Chapter 7

Kip’s pov

If I didn’t hate our mom before I sure as hell did now. I could tell Miles was trying to not make us hate our mom, but it’s hard to speak nice about someone when they’re a cunt.

They met in college – I had no idea she had even gone to college. They started dating. She was or at least seemed like a sweet, loving, innocent girl.

Both lived on campus, but wanted to live alone, so moved out together.

Both had well-off parents but unbeknownst to him mom was supplementing her money.

All those times she said she was studying at the library, shopping and many of other excuses, really she was already working for our stepfather.

Despite what she told us she was starring in porn for years before we were born.

She was only luckily that Miles was a rare man who didn’t watch porn. He only found out about a few weeks before they finally finished.

He only found out because a college friend saw her in one. She promised to stop because to him it was akin to cheating. She introduced him to my aunts shortly afterwards.

They were only sixteen and eighteen but in a committed, loving relationship. Neither had dated anyone else.

They were everything and more than what Kimberly had pretended to be. He hated himself and tried to deny his feelings but he had already started falling for them.

Ignoring his growing feelings he tried his best with our mom but the same day as the girls were coming to stay over he discovered her new release. He tried to tell himself it was filmed months before, but after a brief look he noticed her hair. She had it cut much shorter only a week before, the same as in the movie.

She arrived home that night with her sisters. He didn’t want to argue in front of them so bit his tongue.

She ended up drinking a bottle of vodka and passing out early, leaving him alone with the girls.

One minute they were in a tickle fight the next he was kissing them both.

He had expected them to hit him but much to his surprise they admitted they liked him too.

He confessed his difficulties with their sister and he would have split with her that night had they not been there.

That night they had sex and the next morning he broke up with our mom. Despite everything he still felt guilty.

But then he started seeing her true colours. She flirted with everyone, even her father’s business friends. She wore little, almost nothing. She repeatedly tried using everything from seduction to blackmail to get him back with her.

Then she discovered he was dating Vicki and Lorraine.

She tried harder, purposely touching and rubbing against him when they were around. Then at their parents anniversary party she discovered Vicki was pregnant.

This sent her into a rage. At some point during the day she stole a condom that Miles had used with Lorraine from the trash in the bathroom.

Later that same evening she was walking past Vicki when she punched her in the stomach, causing her to miscarry. She was adamant it was an accident but everyone knew the truth.

Her family all disowned her and the three moved in together. Shortly after Vicki’s seventeenth birthday the pair married and later, in a different town, he married Lorraine.

They never saw mom again until today.

She hadn’t changed at all.

He clearly had no idea. For some unknown reason she never told him.

I think it might have been because Roger – our stepfather – started dating her and she used him instead.

She just wanted money, fame and every male to want her.

She has that now. Well, at least her fans and Johnny love or lust after her. Most of her co-stars despise her. Especially the veterans. In the beginning people love her but then they get to know her and her self-importance and arrogance soon chances there mind.

I hate her for making us miss out on a childhood with Miles. He seems like a great man and both my aunts were the complete opposite of my mom. They are like me and my brothers wished our mom was.

Despite what mom did, they had tret us with nothing but care. They instantly tried to make us feel like family, asking our likes, dislikes and allergies.

I know we all would have loved growing up with them. Mom had never cooked for us before. We mostly ate take out and she rarely sat down to speak to us.

I think I love my new family and I know my brothers feel the same.

Despite being a bit cold, I even care for the twins and sister. Not to mention our new brother or sister.

Our parents are all so good looking. It’s clear to see where we get our looks from and mine and Jax’s height.

It’s amazing how much the twins look like us and Clyde like Phoenix.

That explains why we found them so attractive when we met them.

But still, I wouldn’t say no. I know we all got a hard on watching her and Clyde dance, even the twins.

I’m not sure but I think they are sleeping with her.
I would love to watch if they do and join in.

I am surprised but happy at the instant liking Phoenix and Clyde took to each other. He always hated and regretted doing that movie until now.

He is older than us, but me and Jax can’t help but treat him like that baby. He is so short and was often teased at school and mom took an unmotherly liking to him.

I know I have no room to talk. But we love each other and accepted we’d be together forever. But mom, she is delusional. Apparently because she birthed us it means we owe her.

She even said it in front of Johnny. The idiot actually agreed with her. I mean, what kind of fuck up is he?!

One of many reasons why we aren’t friends anymore. Another one being trying to seduce us and trick us into having sex with our mom.

If they weren’t such good earners I would have got rid of them years ago.

Roger would kill them if he knew they were together. He despised Johnny.

Did I mention he has a criminal record for looking through windows?

We didn’t discover that until he already got big. Which is why we now always run criminal checks, even on friends.

