Chapter 1

I always hated drinking blood. Now I understand why. Real blood tastes completely different. It is divine.

I went on a bit of a rampage over the follow couple of weeks. I drained one, sometimes two or more people a night. After each I’d take their money and stay in their home while I slept and then move on.

I felt hungry all the time. That is until the fourteenth night when I passed out cold after feasting on a man better off dead. Then again none but the old lady were good people.

I don’t wake up for two days, I only know that because the television.

Drinking all that blood had given me enough energy to have my final growth spurt.

I’ve gone from not even four foot and looking eight to five-nine and looking my age, I also have pubic hair and curves now. My eye lashes seems to have gotten longer and thicker and my lips fuller and red. My hair and eyes are the same but I seem to have grown into them, if that makes sense.

I am beautiful, sultry. I feel confident and strong.

Since I’ve grown so much my old clothes and underwear all don’t fit anymore. I literally wore clothes and shoes for a young child.

Going through the perverts house I don’t hold out much hope. All hope seems lost and I am thinking I’ll have to go bare foot for the night and wear men’s clothes when I get lucky. I discovered what I assume is his mother’s old clothing in the attic.

A little old fashioned. But I am beautiful now and can pull it off.

I end up choosing a long sleeve floral midi dress and a pair of flat sensible sandals. None really my taste and very old fashioned but the best of the lot.

With the cash I’ve acquired over the weeks and my old clothes I leave the house after eating a small meal.

I take my old clothes to protect myself from being found out but also to remind myself how much I’ve grown.

It is exhilarating and a little strange walking down the street. Men and women look at me differently. I am taller and feel older, more mature, I see things differently too.

I always thought I’d never imprint with a person but now I crave it.

Walking along promenade on the beach, I think about my plans. I need clothes but shops are closed until morning. Meaning I need to stay up.

I am alone and deep in thought when a man grabs me and places his hand over my mouth.

“Don’t scream or fight and I won’t hurt you,” He whispers. I have decided already to feed on him. I’m not that hungry, I think I was so hungry before because I was starved.

I am strong enough to break free but wait for him to let go and turn me to him.

Leaning in, I smell his neck. He chuckles thinking he got lucky only instead I sink my fangs in and paralyze him.

I try to drink but I’m too full. Anymore food or drink of any kind and I’ll puke.

I pull back with the intention of just killing him when I notice we aren’t alone.

Three men were stood watching us. Two identical men, long black hair, grey eyes. And another man long silver hair and grey eyes. All really tall probably close to seven foot and muscular. Pale and handsome Anubis’s. It is clear they aren’t human and appear to be around my age.

“I’m full. Want to share?” I offer up the man. I’ve never been this brave before.

Vampires aren’t really meant to go around killing people but it happens. And we aren’t really known to share a kill.

They seem surprised by the offer.

“Really. I’ve had my fill. I’ve ate a lot this week. Please share. I’d hate to waste AB negative.” It’s the rarest and a delicacy.

You can taste the difference in blood types, I can’t explain it but you can.

Approaching us. I immediately sense power and can tell they are much older than I initially thought despite their looks.

Passing the paralyzed man to them, the three bite him together quickly draining him.

Beautiful men, I hung around watching them.

Finishing up they drop the body to the ground.

“We should probably move on. I’ve killed a few recently, they are probably suspicious,” I tell them not going into details.

“You are young,” One of the twins say as though just realizing.

“I’m eighteen, almost nineteen.”

“Vampires work in the morgue and all government agencies. Kills are covered up, don’t worry, you are safe.”

I breath a sigh or relief.

“Thank goodness because I went a little rabid for a while.”

“It can happen before the spurt if you’re under fed.” They speak to me but all seem in dazes, staring at me as though drugged.

“Are you guys alright? Was that guy drugged or something?” It sounds dumb, but sometimes human drugs do give vampires a little high.


“We are all lovers.”

Woo, okay… I wasn’t expecting that.

The silver guy continues. “We took a sabbatical from our jobs for a year to find our mate.”

“Only to return home and find you here.” My mouth drops open realizing what they meant. I have grown, yes. But I didn’t expect this to happen.

I am attracted to them, my heart is hurting at the thought of leaving them and… Oh crap! I think I imprinted on them when I first spoke to them.

Imprinting can automatically happen when their is a strong attractive. But with many it happens later. I heard many don’t realise for a while, mostly the young.

