Chapter 5

Axl’s pov

“How about a date tonight?” I could laugh. Both Jason and Paul were completely in love with Vicki. Not surprisingly. She is beautiful and kind, just like my own mom.

I told them ages ago that she was my parents girlfriend but they didn’t believe me because apparently my parents didn’t look the type.

“I’m sorry. She’s already taken,” My mom hugged Vicki’s waist and kissed her neck.

The rest of my day was ruined by them two. The hung around until dad made them leave by that point it was time for bed. I had planned to fuck Nix and Nico all day before them two turned up. But now in our new bed Nix fell asleep almost instantly.

Instead me and Nico had a little fun together, blowing one another before joining our beautiful girl in dreamland.


The next day, early afternoon.

“Hmm, before we go next door I wanted to speak to you…” Dad stopped us. We were all dressed, ready and waiting.

Nico, dad and I were all dressed in similar but not the same shorts and t-shirt. It was only a causal party and it was based outside in the warm weather so there wasn’t a need to dress up too much.

The women all wore new dresses they had brought the other day. Vicki, a fitted green dress with flat black sandles.
Mom, a similar fitted purple dress with matching flats. Both had light make up and their hair down. They are so alike and look much young than their forty odd years. Very beautiful.

But nothing compared to the beauty on my arm.

Nix wore a royal blue cross strapped, backless dress with an above the knee flared out skirt and flat silver strappy sandles.

She looked sexy, but it wasn’t too revealing. But I knew for a fact she wasn’t wearing a bra because it wouldn’t fit with the dress and had little white lace panties on that both me and Nico had already stuck our cocks inside.

We had made love repeatedly today, spending most of the morning in bed.

“Since Zoe knows your siblings, you have to act as such. Meaning no touching, kissing and so on.”

We groan.

“It’s for the best. Plus…” He stepped closer to Vicki. “We have something to tell you…”

Phoenix’s eyes widen. “You’re pregnant, mom!” She guessed and mom nodded, placing a hand on Vicki’s tiny belly. I noticed she was a bit bigger, but nothing too drastic.

“You’re going to have another brother or sister.”


Clyde Carlisle pov

Life is should be good. My brothers and I own a successful business, are living alone and in love.

I am Clyde Carlisle, twenty-one and have two brothers, we are fraternal triplets. Meaning we don’t really look much alike. Well, Jax and Kip are very similar as they both have shaggy blonde hair with green eyes. I have short brown hair but the same green eyes.

I am the oldest but always treated as the baby because I am almost a foot shorter.

I am barely five foot four, whereas they are both six foot three.

Because their striking resemblance they are often referred to as the twins and me, their little brother.

Another difference is that my upper body is heavily tattooed and I have a pierced tongue.

My brothers only have a couple each.

We had lived with our mom up until a few months ago. She had originally helped us with the business since she and our stepfather originally ran the company. But when he passed, we were left it in his will.

He had been the only father we knew since we were toddlers and we were the closest thing to children he had.

Our inheritance wasn’t surprising since he had been training us for years to take over. Only unlike him and mom, we refused to be involved in the movies.

Let me clarify. We run and own a porn movie studio. Both our parents were stars in the movies and our mom still is. Mom aka Racey Kacey and our stepfather, Ramrod.

Despite being a couple of years short of fifty, Mom is one of our best sellers.

She generally works Johnny Young aka Dick Young. He is her current boyfriend and our ex school friend. He is twenty-one like us and more often than not plays her son in the movies.

When he first got into the business he said it was because his crush on our mom and now he’s sleeping with her on and off screen.

That would have never happened if Ramrod was alive. He hated Johnny because he was always stealing our mom’s panties when at our house.

Long story short, he died and the day after mom was in bed with Johnny. Which is one of the many reasons we no longer class him as a friend.

But he is good at his job which is the only reason we hired him at our mom’s request.

We don’t really speak to her either anymore, not outside business.

That is because she literally tries it on with us everyday. Which is why we are currently living in a small apartment until we find a new place to buy. All of us have woken up with her mouth around our cocks. We stopped her and she’d go. But it all came to a head when she woke me up sitting on my cock and telling me that we owed her.

