Chapter 42

We arrive outside a set of large wooden doors only minutes later.

“This is the dining hall,” Dallas says just as a new man came and passed him a bundle.

“Thank you.” He turns to us and the man leaves.

“I do not mean to disrespect but…” I know what he is going to ask.

“Len, put it on.” Without question, he accepts the t-shirt and pulls it over his head.

Dallas mouths a thank you.

“Perfect,” Aaron purrs looking him over.

The shirt does little to hide his body. It clings to his torso and emphasizing every bulge and muscle.

I have to check to make sure I’m not drooling.

“Before we head in…” I stop them.

“I want to walk.”

“No!” Both my mates say flatly.

That got the reaction I expected.


“Snow, maybe it isn’t such a good idea you did almost fall last time.”

I am out numbered, even Kiy doesn’t help. He sides with my mates.

The door opens moments later to reveal Dallas’s wife, children, parents, Lula, Dax, Monet, one of his guards and an unfamiliar blonde woman all around a huge table.

“Well, this isn’t embarrassing,” I mumble. But thankfully only the children are watching me, the rest are looking at Aaron and Lance. Well, except the blonde, she is staring at Lenime.

I guess they have been told of my brother’s undeath.

“Oh dear, are you okay, Elsa?” Dallas’s youngest daughter tries to get off her chair but her mother stops her.

Dallas covers his laugh with a cough.

“I’m fine, thank you, Violet?” She grins hearing her name. I remembered her name, yay me.

“They like carrying me.” She is too young to say anything else.

“That’s good,” She says and began bouncing in her seat. “I saved you a chair.” She point to an empty chair in between her and Lula.

‘She can’t sit alone,’ I hear Phe’s voice and then Lenime’s saying something similar in my head.

Oh great. This is going to be a good dinner.

With Kiy’s help, I am able to sit by myself. I just am thankful the kids can’t understand him all but telling off his sons. Don’t get me wrong, I love sitting with them. But we are in a room full of new people, we are guests. Plus it’s not really proper when you are a guest.

Now I am sat beside the little girl who starts excitedly telling me all about her favourite Earth shows and some new ones I have never heard of while some waiter type people brought out large dishes of food, piling them all in the centre for people to choose from.

Ty had offered to give everyone at dinner the Zap -Translator Nanite injection.

The injection only took seconds as it isn’t injected into a vein but normally the base of the back.

Steph went first as the children were a little nervous and then Willow – Dallas’s cute but very quiet son. Then the rest of the children, the yet unnamed woman went last. Despite the lustful looks I notice her give the Poyun, she looks cautious and calculating. Not that I can blame her for the cautious part, not after their past experience with Alien lifeforms.

“I wasn’t sure what you eat, so I had the cook make various dishes,” Dallas’s explains as yet more dishes come out.

“There is tons!” Violet says wide eyed.

“I’m sure none will go to waste,” I tell her hearing a scoff.

“I don’t doubt it,” The unnamed woman says with double meaning looking at me.

I’m pretty sure she is implying I am fat. Bitch.

But thankfully my mates nor any of the other Poyun seem to get that or else I might have to fear for her safety. Aaron and the others though are another matter.

“This is Aria Marshall. Adair’s descendant,” Steph – Dallas’s wife introduces, ever the diplomat. We haven’t really spoken, but from what little I know and have seen, I like her, she gives me a good feeling. As does my brothers mates and the rest of the room. In all honestly, I don’t even mind Monet that much.

And he is arrogant and a flirt, but he seems to be honest. But I wouldn’t want to be left alone with him and I doubt we could ever be real friends, but he is alright.

Aria, on the other hand, is a completely different matter.

“What is she doing here?” Dallas asks her not quietly. He is sat beside her and Violet on her another side.

“That’s not nice.” I don’t like to judge people straight away but I like her even less than I do Monet.

“You’re a cunt. So I don’t have to be nice.”

“Dallas! The children…” Steph warns.

“It is alright, father,” Willow reassures his dad. “We already know she is a megalomaniac.”

My mouth drops open and most of the other Human adults have a similar reaction.

Willow, the quiet eleven-year-old. He must be pretty smart. I know a lot of adults who don’t know what it means.

Then they burst out laughing, all but Aria, the Poyun, and children. But Willow looks happy with himself.

“What does that mean?” Lenime asks innocently.

“Basically, it means she is delusional with fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.”

“Loony?” Seven-year-old Heather whisper asks her eight-year-old Daisy.

“I think so,” She whispers back making me chuckle.

“What did you call me?” The woman in question snaps out of whatever daze she was in since my mate spoke and glares at the little girls.

“Speak to my children like that again and I’ll have you hung! Marshall or not!” Dallas warns her.