An imprint is a type of mating bond. You can do it with as many people as you like but the contact you have lasts forever, until you have no contact for at least one hundred years or death.

Imprint is strong so most only imprint on one or two but group matings do happen.

For a fraction of a second when you imprint your eyes turn ‘snake eyes’ named as such because they look like slits and glow but it is easy to miss.

“I imprinted on you,” I tell them embarrassed.

They smile, but don’t seem surprised and walk over to me. “That’s good, because we’ve imprinted on you. The moment we saw you.”

“You have to give us a chance now,” One of the twins say earning an elbow from the other two.

I’m shocked at how fast this has happened but agree to go back to their house.

It’s all so crazy. I follow them to a parked car. Getting inside, they tell me all about themselves as one of the twins drives.

The twins are Jacob and Issac Thorn. And the silver haired guy is Lazarus Gore. All are one hundred and fifty years old and best friends since childhood.

They had been travelling the last year in hopes of finding their mate (female) but hadn’t had luck. But then they saw me. They were driving by and pulled over seeing a man approaching me.

Apparently the area is known for sexual assaults. I had no idea.

Maybe I helped stop that. Vampires don’t hate humans and are known to help anyone in need. The blood we get is from donors, some feed on animal blood, but I’ve never tasted it. It’s an acquired taste.

The twins have another, much older brother but he isn’t looking for a mate. Not since his first rejected him.

Yes, he imprinted on her and had to go through the pain at never seeing her again.

It happens but it’s rare. Most natural imprints work. There is a deeper connection.

I don’t understand it completely but am hopeful.

And crazy horny since the growth burst.

Arriving at their house with enter a huge, grand estate. The type only the well-bred and elders live in. The three are older than me but not elders.

Entering the house we are quickly greeted by a man extremely familiar to me and my heart fills with dread because for some reason unknown to me he hates me.

Principal Malachi Thorn. Principal of my school. Vampires attend school until twenty-one. He is well over three hundred and a Vampire Elder. Similar looking to the twins but bigger. He is well-bred, extremely powerful, intelligent, dangerous, devastatingly handsome, centuries-old, huge, hulking and has a noble air. Every girl in school has a crush on him, including my sister but he hates everyone, especially us.

“We have found a mate,” Issac tells his brother proudly.

The older man stares at me like a hungry lion. This is unusual.

But then I see it, snake eyes. It is quick – blink and you’d miss it – but it happened.

“You want to share, brother?” I am shocked.

Before he can answer I speak. “He doesn’t like me. I am a student at his school.” I really depressed just saying it knowing the pain I’ll have to go through now to remove the imprint.

He stares at me for a moment as though trying to work thinks out.

“Zelda?” He asked unsure.

“Yes, sir,” I say close to tears. The others watch on confused.

“But how…?” He approaches me and with an authoritative voice says, “Explain!” Only he isn’t speaking out loud but in my head. I try to push back with my mind. Try to show him what I saw and how I became.

I don’t know if it worked because instead I see images of a much younger him and a woman familiar to me. He followed her around like a lost kitten and adored her. She used him for sex and promised him the world. He imprinted on her but she never imprinted on him. Instead slept with dozens of men before leaving him for a human man.

The images end with him falling into a deep depression.

He surprises me be pulling me into his arms.

“I am sorry, Zelda. Had I not been so cruel I work have seen. Please forgive me?”

The trio looks confused.

“Remember Jezebel’s granddaughters? I sent you pictures?” I listen surprised.

But yes, my grandmother was called that.


“The little one. This is her.”

“What? It can’t be.”

“Yes.” I reach into my bag and pulled out my tiny dress. “This was my dress until tonight and my growth spurt.”

It wouldn’t even fit me as a top now.

“Her mother has been starving her. Feeding her synthetic blood, stunting her growth.”

“But her sister…”

“Was being given real blood.”

I listen confused as not only the trio but the principal became angry at my parents and sister.

“I understand why they might be angry but you hate me!” I exclaim annoyed at the mood change.

“I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you. I hate your grandmother and took it out on you.”

“She’s been dead years. My grandfather killed her. He didn’t want to be a vampire but the final straw was when she tried to kill my mother. She was jealous and insane. I am nothing like her or my mother. I will love all my children, not just the eldest!”

“I know, my love.” Oh poo. He stares into my eyes and I can’t deny the connection.


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