Chapter 2

Nico’s pov

With the help of my brother and dad, we have prepared a dinner for all the women in our lives. Alright, dad had to ask for a little help from a neighbour.

Dad hadn’t asked if we had done anything with Nix, so I think we’re in the clear. I wasn’t planning on telling him. It was clear the way he spoke about her she was his little baby. He hadn’t stopped talking about her. Not that we mind.

I knew he, mom and Vicki were thinking of us when they split us up, but I still feel bad for all those lost years.

“We were like dogs in heat a few years ago,” Axl said when we were alone. “We fucked anything and everything.” That’s true. That was when he first started fucking me and me him – but the latter not very often. We had tried all sorts, from sticking our dicks in different foods and hoover, to even humping pillows. Even thought of trying it on with mom or Vicki, but they and our dad would probably hit us for that.

Instead we started with girls at school, around the neighborhood and then older women we met at the beach and other places.

That and our take no crap attitude made us notorious around our town.

It gained us the rep of bad boys. It didn’t help that we hung out with a bunch of stoners and fighters.

If Phoenix had lived with us… We’d probably be dead because she’d probably had a few kids by now from all the fucking we would have done.

“The girls will be here shortly. Get cleaned up quickly.”

Dad was acting excited and nervous.

We went up to our room and had a quick shower together, before changing into some clean clothes.

Axl’s phone dinged again with the tenth message in as many minutes.

“Who’s that?” As if I need to ask.

“Eve, we were meant to be going to a concert tonight. I’m texting her to let her know we can’t come.”

“Concert? First I’m hearing of it.”

Eve Everly aka Dogface as I like to call her. She is one of the only girls who hangs out with us. We have know her since little school. She is a Queen bitch and I am convinced she has a thing for Axl. Not that he notices. She is just one of the guys to him. She is a hoe. She drives me up the wall and she knows it, but my brother is either pretending not to see or is just that blind. She has literally fucked the whole football team and regularly flirts with us. Not that my brother notices.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve fucked a lot, but I know not to touch her. She is a freak. I have tried to get her to stop hanging around us, but she always comes back. It didn’t help my brother was always so nonchalant about everything and so when she asked if she could come, he’d say ‘Sure, whatever.’

Not to mention she let the other guys fuck her when ever they want.

Does she really think that’s what my brother likes?

I skipped classes to avoid bitches like her.

My parents met her a couple of times when she invited herself around. And it’s safe to say they feel the same as me.

The sound of the front opening got our attention.

“That must be them,” He straightened up my collar. “Remember, apologise but don’t mention this morning’s actives.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, Axe, I know. I’m not dumb.” I love how happy he has been since meeting her this morning. I know he was a little heartbroken when we thought she had been with our dad, he wouldn’t admit it though.

After discovering she was Nix he had quite honestly been beaming. You would expect us to be freaked out learning she was our sister. But we aren’t. I know we both going to be struggling to keep our tents from showing, but we’ll do it somehow.

His phone dinged again, but this time he just threw it on his bed.

“Ready to charm our little sister into moving home?”
“Ready.” I smile and we head downstairs.

Truth be told we had already told dad she could take the spare room next to us so she had us next door to study or fuck her – I didn’t tell him the last part. But he agreed anyway pleased we were taking an interest.

Dad had told us we are exactly four weeks older than her. We were all due around the same time, but being twins, we were born early.

“Hey, get down here!” Dad called from the bottom of the stairs before noticing us.

He never said anything after noticing us, but sent us a warning expression.

Before entering the dining room we were stopped by Vicki – Nix’s mom. “Make your sister cry like that again and I’ll have no trouble hurting you both.”

“We assure you, we won’t do that again,” I reassured her.

“It was a complete misunderstanding. We saw her with dad and put two together. We really care for her. We didn’t recognise her or we would have become friends years before,” Axl said smoothly and surprisingly Vicki smiled and hugged us.

“I know. Get in there,” She tapped our butts playfully but we knew there was nothing in it. It was clear seeing her with mom and dad that she was head-over-heels for them. She is beautiful and under different circumstances we would take her to bed. But our Nix is better.

We walked into the dining room. Everyone was dressed smart but not formal. But our eyes were glued to our beautiful brunette sister. She was stood speaking with dad, dressed in a fitted floral dress which emphasised all her curves.

I had to discreetly adjust my pants to hide my growing arousal and my brother did the same.

Dad was apologising and kissing her head. She was clearly his princess and I knew now he’d chop his hands and penis off before he did anything to her.

“I forgive you, daddy. I know you did it for us,” She told him and hugged him again.

“Let’s hope she forgives us take easy,” Axl whispers to me as we walk closer. Mom greeted us with a hug and another apology before reminding us to be nice to our sister.

“Oh, we are going to be nice alright,” I heard Axl mumble under his breath.

