Chapter 6

“No no no. I do feel the same. I just got a bit distracted thinking about how lucky I am to of found you,” I blush slightly as I speak.
He pulled me in tighter to his chest, which I didn’t think was possible.

“Thank you,” He says slowly into my hair.

“What for?” I had no idea what he was thanking me for.

“For being with me.”

“Aww. You silly sweet man, you don’t need to thank me. Just stay with me and I’ll be happy,” I said less than a second later.

He picks me up by my waist and takes me back into the bedroom.

Placing me on the ground I search for my clothes, while Dario searches for an outfit for himself.

“Will you be alright to take me back to mine after you have spoken to that Magnus person?” I ask realizing I had no clothes.

His face fell as he turned back to me. “But I thought you were stay with me?”

My heart breaks slightly every time I see him sad.

When in the hell happen to him to make him like this?

I don’t know, maybe that is how all bonded males end up.

I place my clothes which are in my arms on the bed and walk over to him.

“I am, Dario. But I need to go back and get my clothes and other things if you want me to move in and stay with you,” I tell him softly, holding his hand in both of mine.

A look of realization hit his face, “Oh,” His lips curled up into a smile.

“Yes, oh,” I say teasely.

“I will drive you and we will collect all of your stuff. And so you don’t have to wear the same clothes…” He turned back to his wardrobe and pulled out a large black button up shirt and passed it to me.

“Wear this until you get some of your own fresh clothes.”

I put it on over the top of my underwear from last night.
Alright, I know its gross, but I am not going without, I will change them when I get back to mine.

It is miles too big. But I have a thought.

Dario dressed himself and turns back to me. He watches in awe as I fold and turn his shirt into a dress.

When finished I walked over to a full length in the corner and looked at myself.

As I looked in the mirror I couldn’t help but be happy with would I saw.
I just was thankful for once that I was a short five foot three inches and Dario was a giant at over six foot three.
Meaning the shirt ended mid thigh, hiding my butt.

“It actually looks pretty good,” I say surprised and looked back to Dario who is smiling.

“I saw in on YouTube one time,” I tell him doing a little twirl.

I grin “How do I look?” I wrapped my arms around his waist as best I could but my hands didn’t touch.

“If we had more time I would take you again,” He said seriously.

“But Magnus is impatient and will probably end up interrupting us.”

“It’s alright, we have forever,” I said with a smile.

“Who is this Magnus guy?” I asked him before we left the room.

“He is the son of my parent’s aids and a good friend,” He said taking my hand in his and my arms left his waist.

“Maybe I should stay you here. It might be private business,” I suggest.

“Even if it is?! You are my beloved and you should know everything I do,” He said happily.

“OK, but can I have another kiss before we go downstairs? I would do it myself but I’ll need a box.”

He let out a deep laugh, “Anything you want.” With that he leaned down and we shared another mind blowing kiss.

Pulling apart I notice we are almost half an hour late.

“Come on, big boy. We should go. He has been waiting almost an hour,” I tell him amused.

He shrugged, “I would rather stay here,” He kissed my lips again and gripped my butt.

“So would I, but you need to speak to the man and I need to go to get my things,” I tell him between kisses.

He sighed and rested his forehead against mine. “You’re right, I guess.”

As we exited the room we began our long walk downstairs.

“How come when the sun shines through the window it doesn’t burn you?” I have been curious about that since we awoke. But was too busy at the time to ask.

“It is special glass which blocks out all the UV rays which hurts us.”

My mouth opens to form a o and I nod my head.

“That is pretty cool. I never even knew there was anything like that,” I said with faraway look thinking about how I always had to live with the windows covered the last few years.

Hand in hand we finally reach the top of the stairs.
Thankfully, no one is about that I can see, but I can hear several voices around the house.

“This way,” Dario says pulling me beside him over to a large wooden door to our left.

He didn’t even bother knocking, he just opened the door and walked inside.

“Dario, we need to speak. I think your… Hmm, lady friend, would be best waiting outside,” The large hulking figure which was sat on a chair behind a desk glared at me.

“No. She will stay! And you will remove yourself from my seat,” Dario sounded mad as hell.

The man who looked to be in his late twenties and I am guessing was Magnus, seemed shocked by Dario’s outburst.

His shocked expression was soon replaced by one of anger. “What is so important about this blood bag?” He growl still glaring at me as he walked to the other side of the desk so Dario could take his rightful place in the bosses chair, his chair.

