Chapter 8

The three of us soon head outside to a large garage.
Luckily it was the time of year were the sun sets at four in the afternoon and now was six, so it was already dark.

Dario opens the garage door with some electrical remote thing that he had to type a code in.

“Very high tech,” I think out loud earning a short laugh from both men.

“We may all be old compared to you but we still…” It was Dario speaking but I cut in. “Very. Maybe I should then calling you granddad or pops or something,” I tease.

“I think I might like that, especially if you called me daddy in when we were by ourselves…” Dario smirks and winks at me, whilst Magnus laughs in the background.

I literally have to hold my mouth closed to stop it falling on the floor.

“You are such a pervert!” I exclaim in shock.

Both men just laugh, but say nothing.

The door opens wide to reveal a dozen different models and makes of sports and other type of cars.
“Woo, fancy,” I whistle almost nonchalantly.

Both men who were now in front of me look at me with a questioning expression.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Nothing,” Magnus brushes it off, Dario smirks and turns back to the cars.

“So do you have a lot of stuff to move?” Dario questions.

“Well, I have lots of crap, but most of it I don’t want. I will mainly take clothes, shoes, make up and so on. You get the idea,”
I tell them.

“Alright. so this should be big enough,” He walks over to a medium sized four by four.

“Sorry, most of the other car has little to almost no baggage space. So this is our best choice,” He says rubbing the back of his neck as if nervous.

‘Awww, so cute,’ I thought to myself.
Dario gives me another questioning look, but this time filled with amusement.

I ignore it and say, “Yes, this car is perfect. Let’s head out. “

We are soon heading back down the road we came in on last night.
Dario was driving, I was in the middle next to him – Something he insisted on – and Magnus was on my other side beside the door.

“I am feeling so closed in right now and kind of bored,” I say after ten minutes of silence.

“Mr. Magnus,” I say getting his attention.

“Yes?” He sounded surprised that I was speaking to him.

“As ‘daddy’ is busy driving and from what I can gather doesn’t like doing speaking whilst doing that. I will ask you a few questions and you will answer.”

I hear Dario groan lowly at being called ‘daddy’ and Magnus acted like it was a normal thing, I couldn’t see him fighting back a grin.

I turn back to Dario for a second to check on him. “Are you okay, daddy? I thought I heard you say something?”

This was follow by another groan and him saying whispering lowly to me, “Please not now,” He begged.

I smirk, ‘Who knew he was so kinky?’ I thought.

Then purposely brushed my lips over his neck as I leaned in and whispered, “Sorry.”

This made him shiver and I played innocent as I turned but to an amused Magnus.

“Magnus is too long from now on you are called Mag,” I tell him.

“Alright. But everyone else will still call me by my full name,” He agrees.

“Yeah, that’s fine. So my questions … How after only a few seconds without even calling anyone did you know that Dario’s parents and them other people were coming over? When it was clear only a few minutes before they had sent you so they didn’t have to come?” I begin with my first question.

He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “That’s an easy one, that if you were born or had been known at the start of your vampire life you would of learned about. I was expecting a more awkward question,” He confessed.

“Vampires have the ability to speak to each other through their minds. This ability is only available through between linked groups, such as fully mated beloved ones like yourself and Dario will be and also between member of a household who choose to apply the link via a blood swapping act. This is where one vampire and another makes a cut in their hands and they press their palms together to blend their blood and make a connection.”

He explained everything.

“And that is why he,” I point to Dario, “Has been able to read and invade my mind?” I ask.

He grins at my comment and nods, “That’s correct. So you and Dario already fully mated?”

“What do you mean by ‘fully mated’?”

‘What am I a dog?!’ I think and hear Dario laugh.

“More driving less nosing in my head,” I tell him without turning.

“Fully mated is when a beloved pair – which is basically a vampire version of soul mates. Every born vampire has one, but it can of take years to find theirs. Made vampires do not have a beloved one though, so they normally just pair off.

“Anyway back to mating is completed when the beloved pair first have relations and then both bite, mark and feed on each others neck.”

“Relations?” I knew what he meant, but wanted him to feel awkward.

“Urm, yeah…sex,” He said the last part quietly making me laugh.

