Chapter 4

Third-person pov

“Will you go out with me, Riley?” A naive thirteen year old, girl she thought all her Christmases had come at once when a popular freshman from the local high school asked her out.

At first things were good, as expected, dates at cinemas, local diner and messaging each other all the time.

She had known him for a while before dating him since he had attended the junior high with her and her friends for a while. All the girls in school had a crush on him because he was the stereotypical jock. Even in his early teens he was well built and rivalled guys older than him.

A couple of months and he began to get more possessive.
‘Where are you? Who are you with?’ Was a typical message she would receive a few times a day, normally when she didn’t message back quick enough.

It’s fine, he’s my boyfriend. He’s worried, it’s normal, She told herself.

The first time her dad met him it was clear he didn’t like him.

But dads never like their daughter’s boyfriends, right?

A guy with a golden tongue, he won her mom over quickly. He had away with words, lots of confidence and charisma.

A little possessive and not keen on her being friends with other guys. But things seemed to be good until she got into high school. Spending most of the day together, things changed, but not for the better.

He picked her up from her house and drove her home, the same with classes. Even if it made him late he’d meet her and walk her to her next class. He even walked her to the girls restrooms and waited outside. If she was too long he’d knock on the door and send a girl in to check on her.

It became embarrassing for her. She tried to speak to him multiple times but he always turned it around and made her feel like she was overreacting.

It only got worst. By the age of fifteen she was already regretting dating him. But she knew better than to voice her regrets and concerns. To their friends and everyone else he could do no wrong and was the epitome of perfect. Riley and him were soulmates, according to him and others. Everyone else was planning her life. She’d marry and move in with him after she finished school.

The idea of spending her life with the controlling man terrified her. He even controlled who she spoke too. He’d outright ignore anyone he deemed less than them. Including some people she used to be good friends with. She tried in the beginning to be polite but social pressure from Adrian and their friends (who followed his example) and she started doing the same afraid of being a no one and having no friends.

Social pressure and stupidity kept them together.

Then her parents announced their separation. Surprised, but they explained honestly to her. Whereas they did care for one another, they weren’t in love. In fact her mom had been seeing someone for a while with her husband’s blessing.

They made it clear they would divorce, but due to legal reasons they had to be separated for a time first. It was only shortly after that her mom introduced Riley to her boyfriend and his son. It was Adrian’s father Miles. Nice enough he clearly loved her mom and was kind with her. Like his son, he is stuck up. But he gives a lot to charities. Serious, the couple announced their engagement slightly afterwards.

Adrian’s attitude only got worse. “You can’t have children,” He told his dad and her mom. The couple just shrugged it off, not thinking too much about it. But he told his girlfriend privately repeatedly how he hated babies and never wanted any. “You will have your tubes tied when we get married.”

She was shocked. “No,” She tried to say. She wants children, just not with him. She had no intention of marrying him. He wasn’t abusive to her, but controlling and she just didn’t like him much.

“Yes, you will,” He told her with a expression which terrified her. She just nodded, but had no intention.

Date nights and nights staying at her mom’s new house became a nightmare. Every time he had her alone he’d try and pressure her into having sex with him and every time she’d say no he’d end up screaming at her. She always ended up terrified and crying. The next morning he’d always act like nothing happened and be his normal self.

She fell deeper into depression but no one seemed to notice. But she didn’t blame her parents. Her mom was busy planning her wedding and her dad was always working and pursuing a new woman he was completely in love with.

When he finished school and went off to college she thought he’d get bored of her and find another girl or at least she’d be able to break up with him. But no. If anything he only became more controlling. She had to call him during every break and walking between classes. He always seemed to know what she was doing, even if she didn’t tell him.

She suspected he had spies but wasn’t certain who.

She passed the days faking smiles and enthusiasm when all she wanted to do was cry. She watched old friends and people she wished she could be friends with enviously.

Everything came to a head on her mother’s wedding day.

Adrian was his father’s best man and Riley was her mother’s bridesmaid.

The ceremony was great, Riley didn’t have to interact with her boyfriend all morning before or the day before. She hadn’t even messaged him thanks to her mother’s no phone rule.

The peace she felt just spending the day with her mother and a few of her mother’s friends without having to worry was amazing. It made her realize how bad things really were and she decided the first chance she got she’d finish things with him, no matter what.

That chance came after the cake cutting. Everything was being held in a large country manor house owned by one of Adrian’s father’s friends. It was regularly rented out for weddings and events. Riley had done her best trying to avoid Adrian since the ceremony finished. She had spend most of the day talking with most of the guests, introducing herself and catching up with family. Knowing how antisocial Adrian really was she knew he’d do his best to avoid as many as possible. Though when he did speak he was charismatic. She felt his eyes on her the whole time.

