Rubus 1

I hate Jason Raines!
Soldier, player and cold bastard.
I am Lillian Thomas, a student in the space station Rubus school.
It is a station on the edge of Delta sector of space which not only acts as a protector, but docking and refuelling station. Both Humans and aliens alike live there. The station is ran by the coalition. A large group made up of at least a dozen different worlds, Earth not included but Mars is. I am the daughter of the first technician and one of over a dozen school age people on the station.
I live with my father next door to the jerk himself, the stations head of security, Jason Raines. He is a trained soldier but often works at the small school training and teaching the students. Normally military skills, such as fitness training or scouting.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile in the years that I’ve been here. He is a giant, with a body of pure muscle. He’s handsome, that’s for sure. But he is cold, rude and always looks angry.
That being said, he is an amazing soldier and great at his job. Mainly because everyone is afraid of the hulking giant, alien visitors and my father included.
Living in the quarters next to his, I know for a fact he is a pervert and a player.
He keeps me awake all night with his many one night stands.
The women are always passers-by, not locals and then he kicks them out after the act. I honestly don’t know how he gets them to go with him in the first place. He doesn’t know the meaning of flattery or kindness.
He’s one of the Earth born Humans. They are controlled and oppressed. I heard you even have to have breeding rights. I’m not sure what it meant, but I thank the universe my family were descended from the Mars settlers. Mars was originally an Earth colony, but when the new Earth world government took control they become their own power. The Earth government tried to stop them, but Mars won with the help of some allies, the coalition. Neither myself or father have been to Earth and don’t plan on.
My mother was from Earth, but died years ago. She was out in a shuttle in a solar storm. It knocked out her shields, so when a meteor hit the shuttle she was killed.
Today is another one of those days, a day where the giant dick is teaching my class. There is only three in the upper year with me but still. I’d rather be home.
Only today he isn’t alone. He has a three people I recognized as station security.
“You’ve had the training. Now is the time to put it into practice.”
With the station commanders and our parents permission we are each taking a shuttle and going on some kind of scouting exercise. I don’t really understand why. But we are and each of us will be accompanied by a fully trained security officer/soldier, just in case we get into trouble.
“You’re with me, Thomas,” He uses my surname like I am a soldier. I bite my tongue and follow him out to the shuttle.
I really wanted to ask to be paired with someone else or maybe go home, but I don’t.
“You’ll pilot the shuttle and I will be in the passenger seat and here if you need help. But you will be expected to complete the quest yourself.”
I nod my head, but then add, “Yes, Sir! Anything else, Sir?”
He stood and stare down at me with a look that would scare most but I knew him well enough to know he doesn’t hurt women physically unless they are a threat to him.
Mentally though, he did that every night with his many flings.
“Yes, get your short ass in that seat and start the decoupling procedure,” He says turning back to the bow and climbing into his seat.
Piloting a shuttle is child’s play. Growing up on Mars before moving to the station, children are taught young the basics of flying a shuttle.
On the station you are given a more advanced piloting cause at the age of fifteen. The station rule is everyone needs to know how to fly. They likely wouldn’t need it, but if the worst happened they’d have a chance.
Focusing on the task at hand I do as told, following the instructions on the brief I was given earlier.
“Do we all have the same mission?” I ask him curiously.
“No. All have been tailored to your personal skills.”
I turn to look at him. “And what are my skills?” I ask seriously.
“You’re bossy.”
I frown. “That’s not a skill!”
“No, but it is nonetheless true.”
I glare at him and am taken back when I see a small smile. But it quickly disappears and his resting jerk face is back.
“And you’re a huge jerk,” I say without thinking moving into the jungle planets atmosphere and slowly go over the landing procedures. Until finally coming to a stop.
Preparing to stand, I jump at how close Jason is now stood to me.
“Em… I need to stand.” I stand and awkwardly try to move past him. But only succeed in sandwiching myself between his hard body and the back of the chair.
“I’m a jerk, am I?”
“Among other thing…” I try and fail to move past him.
“Enlighten me.”
I huff growing annoyed. I know it shouldn’t but being so close is making me crazy. I blame teenage hormones.
“A cold bastard, a pervert…”
“Pervert?” He asks with a raised brow.
“Well, daddy…” I use the name he likes his sexual partners to call him and look between us. Then up with a raise brow. “You’re basically on top of me.”
I am left speechless when he takes a step closer, pressing his body rightly against mine. He is so close I can feel his every muscle. “You listen to me have sex?”
I try to stay cool, act normal, like he is annoying me instead of arousing me.
“It’s hard not too. My quarters are next to yours. There is a vent between. I can hear everything.”
“Does it turn you on?” He presses his hard groin against me causing my eyes to widen. He feels like he has a baseball bat in his pants and he isn’t trying to hide it.
I don’t answer. So he leans in closer still, until his lips are almost on my ear.
“Isn’t that Telenak doing the job right? You need a real man.”
“Telenak… What?” I look at him confused. He pulls back but only enough so I can see his face.
His has the bluest eyes, I’ve never noticed before. But they are really beautiful.