“They said you are a Loony…” Phe repeats nonchalantly, adding in his head, ‘Whatever that means.’ I am getting used to hearing random clip bits of theirs and other person thoughts though I have yet to tell anyone. I had not been sure it was thoughts until the incident when Aaron first arrived.

“This is The Emperor of the Reese Providence, Andre Monet and…” Steph ignores the current subject and introduces Monet, his guard, and the children to Aaron and his mates. Dallas introduce me, Aaron, his mates, and the Poyun.

“And this is Dax Obama.”

Lance and Lula look at the man their eyes eager and full of love. Aaron smiles squeezing his husband’s hand. “Dax, hello. Snow has been telling me you are joining us on our trip to…” He glance at Phe in question.

“The Evalon system.”

“Pretty name,” Willow’s twin sister, says almost wistfully.

“You can maybe visit in the future,” I say looking to Phe and then Dallas.


Dinner was going well. Aaron continued speaking to Dax though Monet and the child asked him if he really is thee ‘Aaron’ and he gave them a quick explanation. Telling them that they were frozen for my return. The little girls loved this and Willow was fascinated with the science of it.

Aria avoided speaking to Dallas and Monet. Not that either appeared to bother. Monet had commented at one point, “Been there, and done her.”

Lenime and Phe are sat across the table from me sulking the whole time.

As for Marmite, Steph had Violet’s old Moses basket brought down into the Dining Hall to put him in.

Ty commented on the bed. I guess they don’t have baskets in the Evalon system because he was asking where he could purchase one for his soon to be born child.

Steph said we can keep that one for Marmite after she learned Aaron is adopting him. And Dallas said he will have one prepare for tomorrow, free of charge. Telling Ty, it is the least he could do after all we are family and asking for almost nothing in return for our help with defence systems.

It isn’t until the guys begin asking what a certain dish is I realize I haven’t really seen they ever eat meat.

“Are you vegetarians?”

“What is that?” Lenime asks curiously with a smile. I think he just likes hearing me talk.

“Don’t eat meat, animals?” Dax explains.

“Oh. I see. No, I understand the reason you would think that but no. Meat simply doesn’t preserve well in space. We have tried different storage methods but most lead to the meat becoming completely tasteless and lacking previous nutrition’s. If we do eat meat it is either straight after receiving it on board or on the occasions we visit different systems,” Kiy explains.

They all love the dishes, especially the venison – game -, whereas Lenime loves pork. I still love chicken best.

That reminds me, I’ll have to ask for a breeding pair or two.

Dallas made an announcement about the gathering by the ship tomorrow and saying the child can go if they behave.

They are pretty excited.

Aria – how is now affectionately known as cow – invited herself as Lenime’s guest. Bitch, he is mine.

Not that I am worried, he is obviously blind to her flirty looks. He appears to get rather annoyed every time she spoke to him and drags his attention from me.

Soon enough, though, the conversations are all interrupted by the baby’s wailing. Without thinking, I stand up and picking him up.

“Oh, poor baby, shh. I’ve got you,” I coo, rocking him.

“He’s hungry,” Both Steph and Lula say at once.

“Wow, that’s impressive. I can’t wait until I can do that.”

Lula is looking at the boy as I return to my seat beside her.

“Lula, this is your new baby, Marmite. Marmite, this is your new mama.”

“He is so beautiful, but what’s that on his skin?” She asks me.

“Cream to fix his burns.” She looks sad but confused. “I’ll explain later,” I say glancing to the kids and back to her and she seems to understand.

“For God’s sake shut the child up,” The cow complains. I send her a glare, well most of the table does but she only notices mine. I have a feeling she doesn’t like me. Ha. The feeling is mutual.

“Could you hold him a moment,” I say to Lula and she nods, instantly taken by the baby. I am glad. He deserves a loving mother. And if I wasn’t due soon myself I would happily be it.

Without a second thought, I pass the baby to her and begin to pull one of my arms out of my suit.

I pause before exposing my left breast completely. “Would you like me to go into another room?” I ask Steph and Dallas. I don’t know what people’s thoughts are like about this nowadays.

They both shake their heads. “You can stay in here. It is a natural thing, people are more accepting than they were on Earth.”

I can feel eyes burning into my breast as I expose it and I know without looking it is my mates and probably Monet, seems like the type.

“May I?” The woman next to me smiles and nods passing me him.

“Thank you,” She says to me.

“No need. I love him.”

I position his mouth at my nipple, I have no idea how to do this, but just hope for the best.

Thankfully, he latches on almost straight away. I have heard that doesn’t always happen so I am pleased. His crying stops and he suckles my breast, getting his feed. It feels weird, but not bad.

“That is disgusting. He isn’t even your child.” Yeah, her again.

“No. But he is a baby and my nephew, adopted or not, he is family.”