She had us in her mid twenties. She was alone, no family. She always told me how much I look like my father. Which I think is why she favours me. But she always refused to tell us who our biological father was. Not that Roger – Ramrod – was a bad guy, it would have just been good to have a regular parent.

For instance when we were only eleven he hired some of his actresses to take our virginity.

We started having regular sex with women from then. Mostly my brothers since women didn’t like me much because my height.

Rejection made me angry and stopped sleeping with women only a couple of years later.

My brothers continued sleeping with women most nights, until they were sixteen when they grew bored and stopped sleeping with women all together.

Nowadays we prefer each other. My brothers and I know each other inside and out.

But that doesn’t mean we are writing off finding a woman in the future.

We all would like children and if we find the right woman, we’ll share her.

One thing I do dislike about our relationship is that I am always the bottom in our relationship. Neither Jax or Kip have even tried it. Meaning the best I get is a hand or blow job.

Apparently being the shortest made me the girl. I have punched them before but they laugh it off.

Despite my height, I actually workout twice as much. So technically I could stop them and force them. But I love them and despite everything, I like sex. I just want more. I feel like we are missing something.

Today Saturday and we are going to one of our actresses house. She is hosting a house warming party. She has lived there a few months but hasn’t had time before now.

Zoe James aka Tini Buket is another best seller. She is on the opposite side of the market to our mom though. She is thirty, but looks a lot younger due to surgery and eating healthy.

She always plays a teenage schoolgirl. She has also stared in a movie with mom and Johnny recently. Daughter, son, mother. The traffic when we announced and released it crashed our servers.

It’s safe to say despite our differences, we wouldn’t ever fire our mom or Johnny.

Zoe on the other hand, she is very flirty with my brothers. But knows not to push it too far.

All would be at the party. But we still planned to attend as she is an important part of our company.

We planned to stay an hour, but knowing how much my brothers enjoy flirting and drinking, we’ll probably be there until the end.

“You look so cute, Cly,” Kip used my nickname. He is the youngest but you wouldn’t think it.

He walked up behind me and rubbed his cock against my backside.

“You take his ass, I’ll take his mouth,” Jax – the middle brother – said walking in with his hard cock already out.

I would argue but it’s pointless. They never agree to let me top them. Probably because they are scared.

I maybe small but my cock is bigger than both of theirs. Theirs aren’t small, only mine is very fat and pretty long.

It was tiny when I was younger but I had a growth spurt in my mid teens, I only grew a couple of inches but my cock… It turned into a monster. They like sucking it but anything else, no chance.

A second later I was on all fours as they spitroasted me. “Such a good girl, beautiful little sister,” Kip rubbed my ass cheeks as he punished my asshole.

They are both horny gits. It’s a good job we don’t have a sister, because she’d be fucked… Really.

I pump my cock in my hand to the idea of a younger sister. We aren’t only into brother incest but the whole sibling thing.

My greatest fantasy is being taken from behind by one brother, my cock in my sister, my other brother in her ass and one in each of our mouths. But the would need another two brothers and sister. I knew it was impossible since my mom is well past birthing age. But I can dream.

“Hell yeah, just like that!” Jax moaned pushing his cock down my throat as I rocked back and forth.

I bite down, not hard enough to break the skin but pretty hard. He curses and shots his cum down my throat. He loves biting. He had bruises all over his body from it.

Kip, on the other hand, is the gentlest lover. He kisses softly, loves rubbing and stroking your skin and just caring for you. I really do love them both despite everything.

He whimpers and cums inside me and as Jax tongue rapes my mouth.

“I fucking love you.” They know I wasn’t a hundred percent happy and always told me how much they care for me. They wouldn’t admit it, but I think they are worried I’ll leave or something. But I never would.

I turned and gave Kip kiss and Jax does the same. They have tried to get each other bottom but neither will.

“We best go,” I say redressing myself. “We said we’d be there for three, it’s ten to now.”

I grab the car keys and exit the house.

We drive to the house in comfort silence, arriving only twenty minutes late.

The house is huge and the area is beautiful. We are greeted by a man she hired as a doorman for the day and he escorts us to the back of the house, outside. It is huge with a large pool and at least thirty people already here.

Not surprisingly our mom was hanging out by the pool basking in the attention from the many people who surrounded her, including her boyfriend.

She was wearing a sheer white lace mini dress with black throng bikini beneath. Somethings never change.