As we got closer it became clear she wasn’t going to let us off easy.

“We want to say we’ve sorry for earlier, Nix,” Axl said once we were stood in front of us.

“My name is Phoenix,” She corrected him. But he continued to smile. Despite the tension in the air and her clearly still anger at us my usually annoyed brother was unusually happy.

Our Dad looked just as happy and I felt pretty happy too. But unlike my brother, I was worried about her being angry at us.

“Phoenix, we are sorry,” I say this time without my brother’s silly smile.
“What we said we unforgivable but if you give us a chance, we promise to make it up to you.”

“Yes, we always wanted a sister,” My twin said happily making my mother smile. I heard her say, “It’s good to see him happy,” To Vicki and Dad.

I don’t think Axl heard but Phoenix did. Her shoulders sagged and she sighed.

“Alright. We can start again.” Both me and Axl hugged her, she hugged back but it seemed like she didn’t want to. She is more than likely still angry, but we’ll win her back.

“Good, now that’s all sorted let’s sit down and eat.”

A minute later we were sat at the table. We had purposely placed Nix between us and our folks were on the other side of the table.

“This is good,” Vicki complimented.

“Yes, it is,” Mom agreed. “Who helped you?” She looked accusingly at dad.

We could cook burgers and simple things but not full meals like this. At least not alone.

“Zoe James helped,” I told her knowing where this was going.

Mom hated Zoe – our thirty-year-old next door neighbor because she always openly flirted with dad every time she saw him.

He is very attractive for a forty-eight year old man. He has chocolate brown, now graying hair, green eyes and is tall, the same height as us. Phoenix inherited his brown hair and her mother’s brown eyes. But when she was little I remember her being blonde. I think that’s another reason we didn’t recognise her.

We inherited our dad’s green eyes and mother’s blonde hair.

Mom was glaring at dad. He was in trouble. He – much like Axl and Eve – was blind to Zoe’s advances.

“She is having a barbecue party for some friends and work colleagues this weekend, she invited us all of us.”

Another reason my mom dislikes her is because she is a pornstar. Yes, when I found out I looked her up. Her stage name is Tini Buket. She is all bleach blonde, blue eyed and very petite, meaning more often than not she plays barely legal teens.

She was attractive but not my type.

“And you accepted?!” Mom said with a glare. “Yes. I thought it would be nice to attend it as a family. Speaking of family,” He quickly changed the subject. “We want you both to move home again. I hate having to move between you and leaving you alone. This way we’ll be together all the time and you’ll never be alone.”

Glancing at her mom I knew she was already ready to say yes.

“What do you think, birdie?” Vicki asked Phoenix. “Do you want to? I’ll do whatever makes you happy.”

Whereas I knew Phoenix would do whatever made her mother happy.

“We can move back in.”

Vicki looked beyond happy.

I already knew she would be sharing a bed with mom and dad.

“Should I call you mom too, Vicki?” I asked her only half joking.

“You did when you were little, but you don’t have too.”

“You used to call me Mama Loo, Phoenix. You were such a cute little chubby baby. The three of you shared a bed for the first couple of years until you wanted a princess bed and they didn’t,” Mom said remembering.

“I remember that and we’d still find you or the boys together most morning,” Dad chuckled remembering too.

I remembered that vaguely. She was much shorter than us even then. She had blonde ringlets in her hair and chubby little legs.

“We always had to hold her hand so she didn’t get lost,” I thought out loud.

“Yes, I remember that,” Axl grinned.

“I don’t,” Phoenix denied all knowledge.

“You were best friends. I think you will be again,” Mom said with a loving smile.

Axl’s pov

I never thought I could be so happy. Dinner was great and dad and the women are currently at Phoenix’s house picking up some things.

Our parents decide to let her stay off the week as she already had it off and get settled. But that doesn’t mean dad wasn’t going to kick up a storm at school.

We decided to stay at home, to clean up her new room and wait for them to return.

Not to mention, we need some serious sexual release. That is how we ended up sixty-nining fucking each other’s throats. It helped but even afterwards I was little horny as hell.

My phone beeped for the tenth time.

I didn’t even look at the messages. I just deleted them all. I already knew they were from Eve – our childhood friend, annoyed that we ditched her at the last moment.

‘We’ll catch up another time. I’m busy with more important business.’ I sent the message. She’s a good friend, but can be a little annoying when she doesn’t get her own way. I found the best way to deal with her is ignore her.

My brother, on the other hand, always snaps at her, calling her slut and dogface, which is why she hates him.

She isn’t ugly, but really not my type in the slightest. Yes, I slept around. But I am always safe. I know for certain she isn’t which is why she is often at the clinic for one thing or another. That aside, I don’t see her as anything but a friend and she knows that.

