Chapter 29

Dax is stood on the bridge with us. He has just contacted the planet to make sure everything is clear to land. We are hovering by the planet, without entering the atmosphere. Once we do that it is hard to stop without landing or so I’m told.

There is a second planet, Reese Providence about 400,000km from this planet, Marshall Providence. Both are visible from where we are.

“Everything is clear. There is no one in the area,” Dax tells them and making sure to check the coordinates from the fifth time.

Despite not leaving each other’s sides, my mates and I, all are wearing our bracelets just in case.

Lenime and I are stood together whilst Phe and Kiy gives everyone orders. They have already scanned the planet. The oxygen and everything is again good, but UV too high. So, again anyone who leaves the ship has to be coated in the translucent cream first to protect them. Other than Dax and I, of course. But they will have to return after several hours to re-coat themselves.

Before long everyone is made to sit, just in case of turbulence on the way down. Lenime holds my hand the whole time, whilst Phe lands the ship with the help of the others. I am not going to lie, despite the smooth landing, I was scared. Lenime sensed this and kept kissing me to distract me. I know that Phe would have been the same, except he had to make sure we didn’t crash.

I am still snogging Lenime when we finally do land. I don’t entirely know what happened, but one second I’m kissing him the next I am pulled out of my chair to snog Phe. “Miss me?” I whisper against his lips.

“More than you’ll know. It was so hard not to come to you. I could feel your worry…”

I reassure him it is alright and I still love him and we kiss for a moment longer before pulling apart.

Thankfully, apart from Dax and Lenime, everyone is busy doing checks. I am pleased to see Lenime isn’t frowning, but grinning, as is Dax.

“That was a good landing. My best so far,” Lenime says joining our hug.

“I just have to say, Amber, I love that suit. Your mark is incredible,” Dax tells me. I feel a bit self-conscious around him and am guessing I will around other Human males because the suit is skintight.

“Don’t worry. You really look good. Baby bump and all,” Dax adds knowing what I am thinking. My bump is still only a little over an inch. But it is very noticeable on my small frame. As is my swollen breasts. If you didn’t know though, I would probably just look a bit pudgy.

“Do I look fat?” I ask without meaning too.

My mates frown, “You look perfect,” Phe reassure me.

“You are not fat, this is only baby saying hello.” Lenime always makes me smile, no matter the problem. Dax chuckle at the comment and I smile. “Thank you, loves. You always make me feel more secure. I love you both.” They both say it back to me and lick my cheeks. I am really glad they don’t wear makeup in space.

“But honestly, Amber, you really don’t look fat. Everyone will love you and be jealous of you,” Dax says without going into detail.

I try not to blush, but I think I do by the smile he wore. But thankfully, my mates don’t get jealous of this. Not that they have a reason too. I would never cheat on them, ever.

“Let’s get my men creamed.” Dax laughs out loud, thinking something dirty. But the others being good guys don’t.

This first time we leave the ship, it will be me, along with Dax and the same men who went on the last planet with us. Including my mates and Kiy.

Bern, Reck, Lein, Ty, Kiy, Lenime, Phe, Dax and I.

They want to take them as protection, just in case. We aren’t taking any weapons, but there are special shields build in a special collar we’ve all been given. To be honest it just look like part of the suit when on. Apparently if we are shot or something is fired, a transparent shield will go up and protect you. The men are also trained in special hand to hand fighting.

Together the Poyun, who are going, are coated in the translucent cream and one of the men has been given a small box with a dozen of the translator Nanite to give to people who mainly needs it. Anyone else can be given it later by Ren when she is allowed to leave the ship.

My mates and the others – other than Dax – thought it wasn’t a good idea for me to go. But know I have too, I am the reason they travelled so far after all.

Dax reassured them I will be fine.


“I feel sick.” I am beyond nervous and I seriously felt like my breakfast is getting ready to leave my stomach.

Phe and Lenime are stood and hugging me, them and Dax all trying to reassure me everything will be fine.

“Drink this.” Ren hands me a glass tumbler. “It will help settle your stomach.”

I thank her and drink the contents. It is a strange powdery tasting drink, but I know she and Lenime both make sure before I drink or eat anything, that it will be alright for the baby and I both. I am thankful when my stomach begins to feel better, though the nervousness is still there. It wouldn’t be the best idea or make the best impression if I – the future queen of the Poyun people – threw up in front of so many people.

I laugh as dozens of people hug us before we have to leave. It is funny. I can’t even remember half of the names of the people who hugged me. But I know not all of them are Phe’s family, I don’t even know some of their names. But they are all lovely none the less.

“Ready?” Kiy asks and everyone looks to me.

