Chapter 2

Warm, soft, safe and excitement.

This is a new feeling to wake up to.

My bed at home is hard, old with springs coming out. The house is always cold because my dad – Jason – said it cost to much to heat.

I wake up with all the memories of yesterday. I half expect it to have been a dream when I open my eyes. But the warm feeling is telling me something else.

My eyes flutter open to meet a grey pair staring back.

“Good morning, princess,” The dream man says smiling back brightly.

The sun is bright and just coming through the windows.

“Good morning,” I mumble. “What time is it?”

“It’s six.” It’s really early. We went to bed way too early.

He smiles brighter seeing my expression. “I have been too excited to sleep.”

“But you did sleep?”


“Marshall, you have to sleep. I don’t want you getting poorly,” I place my hand on his stubbly cheek.

“I care for you, Mars. Please take care of yourself.”

He gives me a toothy grin. “Mars… I like that. Yes, call me that from now on.” He leans down and kisses me.

My heart and stomach flutter with nerves. My feelings for him are growing strong and fast.

Placing my hand on his chest, I push him back. He gives me a heartbroken look.

But I’m not done, pushing him onto his back, I straddle his waist and lower myself on his morning glory.

“Chloe…” He moans out loud, drawing out my name as I take him inside me.

“I really like you, Mars.” I move up and down on his large shaft.

“I love you too, so much. Oh God! So much. I can’t take it,” He grabs my hips and starts pumping inside me faster.

“I admit it. I follow you, I can’t leave you alone. Marry me?” He asks again.

I don’t answer. “Chloe, marry me?”

He reaches between us and begins teasing my clit, making my squeal.

“Marry me? I need you by my side forever.”

“Mars,” I moan. “It’s too much.”

“Tell me you’ll marry me and I’ll let you cum.”

“You’re never giving up, are you?”

He smirks. “No, we’re getting married. I have everything arranged, I just have to make the call.”

“You, what?”

“Yes. You’re mine. Cum with me, Princess.”

I can’t stop myself. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Mars! Yes, yes, yes!” I scream as he gushes inside me and I cum hard.

“Oh, fuck, yeah. That’s it. That’s my lady.”

We ride the wave together. I have never felt more connected to a person than I do at that moment.

“Mmm, I love that I’m still inside you even when I’m not,” He pulls out looking as his seed drips out of me.

“I’m going to have to give you regular top ups, so you’re always filled.”

He sits up. “Let’s take a shower. I have a spare toothbrush you can use.”

The shower is just as big as the rest of the house.

He takes me there and then under the running water.

We kisses until both our lips are bruised.

Then he surprises me by revealing a cupboard filled with clothes he has brought just for me.

“I got your measurements from the clinic, but I expected these to be smaller,” He indicates to my breasts.

“The rest should fit, but we’ll have to buy some new bras today.”

I can’t help but cry happy tears. I throw my arms around him and kiss him. “Thank you. No one has ever been so kind.”

“I love you, Chloe. What is mine is yours.”

“I want to be with you. But I hate you spending money on me and me giving nothing.”

He tries to argue but I stop him.

“I want to get a job. I know I can’t pay you back completely but I’ll do my best.”

He sighs. “Fine, if you insist. You will work for me.”

“But school?”

“You can finish the year up online. I’ll arrange it.”

I can’t say that not seeing the idiots at school isn’t a pleasant idea.

“But you’re a doctor, I’m a highschool senior.”

“I do the occasional day at the clinic, but I’m more into research. You will be my assistant and accompany me everywhere.”

I look at him suspiciously. “You just made that up so I am with you all the time.”

He laughs. “Not exactly. It is a real job, I just already have one in the office. But I can always use more help.”

“So you’re not going to have sex with me in your office?”

A large grin covers his face. “I never said that. But it isn’t only about sex. I want to spend time with you too.”

I melt against him and nod my head dreamily. I feel like a little girl with a crush on her favourite popstar.

“I will help you.”

He smiles. “I’ll have it arranged.”

Ten minutes later and I am dressed in an outfit that cost more than my entire old wardrobe.

The jeans and top fit much better than I am used to, but it looks good. The only bad thing is I have to wear the same bra as yesterday.

He prepares us a lovely fat filled breakfast.

“I’m just going to have a word with Riley, let her know she can go out tonight,” He says after we have eaten.

“But… Won’t she be angry that your dating me?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “She knows that you’re younger than me. I’m pretty sure she knows all about you, but your name.” He assures me she will accept me. But I am less confident.

