Chapter 25

“You’re pregnant?” I rolled my eyes.
Oh great!
“Yes, she is. What is it to you?” Kaden snapped at Nate, pulling me further into his arms. Then Kat and Dexter stood up and with them stood either of me protectively and Kaden behind me, I felt safe as can be.
“Just go away you disgusting little man,” Cammie said sneering.
Ignoring everyone, he walked towards me as if in a daze. It was kind of weird.
“I think he’s lost it,” Dexter whispered to us. I couldn’t hel but smile. Only Nate thought I was smiling at him and grinned back.
I immediately frowned, “What do you actually want Nate? Don’t you see no one wants you here!” I snap.
He stopped only feet from us, unaffected.
“You want me. You love me and I love you. We always have. That’s why we’ve been together so long.”
“Were together, as in the past tense. You made sure of that when you had me raped at a knife point just so you could dump me. And love? I thought I did once. But any feeling I had for you has turned to nothing but hate!” I yelled not caring if anyone else in the room heard.
Kaden removes his arms and pushes me behind him, “Nate, I don’t know what drug your on, but I advise you to leave whilst you still can.”
Kat and Dexter both stood at his side ready to pounce and Cammie and Tiger moved around to me, making sure I was alright.
“She is mine. Hayley has always been mine. Before was a mistake, but now I want her back.”
“You’re deluded if you think I am letting my girl or my baby anywhere near you,” Dexter growled.
“I’m not. You are. She is my girl, you left her and she became mine. The baby is obviously mine too.”
I almost choked on my own spit, “How the hell did you work that out?” I walked around my three men, closely followed by Cammie and Tiger.
“We haven’t had sex in months and when we did it was rare and far between. And you really think I would have a baby with a man who’s rule is woman job to protect and get rid,” I quote him.
“I messed up, but you love me and that is my baby whether in blood or not.”
“You think you can just come here and declare your love, when all you did was cheat on her, drug your friend and kick her to the curb?” Kat growls and lunges at him, but Kaden and Dexter hold him back.
“I love Dexter, Kaden and Kat. Just p!ss off you asshole!” I yelled and turn my back on him and hug Kat to calm him down.
“I will get you back Hayley. You are mine, you always will be,” Nate called before leaving.
“Well, he’s loco,” Tiger said breaking the tension.
“Too right,” Kaden agreed.
“I’m hungry. Let’s get Dominos.”
“I want pizza!” Cammie agrees, took mine hand and drags Tiger and me towards the door.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Kaden hurried after us chuckling.
“This one is staying with us,” he took me in his arms and the boys were quickly to join us.
“But pizza…?”
“How about we head home and on the way we can get you some.”
“And Cammie?”
“Can go get her own.”
“You’re mean.”
“It’s alright Hayley. We can hang out another time,” Cammie stroked the side of my face. “As you are as good as Kat’s wife, that makes you Tiger’s Sister. We will have to have a girls day.”
Kat growled at her playfully.
“I agree with Kat,” Dexter said not even a second later.
“Spoil sport,” She jokes. “Fine. A girls day and Kat? He loves girly day.”
“Deal,” I say before anyone has a chance and Kat whines.
“Shh, kitty Kat.” I stroke his neck and he submits.
“We’ll see you tomorrow then if you’re coming to the club?”
“No,” Kaden tells her before I have a chance. “I am going to show her our other club a few cities over. Mistress Hales.”
“We are?” Dexter asked, not knowing anything.
“We are. We decided last night. I thought it would be nice for her to know she had a club named after her.”
Back at home…
“Have you got a place or did you share?” I ask Kat as we sat eating pizza.
“I shared a house with my sister, but then when she and Cammie became a couple we moved in with her.
I don’t like living alone.” He didn’t have to explain, we all knew what he meant.
“Now you have us, you will never be alone.”
I leaned over and hugged Dexter, “You can be quite nice, sometimes. You know that?”
“That’s because I’m your prince,” he answered me and moved me so my head was resting on his lap.
He picked at a slice of pizza and started placing bits in my mouth.
“I swear they haven’t changed at all from when they were little,” Kaden tells Kat.
Kat looked to Kaden and listened to him explain, “Both of them (but mostly Dexter) would feed each other.” He laughed at the memory.
“Even back then he showed signs of dominance over others, but what Bunny said goes. They were always close,” He started telling Kat loads of tales from when we were children.
Kat listened intently, hang off every word. Dexter even joined in. I love seeing the three men I love getting along so well.
“Have you got any other siblings or is it just you and Tiger?” Kaden asks him minutes later.
