Chapter 29

Hayley’s pov

“Now Mitchell…” Kaden said sharply. “Care to tell me what you are doing with my club?”

The managers mouth opened and closed like a fish. He was around thirty, handsome, but he knew it and looked very c0cky and over-groomed. In short, he loved himself.

“Why is it that I visit and find not only you are letting non-members and hookers into my club, but also find you trying to sell it?”

“It was a misunderstanding.”

“Which part?” Dexter asked.

“Um, everything?”

“You sound unsure,” I say releasing myself from the men and sitting on the edge of the desk, throwing one leg over the other.
My dress hitched up slightly, making my toned legs look great.

I felt everyone’s eyes on me, including Mitchell.
Kat crawled over on his hands and knees, looked at me, to my foot and back again.
I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what he wanted, but I nodded letting him know it was alright. As long as he was happy as was I.
Dexter, never being one to be outdone, walked over, dropped to his knees and watched Kat as he removed my shoes and began licking one of my feet.
And hell, it felt erotic.

Dexter groaned and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. Again I nod. Within a second he was sat on the ground and unlike Kat, he literally took half of my toes in his mouth and sucked on my toes.

Forgetting where I was, I closed my eyes, tipped back my head and moaned.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?” I heard Kaden say to someone.
“She sure is. Where’d you find her?” The man’s voice was husky.
“She’s our childhood sweetheart. But that is not what we’re here for,” Kaden said professionally. I opened my eyes to see him stood behind my boys who were still lapping and sucking at my feet. Kaden had his hand on Kat’s head, stroking his hair. Dexter was a little funny about his hair, so that is probably why he isn’t doing it to him. Plus Kat appreciates it more.

“Boy, if I had a friend like that-” I heard Mitchell mumble under his breath.
“Shut up and just answer the damn question!” Kaden growled angrily.

“I.I.I…” Mitchell stuttered obviously not thought of a cover story. The big headed twat probably didn’t think he would ever be caught.
“You know it’s illegal what you’re doing?” I completely forgot about David until I heard him speak.
“You could face jail time if reported,” He added. I looked over to where he was stood at the back of the office. As if sensing my gaze, he glanced my way and smiled, giving me a quick wink before turning his attention back to Mitchell.

“I’m going to give you a chance to explain and give back any money you have stolen,” I guessed. “If you don’t I’ll call the cops now and I’ll go over the accounts later to know for sure.”

“But just to say I did take something and I gave it all back… What I still get reported?” He asked, cautious, not to say he did or didn’t.
“If you give all the money back and leave without argument then we won’t call them. But only because Hales has promised,” Kaden tells him.
“But if when she goes over the accounts, she finds any inconsistencies I’ll call them. No second chances, nothing. I will have you charged and do my best to make sure you face jail time. Give the money back and leave without argument and I’ll make sure you are left alone.”

There was a long silence and Kat began nibbling my ankle.

“Alright, deal,” Mitchell sighed reluctantly. “But I don’t know how much I owe you.”

They discussed it for a short time and Kaden decided he would get what money he could for now. Then later, when I have been over the accounts, contact Mitchell and sort out payment.

Kaden knew this was best for all because Mitchell won’t have to go to jail and we still get our money back.

“Leave your keys and go. Me and my wife have things to discuss,” Kaden ordered the man out of the room.

But Mitchell lingered at the door. “Can I still come to the club as a member?”

“As long as you don’t cause any trouble, expect special service or bring hookers, then yes. Now go. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, sir. Good to meet you miss.” And he left, leaving the five of us alone.

Kat started nibbling higher up my leg. I closed my eyes and moaned again. My moans only increased when Dexter started up my other leg.
I heard some footsteps and someone grabbed my hips and pulled me across the desk on onto his lap.

I opened my eyes to find myself sat on Kaden’s lap, my legs were still on the desk.
Kat whined and Dexter growled at the loss.
“Don’t pull her like that.”
“I am not going to hurt her!” Kaden growled back at him. He skimmed his hand over my breasts, stomach – lingering a few seconds – then down, hitching my skirt up slightly.
“Don’t worry Bunny,” He whispered in my ear. “No one but me and your subs will touch you,” He reassured me as he began rubbing me through my panties as David watched.

After being punished in public, this was nothing. But I wasn’t going to lie, I was still nervous. David was handsome and all, but I didn’t want him thinking he could touch me.

“So, let me introduce you two properly,” He spoke in a warm yet professional tone as her continued to rub me. Kat and Dexter had moved to onto their haunches to see better.
David took a couple of steps closer. “David Thompson, this is Hayley Miles. Aka thee Mistress Hales the club’s name was inspired by.”
“This is the childhood crush you guys were always speaking about?” He asked with a huge grin.
“Yes. This is the one.”

“Good to meet finally,” He greeted not bothering to hold out his hand as I was too distracted.
“I guess he never mentioned me. I am David. I went to college with Kaden. At least for the short time we attended,” He laughed.

