Chapter 7

When Bee woke up the next morning, she felt like she was on fire between her legs.

Oliver had made love to her multiple times during the night and that with the fact that it was her first time had taken its toll.

“Rosie?” His familiar voice for her attention as she opened her eyes.
“What is the matter, my love? Are you ill?”

She quickly came to the conclusion that he must have seen her wincing as she turned.

“I’m okay, Oliver,” She assured him but he didn’t seem convinced.
“Are you certain? Do you need to a doctor to be sent for?”

She couldn’t help but smile at the worry and kindness he was showing her. “Honesty, I am good. Just a bit sore after last night,” She admitted shyly, though she was curious how he intended on getting a doctor to visit.

It took a moment but realization crossed his face. Only for an even more distressed expression to replaced it.

“I hurt you. I was too rough. I am sorry, my love. I will gentler next time… That is if you want to do it again,” He began to ramble.

She couldn’t help but smile. “Of course I want too. I would be on top of you now if my… Bits weren’t on fire, but they are,” She confessed. Still seeing no change in his expression she came to the realization… “Oh, I completely forgot… Education was much different in your time.” He only looked more confused.

“In modern day schools not only are the lessons mixed boys and girls but they also teach sex education… That is unless the parents say otherwise.”

“You had teachers instruct you on male, female relations?” He asked in shock.

“Ha ha. Not exactly. But they give you a rough guide and explained how babies are made and about safe sex,” She paused. “Basically, what I’m trying to say is some pain during the first time and soreness afterwards is normal. Especially when you last for several hours.” She grinned. “You are aware most men – from what I have heard – only last five/ten minutes, if you’re lucky?”

“Truly?” He asked in genuine surprise. “In that case, I will be sure to finish sooner.”


“But-” She cut him off with a kiss. She tried to enjoy the kiss, but with the discomfort between her legs and the strong sense of being watched she was unable too.

After only a couple of seconds she pulled back. “Sorry, I…” She began to say but stopped suddenly when her eyes landed on not one, not two but several sets of eyes watching her.

Oliver’s eyes followed hers and he chuckled. “Ginger cried outside for hours until I let him in and the others followed,” He explained how the several cats appeared in the earlier cat-free room.

“Oh, Ginger, you truly are like a baby,” She said trying not to laugh as the cat looked at her with innocent eyes.

He mewled.

“Aww, you hungry?”


“I have seen you feed them,” Oliver said standing up. “I will feed them. You go and have a warm bath.” He leaned down and kissed her.

She couldn’t help but smile. “I love you, Oliver. Thank you.”

Days moved fast.

Clint was still the only visitor to the cottage. He didn’t seem to understand no matter how so told him she wasn’t interested.

Everytime he visits the cats hiss.

But he always returned, normally with an unwanted gift.

True enough, Flora and several other females had gone through heat and come back pregnant.

Now the fat cat was getting fatter.

“Like a pudding on legs,” Bee had joked at the sight of the adorable round cat.

The bigger she got the more time she spent inside.

Her sisters would go into heat soon, so no doubt they’d have more dumplings.

Bee and Oliver both tried to keep the pregnant and young at the house or close by.

The last thing they wanted was the cats to make nests in the woods and foxes to eat the kittens. It had happened before.

Oliver showed her the home he had created for their children.

She discovered the cats had a small entrance to the cellar of the main house. They all lived down there.

Using the main door inside the house to go down, she was surprised how clean it was. Apparently Oliver had trained them to all do there business outside.

If there was accidents the ghost cleaned it.

As for Oliver and Bee, they both considered themselves married. They’d go to bed each night together and she had moved into the main house. Though they still spent a lot of time in the caretakers cottage because it had electric. She had to do washing and store the food there.

A couple of month since moving in.

Oliver waited loyally in cat form for Bee to return. She had gone food shopping. She had to go out a few times a week just for cat food. The local store has even had to start stocking more and has it ready for her to pick up when she is gets there.

The towns folk had started to think the ghost wasn’t real until Bee told them otherwise.

“I returned a picture stolen from him recently,” She didn’t have to name anyone, everyone already knew the girls. “Not to mention, I care for the cats.”

Despite people being afraid of the house, she later found out both girls were punished by their parents for stealing. They tried to deny it but their friends and the shopkeeper all verified what Bee said.

The shopkeeper had approached her and let her know he wasn’t aware it stolen or he wouldn’t have brought it. He even returned the money she paid surprising her.

But then she let it slip it was a mourning photograph. He didn’t understand what she meant until she explained how the girl was accidentally kill falling off a horse.
“They hired a photographer who used props and rigs to make her look alive.”