“I’ve seen him got into your quarters at night.”
I stare at him for a second before realizing. He thinks I am having sex with Jinoro, a Telenak.
“Oh my… Are you jealous?” I move in closer and whisper into his ear in my best seductive voice, “Do you imagine that’s me when your taking them women?” I love teasing him.
I gasp when I feel his lips touch my neck. They feel so soft and sent jolts of pleasure I’ve never experience before through my body.
“Be careful, Lily,” He uses my nickname. He’s never used that before. He’s normally so proper.
“You’ve been begging for this…” He grabs my hand and places it on his large, hard package.
“For months. Always teasing me.” I don’t move my hand as he grinds himself against me, getting himself off.
“I… I haven’t done anything.” I feel my face burning.
“Everything you do drives me crazy!” My eyes widen at his sudden out burst.
“If this is about Jinoro…” He looks confused. “The Telenak.”
He seems to sober up, the look of desire disappears and the cold mask returns.
“Come on. Let’s go.” He pulls back and moves to turn away from me.
“No!” I snap. “You cannot just tease me and throw me away like every other woman in your life!” And hit his arm, but he doesn’t flinch. “What the fuck?! Do you have steal in them arms, you jerk?!”
“Is your hand alright?” He asks trying to take my hand to look at it.
“No!” I quickly pull my hand back. “You know what?! Fuck you!” I push past him and move to grab the equipment I need.
But I pause and turn back to him. “Oh and just so you know, Telenak are gender fluid. Jinoro is seeing my father. I’m a virgin, I’ve never dated anyone.”
Taking the equipment I open the hatch and exit the shuttle.
As I trek around the jungle I know he is following me, but I don’t look back or say anything and neither does he.
The planet is inhabited by only the basics of life. So I don’t have worry. But I’m clearly not paying enough attention because out of nowhere I am falling after tripping of a rock.
I prepare for pain, but nothing comes. Jason caught me before I can hit the ground and holds me in his muscular arms.
“Thanks,” I mumble and try to move but he holds me tight.
“I don’t want to let you go,” He sounds almost unrecognisable. Fragile even, almost like a child. “I know we can’t be together but let me hold you, just for a while.”
My heart breaks. But I am confused. “I don’t understand why can’t you be with me?” I am of legal age and he isn’t a family member.
He sits on the ground with me in his arms, holding me against him. But it doesn’t feel sexual, more loving.
“I am a genetically engineered soldier created in a lab on Earth. I was created with the purpose of killing and following orders.” I listen in shock.
“For that reason I am banned from taking a wife and will never get breeding rights. To be truthful, I am not meant to even have sex. My purpose is to follow orders, spy and donate my DNA to make more soldiers.”
I have heard stories of escaped soldiers but I never would have guessed.
“I was sent out to spy. But I found a world here I love. People speak to me, I feel normal, I was able to feel passion the first time.” He smiles as he remembers. He has the most amazing smile.
“I stopped taking my commanders calls and decided to live my life here. I won’t donate my DNA to create more monsters.”
“I… I can’t believe it.” I draw my arms around him. Though I can’t reach all the way around. He is too muscular.
We sit like that for a while before speaking.
“Have you been…? I don’t know. I know they implant women with a permanent type of condom that let’s flows out but not in. But what about men?”
“Human males get nothing. The women’s protection is a hundred percent.”
“But you are with the Coalition now. What is stopping you from being with me?” I ask. But then quickly add, “If that’s what you want.”
“I do. More than anything. But you are human. Earth will not allow it.”
I can’t help but smile. Who would have guessed he was so keen on me?
“Jason, I was born on Mars.”
“I know.”
“Meaning, I am not under their control. My mother was from Earth. But escaped and married my dad. She was freed of her condom and they had me. Humans not born on earth aren’t subjected to breeding rights. I can have sex, marry and have children with anyone I wish.”
His eyes go large and stare in awe. His expression is almost childlike.
“I could really have a real family? My own family?” He asks hopeful.
I am starting to understand now, why he is so cold. He has been misinformed. He was trying to keep his distance emotionally.
“Yes. With anyone you wished.”
“What about you?” I swear my heart skips a beat.
“Yes. I’ve been in love with you since you arrived on the station. It’s only ever been you.”
After everything, this still shocks me. “But… I always thought you hated me?” Until recently.
“No. You frustrate me so much. Sometimes I just want to bend you over and spank your backside.”
I squirm in his arm, growing aroused at the idea.
He begins to stroke my cheek and looking deep into my eyes. “You are so beautiful,” He whispers and looks down at my lips. “I want to kiss you.”
“Then why aren’t you doing it already?”
Not even a second later is lips are on mine. They feel burning hot. My body is aching for more.
“Did you accompany me on this trip to seduce me?” I ask him, pulling back breathless.
“Not at all,” He denies it. “I just love spending time with you, watching you.” He stares at me and gave me an embarrassed smile.
“I love your smile, Jason, I wish you’d do it more.”
“Tell me this is real, that you are really mine and I’ll do anything.”
