Chapter 21

“I would never hurt you or your mother,” I heard a voice say as I woke from yet another fantastic sleep.

Opening my eyes slightly, I was laid partly on my side, with Kat in a leg hold. My legs just below his arms, but he was fast asleep and seemed comfortable. One of my hands were on Kaden’s stomach and the other in Dexter’s hand. Both awake and either side of me. Only Dexter was sat up stroking my stomach, unaware either myself or Kaden was awake watching him.

Kaden, who was still laid down, noticed I was awake and smiled. With his eyes, he took me to listen to Dexter.

“I love her so damn much. I would never intentionally hurt her and never you, but I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do, I had to speak to her, explain everything, but she wouldn’t listen. I scared her so much. She was too scared to even speak to me.

But never once, even when I was trying to act an ass with her… God, I wish I hadn’t have done that. I should have just told her how I felt. Told her that she is always on my mind. Even though, Kaden tried to help me move on and I, him, nothing worked.

I never knew he loved her as much as me. But even as a child he was willing to give up his chance of happiness for me, because he is the best man in the world. He is all I wish I could be. You and your mother deserve him.

Even Kat does, he is a pain in the ass. But he is a good man. I am jealous of them both. I know after all I have done your mother probably loves them both more than me. But I can’t let her go, I can’t leave with her, you or Kaden. I love you all more than life its self.

The thought of everything I did to her makes me feel physically sick.

I am going to spend every day of the rest of my life showing her how sorry I am and how she should not regret giving me a chance. She is my princess bride and you, my little royal nugget,” I had to stifle a chuckle. He was so cute sometimes.

“You wait there nugget, I have to do something for mummy,” he told my stomach and leaned down and kissed it, before disappearing out of the room.

“He is a div sometimes, but he really loves us,” Kaden told me after Dexter left.

“I know and I love you both,” he leaned over and kissed me.

I pulled back frowning a second later.

“What’s wrong didn’t you like it?” he asked me worried.

“No, I liked it. But I think Kat is sucking on my thigh,” I mumbled the last part making him burst out laughing.

Just as I said that I felt him bite me softly. “Kat!” I hit his head.

He looked up slightly startled.

“Why did you bite me?” Kaden continued to laugh. Men.

“You’re really here?” he mumbled in his half sleep state.


“Good. I thought I was going imagining again,” he replied, put his head on my thigh and fell back asleep licking my leg.

“I like him. He’s weirder than Dexter,” Kaden chuckled.

“Good morning Princess Hales,” Dexter sang as he re-entered the bedroom with a cup in his hand.

“Morning happy pants,” I replied. He stopped stared at Kat and shook his head. “I’m not even going to ask,” he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I made you some peppermint tea,” I sat up slightly and took the cup, thanking him.

I don’t normally drink tea, but he’s trying.

“Where’s my drink?” Kaden complained.

“You know where the kitchen is, go make yourself one,” Dexter told him and turned back to me.

“I asked the woman at the chemist yesterday and she told me it was meant to help with morning sickness.”

I was beyond surprised. I thanked him and kissed his cheek.

“We love you too,” I said to him touching my stomach and he blushed realising I heard him.


Later that morning…

Kaden drove himself and Kat to college, whilst Dexter drove me and him.

I said I could drive myself, but he wouldn’t listen.

“I’ll pick you up after Hales,” he told me after walking me to my class.

“You don’t have too. You finish thirty minutes before me,” I tell him. I had come early to class to catch up and what I had missed.

“I am meeting you,” he told me and kissed me. He watched me go into class before leaving to his own.

Not surprisingly, I was the only person here, other than Kaden and a very hot Mr West AKA Kat.

“Wow, Mr West, you look very sexy today,” I tease walking over to his desk and sitting in the edge.

“God, you have no idea how many times I have thought about taking you on that desk,” he replied rather breathy.

“I can totally understand you,” Kaden said sliding his hand up my bare thigh and under my dress.

“I want to eat this later,” he lightly ran his fingers over my knickers.

“I don’t expect you to do anything to me just yet, just let us pleasure you first.”

Mr West copied Kaden’s actions and slid his hand up my other thigh and brushed his finger around the edges of my knicker elastic.

“Kay, stop,” I begged as he rub my nub through the material of my underwear.

“I don’t want to walk around in wet pants.”

“Shh, just enjoy it,” he continued to rub me and Mr West rubbed his finger over the small indentation of my entrance.

Before long he had locked the door and kissed deeply.

Kaden kissed down my neck as they both continue to rub me, causing me to exclaim a moan which was thankfully muffled by Mr West’s mouth.

“I’m cumming,” Both men stopped kissing me and watched as my body convulsed in pleasure on top of the desk, leaving me in soaking wet knickers.