She has tried to seduce me in the past, even once declared even herself as my girlfriend, I just laughed it off.

I don’t date. I am already taken. Yes, I had sex with other women. But that was just practice. No more. Now Nix is back in our lives it will be just the three of us.

I am about to pin my twin down and take his ass when I heard the front door open.

We are there in seconds to help move the bags from the car to the rooms.

“I thought I told you I don’t like you having that Eve girl around?” Dad tells me as Nico grabs the last bag.

“I know and that’s why she is never around,” I tell him nonchalantly.

“Then why did I see her hanging around the gate?”

I raised a brow. “I have no idea. I texted her, apart from that I haven’t heard from her.”

“She’s stalking Axl,” My brother jokes.

“She was probably just walking home or something,” I say ignoring his comment.

“Alright. Do me a favor and help your sister.”

“You don’t even have to ask. We were going to anyway.”

We went back upstairs, me and Nico went to our Phoenix’s room and dad to his, to help Vicki.

“Thank you for your help,” She told us as we brought the last bag in.

“You don’t have to thank us,” Nico told her stepping closer, me at his side.

“You’re our little Nix, we’ll always help you.” She stared at us a moment as of unsure.

I felt like it was my first time looking at her. Standing here now and ready looking at her, not just her body, it was so obvious she was our Nix. Yes, her hair was straighter and darker. But she had the same facial features, only more womanly than the last time we saw her when we were five.

That must have been why Nico and I felt a connection with her because subconsciously we knew she was our girl.

“Where’s my… I mean, where’s dad?” She asked changing the subject.

“He’s just helping our moms put things away.”

She nodded as though deep in thought.

“Good. It gives me a chance to speak to you two, clear things up,” She said sitting on the side of the bed.

I’m not sure I like where this is going. But I have faith.

Me and Nico sit either side of her and she looks down nervously.

“What is it, little sister?” The word alone make me want to fuck her.

“We have to forget what happened. It was all a huge mistake.”

“No, it wasn’t. You loved it and so did we,” I argue.

“That maybe so. But you left me in no doubt what I was to you, a dump and bang.” Not once did she look at us. But she didn’t have to, I could already tell she was trying not to cry.

It hurt my heart seeing her like this and knowing we did it to her.

“You weren’t! We told you we wanted to see you again!” Nico told her this time. We tried to hold her but she stood up to get away.

“Oh, I remember. ‘Yes. We have lots more fucking to do. But not dating. We have a girl.’ Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t expecting more than one time. But I am not going to be the slut you use while Eve is busy fucking everything that moves!” She exclaimed but then quickly added not giving us a chance.

“But that doesn’t even matter anymore. We are family. We can’t do anything. It’s best if we forget what happened and just try and be friends.”

“No. I don’t accept that,” I tell her standing up and Nico follows me.
“You are ours, Nix. Not Eve. You promised us.” She backed away from us until her back was against the wall.

“No. I d..d..didn’t…” She stuttered.

“Yes, you did,” Nico told her. “The day your mom took you away, you promised we’d be together again and you would be our wife.” We stepped closer so we were inches away.

“I don’t remember that,” She mumbled.

“You are the girl we were talking about, only we didn’t recognise you before.”

“We love you.” We moved in and hugged her. “We always have.”

Not wanting to let her go, we moved to the bed and held her in our arms between up.

“This doesn’t mean I’m going to have sex with you,” She made sure to tell us. “It’s just cold and you are warm.”

Soon she was falling asleep in our arms and let her barriers slip.

“I remember you both,” She mumbled in a sleepy voice. She probably didn’t realise she said it as she was almost asleep. “My polar twins…”

My heart swelled and I looked at my brother who had the same smile as me.

It all started when she heard our moms call dad ‘bear.’ We had white blonde hair when we were little, hence ‘the polar twins’ were born.

“It’s really her,” Nico whispered as it finally sank in. “No one else knew that. She is our Nix.”

We decided to take it at her pace. But she is our girl. That’s not going to change.

We stayed like that watching her sleep until finally we started to fall asleep.

The sound of the door opening woke me a little, but not enough to open my eyes.

“Isn’t it sweet. It’s just like old times, isn’t it?” I heard Vicki say to someone.

“It sure is,” Mom’s voice.

“I’m so happy it’s worked out,” Dad was there too whispering.

“Let’s just hope the boys aren’t completely the same as when they were little,” Mom laughed quietly.

And I heard Dad groan. “The last thing I want is for them to start humping her again.”

I don’t remember that. But I continued to listen intently.

“You saw the way the boys were looking at her?” Mom again.

“Hate to break it to you, but I’m pretty sure when you caught them arguing earlier they had already done a lot more than humping,” Vicki said in a hushed voice.

“What?” Dad raised his voice a little but was still quiet.

“I washed her panties earlier they were bloody and I know her period was only last week.”


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