“You know, Mag, for a ancient womanizer such as you I wouldn’t of thought you would find it so shy to say sex. After all you didn’t sound shy earlier when you were asking Dario if you could play with me when he was done,” I teased.

“You can’t have her she is mine!” I heard Dario growl.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I turned to him and kissed his cheek to calm him down so he didn’t drive us into a ditch.

“Only yours. It was only teasing, nothing more,” I calmed him, but he still looked curious.

“You say only born vampires have beloved ones, so why do I? I am neither born or made.” Magnus gave me a thoughtful look before answering.

“I honestly have no idea. I was hoping that when Dario’s parents come they might know.”

“Why would they know and not you? Aren’t you dead old?”

I notice Dario grinning out of the corner of my eye, while Magnus is frowning. “Yes, I am older than most others, but that doesn’t mean I’m dead old…” He answers sounding not to pleased about being called old.

“Okay, whatever you say,” I brush it off and hear Dario trying not to laugh.

So I turn to him. “Shhh, you are old too,” I playfully scold him, making Magnus laugh instead and Dario frown.

“Err, don’t sulk. You know I still like you. Old or not,” I grin and turn but the other way.

“Anyway, why his parents?” I ask again.

Magnus looks as if he is thinking for a moment. “They are some of the oldest. But they will explain everything about that tomorrow. They will try and answer any questions I can’t,” He explained as Dario continued to drive.

I nodded and went back to thinking about the last couple of days, while watching the streets and trees fly by.

We soon arrived at my apartment, but I quickly realized something.

“How do you know where I live?” I ask turning to Dario.

Magnus looked at him with a smirk and asked a sheepish looking Dario. “Yes, Dario. How did you know?” His tone teasing and full of amusement.

“Urmm…I guessed?” Was his answer, not sounding the least bit convincing.

I think back to that night after leaving the club and the feeling of being followed. “Did you follow me from the club?” I question.

Instead of answering he went to get out of the car as if I don’t say anything.

“Come on, lets go pack up,” He says holding out his hand to help me out.

I took his hand and got out of the car, while Magnus got out of the other side.

“So you stalked your beloved, Dario?” Magnus continued to tease as we walked through the main door, through the corridor and stopping just outside my apartment.

Dario glared at Magnus, but it didn’t seem to bother him, he continued to laugh.

“I am pretty sure he did. I remember the other night I was walking from the club around the corner and there was a person following me. If it wasn’t for the sun coming up who knows what might of happened,” I say in mock fright.

Magnus laughs, while Dario continues to say nothing.

I unlock the door to my apartment and turn back to the two men before they can enter.

“Right, just a warning. It isn’t fancy or anything near your castle mansion thing. So don’t be surprised,” I warn them.

Both men nod but say nothing or at least not in person.

‘Marie, you have no reason to worry. We would never judge you,’ I hear in my head.

I couldn’t help but smile at his words which rang through my head as we entered the door hand in hand.

Leading them through the hall into the front room, I can’t help but sigh at the memories I had from this place.

Most not so good.

“This is a pretty good place,” Magnus said looking around the room, Dario hummed in agreement.

“But it does have a very strong smell of perfume about it…” He almost questioned.

My expression turns sheepish, earning my questioning looks from both men.

“You have to remember I am not as old as both of you and I have not grown up with others like me or had others to teach me…” I pause to study their expressions.

Both wear blank expressions, but nod their heads, as if telling me to continue.

“From the start I have been trying to find others, but never had much luck until now. As you know when I first turned I couldn’t control myself and ended up killing my parents.” Both before nod with looks of sympathy.

“Well, nothing changed much after that, I continued to struggle controlling my hunger. I really did and do try to stop myself when I feed so I don’t kill them but it often doesn’t work. A lot of the time when I did feed I would bring them back here for company.” Dario tensed slightly knowing what I meant.

“But most of the time they would end up dead and I would have to keep the body in here until I could sneak it out under the darkness of night. Hence way it smells so soft of perfume,” I explain.

Every sexual partner I have had, I have killed. But I couldn’t control myself.

“Have you killed anyone recently?” Dario asked, but I knew he meant. Have you had any men around recently.


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