Chapter 5

Baby dolls, chemises, lace robe, stretchy Lace bra, garter and g-string sets, bikini and maternity one piece, you name it, he bought it. The bras were a little more difficult though. He had to ask a sales assistant to show them bras that could stretch a size or so if need be.

He hadn’t any trouble buying her new bras every week, but he knew she wouldn’t like that.

Of course he bought underwear for her comfort too.

He paid for the things and with him carrying all the bags – at his insistence – the exited the store began towards where the car was waiting.

“Henry?” A voice called and he ignored it. He recognized the voice, he just didn’t want to stop.

“Henry?” Again and Rie looked at him.

“Someones calling you.”

“I know. Ignore them. We have an appointment.” They didn’t stop.

“Hey,” A hand grabbed his shoulder and he cursed under his breath.

The pair stopped and turned to the person. “I’ve been calling you, didn’t you hear me?” Sally stood with a looking at him expectantly.

“I was ignoring you,” He said coldly.

“We have somewhere to be.”

“We?” She looked beside him and looked surprised but smiled when she saw Rie.

“Yes, so if you’ll excuse us, me and Rie have somewhere to go.”

“Rie? So you found her? Oh, she’s pretty.”

He removed her hand from shoulder. “We really have to go,” He insisted.

“Alright. But called me,” She called as they walked away and disappeared into the parking lot.

“Who was that, daddy?” He was handing the bags to Jason to put in the car. “That was Mary, I believe she is going to be the new step mom of your friend, Carol.” She nodded in understanding. “Carol, who I might add, wouldn’t give me any information on you.”

She smiled and they climbed in the back of the car. “Oh yeah, I remember her now.”

Jason had already been told the next destination.

“Sorry, Daddy. She is protective of me. She always has been since I joined her class a few years ago,” She began to explain. “I’ve always been small and intelligent.”

They were sat side by side in the back of the car, Henry holding her hands in his. “I am proud of you for that. Me and your mom aren’t very clever, that’s for sure.”

“You aren’t that dumb, from the success you’ve made of yourself.”

“Just luck and skills in the kitchen. I am the best cook. But anyway, continue, please.”

“Being smart, I was always in classes with older kids, meaning I struggled to make friends. Carol was basically me first real friend. She took me under her wing, looked after me and after a time I made a few more friends. They were just I was staying with, but when they discovered I was pregnant they kicked me out. Carol heard the same stuff as I did about you, so she thought she was protecting me.”

“In that case, why didn’t she let you stay with her?”

“Her father wouldn’t let me. He doesn’t like me because mom rejected him.”

“You got to be fucking kidding me?! Really? I swear…” He quickly grew to dislike the man.

“Mom was embarrassed of me because I wasn’t popular.”

“I’m sure that isn’t true.”

“It is. So told me all the time what a shame it was to have a nerd as a daughter.”

Paige Clark will pay.


Rie feel asleep soon after entering the car, her head laid on Henry’s chest.

He smiled, watching for what only felt like a minute but in truth was more than an hour.

If it wasn’t for the importance of the appointment, he would let her sleep, but he was forced to wake her.

He even took a new pair of her causal panties and made her slip them on when Jason wasn’t looking. He didn’t want the doctor seeing her when they did a scan.

Sat in the office, they had to fill in a form with her details before they were seen.

Henry had called his lawyer this morning to track down her mother.

He need to speak to her, ask a few questions, sign a few things, including giving him full custody of her.

“Really? 16th April is your birthday? You aren’t playing with me?” He stared at her as if trying to work something out.

She furrowed her brows. “I’m confused. Why would I lie about my birthday?”

He sighed and smiled. “No, it’s just, that’s my birthday too.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes. And you are the best birthday gift. I wish I could have…” He started to think back. Think how happy he would have been to have learnt he was a dad on his birthday. Meet his baby girl the first time, rock her to sleep, watch her cut her first tooth, learn to crawl, walk and speak, her first day of school he missed it all.

“I want you to tell me everything about you and I’ll do the same, answer any questions you have. But first, let’s hand this in. I want to see our Peppy.”

They only had to wait a couple of minutes before they were shown into a room where a male doctor in his fifties soon joined them.

Henry rarely went to doctors so was unfamiliar with the man.

He introduced himself as “Dr Preston.”

And they confirmed why they were there.

“Are you the father of the child?”

They choose to keep his identity as her father secret from the man, but choose to tell him he was the father of the baby. Being a doctor he couldn’t reveal it to anyone.

“Yes, but let me make this clear, I was not aware of her age at the time. A crappie excuse, but the truth.” He told him honestly. He wasn’t a pedo. He had never been into young girls. But she didn’t look young, she looked older.

“I understand, sir. My own wife looked a lot older than she was too, I was thirty-five, she looked twenty, turned out she was fourteen. Thankfully, her parents agreed to our marriage and we are still happily married to this day.”

