Chapter 5

A familiar male popped up on the screen. “Aaron,” I whispered to myself.

“Hey Snow. I miss you,” The familiar voice echoed around the metal plated room.

“I don’t know if you remember what happened or if you are ever going to get this but I wanted to make it just in case.” I felt someone’s breath on the back of my neck, but I didn’t move and continued to watch the video as if no one was there.

“Mr Marshall …” He went on to explain how our boss had contacted him after the accident and due to some unforeseen side effects they were forced to put me stasis.

“I am going to place this and a few other Memory sticks with you because we have no idea if or when we will be capable of waking you safely. All yours and our research will be on them and a few other bits because I love you,” He winked and I felt the breath on my neck get more harder as if angry.

“This is the first of a bunch of videos I’m going to make, so be prepared because things are gonna get fancy. But hopeful we’ll be able to wake you soon and we can get you laid, because no one wants to end up with a sealed box.” I chuckled and mumbled to myself. “Such a weirdo.”

His expression changed from a smirk to sorrow and that is when I noticed the tears in his eyes. “I really miss you, Snow… You wake up. I can’t do this without you.” Tears fell down his face. “I don’t know what to tell them. They keep asking about you. I’m trying to get clearance for them, but it’s taking so long,” He tries to compose himself and dry his face.

“But don’t worry, I am sure I will have better news for you by the next video.” He wore a small forced smile. “Remember, no matter what happens that we love you.”

That’s when it hit me, as the first video ended… They are all dead. My mom, my dad, my brother, my stupid boss, even my pet turtle – Deluxe – was dead.

“Who was that?” Koya asks not seeing the tears falling down my face.

“Aaron,” I say quietly trying to control my emotions. I don’t want to break down in front of a bunch of aliens. What will they think? They know I care? I don’t know, but I do. I don’t want them to think I’m just a weak human.

But it is hard.

“Aaron… Was that your mate?” She asks sadly and again hard breath on my neck.

I can’t help but chuckle at that and quickly wipe my tears away before she can see.

“No. That was my brother.” Her mouth forms an oh.

“Why does he call you Snow when your name is Amber?” She asks again.

“It’s just a nickname.” She tilts her head slightly not understanding.

“It’s just a thing my people do sometimes. Mostly to people they love,” I try to explain but not very well.

“Oh okay… You and your brother were close?”

“Yes, we lived and worked together before…” I trail off.

“He was smart too then? Did you or he have mates?”

“Very smart. No mates. Well, my brother had a lot…” I remember his many conquests.

“More than one?” Ty and she look confused.

“Yes. Humans… That is my race. They don’t have one set mate, they can mate with whoever they want. A lot eventually settle with one, others have a different one every week,” I explain.

“Really?” She asks not entirely believing.

“Yes. Anyone. They could choose.”

“And your brother mated many different females?” Ty asks intrigued.

“Not females.” I turned to see confused looks and Phe standing very close.

I mentally composed myself, he is the one breathing on my neck but I could have guessed that.

“But you said he mated many?” Koya asks confused.

“He liked the same sex… He liked to mated other males.” Wide eyes from all three, even Phe.

“Males? How?” He asks.

“You don’t have that here? No male male mated or female female mates?”

“Female female? I don’t under how that would work,” Koya thinks out loud.

“Maybe, I’ll explain it all another time. I am guessing menage mates don’t happen even?” I joke but they don’t understand.

“Menage. Three people,” I explain again. I can see they want to ask how but I answer first. “I’ll tell you another time. I’m hungry. Do you have any food or water?” I ask. “I can help you with these more after,” I suggest.

“Yes. I have checked with my mother and she said that you are capable of processing our nutrition’s,” Phe tells me in a very professional voice.

“I will take her. You and Ty go rest,” He orders.

“Thank you, Brother … Amber. See you later,” Koya takes her mates hand.

“Goodbye, Amber” Ty says and they leave the room.

“Follow me,” Phe tells me and leads me out of the door to a lift and another floor. Not speaking at all until we reach another room. But staring at me almost the entire time.