“I have another sister, Rain. She is only thirteen.”
“Is that her real name?” He nods his head.
“I like that. It’s cute,” I said, loving that name.
“Have any of you got any siblings?” he asks us.
“I have a sister, Reese seventeen and Hayley has one sister Lisa six.”
“I am an only child,” Kaden tells him. “But it’s alright, I had these two and Reese growing up.”
By now we had finished eating. I stood up and let my dress drop to the floor.
Kat looked like he was about to say something, but stopped when he saw me.
Kicking off my shoes, I slowly walked to my bedroom. I didn’t have to look back to know they were following me.
I peeled off the tape from my breasts and threw the pieces on the floor. I’ll pick them up later.
As I step inside my room, I also step out of my kickers.
“What are you doing Bunny?” Kaden asked me with a growing erection in his trousers.
“I am so h0rny all the time. I don’t know if it is pregnancy or what, but I need you, please?” I seriously feel as if I’m going crazy.
Their breaths hitch up and I lay back on the bed. “Tell me what you want us to do? You are in charge,” he tells me and I smirk, looking them over.
“Take your clothes off.” Without a second thought, all three men stripped.
Stood completely naked in front of me with their members all standing proudly to attention.
“Touch me.”
“Anywhere, just, please…”
“Can we kiss and lick you?” Kat asked crawling towards me.
“Yes,” I reply lowly.
A second later their hands were all over me, exploring my body.
“Tell us if you want us to stop at all.” I silently nod my head.
“So beautiful,” Dexter whispers placing kissing around my areola, whilst groping my breast.
“I love you. You are a goddess,” Kat licked my breast and n!pple. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Forever my Kitty Kat,” I stroke the back of his head as continued what he was doing.
Kaden and Dexter both sucked on my n!pples. Kaden on the one breast that nibbling around.
“I can’t wait until this is filled with milk,” Dexter said as if thinking out loud.
Kaden agreed, as did Kat.
“Will you let us drink it?” Kat questions me.
“As long as you left enough for baby, then yes.”
Kat slowly started to lick and kiss further down my body, around belly button and lower.
He paused looking at me for permission when he reached my pleasure zone.
Seeing my smile, he soon continued to timidly lick downwards. Reaching my folds and nub, I exclaim a moan. Arching my hips and wrap my legs around his head. He grinned and continued, placing his hands under my backside lifting me up more to him.
“You like being eaten out?” Kaden asked rubbing his c0ck, as Kat’s tongue plunges inside me.
“Yes. I love you all touching me.” I remove my legs from his head and pat Kat’s shoulder to move.
He whimpers but did as told.
“Laydown Kat,” I told him and moved on to all four over him.
“Lick it kitty,” I order him as my pussy hovers over his face.
Kaden and Dexter don’t have to be told what to do, because a second later I am being eaten out and licked by not one but three men. None of them bothered that somethings their tongues touched as they all pleasured me.
“You taste so good baby. Cum for us,” Kaden asked between licks.
“I will, but I don’t want any of you coming yet. You can touch yourself but if you think you’re going to cum stop.”
“Yes mistress.” They all agree.
Moments later with hands it various places on me and their faces all between my legs I felt the familiar feeling creep up.
“You guys are so good at that,” I say followed by a loud moan.
“I’m cumming,” I explain and I felt a pair of hands grip my hips to stop me from following.
They all lapped up my juices as I found release.
“I’m sorry. I think I cum a bit,” Kat apologizes beneath me.
“I didn’t touch it, it just happened.”
“It’s alright,” I tell him, lifting myself off him. Kaden tries to hold me in place, wanting to lick me more. But I slap his hands away, making him whimper, sounding more like Kat, than himself.
“But you taste so good…” They all had damp faces but didn’t seem to care.
“For disobeying me Kat will cum last, after Kaden, who will go second for trying to hold me in place. But Dexter…” I crawled over to him and gently pushed him on his back. Straddled him whilst pressing my lips to his.
“I love you so much Hayley. Please don’t tease me.” He thought because I was rubbing myself on him.
“I am not teasing. I want to make love to you. Do it as our baby should have been made. Start a new.”
He looked at me, as if checking for something. “But are you sure? Aren’t you scared?”
“I am. I am nervous as hell. But I love you… All of you,” I look to the best others. “And I want this. I want to name love to you all. But only if you do too?”
I didn’t have to wait for an answer. They all replied saying they wanted the same as me.
I leaned down and whisper into Dexter’s ear, “I want you to pretend this is your first time. The party didn’t happen. Only now. You and I forever.” I pulled back surprised to see unspent tears in his eyes.


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