Chapter 50

Lenime’s pov

9 weeks pregnant.

Amber glares at the woman. The woman looks terrified and she should. Everyone in here – especially the Poyun – want her dead.

I would have done it myself already. But the Humans have a system. I completely understand. We do too, except in rare cases. Such as someone is physically caught in performing a murder or crime against a child or crimes against the ruling family.

“Tyme Cotton, you have been charged with extreme cruelty and physical harm of a infant. And the assault of a diplomat and member of the ruling family. How do you plead?”

From what I have watched in old shows, this is a modern version if a trial.

Instead of a judge there is a group of three people, that includes Dallas in the centre, with a man on one side and a woman on the other. I don’t recognise them. But they look stern and much older than Amber’s nephew.

There is small seating area where two dozen people can watch. There is several Poyun, not including myself and the rest are Humans.

“Not guilty.”

Apparently she had a chance to have a person represent her but she rather foolishly choose to do it herself.

If in the unlikely situation she is found not guilty I will kill her myself. She laid hands on my children and mate.

Amber has spoken to Dallas but decided against having a Human question Tyme for her.

We remember everything in great detail, so she asked Kiy to question for her.

She said it would drive the Xenophobic nurse crazy and Kiy would be able to keep his calm better.

She know Phe or I would break her neck if we got close.

But Kiy adores Amber. He promised not to harm the woman without permission and is well known to be diplomatic.

He often performs talks and trade agreements for our people.

Tyme first told her version of the story.

Basically she was feeding the baby when Amber pushed her way into the room and grabbed the boy.

Tyme tried to stop her, knowing the sun would harm the baby. Which is supposedly when she tried to grabbed her, but the shield pushed her back.

Then it is father’s turn.

“Is it not true that she heard you say ‘That’ll teach you, you desecration!’ to the baby and she entered the room to see you laughing and holding him up to the light knowing it could kill him?”

“Of course not. And who are you to question me? You are not of Human decent!” Looks like it is working.

He doesn’t answer instead he asks her another question.

“And isn’t it also true that you named the baby Bane, meaning a cause of great distress or annoyance because that’s how you saw him?”

Again she denies it, saying the mother named him. Which we all know for a fact is false since she died before she named him because Dallas was closely involved in the matter since he originally planned to raise the baby as his own.

“Do you carry a deep hatred for all nonhuman races?”

She narrows her eyes but smiles. “Of course not. Anyone will tell you I am a good nurse.”

“So if myself or one of my crew or a member of a different Alien Race was found to be your mate you would accept them and bare their young? Children of mixed parentage.”

She doesn’t answer.

“Since you are such a good nurse it is only right that you will be assisting in all the future mixed births, I am not correct?”

Still nothing.

“Ms Cotton, you will answer the questions,” The woman judge orders her.

“I… I would do my job,” She never really answers the question and sounds almost as though speaking through gritted teeth.

“So if the next ruler of this planet was going to be the younglin you called Bane, you would accept it?”

“Impossible. He isn’t a Vandeerveer.”

“Actually, he is.” Her mask drops. “He has officially been adopted by Aaron Vandeerveer. Which means he has a chance.” A small chance since he is moving to the Evalon system but still.

To be honest, he has a bigger chance of ruling the Poyun but not likely. It will likely be one of his and our daughter’s young, if they really be mates.

“That isn’t true, is it?” She asks Dallas.

“Yes. If the original requests it and I agree the infant could become ruler,” Dallas wants her dead as much as us. He was heartbroken to learn what happened to the baby.

“That wouldn’t happen,” She says confidently. “You all know as well as me that no one would accept him.”

“Why? He is Human and will be raised by one.”

Her lip curls up in disgust. “But he isn’t.” Despite her expression she sounds calm.

“This whole thing trial is a joke,” She laughs. “If your kind never came, I wouldn’t be here.” There is quiet chatter in the seats near us.

“Could you clarify?” Father asks.

“No one wanted to child. I was given it to quietly get rid of it. He is a burden.”

“Which is why you purposely exposed into sunlight knowing it would eventually kill him?”


The Humans near me erupt into fury.

Realising what she had just admitted to she quickly shook her head from side to side. “No. That’s not what happened.”