“But he isn’t yours. His mother is dead, so he should be bottle fed.”

“For your information, you dumbass cow,” I turn to Dallas mouthing ‘sorry,’ but he look amused at my name for her. “Wet nurses are common throughout Human history… Someone employed to breastfeed someone else’s baby,” I add the last part realizing she is dumb and probably doesn’t know what a wet nurse is.

“Maybe on Earth but not here,” She argued.

“That’s not true,” Steph interrupts. “I actually hired a woman to express milk with one of my children because I was unable to at the time. It is a lot healthier.”

Aria looks ready to argue but Kiy spoke first. “I, for one, think it is an honourable profession. Children are the stable of any community.”

I can’t help but smile. I love my mates father.

“On a different note,” Monet speaks, gaining our attention. “How long are you staying? I would love to host an event for you too.”

Wow, he is being strangely nice.

Probably just trying to get us on the side.

“How long are your planets days?”

“Thirty hours, our year only a few days longer than Earth’s,” Aaron answers.

Smarty pants.

As though reading my mind he looks at me and winks.

“Then… Two weeks or so, if that is alright? That way it will give us plenty of time to put up both the planets defensively Shields.”

Both Dallas and Monet seem surprised hearing this.

“But I though you didn’t give tech?”

“It is only planets defensive shields and Translator Nanites for now. Insight of recent events…” Probably meaning the two Alien races before us visiting. “We all agreed it is the correct course of action. But we will have to discuss any other technology in the future.”

Both look pleased to bursting. But Monet’s changes to cautious.

“What do you want as payment? I know you said nothing earlier, but that is valuable tech, you wouldn’t give it away for free.”

“Your people are curious. We know most races work on trade and when we need to, we do too. But in all truth, our planets and home is bountiful, when in our system food, clothes and essentials are free to all. The only time credits are needed is for jewels, weapons and buying your own ship, luxury things that aren’t really needed but desired.” The emperors aren’t the only ones in shock.

I had no idea.

“The parts for the technology is easy and inexpensive for us to come by and create. So you see, we really are in need of nothing. Other than anything Amber would like.”

Both men look at me expectantly.

“There are several or a dozen things I want. But don’t worry, they are all inexpensive, mainly produce, seeds and animals. But I have to check the seeds they found on Earth first and see if they are growing. If they are and you do not have them, I will have a cutting made for you.”

“Are you sure you do not want to marry me instead?”

Monet earns a series of growls from all the Poyun. I have explained once when watching a television show with them what marriage is.

I half expect the children to be scared but instead, Violet starts giggling.

She begins talking animatedly again, this time to everyone.

“I think he’s full,” Lula whisper into my ear and I could almost laugh seeing him just laid in my arms staring at me with milk dripping down his cheek. His mouth still over my nipple but no longer suckling.

“Well hello, handsome boy.” He pulls his mouth away and gives me a toothless smile. The sleep has to done him good. His eyes are still slightly red and inflamed but now his natural violet coloured eyes are shining through.

“Do you want to go to your new mama, Marmite?” He makes the same adoring squeal he did when was choose his name. “That means yes.” Holding him in one arm, I pull my sleeve back on, covering my exposed breast.

The little girls coo and Violet tries to lean up to see him. Instead, I bring the baby down to her. “He is pretty.” She leans in and kisses him. It is so cute. Marmite wriggles and squeals. “I think he likes you too.” She grins and I pass him over to Lula.

She – like Violet – is instantly taken by him.

I look at my mates and both look like they are getting antsy in their chairs.

“Marmite… That’s… Interesting. Where did he get a name like that?”

“I named him… Well, actually he had a name but it was unsuitable. So I suggested a few names and that was the only one he liked,” I explain. “But you can name him something else, he is your baby now.”

Lula nods but says nothing. “I for one like it,” Aaron says walking up behind his wife to look at the baby. “Ha. He is a beauty, isn’t he?”

“He has been fortunate to inherit his mother’s facial features, minus his eye colour of course,” Lenime states. “Trenks are generally rough and scary looking creatures. It is good he is to be raised by you because they would raise him to be as ruthless as they are.”

“Are all Alien species evil?” The guard with Monet asks. Monet sends him a disapproving look which says ‘Do you want them to kill us?!’

But the Poyun seem unaffected. “There are evil in every species if you look hard enough. As in most ‘evil’ species, you will find they all have secret divergent fractions fighting for what is right,” Phe explains. “You are unlucky to have met two of the worst. But no, not all Alien species are evil. Many are like you and simply are just looking to explore and learn. But I advise you to always be cautious,” He warns.

“I will have a communication system set up in each of your planets main houses. It will have a direct link to my collective whether we are in space or in our system you will be able to contact us. That way if you have an emergency, new visitors or wish to communicate with your family, you can.”


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