Chapter 23

“That’s enough you pervert!” Kat and I heard a slapping noise and stopped kissing.

“Now go finish mopping,” Kaden told Dexter, who was rubbing his head.

“What was he doing?” I asked him.

“Instead of mopping up his mess, he was standing behind you, looking up your dressing gown,” Kat was laid back and I was hovering above him.

“Did you know when you kiss you hole opens and closes?” Dexter said grinning.

“No, but I do now. Thank you,” I replied giggling.

“You are welcome,” he left the room again, now sporting an erection.

“He’s a pervert, but still cute,” I say smiling.

“He is. Have you eaten?”

“A small sandwich, but I am still a bit hungry,” I tell Kaden.

“Go for a shower Kat. Change out of your work gear and have some dinner,” Kaden told him.

“I want a bath with you next time,” Kat told me and kissed me.

“Promise,” I kissed him back and stood up letting him get up and leave the room.

“Now,” Kaden, who was now in his gown too, came over and pulled me on top of him on the sofa.

“Let’s make that hole move.” I laughed and we continued where Kat and I left off.


Late evening and I was finally dressed for the club. Tonight I wore a Black Halter Mini Dress Plunge Neckline, a pair of black calf high lace-up bootie sandals with metal heels and my choker.

Smokey eyes again, but with a lighter red lipstick and my hair in a high ponytail.

I walked out to the front room to see all men in similar clothes to yesterday only Kat had a vest on today and both he and Dexter had leads.

“You look perfect baby girl,” Kaden commented noticing me first. The other two had similar comments.

“Before we go, I need you to sign this bunny,” Kaden indicated to a form in front of him.

He handed me a pen and without question I signed it.

“What did I just sign?” I think out loud afterwards.

“You Mistress Hales, have just been the third partner in the club’s me and Dex and now you own.” My eyes widen, “Why? When? How?” I asked him confused.

“Because we want you to know when we are serious about what we say and we can be with you forever.

When? Today, whilst you were bathing. I had my lawyer draw up the correct papers. Dexter and I have signed them too, so you are now officially an owner of all our clubs with us.”

“You knew about this?” I asked Dexter.

“Not until several minutes ago, but we did discuss doing it at some point.” He got up and joined us. “I already thought of it as ours, so it’s only right we make it official.”

“Don’t, you’re going to make cry. You don’t need to buy me off. I love you, I would stay anyway.”

“Don’t cry or I’ll let Dexter reapply your makeup and trust me he hasn’t had any practise since then.” Kaden meant when we were little and he would steal his mother’s makeup to put on me. I would end up like a clown monster and Dexter with a tanned hid from his parents.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the memory. “And we are not buying you off. It may not be official, but you are our wife or princess bride. Everything we have is yours.” They each kiss me and I look to Kat wait patiently on the sofa.

“And we knew you’d get a stupid idea about getting a job to pay for things,” I avoid their gaze, knowing it was true. I had even contemplated calling the local fast food diner about work.

“I didn’t want to live off you, it isn’t fair. You worked hard for your money.”

“Yes, we did. To make a comfortable future for the person or people we love,” Kaden told me and I knew I wasn’t going to win this argument.

“So when you said in class partners you meant me and Dexter?”

“Yes, who else would I mean?”

“Maybe Nate?” I tried to sound like I was joking.

He playfully glared at me but said seriously, “I would rather give all my profits to a cat’s home.”
“Good to know,” I laughed.
“But I still want to do something. I don’t think it’s fair just to sit around and earn money,” I say and sit on Kat’s lap, giving him a kiss so he doesn’t feel left out.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Kaden said to Kat.
“That my little pregnant bunny, is why I’m going to let you become my new accountant.”
“If you need any help Mistress, I’ll help you,” Kat offered.

“Don’t cry bunny,” Kaden warned and a moment later I was entombed in a wall of bodies.
“You and nugget are our number one priority. You never need to be stressed or worried about anything, because you have us three to do that for you.”


At the club people seemed a little surprised to see me again with not only the guys again, but also Kat. But were smiling happily, especially when they saw me holding both Dexter and Kat on leads.

After going to the bar, we approached by Cammie and Tiger, who we stood speaking to, before going to a booth.
Both women were surprised to learn that I was actually one of his students.
“We knew that he liked one, but we had no idea until now it was you,” Cammie told me giving Kat a scolding look.
Kat was kneeled on the ground in front of us and both her and I were stroking him. I knew it was nothing sexual on her part and so I didn’t mind.

“I had no idea who he was until he told me. He looks and acts totally different at college. He is kind of moody.” Both women laugh.
“That sounds about right. He acts like that with most people. We were actually surprised you hadn’t returned the moody git yet,” Cammie said looking to Tiger, who nodded her head in agreement.
Kat whimpered and rubbed his face on my leg. “No, he’s perfect. He’s like a walking talking cat,” I ran my fingers across his cheek making him purr.
“Apart from punching Dexter and biting my leg, it’s been great.”
They looked at Dexter, who’s cheek thankfully hadn’t bruised and then looked at me questionably.
I explained that it wasn’t malicious that it was a misunderstanding and both he and Dexter were friends now. Cammie looked at the men and they agreed.
By the end of telling them of Kat’s sleep antic’s (None of which he remembered), both women were laughing.