Right now we are all sat at the table like a real family and the one of the twins were beside me. Neither twin had a top on. They have great bodies.

Then there is sweet little Phoenix, so cute and sweet, always blushing. What I wouldn’t do to have her ride my cock.

I love to pretend sometimes when Clyde is riding my cock that he is a good, our sister. So having a real sister… Shit, it’s just a good job we didn’t grow up together.

Clyde was always trying to top us – Jax, me but no way. Especially Clyde. He maybe short but he has a bigger dick then anyone we employ.

I fear for Phoenix if he ever gets a chance with her, he’ll tear her little pussy to pieces.

He likes it hard and fast, I can barely swallow for an hour after blowing him.

As if reading my mind he greets my eyes and smirks.

“I have invited your brothers to stay with us,” Miles started speaking.

Our three new siblings looked surprised.

“Haven’t they got their own home?” I’m guessing that is Axl because Lorraine said he could be a bit abrupt, stern but he was kind really.

Nico was the joker. Whereas, Phoenix was shy, but really sweet.

They had explained earlier that they lived together until the twins and Phoenix were five but moved separately until recently.

“They do but I would like to get to know them and them us,” Miles smiled at us as spoke.

“Fine, but I’m not moving room.”

That confused me a little. They had already told me they had multiple spare rooms.

Miles shook his head. “Only if you keep it down.”

“If it’s a problem,” Jax began to say but Lorraine shook her head.

“It’s not a problem. It will be amazing to have more children in the house.”

“We’re hardly children,” I began to say but she waved her hand.

“Your babies are always children to you, even when they grow up. Right?” Miles and Vicki nodded in agreement. Contrary to what I would have expected, I felt happy.

Our current property was only meant to be a short term stop gap. At least now we’ll have a nice place to stay with family until we find something. And it’s actually closer to the office.

“Maybe we could watch Clyde’s movie later,” She suggested and her partners agree.

“No, it’s awful,” Clyde told them. He hated it. I think the reason was because he had later overheard his female co-star calling him names. He was a sensitive kid and that just pushed him over.

He had lots of job offers after that but rejected them all.

And more recently, he had a journalist trying to get him to tell his story. They were doing a story on child stars. He said no and that was the last we heard of it.

“It is amazing,” Phoenix speaks up for the first time since coming down. “His dance partner is awful, they probably should have got a different person for that part.” He laughed at this since he hated the actress.

“But his dancing is flawless he made the movie,” She talks very passionately, she loses all her shyness. It is clear that she loves the movie and had seen it multiple times.

“I can’t argue with the co-star part. My feet were bruised the whole time I was on set. She was a few years older than me and because she had been in a couple of other movies she was very self-righteous, a snob. So as you can imagine, her and my mom got on greatly.”

What he failed to mention is that she is now one of those child stars turned drug addict.

“What about you two? Are you in any sports teams at school? You’re all seniors, right?” He asked the twins who were eating there food.

“Yes, there is only four weeks between us and Phoenix,” Nico answered, giving Phoenix a small smile and she did the same back.

“The only team them two are in is the bone idle team,” Miles answers. “They rarely attend class but still somehow pass tests.”

“Schools crap,” Axl adds.

“Phoenix is the good one, she goes to all her classes. Top of her class,” He brags but the boys don’t seem affected. They are actually smiling.

“Yep, our Nix is ace.”

“Again boys, Eve has been hanging around outside.”

“Is Eve you girlfriend?” I asked curiously.

Nico burst out laughing. “She wishes she was Axl’s girlfriend.”

“She’s a school friend,” Axl answers.

“She’s a slut. She’s like hooker expect she gives it for free. I can’t stand her. But he’s always so nonchalant when she asks him things. So when I tell her to piss off she always comes back.”

“She’s a pain in the ass. I don’t want her here,” Miles says, clearly he hates her.

“They’re probably used to it. You’re porn stars or something, right?” Nico questioned.

“We own and run an adult entertainment studio,” Clyde answered.

“How did that happen? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Not at all, Vicki. Mom married Roger ‘Ramrod’ when we were still small. He owned the studio and acted in the movies. He raised us as his own, training us to take over. We inherited it when he died.” We explained to them.

“Who was the creepy guy?” Phoenix asked shyly. She is so cute.

“Birdie, be nice,” Her mom said using her nickname.

“It’s alright, he is a creep,” Jax tells her. “He was our school friend. Roger hated him because he used to steal mom’s dirty underwear. He likes peeping in women’s windows too. When Roger died mom started dating him straight away. Now he works with her in movies. We don’t really have anything to do with either outside work.”

