Chapter 27

Still Kaden’s pov

Kat and Dexter sat in the back of the car whilst I drove and Hayley sat in the seat beside me.

“Hales, Kay,” Dexter tries getting our attention again.

He and Kat had been pining for our attention since we spanked them both this morning and then refused to kiss them.

I had to remind them it was punishment, but it didn’t stop them from trying.

Right now I am driving us to the city where Mistress Hales is located.

I have booked a suite at a hotel not far from the club. That way we could stay a night or two. I had arranged our second to take care of Dark Hearts for a couple of days.

“Hales, look how sad Kitty Kat is,” Dexter says knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist.

She glanced back with a blank expression, but that soon changed.

“Oh my God. You two are so cute,” She cooed smiling.

I glanced back in the rear-view mirror to see Dexter sat in his seat with Kat’s head resting on his lap. Kat’s had a sad puppy dog look, as did Dexter, who sat stroking Kat’s head.

“Bunny ignore them. They are trying to get out of punishment,” I tell her and on cue she tried to look stern.

“You’re mean,” I knew without looking Dexter was pouting.


Another thirty minutes later and we had arrived at the hotel.

“Kitty Kat, we’re here,” Hayley said softly as she leaned into the back. Kat had fallen asleep with his head on Dexter’s lap.

We were all dressed in regular clothes, but it didn’t mean our roles had changed. I was still the Alpha and Hayley my Luna.

“Mistress?” Sleepy Kat replied hopefully. “Yes Kitty. We are at the hotel, it’s time to wake up.”

I pulled the cars out and looked back to see Kat sitting in and looking around unsure. It was kind of cute. “Sorry Dexter,” He sounded embarrassed.

“No need. You are important to my princess, then you are to me too.” Dexter is just cute, they all are.

Another minute later and we were all inside the hotel checking in or at least waiting too. Kat and Dexter were still after attention, but we weren’t giving it.

“Is there someone not stupid who could help us check in?” A man in his forties with a girl who looked scared and barely nineteen stood beside him.

“I told you sir, we can not give you the honeymoon suite, someone else has it booked,” The woman behind the desk tells him.

“Are they here yet? No. Then give me it and pass them off another room,” He was leaning over rather threateningly.

I was about to step in, but I didn’t get a chance.

“Hello miss. I am here to check in,” Hayley stepped to the desk ignoring the angry man.

The woman behind the desk look at her unsure.

“Excuse me, she is dealing with me,” The man said in a low tone.

“Shh!” She hushed him and turned back to the woman behind the desk.

“What name is it?”

“Kaden Lewis,” Hayley answered as the man stood glaring at her.

I took a step behind and wrapped my arms around her.

“You want to keep your b!tch on a lease,” The man said noticing me.

“If you don’t want to be dead, I would shut up!” I growl at the man and wait for the woman to hand me our key.

“Honeymoon suite,” She said with a slight smile on her face as she handed us the key.

The man beside us grumbled something under his breath and the woman with him whispered something. Like a spoilt child, he stood there with his arms crossed.

A moment later a bellboy came to show us to our room.

Whilst the woman behind the desk went back to serving the angry man, a second woman appeared and looked to Kat and Dexter.

“It’s alright, they are with us,” I tell her and with the pair behind us, we follow the bellboy.


“You got us the honeymoon suite?” Hayley asked me once the bellboy left.

“Yes. Nothing but the best for my bunny bride,” I kiss her cheek.

“I love you Kay.” Every time she says that, I feel like I am going out explode with happiness.

“I love you too Hales,” I hug her tightly against me.

“Meow,” I hear behind us and turn to see Dexter smiling innocently, stood next to Kat on his knees.

“Want a massage Bunny?” I ignore them and turn back to our girl.

“Yes please,” She walked over to her bag and pulled something out.

“Use this,” She handed me a bottle of lotion and pulled her dress over her head.

Then laid on the bed. God, she is so beautiful.


Kat’s pov (I am a pussy cat)

She lay on the bed with Kaden rubbing her soft silky skin.

It has been several hours since she has touched or kissed either Dexter or I.

“It’s alright Kat,” Dexter whisper to me, stroking my head. Normally I didn’t like men touching me, but he and Kaden were an important part of Miss Hayley’s life. That made him as good as a family to me. I have loved since the for moment I saw her. I knew straight away she was different to other girls.

We were on the floor beside the bed waiting patiently for our punishment to be over.

“Dex, Kat?” A voice said making our heads snap up.

“You want a hug?” Hayley asked us and we looked to Kaden, who was smirking and nodded his head.

We were on the bed within a second.

“Love me,” Dexter said wedging himself in a small space between Hayley and Kaden.

They both chuckle and kissed his face.

“Meow,” I crawled in-between her legs and licked her bare stomach.

“Hello baby,” I whisper and kiss it.

Her stomach was flat, hard with a slight curve to it.