“I expect in a few days he’ll probably move higher up,” Kaden joked. Kat went red, I guess he was a little shy in front of his sister.
Dexter mumbled something about him sleeping between legs instead.
“It’s alright. You can sleep between my legs and suck on something else,” Kaden told him, shocking both all of us, especially Cammie and Tiger.

“Kaden!” Dexter scolded.
“What? Are you ashamed of our love?” The women watched still in shock.
“No.” A second later Dexter and Kaden were sending the whole club silent by full out kissing.
I watched amused as Cammie started to fan herself with her hand.
“If I liked men, I totally would be humping their legs by now,” she joked and I felt a hand slowly creeping up my thigh.

I knew without looking it was Kat because he was kissing the bottom of my thigh too. As if in cahoots, Dexter and Kaden stopped kissing and within a second Dexter was kissing my neck and Kaden my mouth.

With his tongue buried in my mouth, I groaned when felt both subs sucking on the place they were kissing.
Kat’s hand stopped moving less than half an inch from my underwear, but continued rubbing my leg.

But all too soon we were brought back to reality when a throat cleared and we pulled apart to see a large man I recognized as the doorman.
“Sorry sir, we have a woman demanding entry. She said she know you,” he sounded skeptical.

“Tell her to go away,” Kaden began to say, but both Dexter and I shared a knowing look and cut him off.
“No,” we said at the same time.
“We’ll see her,” Dexter told the man and Kaden gave us a questioning look, but agreed.
“We’ll be right there,” Kaden took my hand in one of his and the leads in the other and walked us to the entrance.

Stood outside was Nate yelling at Beth. Neither noticing us. “God damn it woman. Do you not get it?!” he threw his arms up.
“I don’t want you. I never did. I used you. I have no interest in you. You are not my girlfriend nor will I let you live with me. You are nasty little hoe with mental problems.”
I couldn’t help but scoff, he has no room to talk.

Finally noticing my presence Beth looked surprised to see me, but quickly hid it behind a mask of sluttiness.
Nate, on the other hand, just smirked and looked me up and down.
“Looking sexy tonight Hale. Want to be my sub tonight and I’ll think about taking you back?” WTF?
“No, thank you. I’m more than happy with these three,” I indicate to my men.

“Yes and I can’t wait to make her gush all over me,” Kaden said smirking.
“Gush?” Nate scoffed.
“Yes. Believe me the bed is still wet from last night. Not to mention her panties,” Kaden and Kat shared a smile. Aww, my guys are bonding.

“Maybe if you stick around you might see later,” he suggested and I looked at him. Kaden gives me the look what said not to be worried.
“I think I’ll do that,” Nate said smirking, not really believing it.
Ignoring Beth, he gave me a wink and disappeared inside.

“No way you slept with him to get the job! It is mine!” Beth said turning the attention to her.
She tried to walk after Nate inside, but the doorman stepped in her way.

“Didn’t you hear him, I am with him,” she tried to argue.
“It doesn’t matter what he said,” the man said knowing well that Nate wanted nothing to do with her.

“You are not a member and all nonmembers are not allowed in without the bosses say so.”
“Why don’t you tell him who you are?” I encourage her and Dexter fought a grin and the others looked at me as if I was crazy.

She glared at me but did as she was told.
“I am his girlfriend,” Meaning Nate, “So that make’s me your boss.”
Dexter burst out laughing in the crook of my neck and Kaden calmly asked, “And how did you work that out?”

Beth gave him a seductive smile, “Because Nate is one of the owners and as his girlfriend I have secondary authority. But your girlfriend or not, if you get sick of the whiny victim, I can give you all a much better time.”

Kat let out an inhuman growl and Dexter stopped laughing and glared at the woman.

“That’s never going to happen,” Kaden said with a hard look causing Beth to lose her smug smile.
“There is so many things wrong with what you just said. Including you being Nate’s girlfriend, when he obviously hates you. I hate him and if he weren’t already a member, I wouldn’t let him in. I have loved Hayley since we were children and hated Nate, which obviously means I would never in a million years make him my business partner.”

“But he told me…” She mumbled.

“He also told me he loved me and would never cheat on me, but he did. We both know he is about as honest as a politician.”
“But you said business partners?” Beth questioned.
“Yes. My long term boyfriend,” he indicated to Dexter. Both the doormen and Beth looked surprised but said nothing.
“And our newest partner is our princess bride,” he indicates to me.

“Hang on you are an owner and you’re not really dating them?” Beth asked me.
“Yes, she is a partner, owner and yes, she is our girlfriend, lover and wife.”

Without another word, Kaden led us inside, telling the doormen not to let her in.

“Why do I have a feeling both of you already knew about it?” Kaden asked us once we were back inside.
“We might have,” Dexter replied.
“In that case, Bunny will be punished for not telling me and Dexter is already being punished and Kat?”
“Kat is innocent. He didn’t know,” I defended him.
“Don’t punish Hales,” Dexter, my little monkey pleaded.


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