After having a slice of cake Adrian approached her and sweetly asked to have a word in private.

Excusing herself, she followed him into a side room. Only once there his smile slipped and he gave her a look that terrified her.

Before she could chicken out of it she blurted out, “I don’t want to be with you anymore!”

“No. This is your whore of a mother’s doing.” He had never spoken bad about her mother before. Almost as though she hadn’t just told him she wanted to break up he began speaking about their wedding next year and how she wouldn’t wear slutty dress like her mother’s.

It was a normal floor length dress, no hint of cleavage.

“NO!” She snapped and his angry expression returned. “I would never marry you, even if you were the last man left. I HATE YOU! We are over!” Rushing out of the room, terrified, she moved into the hallway the staff take and took the back way up to her room, knowing he’d never think she’d head that way since it is beneath them.

Hearing hurried footsteps she rushed tripping over her feet, falling to her knees.

“Riley!” Someone rushed up to her, kneeling besides her. “What’s wrong, Riley?” It was her cousin, Jasper aka Fox. Their mothers are twin sisters. But she hadn’t spoken to him in years, probably as long as she had been dating. Adrian dislike him because he is very nerdy and a major geek. Tall and slim with dark hair and eyes and glasses. Adrian saw him as unworthy of their attention.

“Adrian… He… I don’t want him to find me.” She didn’t realize until then that she was crying hard.

A look of understanding crossed his face. Standing up, he lent down and picked her up with ease. “You can stay in my room.” She hugged him and cried in his arms.

Entering his room, like a hotel the doors had locks. He locked the door before moving to his bed and sitting down with her on his lap.

She cried for what felt like forever before telling him everything that she had been to afraid to anyone else.

He listened intently, shocked at what he learned.

“I always thought you were so happy. I guess that’s what he wanted.”

“I don’t want him to find me. Can I stay with you, Fox? I feel safe you.”

He smiled, brushing a little of her blonde hair out of her eyes he kissed her forehead. “Your always safe with me, Ree. I promise.”

Their eyes contacted and it was as though she was seeing him for the first time. He was in fact incredibly handsome.

She had the most overwhelming urge to kiss him and that is what she did.

She pulled back briefly to see his surprise before kissing him again. Only this time he kissed her back. It was explosive, unlike any kiss she had with her ex.

Quickly things heated up and before they knew it they were naked and have had sex.

“That was…” He began to say.
“Amazing,” She finished, placing a kiss on his surprisingly toned chest.

“Yes. But surprising.” She agreed.

“You were a virgin too?” He asked as she lay naked in his arms.

“Yes. I wanted it to be with someone special.”

“Thank you. It was special to me too.”

“I just have one question. Where… No, why did you have condoms in your wallet?”

He laughed awkwardly. “My dad is convinced me and Chloe are going to end up together. He made me put them in there.” She knew who Chloe was but hadn’t ever really spoken to her. She knew Fox and her had been friends since they were young.

“Are you?” She asked feeling a little jealous.

“You mean me and Chloe?” He laughed. “No way! I love her and she is sweet and beautiful. But neither of us see one another like that. She is one of my best friends but that is all. Anyway, aren’t we together now?”

A smile spread across her face and she nodded her head. “Yes. I want that.” But then a thought crossed her mind. “But can we keep it quiet for a while? I don’t want Adrian finding out and blaming you for our break up.” He quickly agreed.

Staying there that night and returning home the next, Riley spend the remaining day with her cousin. Thankfully their parents didn’t miss them. Most of the younger teens and children went to bed long before many of the adults.

Though Riley did hear her ex storming the corridors, he didn’t do anything to make a scene.

In fact the next day she was able to miss him completely and return to her and her father’s house.

She blocked her ex’s number but he found ways around it. She ignored them and spoke to Fox nonstop.

She told him her suspicions of being watched at school and Fox agreed to keep it on the down low.

Over the following months the new couple met up regularly, either at his house or a motel and regularly started having sex. Though they had trouble with condoms, learning not all condoms are suitable for girthy men. It ended in several split condoms. But she always washed herself afterwards, so was confident they were safe.

When at her mother’s Adrian always acted as though they were still a couple. She told him in every way possible they weren’t but he ignored it and she did her best never to be alone with him. Even locking her bedroom door at night and when alone.

She wanted to tell people about her and Fox but she was scared. She discovered Adrian had been following her after she received a threatening message about talking to boys.

She told Fox about the threatening messages and he wanted to tell her father. But she insisted she’d deal with it.

Months passed and after missing a couple of periods Riley discovered she was pregnant. Fox and she were both shocked but happy.

Unlike Adrian, he wanted children and she wanted to marry him.

She loved Fox in a way she could never have dream of. He was her soulmate.