Dario took his seat and sat me on his lap.

I could tell he was mad, but instead of hitting the man or yelling, he looked to me and smiled.

Telling with his eyes to show the man.

I looked at him with a smirk and nodded.

I got up from his lap and turned to see the man who was half glaring and half confused at what was about to happen.

I looked at him with a smirk and nodded.

I got up from his lap and turned to see the man who was still half glaring and half confused at what was about to happen.

“Magnus, is it?” I ask either man as I stroll around the desk.

I can feel Dario’s eyes switching back and forth between me and his ‘friend.’

“Yes,” The man answered dragging out the word as if trying to work out what I was going to do.

I come to a sudden stop when I finally arrive in front of Magnus and turn my head back to Dario to double check.

He nods knowing my question already and gives me that heart stopping smile.

‘God, I really want you inside me…Oh my God! He is turning me into some kind of sex crazed loony,’ I thought to myself.

And as you can probably expect I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice in there I never expected.

‘As long as you only do it with me, then I am more than happy to oblige,’ Dario sent me a wink and a smirk.

‘I don’t know how you did that, but we will discuss it later,’ I tell him, knowing he was still listening in.

“OK, but first…” He says this time out loud, indicating to Magnus with his eyes.

“What are you two talking about?” I heard a slightly annoyed Magnus grumble.

“And why did you send this little human piece over here?” I turned just in time to see him looking me up and down.

“But I have to admit…” He looked up to my face with a lecherous smirk.
“…She is a looker. When you have finished…” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because within a second I had him by the throat up against a wall.

I could feel Dario’s anger as Magnus spoke before and I knew that if I didn’t go ahead with the plan soon then Dario would probably kill the man.

The man eyes widen as I lift his body off the floor as if he weight nothing.

“How?” He gulps like a fish.
I hear Dario moving behind me.

“You will respect me and keep your thoughts to yourself!” I growl feeling my canines extent and eyes change as my anger comes out. Magnus eyes widen impossibly wide as he takes in the change.

“If you weren’t Dario’s friend I would have killed you already,” I begin to lower him slightly but not totally removing my iron grip.

“But if you do or say anything else to piss me off, then next time it won’t matter who you are!” I growl once more releasing my grip and dropping him to the ground.

I ignore the man on the floor and turn back to Dario who is now standing close behind me with a huge grin.

My vampire side was still out and I needed to feed.

‘Come here it’s okay,’ Dario tells me in my head, telling me it is alright to feed on him.

I know what a lot of books and movies say but in real life yes vampires can feed on other vampires, but only if they agree to it.
That’s what Dario told me this morning between playing.

But human blood gives us a lot more energy.

We hold each other as I began to kiss his neck before sinking my teeth in.
Our grips tighten and I hear him stifle a moan as he tries not to become aroused.
It only takes me less than a minute before I pull away licking his wound my thirst now quenched.
I pull away now back to normal and he kisses my head.

“Isn’t she great?” He said almost like an excited child kissing my head again.

If it was anyone else I would think it was weird, but on him it was cute.

“I don’t understand. She smells human?! Even if she is a vampire she still shouldn’t be able to overpower me, I am the more than a thousand years old. I tried to use my mind control and even my strength to get her off but it didn’t work” Magnus started to ramble on.

“Did you?” I asked releasing my grip from Dario’s waist and turning around whilst Dario kept his arms around me.
“I really didn’t notice” I tell them honestly.

“Didn’t notice?” He asks astonished by my admission.

“Really,” I said making Dario laughs. “Yes, she tends to zone a bit,” He said nonchalantly.

“Zone? And how do you know?” I asked turning my head slightly.

I noticed a slight blush appear on his checks. “Well… I kind of used to watch you a bit in the club,” He said nervously.

“Awww, really?” I cooed and place a soft kiss on his lips.

“That is so cute,” I kiss him again.
“But I am sure it was more than a little if you noticed that,” I smirk.

We hear a throat clear and I growl turning back to the man remembering he was still in the room.

“Sorry, I don’t want to get you angry or anything I just wanted to remind you I was still here and says sorry to…Hmm…” Magnus sounded scared.

“Marie,” I say whilst glaring at him.

Without warning Dario picked me up by my waist like a doll and in a blink of an eye we were back in his chair with me again on his lap.

I can’t help but squeak at the suddenness of it.

“Crap, that was fast,” I whisper to myself.


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