Chapter 19

“But before it’s too late you need to know…. Dexter and I, we have been in a relationship and sexually involved since he was seventeen.”

I know Dexter and Kaden are only cousins by marriage (Dexter’s grandmother married Kaden’s grandfather before we were born), but I must have heard wrong.

“Say that again?” I asked unsurely.

He repeated the same thing.

“How?” I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Let me start the bath and we’ll sit in that. It’ll be more comfortable for you.”
I silently nodded and he moved out of the shower and to the bath which sat beside the shower cabin.

Another minute later and we were sat in the bath facing each other.

“It started when he was thirteen, he caught me masterbat!ng and after that we just always started doing it together,” Kaden’s parents often were away on business, so he lived more or less with Dexter.

“We never touched each other at first. Not until a year later, when thing led to another and we ended up giving hand jobs. Soon it moved on to blowj0bs.

I had a few dates with girls, but nothing beyond kissing had happened. But with him it just felt right. Finally, when he was sixteen he moved back next door to you and… Well, you know,” I, without realising broke both their hearts and my own back then.

“We both were upset, especially Dexter. He had always thought you would be one another firsts, get married and live the dream. Only that didn’t happen. Instead, he started acting like a d!ck to you and I avoided you because we were jealous. It wasn’t until then that Dexter realised I had feels beyond what I had told him.

We found comfort in each other and for the first time when Dexter was seventeen and I was twenty, we made love. After that we officially become a couple. Only no one knew of us. I had always had a thing for control and got into BDSM through a friend. Even before Dexter and me started dating, I had become a dom. I would go to clubs and when I was eighteen, I got my first sexual experience with a sub. It was only even oral sex and hand jobs though,” he explained to me.

“Not long after I opened my first club I told Dexter everything and him being an idiot and being Nate’s friend, but not yours, he brought the ass along.

I know I should have told you he was cheating, but I am a coward and a fool. I knew you thought at least, you loved him and would be heartbroken. I didn’t want to hurt you and if I did tell you, I doubt you would have believed me. Dexter had the same reasons, but he also felt like you abandoned him and played him, he doesn’t think that now. But back then he was an idiot.”

“I know, it’s alright. Continue,” I tell him interested.

“We are not gay. Maybe bi, but neither of us has been with or felt an attraction to any other man. Yes, I have my own house and Dexter has his. But most nights, apart from when he was out with Nate, Dexter or I would be at one another’s home. We more or less live together.

About a month and a half ago Dexter came home after a night out and he looked tired, depressed and angry at himself.

I asked him what was wrong, but he told me a half truth about Nate and him falling out.

Over the following days and weeks he became more distant and stopped coming to the club. He barely kissed me and we did nothing sexual. He always made up excuses.

I honestly love him. I love him as I do you, I thought he was cheating on me. That he had found someone else,” he looked sad.

“But both of you sleep with women, subs all the time. Isn’t that cheating?” I asked him seriously.

“Apart from the occasional dominance while making love, neither me or him were willing to submit. That is why early on we agreed to let each other use subs, but never take one as ours.

We both had t!t, blow, hand jobs off women, sometimes even dry humping or humping their butt cleavage, but we never kissed or had penetrative sex with them.
Kissing and penetrative sex was, is only for your lover or full-time partner,” he confessed surprising me.

“You haven’t had sex with a woman in five years?”

His cheeks tinged red.

“That’s the thing bunny, I have never had full sex with a woman, only with a man, only with Dexter. As for Dexter, he was the same. At least until he was drugged and forced you,”
“That can’t be true?”
“It is. All of it is. Why do you think we have no problem in sharing? Because we love you as much as we love each other.

Not only is Kat a nice guy, though I doubt anything will ever happen between him and myself and Dexter. He is also the perfect sub, he loves you and I know you are close to loving him too. I am a lot jealous of the two of you, but neither me or Dexter wants to lose you again and it isn’t because of the baby. Yes, that is a plus. We even discussed possible adoption or a surrogate in the future. But even if you weren’t pregnant we would still want you, because baby girl, you are our missing piece of both of us. Even if you never had any children with us, we would still be happy because you were with us.

When I heard what he did to you, I knew there had to be an explanation. I always knew he still loved you. He always did, even when he acted like an ass to you, all he did was speak about you. How pretty you looked that day or how sweet you were. But then around you he was the opposite.

If he really had raped you, I honestly would have split up with him and run off with you. I love him, but if he had done that it would mean he wasn’t the person I thought he was,” he reached over and rubbed his fingers across my lips.

“You are my beautiful bunny. God, I love you so much. If it were possible, I would marry you now. I just hope after all I told you, you still want to be with us both. You had to know, because I would be lying if I said neither of us would do anything again. The only difference than before is we want you to be involved too,” he moved his hand back and looked at my blank expression worried.

“So what do you say? Will you still give this a go with us?”