“Sounds like a male version of Eve,” Nico said laughing.

“So what about you, what do you do?”

Miles started telling us about his job and his wives.

He ran a very successful business from home. Lorraine ran a charity and Vicki was a nurse but was planning on taking the next few years off while she cared for their baby or babies.

I look to my side when I noticed my new siblings hadn’t spoken in a while only my eyes drifted and saw both twins trying and failing to put their hands up our sister’s skirt. She kept hitting their hands away.

But looking at their faces they looked normal.

They are either involved or the twins want to be. I’m leaning towards the latter. She seems too innocent to have done anything with them.

I looked to see if anyone else noticed and Miles was looking to them.

“Boys,” He said gaining their attention. “Leave her be.”

He didn’t shout, glare, hit or anything, he told and they did. It is clear whatever is going on he and likely his wives know about it.

“As you are going to be here you should know, the twins and Phoenix are in a relationship together.”

There was silence before my brother finally spoke. “If we are telling secrets, I am involved with my brothers too,” Jax announced suddenly. “We have been exclusive since we were sixteen.”

I couldn’t read there expressions but Axl shrugged and said, “Like that wasn’t obvious.”

“It wasn’t to me,” Miles said in surprise.

“Oh, honey, its not surprisingly. You were the same with the twins and Birdie,” Lorraine teased.

We watched curiously to see how they reacted. All seemed good so far.

“Since I have accepted my other children and wives, it would be wrong not to accept you too.”

My brothers and I all smiled pleasantly surprised. We never expected such an accepting father.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Nico exclaimed.
“You made me and Axl go for a STD test.”

“That’s because you are little whores and I didn’t want my baby girl catching something.”

“Hey, that’s not nice.”

“I actually did have an std test not long ago for a personal matter. I’m clear, but turned out I am allergic to lavender scented products,” Jax, ever the over sharer told them.

“We’re all clean.”

“Over share much,” Clyde teased and Jax just smiled.

“That’s quite interesting because Phoenix is allergic to lavender too,” Miles told us. “It brings her up in blisters.”

“Yeah, she loved looking at pretty flowers when she was little but had a bad reaction to them.”

“I found out purely by accident, after using some lotion.”

Yes, he poured some on his cock to use as lube. He came up I’m blisters and was convinced Clyde had caught something from a toilet seat and given it to him.

He made us all get tested.

Unsurprising, we were clean and he just had a reaction to the lotion as we told him.

“I bet you’d look beautiful on a bed of flowers,” The twins minds clearly are wondering again.

Miles just shook his head but looked amused.

“How far along are you?” I ask Vicki changing the subject.

“Only eight weeks. So still a long while yet.”


Phoenix pov

I am so happy about my mom’s baby. I really hope it’s a little girl. I’d love a baby sister.

But big new, I have five not two brothers. I am glad my parents happy but I just awkward.

I have had a crush on Cc since I was a little kid. I could almost laugh. I think subconsciously I have a serious brother fetish.

They seem like really nice guys. But I am very surprised since their mother is such a cunt.

I understand my dad hurt her, maybe even broke her heart. He should have broke up with her before doing anything with my moms.

But Kimberly doomed the relationship from the start. She did nothing but lie from the moment they got together and not just about the porn. She lied about the most ridiculous things to him and her family.

I would have broken up with her much earlier. I would also have beaten my sisters and ex if they did that to me. But there is no way you can’t justify hurting your sister with purpose of killing her unborn child.

I wish my Aunt Kimberly a very painful death.

We had a great dinner, though I was really nervous the whole time. It didn’t help that Axl and Nico kept on trying to play with me at the table.
Thankfully they listened when dad told them to stop.

Now sat in the front room as we all get to know each other better.

“Roger was a good guy, way to good for our mom. But he didn’t always have the best morals.” The triplets tell us about their stepfather. He sounded like a pretty good dad, that is until it came to him hiring a porn actress to take their virginty and regularly taking them to the porn set.

“He wasn’t the only one to let their underage children come to set. But the moment we took over we tightened all the rules and security. No unauthorised personnel or under eighteens. We have also started criminal checks since it came to my knowledge that Roger never did them.”

My parents had already made it clear, had they known about the trio, they would have taken custody of them. What angiered my parents most is how my aunt tried to force them to have sex with her, among other things. They never did, but she kept trying, even more so since her husband died. Which one of many reasons they moved into their tiny apartment.

Then came time for my favourite movie, the one with my new brother.

Cc groaned. It was clear he hated the movie.

But agreed to watch it none the less.

We were just starting the movie when a knock sounded at the door.


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Ashley Yates
Ashley Yates
1 year ago

I absolutely love this story, can’t wait for a update on it!

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