Chapter 10

“Dario, is it true vampires can only can pregnant by their beloved ones?” I think out loud, but it’s a real question.
“Yes. But if you are worried about me coming inside you, don’t. It takes years for that to happen,” He sighed sounding disappointed.
“My parents are perfect examples of that. It took them more than two hundred years. They are much older than other vampires, but for years they concentrated on building and creating peace in the vampire community,” He explained.
I nod in understanding as I rinse the last of the soap from body.
“And from future reference, how long does the pregnancy last? Is it like a human one?” I ask and Dario smiles happy to answer.
“That’s a complicated question. Vampires less than five hundred tend to be pregnant for six months. Whereas older ones can be variable, normally anywhere from three to six. My parents thought that only lasted two months.” My eyes widened when he said two months and then I looked down at my stomach and mumbled lowly to myself. “Makes sense.” But he didn’t hear me because of the water.
“Pass me the towel,” I asked as I turned the water off and take the towel from his hands.
“Thank you” I turn my back to him as I dry myself, but he still didn’t notice.
“And how long does it normally take to find out you are? Can you use a normal test or do you have some other way of telling?” I continue to ask, surprised Dario isn’t wondering why I am asking so many questions.
“Again, it depends on the person. Anywhere from two days to a week after conception. As for tests…” he pauses “I have no idea. It has been so long since anyone was pregnant…” He trails off, but I still understand.
“Normal the woman either visits a vampire trained doctor. But if you are lucky enough to know one, you can go visit a special type of empath who is capable of telling if they focus.” I feel his eyes burning into my backside.
I give it a little wiggle and a slap, making him growl playfully.
Once I finished drying I wrap the towel around me and begin the brush my hair.
“So why all the questions?” He asks finally.
I glance back at him and chew my lip nervously.
He gets up from leaning on the wall and walks over to me with a worried look.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Turning me to him.
“I know it will take a while. But I promise we can try anything you want to get pregnant sooner if you are worried…” He begins to say, but I cut him off.
“No, it’s not that.”
He looks more worried and confused, “What is it then? You aren’t regretting us, are you?”
“No, never. I love being with you. I hope all our time in the future is just as good,” I answer quickly making him smile slightly.
“It will, my love,” He kisses my cheek.
“Then what is it?”
“Promise you won’t be angry?” I ask.
“I could never be mad at you. But I promise anyway if it’ll make you feel better.” He wraps his arms around me, pulls me in closer and snuggles his head into my neck.
“You’ll just need to let me go for a second if you wanna know,” I laugh and he pulls away with a strangely sexy pout.
Without another word I drop my towel to the floor.
At first he gave me a questioning, but lustfully look.
I roll my eyes and placed my hand on my small swollen stomach. Which looks to of grown about inch just since this morning.
He followed my hand, unsure what he was seeing at first and then his widen in realization.
He looks at me with an unreadable expression and tears in eyes.
“Put some clothes on, Marie,” He said softly but wore the same expression worrying me now more.
Quickly, I did as he said and followed him once I was finished.
He led me into the living room where Magnus was now sat with his feet up and watching TV.
When he noticed us, he stood up and smirked.
“You guys sounded like you were having so much fun. I didn’t want to interrupt you,” He teased.
But his smirked dropped when he saw his friends blank expression.
“You alright, man?”
“I need you to scan, Marie, and tell me if you sense anything?” Dario order him in a almost cold tone.
Magnus nods but is obviously confused.
‘Is he an empath?’ I think.
Dario nods silently as Magnus turned and walked a few steps closer to me.
“You’ll just have to stand off to the side for a moment,” He tells Dario, who moves straight away.
“Anything inparticular I’m looking for?” He questioned looking to his friend.
“You’ll know when you see it,” He answered cryptically.
Magnus turned back to me and rolled his eyes at his friend, before mouthing, ‘sorry’ to me.
I nodded and gave him a small smile letting he know it was alright.
I couldn’t believe how much I was worried at how Dario would react when my fears were confirmed.
Would he leave me? Would he believe it was his? Even though I have never had unprotected sex with anyone else but him.
I know now about only being able to have babies with mates, but I didn’t before.
Also I didn’t want to catch any nasty STDs from any of them.
All these thoughts and more invaded my mind.
I wasn’t really paying attention as Magnus stepped closer and looked over my body. At one point even touching my stomach.
But then quickly pulled away looking shocked.
Looking between Dario and I, before finally settling his gaze on his friend.
“I don’t understand?” Magnus said out loud.
“So is she?” Dario asked his voice and expression with still no emotion.
“Yes. She is pregnant with your baby.” In a flash I shoot out of the room, locked myself in my bedroom and broke down crying.