Dallas bangs something on the desk in front of him and easily quieting the people near me.

“But you, yourself said you had been given him to get rid of?”

“Yes… No…”

“Which is it?” Father sounds a little angry, but I know he is holding his fury back for Amber.

“Did someone tell you to get rid, kill him or did you decide up on it yourself?”

“I didn’t need to be told. It was clear, no one wanted him. The emperor rejected him and even his mother killed herself rather than be with him. Hybrids should be killed.”

I am a just about to jump over the side and snap her neck. But someone beat me to it.

The court fell silent.

Dallas moves so fast I barely saw him. One second he is in his seat and the next he is in front of Tyme.

All he did is hit her in the neck but it seemed to be enough. She clutches her throat and fell over.

“Take her to the morgue!” He orders a couple of guards who stand in shock.

“But sir,” I hear one say in almost a whisper. “She’s not dead.”

“She will be soon.” She is unable to breath, he has crushed her windpipe.

A moment later she is carried out and Dallas stands in front and addresses everyone.

“I do not enjoy giving people a death sentence. But Xenophobic attacks and attacks on children will not be tolerated,” He sounds much more forceful than I have heard him before.

It is all being filmed.

“We are entering a new age. We will meet new races, some may be hostile. But I know we no longer need worry.” He stood beside my father who is now smiling.

“We genuinely have the Poyun to thank for many things. Firstly they rescue my great aunt Amber from an eight hundred years stasis on old Earth. Then on their journey saved my cousin, Dax. Who along with a small group had crashed into a planet after being sent on a mission by myself to find Amber.” Dallas knew about Dax now and if anything, it has brought them closer.

“We also have to thank Dax. Because without him, we may have never met them.” Both planets know we are helping with technology and planetary defences. But they don’t know about the Trenks fret because we don’t want to worry them.

“I will be making a formal announcement in the coming days. But for now, spend time with your friends and family. Come to the landing site, met to the Poyun and learn for yourself we have nothing to fear.”

He turn that around well. One second people are looking a little scared at his actions with Tyme. Now they are cheering him and the two fellow judges shaking his hand, telling him he did the right thing.


The next day.

Andre Monet and Daviya finally return after over a day joining in his room.

Daviya walks beside him now with a proud expression. It is clear that the emperor has accepted him. At first Monet is limping. So Amber and myself escorts the pair to the medical bay.

Phe is in a important meeting with Dallas, Aaron and his mates.

I know what about but Amber doesn’t, it’s a surprise.

Entering the room we are all shocked to find Yio – a nineteen year old nurse and Nol’s daughter – naked and on top of my uncle.

I can’t help but smile. Korl is exactly a hundred years older than her. It is extremely rare but it has been known to happen.

I know we’ll be expecting a cousin before the next heat.

Amber quickly grabs the pills and drags us out.

My uncle and Yio never stopped once. They probably didn’t even realise we were there.

“Fuck, that was sexy,” Monet comments and Amber raised a brows.

“You still like women?” She hands him a pill and he took it with a drink he already had.

“Yes, I still have eyes.”

“Maybe you might have a female mate too,” She suggests and both men exchanged a questionable look, but don’t answer.

“So how have you decided to go about explaining Daviya? Will you remain emperor?” She asks as we step into the lift.

He looks up at his mate and smiles. “I will announce him as my mate and if my people will allow it, I will continue being emperor.”

Gay marriage is common place on both planet but the alien mate is still very new.

“I am certain it will work out,” Amber assures him.

“And you, Daviya?”

“I have decided to stay here. I will visit and explain to my parent when all has settled.”

“You know…” I start thinking. “We could assign you to the Human planets as the Poyun representative. It will mean you would still officially be a Poyun citizen and if you wish to return to the Evalon system in the future, you would have a grand house on Atar waiting for you?” I suggest.

Only the ruling families and those of great power live on Atar.

His eyes widen. “Could I?”

Amber looks at me with a smile then to the new couple. “A representative would have been choose for the job anyway. And I personally couldn’t see anyone better suited,” She told him.

“You maybe a giant, but you are one of the most gentle and genuine person I know. When I appear on your ship, you quickly made me and Marmite love you. You will be perfect for the job.”