He leaves to go up to his sleeping daughter’s room, leaving me to think a million and one things.

Riley is the most popular girl in school and dating Adrian Bell for years. He was a year above us but is now in a local college.

They were the golden couple. Rich, perfect and spoke to no one with less money than them. Stuck up.

Clearly, yesterday was her first interaction with me. Then that was only to give me her address and tell me to come here, like I’m a slave or something.

I don’t like her, but I’ll be nice to her for Marshall’s sake.

“She was half asleep. I don’t know if she was listening properly.”

He holds out his hand, “Shall we?”


The car purrs and smells just like him.

As for the shopping. I think he is more excited than me. I really hate him spending money. But truth is I need most of the things he brought.

I try and mostly failed when he starts buying me unnecessarily things.

What made it worse is that we are in the posh mall and everything is at least one-hundred dollars plus.

We have two malls in our area. The posh one with expensive Boutiques and designer clothes. While the high street one is more affordable, mass produced clothes.

“Hello Mr Hawkins, we have them items in you ordered,” The plastic looking woman tells him cheerfully.

This is the third place that it has happened and he always gives them his keys to put the things in his car.

He just hands over his car keys to strangers and trusts them to bring them back. Who does that?

Again the keys come out and she calls a man who takes them and some boxes away.

“What is that all about? Are you opening a store or something? Riley’s birthday maybe?” I ask him curiously as he leads us to some fancy looking dresses.

“One or two bits are for her. She completely loves polka-dot print.” That is sweet that he knows her so well.

“But the rest I had on orders weeks ago, for you.”

“For me? I love you, Mars but I only had three outfits at my dad’s. I don’t need…” I stop speaking when I notice the surprise expression on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I look around. There isn’t anyone around us.

“You love me?”


“You said you love me.”

“I did?” I thought back. “I did…”

“Did you mean it?”

“Hmm… I’m not sure. I don’t know what love feels like,” I admit nervously.

He smiles and hugs me. “I think subconsciously you do, you’re just afraid to admit it. But don’t worry, I’ll never hurt you.”

I say nothing. We leave the store a short time later with a dress for tonight’s party.

It is midday before we are done. The car is full and we have just climbed in when his phone rings for the tenth time in as many minutes.

“Sorry, I’ll have to take this,” He says answering his phone.

Unlike my old phone I can’t hear the person on the other end.

“Don’t stress, Kit. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

The guy on the other end says something back.

“Yes, you know me. Be outside mine, I need help bringing things in first.”

Marshall laughs. “Of course. All the best for my lady,” He glances at me and winks.

“See you soon. Yep.” He hangs up the call and looks to me, kissing me before starting the car.

“That was my neighbor, Kit. The one who’s hosting the event tonight.”

“With the sleazy wife?”

“Yes, that’s the one,” He laughs.
“Well, someone hasn’t turned up and he needs help with he setting up.”

“You must be a good friend to help?”

“We’ve been friends since childhood. He’s great. I just don’t like his wife. They were together when they were much younger, but broke up after she miscarried. They got together again several years ago. He loves children, but she’s been told she can’t have them.”

“That’s sad.”

“Yeah. He was unsure about the baby at first but then she miscarried and he… It hit him hard and on top of that she broke up with him. I think he’s still mourning, which is why he gives his all to the children’s charity.”

“But his wife?”

“She’s a gold digger. She only cares about shopping. Yes, she makes out to be the face of the charity. But she does nothing. He works his job, runs the charity.

“She spends his money, flirts with anything with a pulse and then pretends she runs the charity when it’s time for an event.”

“She sounds like a bitch. Why is he with her? Surely he could find another woman?”

“Oh yes, he can. He is a real hit with the women. His wife doesn’t know, but when I was married and still having sex, we would often shared my ex.”

I stare mouth agape.

“It was just sex. I didn’t mind. I love him more than I did her,” He laughs.

“But seriously, losing his baby broke him. He dropped out of college and everything. Truth be told, I think he only got back with her because she reminded him of their daughter.”

“So she was pretty far along?”

“I think she had a couple of months left.”

“Poor man. He deserves better.”

“He does.”

“Does he know about me?”

“Of course. He helped me prepare our room.”

To say I am nervous about meeting such an important person in his life is an understatement. The man is as good as his brother.

“Don’t worry about Riley. I doubt we’ll see her until tomorrow. She’ll be at her boyfriend’s place,” He tell me as we drove into his long drive way.