“My sweet Kitty Kat,” I love when she calls me that.

I continued kissing and licking her stomach and she stroked my hair.


Later that evening after we had eaten a special meal, we had all dressed ready for the club.

Kaden had chosen mine and Dexter’s clothes and we were both dress the same.

He was dressed in a pair of leather trousers, shoes and a black vest, showing off his muscular arms.

Dexter and I both wore only leather shorts, shoes and a collar which our lead will be attached too. But to go down through the hotel Kaden has allowed us both to wear jackets.

Hayley was sexy as normal, dressed in a black Lace topped, Leather bodycon dress with a small slit up the side, red stiletto pumps and her choker. Makeup and hair the same as yesterday.

“Can we buy Mistress more red clothing?” I asked Kaden as we went down in the lift.

“I think that is a great idea Kat. She would look good in a red baby doll, don’t you both think?”

Both Dexter and I agree.

“I’ve always wanted to see her in a red fishnet bodysuit,” Dexter admitted.

“Since when?” Hayley asked him.

“Since I was seventeen and saw a picture of a woman in one.”

I couldn’t help but imagine her in one and start to feel h0rny.

“Mistress,” I said, but it sounded more like a whimper.

“Poor Kitty. Be brave, we will out soon and you can be my baby again,” She reassures me, kissing my cheek.

Not caring what people thought, Dexter and I walked through the lobby of the hotel on leads which Hayley held.

We had an audience as we left, but no one said a word.

“The club is only on minute by foot, we might as well walk,” Kaden tells us as we exiting the building.

“If that is alright with you Bunny?” He asked looking adoringly at our princess.

“That’s fine. I have a Kitty Kat to carry me if I get tired.” I knew she was only joking, but I would quite happily carry her everywhere.

“And a Prince or a horse if you want to sit on my back,” Dexter offered.

“I know Horsey,” She chuckled and stroked her cheek.

“Now we have a Kat and a Horsey?”

“Don’t forget a Chicken Nugget,” She reminded him.

“Maybe we should open a farm?” Kaden said laughing.

“Yes, we can have lots more chickens,” I said without asking permission. But Kaden didn’t mind because I made Hayley smile.

“Let’s finish cooking this one and I promise we can have at least two more,” She meant one each. “Then we’ll see about more.”

I could see by Kaden’s grin that he was as excited as me about her wanting to have our babies too.

“Don’t worry Kat, Hales always said when she was little that she wanted to have ten children,” Dexter whispered to me.

“I can hear you, you know?”

“I love you,” Dexter said innocently and I meowed.

“Why do I see you two becoming a cheeky combination?”

“Says you, bunny?” Kaden laughed. “I think I will have to have a new bath put in Dexter’s cabin. That way I’ll be able to keep an eye on you.”

I honestly was the one to start the shaving foam fight. But it was fun. I see why Hayley is so forgiving and good friends with him. He is honestly like a cheeky little school boy around her. I was so angry at him when I found out what he did. But getting to know him, I have found out he is one of the kindest men. He and Kaden both are. They put up hard walls to the public. But that is not them.

I can remember seeing Dexter at college when he thought no one was looking he would give her such longing looks. I honestly didn’t put it together until now.

“This is it,” Kaden said stopping near a familiar building.

“Have you been here before?” Hayley asked me.

“A few times.”

“This is where you met Cammie, right?” I was surprised Kaden remembered.

“Yes, we used to come here before Dark Hearts opened.”

“I remember if only for the way Tiger refused to accept anyone you didn’t like,” Kaden said with a strange expression I couldn’t read.

“You have us now,” The beautiful angel herself leaned over and kissed me. I felt my legs turn to jelly. I felt almost like a girl around her. She is just so perfect.

I just want to crawl around after her and have her treat me as her own personal cat. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun being a man too, but I love animal roleplay.

Maybe I will ask her when we have been together longer if she will play with me. I would love for her to play cat’s with me.

“Most of the staff should be the same,” Kaden said as we approached the building which had a large queue as normal.

Instead of waiting in line as I would normally have too, Kaden walked us to the front where two very large bouncers were waiting.

I recognized them both from the last time I was here little over a year ago when Cammie had to come to the city on business.

The men smiled recognizing Kaden and Dexter and both said hello. Then the bigger of the two leaned closer to Kaden and whispered something, making Kaden angry.

“Don’t let anyone other than real members in and I’ll have all nonmembers taken out! I will deal with Mitchell,” Kaden sounded beyond p!ssed.

“Mitchell is the man we have run this club,” Dexter whispered to Hayley.

If I am honest, I have never liked him. He always seemed to up himself.

A few people were grumbling among themselves that we were let in before them. But Kaden didn’t care and just headed inside like a man on a mission.

“Stand here a moment loves, I just have to call someone,” Kaden told us as we just got inside. We were stood in the hall just before the main club.

Whilst he pulls out his phone Dexter reassured, Hayley nothing was wrong.


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