She’s a good actress and a complete attention seeker. If people weren’t looking at her she found a way to make them.

Not surprisingly she was too busy and crowded to notice us or anything outside her circle. Thankfully.

“Guys!” Zoe walked over greeting us with a smile. She is pretty but not my type. “I glad you made it,” She greeted us.

“Thank you for inviting us,” Kip said, handing over the gift we brought.

“Oh my God, thank you.”

My eyes wandered as they spoke until finally landing on a large metal side gate opening. It looked like it led to the neighbors house but I wasn’t certain.

Just then the gate clicked and opened gaining Zoe’s attention. “He’s here!” She said a little too excitedly too herself.

I heard something before about her liking her neighbour. But he was married and by the look of it, happily.

But then again… Looks could be misleading but the man looked as though he was involved with both women on his arms. He was glazing at both of them adoringly.

It made me kind of jealous, I want the type of relationship. He looked so happy. But he looks familiar, as do his ladies friends.

“Sorry, if you’ll excuse me.”

“No problem.”

She walked over to the group, greeting them and making googoo eyes at the man, not that he noticed. But the women did and they didn’t look happy.

“She’s got no chance,” Jax laughs clearly watching too.

My eyes drift again as more people appear behind them. A set of twins and young girl. She was stood between the tall, handsome twins.

“Do they look familiar?” Kip thinks out loud, thinking the same as us.

“Yes. But no idea where from.”

The girl with the long chocolate coloured hair glanced up as though sensing someone watching. Her big brown doe eyes met mine and I felt something in my chest.

“She’s pretty cute,” My brothers say.

“I want her,” I said lowly and knew by the silence my brothers were surprised. I was never the type to fancy women normally or even go after them.

She stared at me for a moment before looking away shyly and blushing.

“I would be willing to try her. She’s really familiar, but cute,” Jax said as though thinking.

She said something to the boys who glanced at us too.

“I think we’d have to deal with them too,” I said noticing how close they seemed.

“I don’t mind,” Kip said and Jax agreed.

“Woo, guys,” Kip got my attention and Jax’s. We both turned back to him. “This is the first time we’ve all like the same person… Well, people…”

“That’s true…” Jax said thinking. “Cly is so picky, this is big. We definitely need to do something.”

I can’t believe it, barely there five minutes and already after someone or a few.

“I don’t know what it is, but feel drawn to all three,” I tell them.

And they nod in agreement. Kip goes to open his mouth but closes it and his eyes and Jax’s wander to something behind me.

I turn curiously to see all six approaching with Zoe.

“Clyde, you never told me you were an actor,” She said with genuine curiosity.

I don’t know if my brothers or I was more shocked. “What? How did you know? It was one movie when I was like nine.”

She grinned and clapped her hands. “This is amazing.” She turned to the girl, “You’ll have to let me borrow that later.”

The girl only nodded shyly and Zoe turned back to us.

“Oh, sorry. These are my neighbors, Miles, his wives, Lorraine and Vicki.” Two wives? Was it a wording mistake.

Despite lusting over Miles, she seemed quite pleasant to the women. Maybe she wants to be the third wife?

“And these are their children, the twins, Axl and Nico and daughter, Phoenix.”

I glance back at my brothers, both were thinking the same thing, they are way too close for siblings.

I mean, they are all clearly about eighteen, yet both boys have an arm around her possessively.

Not that we mind.

“These are my bosses, Clyde, Kip and Jax,” Zoe introduced before making another apology as she went to greet another group of guests. This time from her house.

“It’s good to met you all,” Kip spoke first then Jax.

“Yes, you have a beautiful family.”

“I can hardly believe it’s you,” Vicki said before anyone else had a chance. Her partners just smiled as she spoke.

“Phoenix was obsessed with Jackson when she was little. She made me watch it every day.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the shy girl. “Is that so?” She blushed a deeper red.

“Yes,” Her dad answered for her. “She even took Latin and ballroom dance classes because of it.”

“You did?” One of the twins asked her and she just nodded. “I’d like to see that,” The second said.

The music was playing. It wasn’t the best, but I am a trained dancer, I can dance to anything.

Our mom put us in classes when we were little. I gained someone’s attention and ended up in a movie. The rest is history. I never wanted to be an actor and so didn’t chase any other roles.

