.

“Yes. Why?” She said so normally I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why you laughing? She doesn’t find me attractive anymore.”

I reached over and slapped the back of his head. “Don’t be such a girl. She was playing. You look good.”

He looked over Bella who was now grinning. He frowned and pouted “You are a mean woman, Arrie.”

We stopped at my car, which had decided during breakfast to use today. Bella stopped in front of Micheal. Standing on the balls of her feet, she drew her arms up and linked her hand behind his neck. “You and Eric always look good. You are the most handsome men I have ever seen.” She pecked the side of his neck.

“You make my knickers wet just looking at you.”

God, her voice is hot.

Without a word, Micheal crashed his lips into her’s.

If they don’t stop I think I’ll have to take her over the car.

It was strange how turned on I got watching them kiss.

“Enough. Get in the car. You can make out whilst I drive.” They pulled apart red faced.

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the car. Before I got in the drivers side, Bella stopped me and pecked my lips. “I love you, Eric.” I sighed and rested my head against hers. “And I love you, princess. More than I ever thought possible.” She smiled and I kissed her nose. “Now in!” I point to the back seat where the two would sit.

She quickly shuffled in, but not before I slapped her backside and she squealed. Micheal chuckled and followed her. I got in my side and started up the car. “But only kissing,” I tell them.

“It makes me horny enough seeing that, let alone you touching each other up,” I added quietly but they still hear.

“I don’t want to die,” Bella exclaims and climbs through to the front passenger seat.

Micheal sits sulking. “Don’t sulk, Mikey. It’s just best if we don’t do anything whilst he drives and if I am sat next to you I know that’ll happen. But not with Eric up have…” I look at her with a raised eyebrow. “Because he is driving and that would be stupid.”

Good save.

At the gates of my house I stop the car and have a word with the guards. I told them we were going away and the house would be empty for a few days.

They both cared for the dogs and most of the time were the ones to feed them.

Walsh and Hamilton both lived in a cottage at the back of my property. Walsh was my head of security at my house and both were single and in there early thirties. We had other guards, but these were my main two.
They were also good friends of mine and would take care of the house while we were away.

Believe it or not but most of the stupid paparazzi who were here yesterday were here again, waiting outside my gate. Again we got out with the help of my guards and drove to the office with no problems.

“I’ll have to introduce you to them two another time,” I said telling Bella about Walsh and Hamilton.
She seemed surprised about them living there, but when I told her it meant extra protection, she was happy. I think she is still worried about Wesley, though she hadn’t mentioned him recently.


At the office we were greeted as normal by Rob and that new guy, Dave or whatever his name was.

“Good morning, sirs, ma’am,” They both said.

“Good morning too you, Rob, Dave and you can call her Bella.” Their eyes flicked and gave her a great full smile. Except Rob was respectful and didn’t stare too long or check her out, which I was surprised by. But the other one was a different matter. He had his eyes glued to her chest.

I pulled her closer to me. I think she must of noticed his looks because she hid herself into my side or at least tried. Rob slapped the twenty year old man around the back of his head. “No staring. She is taken,” He warns before we have a chance.
Ignoring his grunts, Rob went on to tell us about the press camped outside.


They had managed to keep them out though, thankfully.
We thanked him and left to go to Micheal’s office where we had our second in charge.
We got… Bella got a few admiring and jealous looks as we walked but apart from that all was well.

“Stupid damn secretary,” I heard Micheal mumble when he saw the empty desk and ringing phone.
He had his own because the work load would be too much for Julia to handle.

Before he got a chance to answer the phone stopped.
We walked into his empty office, our second would be here in a few minutes.

“You know,” I began to say as I sat on a couch similar to the one in my office. “Now we have Bella as another partner she could take some of the load off and Julia would be able to work for both of us and…”

“And I will be able to fired the clown,” He said finishing my sentence. I laughed at his comment.

“The clown?” Bella asked, looking around the room.

“My secretary. She wears too much make up and is forever late. But is good at her job when she is here. That is the only reason I can’t fire her. She is rude, over-familiar and down right annoying. But good with clients.”

“Sounds like I came just in time then.” She smiled and sat in the edge of his desk. I don’t think she realizes how hot she looks, sat back with her hands spread on his desk.

Mine and Micheal had our eyes glued to her as she played with things on his desk. He was stood only feet away. “Mikey. Why do you sleep in Eric’s office with your hand in your pants?” Her tone was so innocent that I couldn’t help but laugh.

Micheal looked nervous and began rubbing the back of his neck. “His couch is comfy and I fell asleep. When I sleep, especially in his office it remains me of you, because he was always talking about you. It causes me to have erotic dreams of you and one thing leads to another…”

“You were dreaming of me?” Bella sounded surprised. I wasn’t. I had heard him a few times moan her name.

He walked over picked her up and sat in his chair behind jus desk with her on his lap.

“How could I not? You aren’t only the most gorgeous girl, but also the kindest, sweetest and so innocent,” His voice was getting lower and his eyes hooded. I knew what he would do if I didn’t stop him.
“Micheal, he’ll be here anytime,” I warn and he sighs. “Fine.” But doesn’t remove her from his lap.


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