“As I’ll ever be,” I say breathing out a deep breath.

“Don’t worry, love,” Lenime runs his fingers down my bare back, making me shiver slightly.

“We won’t ever leave your side.” Phe does the same, as they reassure me.

Lenime slips his hand under and in the back of my suit and gropes my bare backside.

“Just once more before we go,” He reassures me and then Phe copies his actions. I look at him and he just gives me an innocent smile, before they both move their hands out and return onto my back. Phe and I had a conversation with Lenime earlier, to make sure he won’t grope or play with my button in front of people. He promised he will be a good boy.

We are stood at the back of the ship, behind the closed bay doors that lead outside. Dax is at the front with Reck and Lein behind him. Kiy behind them, with Lenime, Phe and I behind him with me in between both of my mates. Ty and Bern are standing to my rear. The guys have me completely covered just in case. They may be caring, loving and sweet species, but it doesn’t mean they are stupid.

The doors slowly open and a bright, glaring sun shoots through the gap. We all close our eyes for a moment and reopen them to readjust to the new light. I can’t see outside, the huge men in front of me are blocking my view. But I can hear the chatter, the sort as though lots of people waiting. A couple of gasps, but a lot of cheers and a masculine voice speaking to Dax.

“Welcome back, Dax, I am so glad that you made it back… And with guests. Do they understand me?” The man says the last part in a whisper, but I can still hear him.

“Hello, Emperor sir,” Dax sounds very official.

“They understand, but for you to understand them, you will have to have an injection.”

“We will head inside. You can explain there,” The Emperor man replies.

“Hello and welcome to our planet,” He is speaking to us now.

“If you follow me, please.”

Everyone begins to follow the man. I am still in the middle and can only see the ground, sky and people in front of me.

“You said you had found her? Is she here? I don’t see her,” The man whispers to Dax.

“She is here. She is in the middle of the group.” I can just imagine the man looking back.

“They are very protective of her. I will explain shortly.”

“You alright, love?” Lenime whispers so only we can hear.

Both he and Phe have their hand on my bare back.

“I am alright, my loves. Just a little nervous,” I reply as we walk over the green grass.

“We are with you, always,” Phe tells me again.

I can hear the chatter still of what sounds like a large crowd.

Many are commenting on the size of the ship or men. I even heard a few wolf whistles, no doubt from women.

“Is there a lot of people?” They both look at me and then each other. They seem to be having a silent conversation.

A moment later, Phe steps back a little, enough for me to see one of the biggest crowds I have ever seen. There are literally thousands being held back by what seems like hundreds of soldier type men.

It doesn’t take even a second for people to notice me. Everyone suddenly turns on the topic of me and Phe moves back in place, protecting me.

“Thank you, Jet, Len.” I want to kiss them, but right now it isn’t practical.

I hear Dax chuckling, “See I told you she is in there somewhere,” He comments hearing the crowd.

“I did wonder,” The Emperor answers.

Lenime’s fingers try to go lower, but Phe notices too and slaps it back.

“Ouch,” He whines, the pair behind us sniggers and Phe gives him a scolding look.

“I wasn’t going to do anything.” Pause… “Alright, maybe I was. But no one can see anything.”

“I can,” Ty voice comes from behind us.

“You can understand what they are saying?” The Emperor asks Dax.

“Yes,” Dax sounds amused.

“We are here.” We come to a stop outside a portable cabin type truck thing.

“This is a temporary station which we have set up. Once we have discussed things, we can head to my home.”

We already knew that there isn’t any buildings nearby.

Inside it is white, completely white. “Why do I feel like I am going to be strapped to a table and anally probed?”

Dax bursts out laughing and my mates and Kiy look at me unsurely. “Did I say that out loud?” I want the ground to open up.

“Yes, you did,” Dax replies still chuckling. “You watch way too many movies.” He teases.

I am still in the centre on the men and unable to see Dax or anyone else, something that I am happy about right now. Lenime turns to me and I hide my face in his chest.

He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back. Phe kisses the back of my neck, Lenime kisses the top of my head and we all pull back, back into our previous places.

“Was that her speaking?” Emperor asks, sounding hopeful.

No answer. I guess Dax nodded.

“Can I see her? Meet her?”

My heart is going faster. I want to go home to the ship. Yes, it now feels like home.

“It’s alright,” Phe whispers to me.

“We are with you,” Lenime adds, before everyone in front of me step to the side.

My mates, nor the two behind me moved.

I can now clearly see the room has a dozen seats and a large table.

Several men who look like guards are spotted around the room and in front of me, near Dax is a handsome familiar looking man standing staring at me and smiling.


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