Dario’s pov
“Yes. She is pregnant with your baby,” Magnus told me obviously as confused as I was.
“But how?” I asked letting my confusion show for the first time.
It is only then that I noticed Marie was no longer in the room.
“Where’s Marie?” I asked worried.
Magnus, the man that I have known since birth and been friends with just as long gave me a look of disgust.
“She’s ran out of the room not a minute ago and is now crying in her room,” His voice full of venom.
How did I not notice that?
I went to rush out of the room to her but was stopped by my friend grabbing my wrist.
“Do you even understand why she did it?” His tone cold.
I shrugged, “She is probably just a bit shocked by the baby thing. After all we both told her it could that years to happen,” I said trying to go to my mate who I just want to hold and tell her everything will be alright.
“Really?” He paused and looked at me as if to say ‘are you for real?’ before continuing. “She is upset because you drag her in here, demand me to scan her. While you stood at the corner staring at her the whole time as if you wanted to kill her. And then you wonder why she’s crying?!” He sounded so angry.
“It may have been alright and accepted to act cold and nonchalant in the past with everyone else. But it is not alright to act like that around someone you love. You are so lucky to found your beloved. Not only that but also for some unknown reason you have been able to conceive a baby with no problem. You know how many people would be jealous of your last couple of days, including me…”
I was shocked by his outburst, but I wasn’t mad at him. I need to be told if I do something like that. I can’t risk losing her.
“Thank you… I didn’t realize. I can’t lose her… I didn’t mean, I just didn’t want to get over excited, just to find out it was a mistake,” I try to explain.
Magnus sighs and lets go of my wrist. “I know, man. But you have to learn to express yourself better around her. After all you are going to be parents soon,” He pats my shoulder.
A small smile creeps on my face. “We are…” I felt dream I was dreaming.
“But I have been alright expressing myself or at least until now with her… I think…” I try to think back and remember the first day and the day after meeting her and how cold I was very her in the beginning.
“You’re right… I have acted cold. I have to try and fix this,” I say already walking out of the room.
I am not gonna lie, I panicked as I walked towards her door.
‘What if she hates me now? What if she realizes she is too good for me and disappears?’ Were the main thoughts floating around my head.
I tried the door handle on reaching the door, but it was locked.
So instead I tried to knock and ask her to open the door. “Marie, please open the door, we need to speak?” I asked emotion seeping into my voice.
I heard sniffling coming from behind the door, but no answer.
“Please, Marie, sweetheart? Let me in. I didn’t…”
“Just go,” She sobbed. “I know you don’t want me anymore. Just go already.”
My stomach clenched and my heart broke thinking how my stupidity broke my beloved.
“I’m not going anywhere. I love you. Please let me explain?” I begged.
“Why? You made it clear…” I couldn’t take anymore of her sobbing. I gripped the door handle and gave the door a shape, strong push breaking the locking mechanism.
I rushed into the room to see her on the bed in a ball, crying into her pillow.
In a second, I was next to her and took her into my arms.
“Let go. I know you don’t want me now,” She screamed pounding her fists into my chest.
I just held her tighter to my chest, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head.
“Shh, my love. I didn’t mean to act cold to you. I am not trying making excuses for myself, but I just knew if I said I was happy straight away and then it turned out to be a mistake and you weren’t with my child we both would have been heart broken. I have never really been one to show my emotions around people until now with you. I struggle to realize when I am being unintentionally cold towards you. I don’t honestly mean to be like it.
“I know I treated you the same, being ‘nonchalant’ as Magnus would put it. But I never intended to hurt you. When you first let me know of your suspicions I felt as though I would burst with happiness. I have always wished to meet my beloved and have a child with her but I never expected us to have one for many years yet.
“Not that I wished to wait so long. The only thing I want more than a family with you, is for you to never leave my side and be my wife. I love you so much. I can’t lose you. I know I need to share my feelings with you in the future, so not to worry you again. You are my one only…” I exclaim so fast I was unsure if she understood me.
She pulled back and looked at me with an expression I couldn’t read.
I dried her tear stained cheeks with my hand and waited for her to speak.
“You really mean all of that?” Her voice hushed and still croaky with sadness.
“Every word. I would of asked you to marry me already if I didn’t know how that might scare you off so soon,” I tell her honestly and hopefully.
I furrow my eyebrows together when she suddenly starts to laugh.
“I’m sorry,” She says trying not to laugh. “I’m not laughing at you. I just feel stupid for jumping to conclusions. I should of waited and asked you.
“And now here I am unable to control myself. I feel like I’m crazy. I love you so much in such a short time. It’s crazy. I love being with you… But I want to…”
Happiness followed by fear is what I felt when she suddenly stopped. “But what?” I asked worried about the answer.