“That was so sexy,” Mr West pulled away his hand. Despite not being inside me or even inside my underwear, his hand was still wet.

As he licked his hand clean, Kaden lifted me off the desk smirking as I gave him a pointed look.

Reaching for the elastic of my knickers, he hooked his finger under the top and pulled them down and told me to step out of them.

“See,” he smiled holding up my dipping knickers and then wiping the last of my wetness of my pussy onto the cotton pants.

“I told you you wouldn’t have to worry,” he brought the knickers up to his face. Inhaled a deep breath of them and sucked them dry, before smelling them again.

“Still smells good,” I laughed at him.

“You are all weird, but that’s OK, because your my weirdos.” I wrapped my arms around both men and hugged them.

I pulled back just in time to see Kaden pocketing my pants.

“What are you doing with them?”
“I’m giving them to Dex, he will be sad he missed it.”
“So you expect me to sit around with no knickers on and a dress?”

“Yes, no one will know.”
“If Boris is they will. He is a pervert who sits in the row below mine, he is always trying to look up my skirt. That is why I don’t normally wear one,” I explained.

“You will move to the front row,” Mr West tells me before anyone else had a chance to say anything. “If anyone complains they will be kicked out,” Kaden smirked, liking what my professor was saying.

“Fine, but one more thing – do you remember the girl I told you both about?” they nodded.

“Well, she’s in this class.” Neither man was smiling anymore.

“It’s Beth,” I told Mr West.
I knew he would remember her because she sat at the front.

“I never liked her. You sit in her seat and I will tell her to take yours,” he told me and I nodded going to my seat. Mr West unlocked the door again.

“We’ll decide later what to do with her. You will show me her when she arrives,” Mr West said just as several students started to file in.
Thankfully, I was already sat down so no one was suspicious.

I pulled out my laptop which I used like everyone else in the class. Not surprisingly, Beth was one of the last to arrive to class. She would always make me late when I was with her. As soon as she stepped in the class Mr West told her in a strong dominant tone (Basically his normal teacher voice) to take my old seat. She saw me and glared. She was about to open her mouth to argue when Mr West ordered her. “Go to the seat or do you have a problem?” I knew he wanted her to argue so he could kick her out. But she was obvious to this and instead gave him a flirty smile, looked to Kaden, who was sat at the side of him observing and did the same to him. “No, Mr West. No problem at all,” she looked Kaden up and down and turned to go to my old seat, wiggling her butt more than normal gaining the attention of most of the males in the class. Other than my two of course. They both wore hard looks. I knew they hated her as much as me and I smiled.

“Hello class,” Mr West said and the whole room said it back.
“As most of you have probably noticed, we have a guest joining us today. So be on your best behaviour. This is my good friend Mr Lewis,” He indicated to Kaden. “He is here as an observer. He is a local businessman looking for an accountant to his team and decided where better to start than the final year students.”

This sent the class into a frenzy of mumbles of who would get it.
I sent him a questioning look and sent me a wink back. I heard the girl next to me giggle obviously thinking it was for her.
“Your a shoe in,” Her friend told her. “He obviously likes you he can’t stop staring.”

Ha, if only they knew.


Damn laptop. It went and died on me and so I was forced to used a pen and paper. I guess it’s my own fault though, I had been so busy I forgot to charge it.
Throughout the whole lesson, I felt either Kaden’s or his and Mr West’s gaze on me. I even noticed Kaden sniffling my pants at one point, though to everyone else the white fabric folded in his hand just looked like a hanky. I internally thanked god that I wore plain cotton panties and nothing fancy today.

The bell finally went indicating the end of the lesson. I let out a sigh of relief. I was so hungry, it felt like my baby was eating my insides.
I uncrossed my legs and threw my stuff in my bag.

Whilst I was doing this most of the students in my class went over to both my men and started asking them lots of question, including what kind of business did he own.
“I actually own a chain of elite members only night clubs across the country with my partners,” Kaden replied. Partners? I thought there was only him and Dexter.
A bunch of them started saying how exciting that was and asked for the local clubs name.
“Dark Hearts, it’s actually underground, so only people who know about it or bring you know where it is,” he tells them not want to tell them the location.
The last thing he needs is to lose his exclusive clientele for a bunch of college kids.

It actually looked by the expressions on a few peoples faces that they either heard of it or had been to it.
Probably the first one.

“You heard that,” The voice of my ex pretend friend snapped me from what I was doing.
“He owns Dark Hearts. You know what that is right?”
“Yes. What do you want?” I asked annoyed at her presence.
“Nothing. Just being friendly. After all, I am dating your ex. He has even let me move in with him.”
“Yeah right, that’s why he said he couldn’t stand you the other day at my old flat,” I didn’t care about Nate, but I knew she was lying. No way would Nate ever let her move in with him.


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