Chapter 7

“Would I be allowed to redecorate the master bedroom, Freddy?” I ask him as I drive.

They can drive too, but they haven’t drove in traffic before. Not that there is much.

Technically, the master bedroom is the triplets room since it is the biggest and there is three of them. But I have a great idea.

“What do you have in mind, my love?”

I have already spoke to Lloyd about it this morning. He thinks it is a great idea and told me to speak to Freddy about it since he is the oldest.

“I would have to move most of the furniture into another room but… My first thought was that we could put a few beds from the other rooms in there side by side to make a huge bed for us all. But on second thoughts, I don’t think it would work.

“But I have another idea.” They were always so sweet and listened, even when my ideas are dumb.

“I once saw in a magazine article when a few months ago. At was about some club, I don’t remember the name. I think it was some kind of sex or hippy club or something… But that’s not important.” I tend to ramble. They fine it amusing.

“They had this amazing room, called the cuddle room.”

I see Freddy raise a brow. “What kind of magazines have you been reading, Winnie?” Lloyd laughs already knowing the answer.

“I never brought it. It was some mens mag that a customer left. And before you ask, it was brand new. He must have forgotten it and been too embarrassed to come back to get it.”

“And my sweet little queen was looking at it because…?”

“I was a lonely, horny teenager. I wanted to know what it was all about.”


“It was really boring. Pictures of women dressed as school girls, cheerleaders. A couple of topless pictures. But mainly boring articles about stuff that would put you to sleep. I only looked at it so long because I liked the cuddle room.”

“And you want to make the master room into a cuddle room?” He guesses.

“More or less.”

“And what is a cuddle room?”

I tell them about the padded quilted walls and plushed padded floor.

“I don’t think we need the walls, but we could change the floor into a padded surface with mattresses or something. That way we can all share a bed and I don’t have to choose.

“You can all still keep your rooms for clothes and stuff. But yours and your brothers would have to be moved to another room. But not the one next to the master.” That is the nursery. There is a door directly from the master bedroom to the nursery. It is perfect. It still has all the old stuff and it is surprisingly clean.

“I was actually thinking of a way for us all to share myself,” He admits. “We all hate being away from you. I think the idea would work perfectly.”

We are still on a deserted piece of road when I pull over.

They both look confused.

“Is there something wrong with the car, love?” I shake my head, climb out of the car and remove my knickers.

I didn’t have to say anything. They didn’t need to be told what to do. They were out of the car in no time.

“Our goddess needs worshipping.” I watch excited as Freddy pulls out his massive cock and Lloyd falls to his knees taking it all into his mouth, making it good and wet for my pussy.

I love watching my husbands together, watching them lap one anothers seed from my pussy.

My sex drive had gone crazy since I married them.

I thank God for quickies or I’d never get anything done.

If I am too sore but very horny my husbands will take it in turns laying between my legs, licking me to orgasm over and over while they are taken anally by another.

I had no idea it could be so exciting. I haven’t tried it yet. But when we finally have the master bedroom fixed up I plan on taking as many as I can at once. Including letting them take my anally for the first time.

“Please, Freddy, give me it already.”

“I love you, my queen.” He pushed his monster inside me and both men kiss me at the same time.

Our tongues mingle but soon Lloyd is on the hood and has his cock between our lips.

Together we work his cock as Freddy gives me the orgasm I need and shoots his seed inside of me.

“I’m going to cum,” I watch in awe as Lloyd thrusts his cock into Freddy’s mouth as he throat fucks and shoots his cum.

They know I love watching them face fucking one another, that’s why he did it.

But he isn’t done. Once Freddy had moved Lloyd had his tongue in my hole. He cleans my pussy and Freddy’s cock before we go on the road again.


I easily find the store, but the guy who runs it continued to talk to me in a patronising way. At least until my husbands stepped in.

He was all ‘darling’ and ‘I’ll explain simply like because you’re a woman.’ That was until my husbands moved around the corner and stood with me.

They didn’t even have to say anything, one look and he was terrified. I think he would have just given them to me if I had asked.

We are loading the stuff into my car when I notice a supermarket.

I love Woodford but I really want chocolate.

The town is pretty busy and a lot of people (mainly women) stare at my husbands. I am surprised to find even a few men stare at me.