He reaches down and picks her up, drawing her into a hug. I decide to let him have the minute, after all she is mine forever.

“I love you too, little Amber.” He presses a kiss directly on her lips surprisingly her and making me jealous.

“That’s enough. Give me my mate back,” I order holding my arms out.

He chuckles and places her in my arms and kisses me on the lips. That was not a pleasant experience.

“Was that not right? Andre said it is a way to say you love someone.”

I instantly forgave him. He is as new to the culture as us. He is a gentle giant, as Amber would say.

“It is right,” Amber tells him but sends a warning look to his mate.

We had long ago arrived at the correct floor, exited and waking again. I am still holding my Amber. I’m not touching her button because Monet is around and he wants to see it.

No way. It’s mine.

“So does this mean you are going to stop sleeping around?” She asks him.

He slowly nods his head. “Until we have a legal aged female mate the only place my cock is going is in him.”

“I don’t need to hear your sex life. A yes or no was enough.”

He laughs. But I am more curious about his words.

A legal aged female mate? Does that mean they have another mate but she is underage?

If so they need to speak to her because ignoring her could cause serious problems.

Arriving back with Phe, our parents, Aaron, Dallas and many of the others, Phe picks Amber from my arms and bought her face in for a lick.

I don’t mind too much because I know how much I hate not being with her.

“I missed you too,” She giggles and let him lick her cheeks.

“Yio found her mate,” I announce and everyone seems happy. Our whole ship is like one family because we spent so many years together.

“That is amazing,” Dad says with a smile. He is sat with mother on his lap. “Who was it? Was it a Poyun from the military ship or Human?” She asks straight after him.

“Uncle Korl.”

All the Poyun in the room smiles widen. Everyone loves him.

“That explains it…” My father mutters to mother.

“We saw them in the medical bay. So just check before going in,” Amber warns making father laugh.

“He never was patient.”

Later that evening we throw a big celebration to celebrate not only Korl’s mating but also Daviya.

Everyone is pleased Monet had accepted him. Though a lot of people were surprised.

Monet even ordered men to his home to prepare it for their arrival. Apparently the bed and door frames, as well as some of the conveniences would be much too small. So he is having it all changed.

As for Korl and Yio, her parents are beyond pleased their first born had found her destined mate.

Korl and Yio wore golden marks which both displayed with pride. He never let her out of his site the whole time they were with us.

He actually looks younger, if that is possible, since joining.

“I think Marmite will have another new friend in a few months,” Aaron suggests looking at the new couple.

Korl gives a toothy grin, hugging his mates waist. “I think so too.”

“If you want to bond with her between heats, you should get her to suck your penis when it is hard,” I tell him and he listens curiously.

“It feels great and Amber says it tastes like vanilla ice cream.” The Poyun look interested but Aaron bursts out laughing. I turn to see Amber had turned bright red.

“Why not just try sticking it up her backside,” He says laughing.

“We did that.” He stops laughing when he heard my sister. “We saw it in a movie. Just use oil and it is actually quiet pleasurable.”

Ty nods his head in agreement.

And Dallas looks shocked.

“They are a very open race,” Lola tells him. Lance is in their quarters putting Marmite to sleep.

“It is completely safe,” Koya adds. “I checked.”

I know for a fact by the end of our trip there was going to be a lot more intimate time between heats for the Poyun.

If you get pleasure out of it, why not try? It has to be a little frustrating waiting months at a time for joining.

“Ren, normally rubs me to release. So it would be good to pleasure her too.”

For Humans it is awkward. But still we are Poyun and only desire our mates, speaking about joining is no different than speaking about medicines. We are just exchanging knowledge to help each other.

Speaking of pleasure.

My hand moves under the table where we are sat and up Amber’s skirt.

Phe already has a hand in her sexy little pants. His finger buried inside her.

How hadn’t I noticed?

She is keeping surprisingly calm and quiet. But is still a little red faced. Perhaps that is why.

I immediately begin to rub my button, she presses herself against me harder.

Normally she would be telling me to stop but not today.

My member is rock hard.

She hasn’t even touched me and I am already close to release.

Removing my hand I stand up and Phe follows me, still holding Amber. One of his hands is hidden up her skirt, so you can’t see anything.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to feed Amber ice cream.”


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