He pulls up in front of the house.

When he climb out of the car a man seems to come from nowhere.

He is similar build and height to Marshall. Maybe a little taller.

He is dressed smartly, but with a more casually styled light brown hair and bright shinning blue eyes. He could be Marshall’s brother. They are both heart breakers.

“Thanks for this, Marsh,” The man gives Marshall a pat on the back.

He doesn’t seem to notice me. Marshall walks around the other side of the car and helps me out of the car. He had insisted I wait, because I’m his lady.

“Shall I just take these up?” The new man asks pulling armfuls of packages out of the car.

He looks up from the car as I step around the corner and his eyes widen slightly.

I didn’t fail to notice his eyes travel over me. But that has happened a lot today.

Especially since I got my new bra on which actually fits better than the old. Turns out I was wearing a too small size.

“You didn’t tell me you had a guest,” He say to Marshall but doesn’t look away from me.

He walks over to me. “Hello. You must be Chloe. I’m Kit Reed.”

I go to shake his hand but instead he kisses it.

“Hello. It’s nice to meet you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“Don’t worry, she knows everything,” Marshall say grabbing more boxes our of the car.


He nods his head.

“Marshall, you are luckily she hasn’t ran away.” Kit looks back to me. “You are a very beautiful woman. Don’t let my friends creepiness scare you away. He really does love you.”

I can’t help but laugh as the pair begin to bicker.

Ten minutes later and the car is empty.

“I didn’t buy all that. I just wanted bras,” I feel the need to explain so he doesn’t think I am a money grabber.

“Ha, don’t worry. I know this guy is a little nutty sometimes.”

“Chloe is mine and that’s all that matters,” Marshall say happily, taking my hand in his and walking to his neighbors equally large house.

“So you living together now?”

“Yes.” We don’t go into details.

Marshall tells his friend the story of how we officially met yesterday.

“So you’re in school with Riley? But not friends?”

“No. No offence, Mars, but she is really stuck up. Or that’s how she acts at school. She won’t acknowledge you unless you’re from a wealthy family.”

Marshall looks sad. “Yes. She used to be such a sweet girl. Friends with everyone. But since she began dating Adrian she has become – as you say it – a snob. Sadly his mom married Adrian’s dad a little while ago so she’s going the same way.” She is dating her stepbrother… That’s something new.

“She’s still young, Marsh. She still has time to find a better guy.”

I nod agreeing. “Adrian is a tool. He is so far up himself…” They laugh and finally we reach the house.

“So you run a children’s charity?” I ask Kit curiously.

“Yes. It helps provide local child with safe places to go, among other things. I could tell you all about it later?”

I nod. I could have done with somewhere like that after mom left.

My mom was never the most nurturing, dad looked after me as long as I can remember but after she left he seemed to lose it.

“It’s an amazing thing you’re doing.” We walk into the house and Kit starts explaining what needs doing.

As we walk down the hall my eyes catch a huge portrait on the wall of a very familiar woman.

“That’s my wife,” Kit tells seeing me staring.

“You’re wife?” I stare at him blankly.

He nods. “Al.” “Opal.” We say at the same time.

He looks at me genuinely curious.
“Yes, but she doesn’t like that name.” He looks to Marshall. “I didn’t tell her.”

“You know my wife?”

“Are you the property developer?” I ask trying to keep my voice normal.

Could this man really be my real father?

Marshall looks at me confused. “I never told you that. How do you know Al, Princess?”

“She’s…” I stop when I hear the clicking of heals.

“Oh, Marshall, you’re here,” The all too familiar voice says.
I look to see her. She looks at me and instantly recognizes me.

“Who’s this young girl with you?” She tries to make out she doesn’t know me.

“You know full well who I am, mom!”

The guys looks confused.

“What? I’m not your mother. I’ve never had a child. My only child died and left me unable to have anymore.” She wipes away a fake tear while trying to look sad.

I laugh. “You had dad, or should I say Jason, pay for an hysterectomy after I was born so no more accidents would happen.”

She tries to deny it.

“OK, then how do I know you have a scar on your stomach for surgery?”

“That is from a car accident. I don’t know what you are trying to do, but you aren’t getting money out of me!”

“Money? I don’t want your fucking money. I wish you were fucking dead. I hate you. You ruined my life.”

“Calm down, Chloe, I am sure you must be mistaken,” Marshall tries to help.