Kaden slipped his hand into my panties. “Dex, Kat, you must not touch yourselves. Am I clear?” He ordered.
Dexter looked like he wanted to complain, but didn’t. They both nodded, “Yes, sir.”

David chuckled, “I never thought I’d see Dexter submitting. This is great. And Mistress Hales?”
“She is new to this. She is in training. But we are going light on her for now. She is pregnant.”
His eyes widened and he looked from Kaden to Dexter and then Kat. “Which one? Do you know?”

“It’s all of ours, but technically Dex is the father,” Kaden explained sliding his fingers over my cl!t, making me moan louder.
“But make no mistake. She is as much mine and Kat’s wife as she is Dexter’s.” He continues to tease me cl!t.

Sh!t, how can he be so normal when he is doing this to me.

I tip my head back onto his shoulder and close my eyes.

“Now, back to business…” He paused a few seconds before continuing.
“Are you still working as a barman for Phil?”
“And I bet he is still taking advantage of you and you are the unofficial deputy manager? Promising raises, etc.?”
David nodded and answered, “Yes,” Again.

Kaden’s teasing was getting too much. Pushing my bottom up and my cl!t harder against him, I turned my head into his neck and bit his neck lightly.
“Bunny, f**k!” He exclaimed and pushed his now hard member up and against my bottom.
“D…Do w.want to manage.. this club David?” He struggled to say normally.

“You’re serious?”
“Yes…” He pulled my head back and pressed his lips to mine.
“Dex, come over here and kiss Bunny. Kat you can kiss her other lips.” I knew he was just trying to distract me so he could finish his business.

Dexter stood up and rushed over. Kat, in a flash, crawled on his hands and knees. He disappeared beneath the table and a second later he pulled my panties to the side completely and began lapping at my core while Kaden continued to rub my cl!t. Dexter covered my mouth with his, swallowing my moans.

“Now, as I saying…” I felt a single kiss on my neck. “I want you to run our club. You do Phil’s club already, although not officially. I, on the other hand, am willing to make you full management with a fantastic rate of pay. You can hire and fire who you wish. The only thing I ask is you stick to the old rules, member only. No exceptions! No h00kers! No drugs and no ripping us off. But I know I can trust you, which is why I am offering it to you. Other than the others in this room, you are my most trustworthy friend.”

There was a long silence and Dexter continued to kiss me as if I might disappear. Kat was tongue f**king my core, Kaden rubbed my cl!t faster.

“I don’t know what to say…” Pause. “I am not that good with accounts. I mean I can do them, but-“
“Don’t worry, Hales will be second checking the accounts from now on. With Kat’s help when it is needed.”
I wrapped my legs around Kat’s head and I felt him smile against me.

“F**king hell,” I exclaimed into Dexter’s mouth, making him pull back.
“That’s it Bunny cum for us,” Kaden urged me on rubbing me and kissing the back of my neck. My stomach fluttered and I felt that familiar rush.

“Kat!” I exclaim as pleasure washes over me and I feel gush my core.
“F**k,” I heard David mutter.

My body quivers and buzzes as I ride out the org@sm.
“Good girl. That was really hot,” Kaden compliments me, kissing my forehead.
“Dex, go help Kat clean up.”
“Yes sir,” He sounded like he was saluting.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Kat’s face literally dripping wet.
“Oh my God. I’m sorry Kitty Kat.”
“Why?” He looked at me obviously. David and Kaden chuckled and Dexter started licking my juices off Kat’s face.

Kat scrunched up his face and closed his eyes.
“Next time you’re cumming in my face,” Dexter said between licks. Kat seemed to relax when he realized Dexter wasn’t going to do anything like kiss him. Or at least that’s what I’m guessing.

“Wow. Between that and the new job, I think this is one of the best nights ever.”

“I know. Our girl is so damn perfect,” Kaden said to David, his erection digging in my backside.

“I want to f*ck you daddy,” I whisper and nibbled Kaden’s ear seductively.
He groaned and holding my hips rubbed himself against me.

“I take you out of the office to the main area and I want to claim you in front of everyone.”
“Are you sure baby?” He whispered back. I knew the others were trying to hear but couldn’t.
“Yes. I’ve seen all the looks you three get from the women and some men. They want you. But I want to show them I’m your three’s and your mine.” I paused.
“Does that make me sound like a whore?”

“No!” He said in a definite tone. “I love that you want to claim us. It would be the first-time anyone had seen us penetrate a woman. So I think that alone would tell the people who knew us how serious we were.”

“David, we’ll talk more about this later.” Kaden stood up placing me on my feet and straightening my dress.
“Are we going somewhere?” David asked standing up too. As I took Kat’s and Dexter’s leads, Dexter stood up too, to reveal a matching hard-on to Kaden’s. Neither made an attempt to hide it as we walked to the door. I knew without question that Kat had one as well.

“Hale’s wants to do a claiming scene.”

“Claiming scene?” David asked unsurely. Kaden smirked, “You’ll see.”


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