I stared at him without saying anything for a minute and I noticed his heart was going so fast you could see the pulse in his neck moving, as was his Adams apple.

“And if you did get feelings for Kat or wished to do more with him, would you tell me?”

“Yes, there will be no more secrets. You know all mine now and if you wish to know anything else you just need to ask,” he answered straight away.

“Will you kiss and make love to him in front of me if I asked?” Yes, I am a pervert.

“If it doesn’t freak you out, yes. I love you both and I want to make love to you both. I promise, if I do have sex with him, I will let you watch or be involved or if you were out for some reason or another, I would tell you. It would not be a secret. We would do the same and tell one another say if I made love to you and Kat or Dexter weren’t here. I don’t want to think I favor him more than you because I don’t. I love him as much as I love you. God, when I will train you to become a real dominant I will even submit to you. Please just don’t leave me, either of us. We can’t lose you again,” he had tears rolling down his face. Never once, even when we were small did I see him cry.

“Kaden,” I stood up and for a second and he looked panicked, thinking I was leaving him. Only I didn’t. Instead, I fought my fears and straddled his waist.

“As long as you promise to not do any more blowj0bs and stuff for people we are not dating, then you will always have me.” I pressed my lips to his, he wrapped his arms tightly around me and sobbed, kissing me back.

“I thought I would lose you. I thought you were going to leave when you stood up,” he buried his face in my shoulder and cried from relief.

He held me like that long after his sobs stopped. We were both just content.

“Are you guys alright?” Dexter came in the jar door. Saw the way we were sat and frowned.

“You said you were having a shower, not sex in the bath,” he waved his hands about and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Next time we are going to your house Kaden and we can all bath together,” he said sitting on the side of the bath and smiled.

“We weren’t having sex,” I tell him. “He told me about you two and he got a bit upset so I’m hugging him.”
His smile fell and he gulped.
“Don’t worry Dex, I am fine,” Kaden looked up and smiled. “I just got upset, because I thought she was leaving us,” Before Kaden had a chance to explain Dexter spoke to me in a panic.

“You are not leaving Hales, you can’t. I don’t want to be without you again. I’m sorry for what I did to you…”
“Dexter,” I cut him off.
“I am not leaving.”
“Really. As long as there are no more secrets, you can no longer have blow jobs and stuff from other subs and if you sleep together, I want to know. Same goes for if either of you get feelings for Kat or stop loving me.”

“We never stop loving you,” they both said at the same time in a definitive tone.

“Good,” I laughed. “Now, can you let me go? I need to finish washing and I am not letting your first time be in the bath. As for Dexter, I love you and I promise when we do make love, I will pretend it is our first time. Because I know, you are not the same man who forced me.”

“You told her we were virgins?!” he pouted, “She isn’t going to think I’m a super sexy playboy anymore!” he whined and Kaden threw a sponge at his head.
“Go away you weirdo. Go play good with Kat until we come out,” he laughed.

Dexter pouted and looked to me.
“Dexy, you are meant to be on punishment…” then I got an idea.
“I’ll tell you what, we’ll leave it for today,” Kaden frowned and Dexter grinned.

“But I want to punish you at the club tomorrow,”
“Sure,” he ran out grinning, poked his head around the corner again, “I love you both, so much.” He blew each of us a cute kiss and ran off again.

“He is so cute sometimes,” Whilst I was swooning, Kaden was laughing.
“Yes, he is and he knows it. He thinks you’ll let him off the punishment altogether,” he told me.
“No, I just want to do it in front of people. He will never learn his lesson if I don’t.”
He kissed my head, “You learn so quick baby girl. We’ll make you a butt kick dom in heels in no time,” he said proudly.

“Yes and a huge pregnant belly. Everyone will think you are with me because you knocked me up.”

“No, they won’t. Because everyone who knows me knows my first club is named after my first love,”
“Dark hearts?”
“No, that isn’t my first club. We have a few. But we have managers running them for us. My first club is called Mistress Hales,” my eyes widen.
“Yes. It’s only a few cities over, I can take you for the weekend if you want?”

“Can Kat and Dexter come too?”

“Of course. I think they would follow us anyway. Kat is like a puppy dog. I have never seen him like that with anyone and Dexter isn’t much better. Only Dexter is a bit more dominant. But he is trying really hard to be your sub,” he told me honestly.

“I know. When I am more secure, I will let him sometimes dominate me, but not all the time.”
“He would like that.”
“And I would like to dominate you sometimes, but not all the time.”

He grinned, “Like I said, when I have trained you, I would be whatever you want me to be,”

“You know what most surprises me, at college Kat… Mr West, seems like one of the most dominant men I have met. Yet, Kat is completely opposite.”

“Maybe I can attend one of your classes as a guest and see? I wouldn’t mind seeing,” he actually sounded interested.

“That would be good. I am sure I could talk Kat into it.”


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