Chapter 9

Mike stayed long past when he would normally leave. He seemed in his element telling the children stories. Even telling them the story of the town, only making it a lot more child friendly.

Lily and May and the young black boys all sat together happily. The boys and their parents had a slice of fruit pie each and a drink but insisted they pay.

“We haven’t decided on prices. Next time, this time is free,” I told them and they couldn’t argue. I literally have no idea about prices.

Turns the black couple is actually a trio. The woman is married to two brothers, they had gone to another country to do it legally. But were now looking for a decent town to raise their children. They seem like good people, just unlucky to live in such a racist town.

The woman is a tailor and dress maker, while one of her husbands is a cook and the other was a boxer.

The other couple is in their thirties and have been unsuccessfully trying for children for years. She is a beautician and he is a barber.

They don’t live in the neighbouring town but are willing to relocate for a chance to have a family.

It’s really heart-breaking. They seem like a nice couple and love children.

By the end of the day the town had three new families. The older couple would be traveling back and forth for a while until they can sell their old home and business. But didn’t see it taking long since they both live and work in areas which are in high demand.

The others would be moving in over the next couple of days with the help of the local men and a van they own.

Speaking to the mayor later, Iearnt he was charging almost nothing for the house and businesses the family work be running. Only once business picks up will the rent increase.

The wife of the young couple had agreed to tutor the children until the population increased and more teachers could be hired. But she’d have access to the small school and everything inside. The mayor would also give her a budget for equipment. She won’t have to pay anything since it is a school but will get a wage.

Her husband will take over the garage which until now was just open to anyone to use since they didn’t have a trained mechanic.

The older couple will have the barbers and hair salon. Some of the equipment needs updating but the couple are bringing all their own. Plus I’ll be working to safety check and update electric where needed. Some of the men and I are going to work on cleaning a couple of houses ready for tomorrow. Since I am no longer moving in one, we already have one half done.

As for the triad, the woman will run the local dress makers, making and repairing both mens and womens clothing. One of her husbands will work as a cook at the diner, giving me more time to do other things, including repairs and getting my bakery up and running. He won’t have to pay rent since it’s already up and running. But he will get a wage.

And lastly the second husband will be the Sheriff’s deputy. But since we haven’t much crime he’ll be just helping out with picking and other odd jobs until everything picks up.

Instead of spending the night at the bar we cleaned up the two houses ready for tomorrow. Even the older twins helped out. All but the mayor. But he was busy at the diner making us a late dinner.

Some fuses and blubs in the houses needed replacing but were otherwise pretty good. Crazy considering how long they have been empty.

The third house we had a few days to fix up.


Three weeks have passed and everyone has moved in and settled.

The older couple, Mr and Mrs Gale sold their businesses to a couple of former employees. And as for the house, they decided to rent the old house out to their brother who needed a bigger house.

Mike started voulteering at the school, helping out with the children. He adores and is really good with them. I have even seen the other two old men around town doing gardening in the town square and the empty properties.

Graham, Tyrone (the new cook) and I spent some time coming up with an official menu and prices. We’d keep the popular dishes and add some new dishes. I agreed to keep making bread and cakes. My bakery is up and running, but I’m only working there part time with the help of one or more of my husbands who I’ve been training. The rest of the time is spent slowly going over the towns buildings electrics, fixing and updating where need be.

Graham has given me access to money for what I need and there has been many more trips to the next town over. At one point or another all of my husbands has gone with me and all are still crazy enough to think I’m the most beautiful woman.

They are still convinced I’m pregnant. I don’t think it helps that I’m late. But I never have been regular. I am usually a week either side.

Even Gary has had to get a price list. We have had quite a lot of interest. Graham and Jake have been going over applications and answering questions. We have had a lot more people visiting the town, meaning everyone is much busier. I know there is interest in opening a hardware store seeing how frequently we are having to visit to next town over.

We were also looking to have someone run the food store. At one point the twins were having to stock it personally, keeping some of their produce, meat and dairy in store, but no one was running it officially. But I had the key, so usually one of my men ended up serving. We also get cans or other products delivered to the store from out of town.