“Opal Grant born the twelfth of December nineteen-seventy-seven. Only child. Natural red head. A toad tattoo on her hip because of a bet. One daughter, Chloe Jax. Born the fifteen of September two-thousand and one.”

She tries to place her hand over my mouth but Marshall stops her.

“Did you know she married another man?”

Kit seems in a world of his own.

“A husband she never divorced.”

“Shut up, Chloe! Fine, I’m your mom. You’ve ruined enough!” She snaps.

“Just go home to your dad.”

“Hang on…” Marshall look between Opal and Kit and then to me.

“He said…” He thought out loud. “Is Chloe Kit’s daughter?”

She looks scares. Kit’s head snaps up and he stares at her.

“I spoke to your ex yesterday after he tried to sell her to his friend. He said you were already pregnant when you got together. That her father was your new man.”

“N.. No.. No,” She stutter. “He was lying.” She pull on my arm and whisper to me, “I should have aborted you when I had a chance.”

“She’s my daughter?” Kit ask and she let go of me. I took my chance to leave.

I left the house hearing her denying everything to him.

“Chloe, Princess, wait!” Marshall catches me by the arm.

“Tell Kit I’m sorry. I didn’t know…”

“I know, I know, Princess.” He hug me against him.

“I know Kit. He’ll be more worried about you.” We sit on the doorstep of the house.

“I can perform a DNA test if you really want to know?”

“You can?” I look at him glossy eyed.

“You have donated blood at the clinic, as has Kit. If they still have some I’ll have them test them at my lab. We’ll have the results in an hour.”

I decide to hang out at Marshall’s while he helps Kit and while we await the results.

Reentering the house, apparently Opal had brain washed Kit that I was her step not biological daughter. He is mad but understands.

Marshall believes me thankfully.
No way I’m staying at his friend’s to be called a liar. I know the truth.

“I know what she did is wrong and you think of her as your mom, but she isn’t and I’m not your father. Our daughter died,” Those were his words to me. Basically a polite ‘fuck off.’

Marshall wanted to stay with me but he had already promised to help his friend. I didn’t want to come between them, so I am staying out of the way.

I end up on our bed sulking, feeling sorry for myself.

Less than an hour since his call to the lab and telling me what I already know.

“Kit’s your dad. I can’t believe it.”

I stay quiet.

“Do you want to come with me to tell him?”

“You haven’t told him yet?”

“No, I wanted to tell you first.”

I can’t help but smile. “Thank you, Mars. But I don’t want to see him. I told him and he called me a liar. I will be polite and go to his party with you. I will pretend I don’t know them. But I do not wish to see him apart from that.”

He looks sad. “I understand, princess. I don’t want you upset.” He kisses me.

“I’ll just go back quickly and tell him. I’ll make us some lunch.”

He kisses me again and makes sure I am alright before leaving.

I lay there playing with my new phone Marshall had brought me.
Looking at anything to distract me.

Five minutes later and I hear footsteps in the stairs.

“Mars, what time…” I stop when I saw Kit. He stop in the doorway.

“Marshall isn’t here.” I try to remain emotionless.

“I know. I came to see you. He threatened to beat me if I upset me,” He say the last part with a smile.

“I am not interested in speaking to you. You can go.”

He walks closer, his smile gone.

“You’re my daughter.”

“I know. I told you. You called me a liar and choose to believe that gold digging whore!” I snap at him.

“She’s my wife.”

“Go back to her. Maybe you can get her to divorce dad so you can marry her legally.”

“I’m your dad!” He snaps approaching my side of the bed.

A little scared, I sit up and went to back away but he grabs me.

I am about to scream but all he does was hold me against him, holding me, hugging me.

“I love you so much, baby girl. I thought you were dead.”

He sits down with me and I feel water drip on my head. It is Kit, he is crying.

I don’t know how to react. A little while ago I was thinking how handsome he is and now he’s my father.

“I am so sorry. I should have listened to you, my beautiful baby girl.”

He places a kiss on my forehead.

I look up at him.

Now I can see the resemblance. He has the same hair color and eyes as me.

“Forgive me, Chloe? Please?” It is as though he can see deep into my soul.

I nod. “But mom won’t be happy.”

He smiles. “Forget her. I have my lawyer and men fixing it now.”


He cups my cheek. “She ruined our lives by keeping us apart,” He kisses my cheek. “My whole life, it’s been for you.” Another kiss.

“But she’ll be angry, try and take your money.”

He smiles. “I love you too, baby girl. But don’t worry. If she tries anything I’ll have her arrested for bigamy. She’ll be gone by tonight.”