Now I’m married men want me. Typical. But I don’t care. I have the best husbands and I love them.

But what did surprise me is neither of my husbands eyes wandered. In fact they seem to glare at anyone who looks our way.

Passing a diner with an outside sitting area I hear a woman telling another woman almost in tears how she is would be homeless soon because her landlord had passed and the heir wanted to move in.

I pause hearing her say, “We went to the estate agents but it is all way out of our price.”

She is clearing looking for help, but her friend just shrugs her shoulders and begins bragging how her life is perfect. She is sipping an expensive coffee and has a cake, while her friend has nothing.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” I interrupt the self-centered woman’s bragging. “I was passing and I couldn’t help but overhear your in need of a house.”

“Yes.” The woman doesn’t hesitate.

“I don’t know if you’ll be interested but have you heard of Woodford?” She shook her head. Clearly not a local.

“It’s a ghost town. Everyone died. You don’t -” I cut the self-centered woman off.

“Forty years ago it was a thriving town. Many childless couples or people wanting multiple children visited and lived there because the unusually amount of births.”

The self-centred woman scoffs.

“My mother had trouble conceiving until she went there,” An older woman at another table joins the conversation.

“She ended up having triplets, me included.” She looked sad. “It was a great place until the outbreak.”

“Yes, in the twenties there was an outbreak of dipheria. It was all over the country but it hit Woodford hard. Many died and most of the survivors left.”

I realise a group of people who look like tourists have stopped and are listening.

I noticed earlier that there are banners around town about some fair or something but I didn’t pay it much mind.

“All that was left was the very young and old. They kept the town clean and safe. And it is now almost completely self-sufficient.

“But sadly, none of the old residents returned. They town his many empty houses and stores. I have only recently moved their myself. The mayor himself told me they were looking for families, skilled tradesmen and good people who want to live in a happy supportive town.

“You won’t find prices cheaper and the buildings are all in good condition. Just very dusty.

“I’m not going to lie, if you choose to move there it isn’t going to be easy. But the good things never are. At the moment we only have a couple of businesses but we are expanding.”

The sad woman looks intrigued.

“I’ve only recently moved there, like I said. But my husbands were born there.” I indicate to my giants.

“Don’t let their expressions put you off. Everyone is so sweet. These are very protective of me.” She smiles.

“But don’t have to take my word on everything, visit the town. Speak to Mayor Jones. If he isn’t in his office he’ll be at the diner.”

She thanks me but I’m unsure whether she’ll go or not. If her friend has anything to do with it, no.

I go to move but am stopped by a couple in their thirties. They are some of the tourists by the looks of it.

“Is It true about the fertility help?”

I nod. As far as I know it is. I saw old clippings about the town that Graham showed me. They seemed to think it was true.


I shook my head. “I have no idea. All I know is the pregnancies happened and they were almost always multiple births.”


“Freddy is a identical triplet and has younger twins brothers. Lloyd is a twin and he’s younger twin brothers. The mayor is a twin, the doctor is a twin.

“Boys seem to be most common but girls are born too.”

I see a colour couple hanging around desceetly listening. The town here is awful, maybe places has signs which says ‘whites only.’

My old town wasn’t like that but only because there wasn’t any non-whites.

“Any people,” I say desceetly shooting them a look hoping they will understand.

I just hope the mayor isn’t a racist. We never discussed color, religion or race.

We left the town a little while later with my chocolate and I decided I should visit Graham just in case anyone comes.

I am hopeful but not certain.

“We have a real sales woman here,” Lloyd brags to the older man.

He and Freddy told him everything. I felt a little embarrassed.

“I got a little carried away. Sorry.”

Graham shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. This is just what we need.”

“It is?”

“Yes. They might not be interested but they will tell people about us. People speak the news will spread and who knows. Maybe we will have a new family.”

I smile happy to please him.

“Oh, I just have to ask, color, religion or race, any nos?”

He looked confused.

“The town have ‘Whites only’ everywhere,” Lloyd tells him disgusted.

Graham seems to understand.

“No, anyone is welcome. Well, any happy friendly folk. As long as they don’t try to push God in people who don’t want it.”

“Sounds good to me.”


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