It was actually the delivery driver who expressed interest in the store. A man in his twenties, with a young wife and two school age children. They were barely making ends meet and wanted more out of life for their children. According to them and others, rent in the neighbouring town is extortionate. The rich stay rich and the poor get poorer.

It was decided that the young couple would move to town and room the store and the kids would attend the school. It was agreed that one of the eldery men, Ray who I just recently discovered is a retired banker, will help them with the books until they were comfortable.

They had to learn to calculation out goings, to know how much to charge and make a profit. They haven’t run a business before, so it is all new to them.

Ray agreed to help out anywhere he is needed.

Last I heard the neighbouring towns newspaper was writing an article about the town.

It is the one month anniversary of my marriage and I was spend the morning bakery before heading home to spend time with my husbands. I had spoke to the couple running the store and give them some things to sell in my absence. I told them not to worry about giving me the money for them this time. Everything is still new and I’m not worried about money. I just want the people to get their things. The store couple, school teacher and the dress maker all pick up a loaf everyday, likely for the kids.

I was just heading home when I noticed a small bus, around ten seats, stopped at the side of the road.

There was a group of women twentie to thirties.

Pulling over I climb out and a couple of them approach me.

“Need help?” I don’t want to sound judgy but they look like the nicest of the group. The other four appear stuck up.

“Yes, please,” The younger of the two said in relief. “I’m Maxie. This is Buffy,” She introduced the woman besides her. “We are professional cheerleaders on a way to a game. Our driver got sick half way and stayed behind. I’ve been driving but we are lost and now I think the bus is broken. Is there a mechanic or someone nearby who can help us out?”

“We have a mechanic. Do you want to climb in and I’ll drive you?”

“Yes! Thank you,” She said and quickly turned to the others. “We are going to get help. Be back soon.”

“What about us?” One whined and more was said but their voices immediately irritated and I rolled my eyes and turned them out. They were so whiney.

Thankfully, they stayed behind and only Maxie and Buffy joined me.

“Sorry about them. They are bitches.”
“Maxie!” Buffy scolds her and I hold back a laugh.
“You hate them as much as me.” Neither argue about that.

Normally I would have at least one of my husbands with me but today they had agreed to let e go alone to work since I was only making a few loafs, cakes and a batch of cookies and wouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting. It was the first time, likely because they were excited to prepare whatever surprise they have for our anniversary.

Arriving at the garage I am met by not only Ryan but also Gary. He has an vintage car Ryan and him have been working on restoring.

“Winnie, is anything wrong?” Gary asked approaching the car knowing I’m meant to be going straight home.

“These women need Ryan’s help. Their bus has broken down,” I tell them, introducing the women. “Oh and they’re lost. So a real there is a job for you too, Gary,” I love teasing him. He is pretty lazy if you let him be. But he is a sweetheart.

“Okay. We’ve got this. You head home, Winnie, or your husbands will send out a search party.”

I laugh knowing it’s true. “You’ll be okay with these. Gary is the sheriff and Ryan, the mechanic. They will see you are safe.” I make sure they are alright, before saying my goodbyes and heading home.

I am driving listening to the radio and singing to myself when I am stopped again, this time by a car with four of my husbands in.

“Where have you been?” Ian asks pulling me into a hug the moment I leave the car. The other three are quick to join us.

“I’m only a little late,” I say. “A bus broke down. I drove a couple of women to Ryan’s to get help,” I explain.

“You shouldn’t stop and speak to strangers,” Angus says frowning.

“If I didn’t speak to strangers I’d have never met any of you,” I argue the point. “Plus they are lost and nice enough. Well, two of them are. The others seem annoying. But with any luck they will be gone soon.” I steal kisses from them all. “Anyway, I’m sorry for worrying you. Let’s head home. I’m hungry and really looking forward to spending time with you all.” I look to Angus knowing he would be the easiest to get information out of.

“What’s the surprise, my darling?” He looks at me with such love and is clearly about to tell me but Wayne slaps his beside and shakes his head.

“No, love. You will find out soon.” He turned to me. “I’ll ride home with you.”

“No,” I laughed. Devilishly handsome, I knew better than to let that happen. I know that look, he just wants to get me alone and make me even later.

“I’ll drive alone. We’ll get home faster.”


More coming soon.


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