We enter the new room and the door closes behind you, another one of those like in the room I woke up in. One which when closed just looked like a normal wall, but other than that the room was completely different. Different than anywhere else I have seen on the ship so far.

I stand in awe looking around the room.

“Do you like it?” The question brought me out of my temporary trance.

“Yes. It’s beautiful,” I says without looking back.

It looks almost like an apartment. The best way I can describe it is Star Trek TNG meets Victorian England. It sounds really weird, but it is the opposite. It is like nothing I have ever seen before.

“I am glad,” He sounds some what relieved.

“Is this your room?” I ask realizing it looks like someone’s personal and not a group room.

He turns to me with a nervous expression, “Yes. I thought it would be more comfortable for you to consume nutrition’s privately,” He answers back leading me into a medium sized room which contains what looks like a dining table and two chairs and a strange panel on the wall.

“Take a seat and I will have them send food down,” He tells me.

He began tapping random buttons on the panel and a few moments later three large platters and a large jug of blue coloured liquid appears on the table making me jump slightly.

“Where did they come from?” I ask wondering if it was something like a food replicator or something.

He smile for the first time since we were alone last time. “They sent it in from the galley,” He went into the other room and returns a few seconds later with two clear triangular tumbler glasses. Then pours some of the liquid into them and passes one to me.

“Drink, it will not harm you,” He tells me.

I take a sip, the taste is indescribable. “This is good.” I take another drink. “What is it?”

“Oud Juice,” He points to one of many fruit type foods on one of the platters.

On the other platters I have no idea what it is.

“Eat.” Nodding towards the platters.

Slowly I begin eating from the different platters, but decide to leave the fruit one until last.

Eating the strange foods, they taste good. But I am still none the wiser about what I have just eaten.

“Aren’t you eating?” I ask noticing he is just watching me.

“No. This is for you” He says taking another sip of the Oud juice.

“Are you crazy?” I look at the table “It would take me two months just to eat half of this,” I exclaim.

“You need to eat though,” He tells me.

“I am already full. Now I am just being greedy,” I admit with a sheepish smile.

“But you barely ate anything?” He says surprised.

“I don’t know about you, but most humans eat two or three of medium to small meals everyday and that is enough.” I watch his reaction, he seems surprised. “You eat this much normally?” I point to the table.

“No. Less, but I thought you would be more hungry because of your sleep. But I do eat a lot more than you,” He admits this time.

“Good,” I stand up and grab his arm. “Then you can eat too,” I try to pull him with me but he seems to be frozen for a second before reacting.

I have a mouth full of everything, including the fruit. One actually tasted a little like chocolate, strange but true. But looked more like a green strawberry.

We leave the dining area only minutes later. I am surprised to see how much Phe ate. I guess his race burns more than humans.

He leads me back into the living type area which we stood in when we first entered.

I sit on a small sofa type chair and he moments later on another one, staring at me with an almost glare.

I frown, “If I am your mate then why don’t you like me?” I ask unable to control myself.

He frowns this time and shuffles in his seat. “What makes you think I do not like you?”

I laugh, “You’re joking right?” His blank expression tells me otherwise. I sighs, “You don’t speak to me. You glare at me and act like you have to be nice. And you never go near me!” I exclaim.

“I did not mean to act that way. I am just trying to give you time to think. I do not want to pressure you into accepting the mating,” He sounds slightly worried.

“Do you want me as a mate or is it just because you have to accept or you’ll be alone?” I ask straight out.

His mouth opens and closes.

“I’ll take that as you have too,” I mumble, feeling strangely disappointed.

“No!” He stands up quickly and rushes over to me. “I do not have to, but even if I had a choice of mate like you do I would still choose you.” He looks like he wants to touch me but doesn’t.

“You are the most beautiful creature… female I have ever seen.” My heart jumps a beat.

“Have you seen your sister and mother? If your other females look like that then I hardly believe your words”

“It’s true” He crouches down and looks deep into my blue eyes with his golden one.

“You are stunningly beautiful and not just because you are my mate,” He says breathlessly, he glances down at my lips but still seems unsure about touching me.

Without thinking I grab the back of his head and crash my lips into his.


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