“Would you like to dance?” I held out a him and she stared wide eyed for a second before looking at both twins.

Definitely involved. But neither seemed worried of me.

“Go ahead, Nix.” One ushered her forwards tapping her butt playfully. But she still blushed.

She stepped closer and placed her small hand in mine. She was about the same height as me but much smaller. She was like a sweet doll.

They all stepped aside giving us space.

“I can hardly believe this is happening. I haven’t danced in years,” She spoke softly to me.

“It’s alright, beautiful. You never forget.” I take her hand. “Can you do the Rumba?”

She blushed and nodded her head. It is a very intimate dance which needs a good chemistry to pull off. So hopefully this will be good.

We wait for the next song to start and begin. I performed in a haze. All I remember is our bodies rubbing against one another. It was a real turn on.

If I didn’t want her before, I sure as hell did now.

I didn’t realise the crowd we gathered until I heard the cheers at the end.

They all sang our praise but quickly moved on to other things.

“That was amazing, Nix,” One of the twins said, stepping next to her and the other walked over too. Then my brothers. Stood together, something clicked.

I looked back and fore between them and Phoenix’s brothers. They look so much alike and then I realised why their parents seemed familiar. The women looked like much younger versions of my mom and the dad, like me.

Jax and Kip walked over to me worried. “What’s wrong, Cly?”

“I’m probably wrong, but we need to speak to mom now.” They looked confused. They both hated her as much as me.

“Is everything alright, Cc?” Phoenix used the name I used in the credits.

I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m fine, Phoenix. I just need to find my mom…” My eyes drift around and land on her still in the same position.

“I’ll be back…” I leave walking towards my mom, my brothers trialing after me asking why.

“Mom.” She looked up and smiled brightly. “My baby…” She stood to hug me, I stood stiffly. “I need to have a private word with you.”

She looked curious but nodded and we walked off to the side where no-one was. My brothers and my mom’s stalker… I mean , boyfriend followed.

“What was it, angel? Do you want to move home?”

“No,” I stop her before she can say anything else.

“I want to know, have you any sisters?” She looked confused.

“I don’t see why that is important.”

“Humour me.”

She reluctantly answered. “I had one younger but we fell out.”

“Because our dad?” I guessed and she looked shocked and a little scared.

“What…? How did you….?”

“What happened?” Kip asked this time.

It was probably the drink, but mom was very open. “She was already dating our cousin, so I thought it was safe. But one night they were sleeping over and I got drunk and passed out. He dumped me the next day.” I kind of felt sorry for her. She looked deep in thought. Johnny was hugging her side. He was never more than ten feet away since they first slept together.

“I walked in on the three of them a while later. Turns out they had been seeing each other since that night.

“My sister was eighteen, he was twenty-six and my cousin was only sixteen. She lived with us too because her parents kicked her out when she found out about her and Lorri. I tried to get our parents to split them up so I could get him back. But last I heard Vicki – my cousin – married him.”

“Miles is our dad?” Jax said in shock.

Mom’s head shot up. “How do you know his name?” She sounded angry. Jax’s eyes drifted and found Vicki. She was stood with Phoenix and Lorraine.

Glancing around more I found Miles and the twins collecting drinks.

“Vicki…” She whispered and the next thing I know she is stroming towards her. We quickly follow to stop her doing anything. But she reaches her first. Not saying anything she pushes and knocks Vicki back.

“Don’t you fucking touch my mom, you old bitch!” The next thing I knew, little Phoenix launches herself at mom and punches her so hard in the face I hear a crack and she falls back unconscious.

Johnny quickly gets down to help her. I stand in shock with my brothers and the twins and Miles run over just as Phoenix and Lorraine kneel down to help Vicki up.

“Are you OK, mom? Is the baby alright?” She touches a tiny bump I never noticed. It was barely there it just looks like she ate too much.

“I’m alright, Birdly. Just winded.” Lorraine fussed over her and we drew and crowd again.

“If you don’t want to lose your jobs, go back,” I warn as most work for me and my brothers.

“Are you alright, Vicki?” Miles looked terrified.

“What happened?” A twin asked equally worried about her.

“I’m sorry,” I step in. “It’s my fault.”


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