That made him feel more relaxed.

“So first, I’d like to ask for you to fill this up for me,” He handed her a small container. “Then I’ll take some blood, do you blood pressure, heart-rate, oxygen, height and weight, before I perform the ultrasound.”


It was around half an hour later before they finally came to the scan.

Henry decided he liked the doctor and would have him deal with the rest of her care. His wife was a midwife and he had promised to give them her number, as well as a list of things to avoid, eat and vitamins to take.

“This will be a little cold…” He squeezed some gel on her stomach.

“You say you’re only sixteen weeks?”

“Yes. Why? Is there a problem?” She fretted.

“No, no, don’t worry. You are just a little larger than I would have expected. But that could be explained by many reasons. You could be carrying excess water,” He suggested and began to move the wand over her swallow stomach. He clicked on the console, spent a minute checking whatever was on the screen because turning the screen to face them.

“Would you like to know the gender?”

“You can do that?” Henry asked excited.

“Yes, as long as they are in the correct position.”


“This is your little boy…” They heard the baby’s heartbeat and a 3D image of their baby boy appeared on the screen.

“He’s is so beautiful,” Henry whispered, holding her hand.

“And this is your little girl.” Another baby appeared and blackness.


“Is he alright, doctor?” Henrietta worried now stood over Henry who was laid on the bed.

“Oh man,” He groaned rubbing his head and waking up. “What happened?”

“I’ll give you a minute,” The doctor whispered to her and left the room.

“You passed out.”

“Huh?” He opened his eyes confused to see her with tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong, Princess? Is the baby okay?” He quickly stood up and held her waist.

“They are fine. I was scared about you.”

“Oh, my love, I’m fine.” He kissed her forehead. “You said they?” Then he remembered, he had passed out from the shock.

“We’re having two babies!” He exclaimed.

“Are you upset? I thought maybe that was why you passed out.”

“I was in shock. I am the happier than I could have ever dreamed.” He kissed her nose. “I hope we have twins everytime.”

“What? You want more?”

“With you? I won’t ever have enough. I want you filled with our children all the time. I love you so much and our peppies.” He dropped to his knees and lifting up her dress, he began to kiss her stomach, telling her and their unborn children how much he loved them.

“I want to see them again.”

“That’s no problem,” The doctor had entered. “I’ll make you a video and take some stills for you too.”


Henry had not stopped smiling since he left the doctors office. The maids and Jason alike were shocked. They told Rie they never saw him smile before, ever.

He had dismissed them for the evening. But not before sending them out with a shopping list of things to get by tomorrow morning. It was foods Rie liked, the vitamins she needed and foods to keep her healthy.

He would have gone himself, but she was tired and he wasn’t planning on leaving her.

That night he prepared her a delicious meal, he bathed them both and then, once in bed, they fell asleep in each others arms. She was worn out and content.


The next morning Henry woke up before Rie and treated her to breakfast – along with her vitamins – in bed, followed by oral sex that almost had her fainting with pleasure.

He spent a good hour just licking her, exploring her body with his mouth before finally giving in to her begging and taking her in doggy style.

Not surprisingly he didn’t last long, he never did with her. Gone were the times he could last hours without coming. With her, she merely had to look at him and he’d cum.

But they made up for it in the shower where he took her a second and third time.

Their plans for the day was get to know each other, tell each other about their lives, past and present.

He dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, her in one of her new shift dresses, no panties again because he liked to stroke her pubes, but they had to be careful with the staff around. That is way they were cuddling on the couch in the living room under a blanket.

It was only eleven in the morning, Henry had gotten so far as to show her his matching birthmark and tell her he had one older sister when the door bell rang.

It was one of several people. Only a selected number of people had access and clearance to get through his front gate without the guards calling him for confirmation.

“Whoever it is tell them to go away,” He called to whomever was planning on answering the door then went back to chatting.

“You can keep you’re bedroom, you can use it as a dressing room and for your clothes. It is next door to our room, so I can have a door put in between for easier access for you. As for our little Peppies,” He leaned down and kissed her stomach. “We’ll have the room opposite ours converted into a nursery and-” A knock at the living room door cut off his excited planning causing him to growl in frustration.

“I said to send them away! I do not want to be bothered!” He exclaimed.

“Daddy,” Rie said quietly, gaining his attention. “It’s okay. You see who it is and I’ll wait here.”

He was about to protest when he heard a raised voice. He knew instantly who it was.

“Alright, princess.” He pressed his lips to hers in a lingering kiss. “Let daddy kiss his babies.”

Not having to ask what he meant, she lifted her dress and he pressed his lips to stomach, twice. “Daddy’s loves all his children.” She knew he included her in that. And before pulling back, he made sure to lick down her slit, stood up and winked.

More raised voices. “Give me a second!” He called to the person annoyed.

“Princess, watch some TV I won’t be long.” He kissed her forehead and left the room.


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