Trying to figure out how to tell their parents, the first thing she did was quit the cheer team.

After another slew of abusive messages, she discovered her so called friends had been the ones reporting to her ex.

She and Fox were sat at a local park, somewhere Adrian never normal went when he appeared out of nowhere.

He started yelling abuse at Fox and tried to jump him and beat him. He had somehow found out not only were they together, but she was pregnant and he blamed all on Fox.

They got away without a scratch but knew it wasn’t the end. Heading to Fox’s house, he told his parents and they told him to break up with her because ‘she’s your cousin.’ But he had no intention. He loved her and she loved him.

Fox began driving her home to attend a study session with Chloe when she received a message.

He was following them. Again they managed to lose him. But she was terrified and had Fox drive and hid out with her at a motel. Only returning to her house late the next day. He stayed with her but hid in her bathroom when he father was around.

They knew he had his new girlfriend around and attending a charity event his friend and neighbour was hosting, so decided to tell him and Fox’s parents the next day.

Only after heading out to grab some clear clothes from his parents and tell them he wasn’t ending things with Riley, she received another message.

Not only was Adrian threatening to rape her but also threatening to end her baby’s life. Hysterical they drove back to her house where she told her father the truth, he and his friend when to comfort Adrian while her father’s new girlfriend, Chloe, Fox’s friend took care of them.

Riley quickly realized why her dad and his friend had fallen for her and Fox was her friend. She is the sweetest, kindest person.

She adored her and they became fast friends.


Chloe’s pov

Riley’s mom spent the evening speaking to her sister about Fox and Riley. Her guess was true she was worried about genetic issues with any children they would have. But after the assurance from Mars that the chances are minimal she seemed to change her mind.

In our state marriages to a first cousin is allowed. So that is what we have been doing. Riley and I looking at dresses and Fox has moved in officially.

We don’t have to go to school but have to finish online classes. The stress her ex put her through had damaged her scores but between me and Fox I know we can get them back up.

As for the dreaded ex, he refused to go to camp at first until his father threatened him with the police for murdering his unborn sibling and threatening Riley and her baby.

Adrian broke down crying and begging not to go when he realized how set his father was.

But Miles didn’t take it and sent him away to camp crying. We all laughed at this and Miles confirmed he was indeed cutting his son off, even in the unlikely chance he gets through camp without a record, his words.

He literally despises his son with a burning rage.

He is planning on changing his will to leave everything to his wife, equal shares for their children, Riley and any future babies included. But not Adrian.

“Maybe we can make a joint nursery for ours and your baby for when they are born? That way they can sleep together.” Riley is convinced I’m pregnant but just don’t know it. That hers, mine and her mom’s babies will be best friends and go to school together. The guys aren’t helping her any.

“Yes. We are getting plans drawn up for this house to be connected to Kit’s. I’ll have them draw plans for a nursery close enough to both our rooms. And have a new bigger room built for you.”

Kit had offered that she and Fox could live him his house as their own (though it would still be in his name) but they said no. She loves living with her father and wasn’t planning on moving anytime soon.

This doesn’t bother me, as long as I get alone time with my men.

Also I hear from Kit that my bio mom contacted her first husband from prison begging for help. Apparently he agreed. Little does she know how much he’s changed. Her life is going to be hell when she finally gets out to him.

I don’t feel sorry for her though, she’s a bitch.

Using his resources, Mars brought home a ultra sound machine to monitor Riley’s pregnancy. He is really excited about the baby. He’s also hopeful about us having one, but said there’s no rush.

If the amount he and Kit are with me is a thing then I’ll be pregnant in no time too.

But honestly, I am fine if I get pregnant, but can wait.

Only a month after going to camp Miles received a phone call from the police. Not only had Adrian been on almost constant punishment duty for disobeying orders, he had also been very arrogant with the other campers.

He not only bragged about causing his step mother’s miscarriage, but also bragged how he planned to kill this one and Riley’s baby.

The other campers had given him a good beating before they could be stopped and Adrian could be taken away.

He has been arrested and is under police guard until he can be moved to a police cell and formally questioned.

His father has refused to pay any medical or legal fees. No doubt more tears are in the bully boy’s future.


No one was surprised when Adrian was found guilty sent to prison for when he did. But he received much longer sentence for yelling at the judge, punching a police officer and his lawyer, a woman.

In prison I can only see his sentence increasing or him getting hurt for acting uppity with the other prisoners.

Even less surprising, I am pregnant with not one but two babies. Mars and Kit like to say they are both daddies. They are fraternal so it’s possible.

I am due almost three months after Riley and weeks after her mother. But I’ve been warned twins often come early, so most of us are expecting them around the same time as Marian.

Kit literally cried tears of joy learning about the pregnancy and Mars wasn’t much different.