Rumour is he started going to church again after that.

As for Ginger, he, usually with a couple of young kittens, went to town with her.

Seeing her car approach, he sat on the edge of the property watching as she pulled in.
He ran up the car and the moment the door opened not one but two little kittens and ginger hop out. He couldn’t help but chuckle. They all love their human mother.

She was frowning when she climbed out.

“Has something happened, my love?”

“Clint’s wife approached me. She was crying asking me to stop seeing her husband.”

A little while ago…

Bee was just exiting the supermarket with a shopping trolley full of bags and Ginger and two little kittens in her handbag.

Normally stores don’t let cats inside, but this was a local business. They all knew about her property and thought she was more than a little peculiar.

Walking to her car she piled the bags in the car-boot and her handbag in the front passenger before taking the trolley to the trolley dock. She was walking back to her car when someone called her name. Confused she turned to see an attractive thirty-something year old woman. She looked upset.

“Miss Clifford?” Bee nodded her head. “Yes, can I help you?”

“I’m Rachel Raymond, Clint’s wife.”

She was surprised but smiled, “Oh. Hello, it’s good to meet you,” She said politely. She had no problem with her. It wasn’t her fault her husband was a jerk.

“I know you are seeing my husband,” She said calmly but had tears in her eyes.

“What? No, we-” Bee tried to correct her but Rachel cut her off.

“Don’t try to lie to me and deny it. I know you have been involved since you first come to town. He told me.”

“No, you most have misunderstood. We are acquaintances only. Nothing more. He has asked me to dinner. But-” She was cut off again.

“I don’t want to hear your lies.” Bee wasn’t a confrontational person, but this woman with making her angry. That was until the woman began to outright cry.

“Please, just stop seeing him, cut off contact, move again. We have children. Don’t hurt them by taking their father away.” She was in tears.

Bee sigh. “Look, I’m not moving away. But I am really not sleeping with your husband. I am actually seeing another man and have no interest in Clint. He isn’t my type.”

“Isn’t your type? He is a handsome, kind man. Of course he’s your type, he’s every woman’s type!” Rachel started a rant about how perfect her husband was and how Bee would be lucky to have him.

Bee tried and failed to speak up. Confused and annoyed, Bee walked away, got in her car and drove away.

The cats in the seat unaware what just happened quickly cheered her up meowing at her.

But the moment she got home she remembered it again and was angry.

“The bastard told her we are seeing each other! I straightened her out but she doesn’t believes me.”

Oliver didn’t like the man but never hurt him out of respect for her. But things had changed. If he saw her he’d not be safe.

Helping her carrying the things into the house, the moment they did she placed the shopping on the side board and pulled out he phone.

“What are you doing, my love?”

“I’m calling him.” Oliver was confused but didn’t argue.

“Oh, wow. Sorry. I wasn’t expecting you. But I’m happy you called me. Decide to take me up on my offer?” He answered happily.

Oliver was glaring at the phone. It was loud enough for him to hear.

“No. I’m calling about your wife.”

A few seconds of silence.

“I can explain…”

“Explain, yes. Explain why you told your wife we were having sex?”

“What? I said no such thing,” He sounded genuinely confused.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know where she got that idea. But-“

“I don’t care. She needs help. First she is crying begging me to let her kids keep their dad. And the next she is screaming at me asking why I won’t see you.”

Clint sighed. “I’m sorry. We are separated and she’s had a hard time dealing with it. I’ll fix it.”

Not giving him a chance to say anything else she hung up.

She sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Oliver. It just really annoyed me. I have done nothing to lead him on and his wife… I really feel sorry for him and the children. She has mental health issues.”

She told him everything that happened while she put the shopping away.

He looked as confused as she felt.

She shook her head.
“I’ve had enough of them. Let’s forget about them.” She drew her arms around him and stood on her tip toes to kiss him.

“How have you been, darling?”

He smiled and hugged her waist. “I missed you, my love. I know you have to leave but I fear every time you leave you won’t come back.”

“You never have to worry about that. I am yours forever. Even when I pass, we will be together.” They kiss again.

“Meow,” Ginger interrupted them headbutting Bee’s legs.

She pulled back laughing.

“Okay, okay. Go out to your brothers and sisters and dinner will be out in a few minutes.”

“That cat…” Oliver shook his head chuckling. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was jealous.”


More coming soon.


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Nelly Verduzco
Nelly Verduzco
2 years ago

Thank you!!! I love this story!!

Tisha Edwards
Tisha Edwards
1 year ago

Have you thought about doing something like how a ghost becomes real like in the movie ‘high spirits’?

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