“But don’t you love her?”

“No. I cared for her. Or at least the woman she pretended to be. I was with her for you.”

“For me?” He is a little strange like his friend, who just so happens to be watching us with a smile in the doorway.

“I love you. I’ve only ever loved you.”

I go to speak but he presses a lingering kiss on my lips.

It should feel disgusting. But it feels almost like kissing Mars.

I glance at Marshall, who was still smiling.

Kit looks to him and smiles widely.

“You helped me find my baby. Thank you, Marsh. You are amazing.”

Marshall smirks.

“Of course, I am. I am going to marry Chloe,” He says walking over, taking my lips into a deep kiss as my new father holds me on his lap.

“But I never imagined she could be your daughter. I should have known. You have the same eyes,” Marshall says looking between us.

“I want to spend as much time as possible with my baby, Marsh. Knowing how much you love her I will not make her stay at my house. But I would like to come around more often.” Kit has one arm around my waist and the second hand stroking my neck.

Call me weird, but it is making me wet.

I lean my head against his shoulder and relax.

“You are here most of the time anyway. You are welcome anytime.”

He leans over and kisses me again. I moan feeling Kit’s breath of my neck.

I am embarrassed, but neither mention it.

Kit is pretty strange. I’m certain fathers don’t normally hold their daughter’s as they make out with their boyfriend’s.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty eventful.

Opal made a scene and refused to leave. She even threatened to kill me.

Kit called the cops and she was arrested, charged with bigamy, breaching the peace, threatening behavior and a few other things.

Between Kit and Mars I’m surprised I got to go to the toilet by myself.

They are very clingy.

“Someone is coming around in ten minutes to help you get ready,” Mars told me before sending me home.

Not that I minded too much, it gave me a break and hopefully I’d learn something from the person. I’ve never worn make-up before. Well, minus lip gloss but that doesn’t count.

The party is in three hours and I thought I’d be sat around for ages.

Two and a half hours later and I had been wax, plucked, made up and my hair styled.

With the dress and shoes I don’t recognize myself.

I look like a curvy beautiful woman.

Looking down at myself, I laugh. I can’t see my toes. Nothing new about that. But the new bra and dress made me look like I have had a breast enlargement.

A hushed voice comes from behind me and I turned to my helper to see her talking on the phone.

“Dr Hawkins is waiting for you in the lobby.”

I nod and she goes a head of me. I follow a minute later.

At the bottom of the stairs Marshall is waiting. He is already in a dinner suit.

Hearing my heels, he turns to me and his jaw drops.

“Chloe… Oh, Chloe. You are a dream.”

He walks over leaning down and giving me a kiss.

“If we didn’t to be at this do, I’d rip this dress off and fuck you right here.”

He leans down and kisses the top of my breasts. “Maybe I will anyway.”

I laugh, taking a step back. “And then Kit will come to find us and see you fucking his daughter. I’m sure he’d love that,” I joke.

“I don’t think he’ll mind too much.”

I ignore the comment and we walk the short distance to Kit’s house. They have a gate between the properties. Otherwise we’d have a long walk around.

At least two dozen cars already sit outside.

The door is answered by an unfamiliar man. But he notice Marshall and let us inside.

Walking into the house we are met by Kit. He not only was dressed the same as Marshall, he also had the same reaction.

He mumbles something under his breath what sounded like, “I’m going to hell.”

He smiles and walks over. “You look so very beautiful, Chloe.” He pulls me into a hug and places another lingering kiss on my lip.

He pulls his lips back. But continue to stare at me as though I am the most precious jem in the world.

“My beautiful, baby girl. I love you.” He strokes my cheek and another lingering kiss.

I’m not certain, but I think I can feel something poking me.

Oh fuck! Has he got an erection?

Another person arrived and he sighs.

“I have to greet my guests.” Another kiss and stroke. “I will see you soon, baby girl.”

He left to greet his guests.

Marshall places his hand on my back and we walked slowly in the right direction.

“Do you kiss your daughter like that?” I ask him curiously.

“Hell no. She’d slap me if I did,” He laughs. “I love my daughter. But not that much.”

“What do you mean?”

He stops and leads me to a quiet corner.

“Kit loves you more than anything. He confessed to me earlier than he is extremely sexually attracted to you.”

I am surprised even though I had an idea already.

“He won’t do anything though. He would never force you to do anything.”


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Avry Kitchen
Avry Kitchen
2 years ago

Loved it

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