Despite their insistence that I’d fall pregnant they were surprised.

Mars suggested we push the wedding back to after the twins birth. But rejected that. I want to be married, to all have the same surnames.

The guys, me and our future children will have the surname Reed-Hawkins.

If the guys were protective before they were even more so now.

They wanted me with them both all the time, but it wasn’t realistic.

I ended up spending a lot of time with a lot of time with Riley and Fox.

A year ago I had only wished to be free of the man I thought was my dad.

But today I am married to two of the kindest and most loving men I have ever know. With two baby sons, Ash and Grey, a step daughter who is now one of my best friends and my other best friend is my son in law. I am a step grandmother – this always makes me laugh when I see peoples expressions – to a beautiful chunky monkey called Bruce.

I even have a friendship with Marshall’s ex wife Marian and her husband.

He can be arrogant. But he doesn’t do it maliciously like his eldest. Marian is just as sweet as her eldest daughter. Her daughter, Francis was born within days of my sons.

We regularly have mother and baby days, where we all hang out and let our babies have tummy time together. They can’t do much else at this age.

As for all Riley so called friends, many have reached out to her but not a single one could help but give their opinion on her husband and baby. Most asking why would she choose her over her ex? This after the truth became public knowledge.

She blocked everyone of their numbers, shut down her social media accounts.

Her old friends seem like the type to marry an old man or abusive man for money. Then cry and act surprised when they hit them. I never cared about them in the past but now I hate them and hope they all get wake up calls before they end up in an abusive relationship.

One thing that did come out of it is that she has reconnected with many of her old friends Adrian had forced her to cut off. All have been amazing and very forgiving. Many tears on both sides.

As For Adrian, After the news of his arrest came out and sentencing with announced several girls, juniors – freshmen when he was a senior – and some girls from his college came forwards. He had acted the sweet guy part like he did in the beginning with Riley. The freshman girls had all been new to the school at the time and didn’t know he was dating Riley.

He made them promise not to say anything to anyone and took them on a date. Only the date was in his car in some deserted corner where he raped them.

His case was due in court in the next few weeks.

Out of guilt, Miles wanted to give the girls money. But his lawyer told him not to because it could be seen as bribing a victim. But that wasn’t his intention. He wanted his son in prison. He just wanted to help the girls. Instead he anonymously paid for all their lawyers and medical fees.

But none of that mattered. Only a month into his sentence he angered the wrong person and was jumped in the toilets.

He isn’t dead, but is dead brained. He has been moved to a psychiatric facility for criminal. Basically a prison for the insane and mentally handicapped.

Despite everything his father was upset but knew it was for the best.

But all isn’t bad. After many years of indecision Fox has decided he wants to become a Paediatrician and Riley wants to be a dietician. She loves sports but can’t see herself doing anything professional. Mars was beyond pleased and helping them look into colleges nearby.

We live near some good schools, so that isn’t a problem. We have finished high school, but we are all taking a year off to look after the babies.

As for me, I am not sure what I want to doing with my future. For now I am thinking of taking a few years off to look after all our children until they are school age.

Lastly my mom, last I heard she is still serving time but has reconciled with Jason. He is acting nice and polished himself up to see her in prison. But from what I’ve heard a he hasn’t changed at all. He is just waiting to have her back home and under his control.

I feel a little bad for her, though I know I shouldn’t.

I know she won’t listen but I decided to send her a warning letter. If she ignores it then so be it, I can live with a clear conscious. Something she can’t say.

“How is my best wife and family?” Kit says stealing kiss. Kit is always smiling. I mean always. Apparently he was pretty gloomy, rarely smiled. Many people had complimented on how happy and Mars is.

“Mommy is tired with very sore nipples,” I say as he picks up the boys.

Mars joins us and kisses me before looking from the boys to me. “Has Ash been misbehaving again?”

“Yep.” Both boys are teething. Grey is happy chewing on a teething toy but Ash is after flesh. Usually his brother’s fingers. For that reason we have been trying to keep Ash in a separate cot but he cries when he isn’t with his brother. It’s all trial and error. We have been trying anti scratch mittens and it seems to be working.

“We definitely know which is the evil twin at least,” Mars jokes kissing both boys foreheads.

“Naughty devil baby,” He jokes tapping the baby’s nose with his finger making Ash smile.

“I’ve got you some nipple shields. Hopefully they will help.”

I watch my husbands with a smile on my face as they sit on the ground and play with our sons.

Never in my life did I ever think I would be so lucky.

I love my family and can’t wait to see what the future brings.


This is the last part unless I think of anything else to add.


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Tisha Edwards
Tisha Edwards
2 years ago

I LOVE this story! Thank you for writing it and sharing it with all of us

Avry Kitchen
Avry Kitchen
2 years ago

I love how descriptive you are

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