I giggle. “Only me? No other girls, Human or alien?”
“Tell me your mine and I’ll marry you today! I don’t want anyone else. They were just substitutes for you. I always pictured you.”
It is kind of cheesey, but I believe him.
One thing you have to know about Jason is he doesn’t lie, ever.
“Let’s stick to dating for now.”
“Date me with intention of marriage?” He isn’t giving up. He looks at me pleadingly. It is as though I am the only source of happiness for him.
“You might find someone else.”
“Never!” He says adamantly. “I have been with many women, most wanted more, but they meant nothing to me. I am almost double your age…”
For reference I am eighteen and if I remember right he is thirty-three.
“I have met enough people to know you are my future. If any other woman spoke or had the attitude you have with me, I’d loose my temper. But with you, it excites me, not only sexually, you challenge me. I spend all my time waiting to see you and thinking about you.” He is looking at me with loving eyes the whole time he speaks.
My heart is going ten to the dozen, my stomach feels like it is full of butterflies and I feel like I may explode into a glittery mess at any moment now.
“I admit, the only experience with women is what you’ve heard in my room. I have no experience with love or little children. But I will be the best husband, father and man I can for you. I am willing to do anything to make this work.
“Even if it’s just me and you, no children…” His eyes shines with happiness at the thought. “I’d be happier than you can imagine and I promise, if you date me with the intention of marriage, I’ll stop at nothing to make you happy,” He bares his soul to me.
For the first time I felt like I am seeing the real him.
Tears well in my eyes as all the feelings I have for him but denied come to the surface.
Surprising him, I draw my arms around his thick neck, pulling him down and press my lips to his.
Caught in the moment we are soon pulling off one another’s clothes and before long I am taking his mammoth shaft inside of me.
It is a tight fit with more than a little pain, but it doesn’t stop me. Pleasure soon out weights the pain.
Jason’s huge hands hold my hips assisting me bouncing on his cock. All the time he is kissing my neck.
I know now exactly why them women moaned so much now.
He is a master in love making.
His body a mass of muscles and covered in tattoos. He is beautiful.
“Oh, daddy, don’t stop! Don’t stop!” A loud moan left my lips as I have the first orgasm I haven’t given myself.
He starts moving me faster, until finally groaning and erupting inside of me.
“Yes,” I say breathlessly. “We can date with the intention of marriage and if you change your mind -“
“Yes!” He exclaims with the biggest smile I have ever seen.
We stay like that for a while before I finally speak again.
“We should probably finish this scouting exercise. I have this real Jerk of a teacher,” I joke climbing off him and pulling my my clothes back on.
He looks amused. “You want to be in charge, that’s why you think that, little miss bossy.”
He stands up and gives me a quick kiss before pulling his own clothes on.
A little playing around but after a quick reminder how cold the planet gets when the sun goes down I quickly finish my quest.
Back on the shuttle.
“Can all Telenaks really choose their gender?”
Turns out Earth knows nothing about aliens, only teach lies. Apparently aliens mostly consist of males wanting to breed and steal any females they can get their hands on.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
Most aliens actually take only one mate for their whole life.
“When we get back to the station I want you to move in my quarters.”
My eyes widen.
“Don’t worry, I will speak to your father.”
I’m not sure what to say. I want that but isn’t it too soon and what about my dad? Would be alright with it?
“Does anyone else on the station know about you?” I ask him but then quickly add, “I mean being an gen soldier?”
He surprises me by nodding his head.
“All the station command.” He explains how he confessed not long after arriving at the station, even going so far as to handing over the device he used to communicate with Earth command.
The first year he was watched heavily, but by the second he had done more than enough to gain their trust.
He has even been part of the security when an rep of the coalition came to visit in the past.
All the security and command know who he is, meaning the coalition know who he is too.
Everytime I look away from the console he is staring at me.
“Docking granted,” The familiar voice says over the com-system.
“Starting coupling procedure,” I say trying to not let the staring put me off.
I dock the shuttle without problem when I feel the breath on the back of my neck.
I am a tiny five foot and he was almost seven foot. So he has to bend to reach me. Kissing my neck.
“Jason!” I moan as he sucks on my neck.
“Sorry, I just love you so much, Lily.”
Deep inside I knew already by the way he acted today, but hearing him say it is something else.
“Come on, let’s go meet the rest of the class.”
He stands up straight but then pauses.
“I think until we tell your dad we should act normal. I mean, I want to tell everyone but he should know first. Is that alright?” He sounds nervous and I can’t help but smile.
“I was going to suggest the same.” We share a smile and a brief kiss before leaving the shuttle the meet the others.
Not surprisingly, everyone has completed their tasks without to much trouble. One was biten by a bug and had a bad reaction, but apart from that it was fine.
I walked to my quarters alone, Jason planned to join me after finishing his job.
I was actually in the shower when he arrived, when I was finished, dried and dressed, I exit my room to find my terrified and uncomfortable looking dad sat opposite the very stern looking Jason.
“Lily, Raines is here to speak to me about you,” He sent me a looking as though asking what I did. I know despite his nerves he will always protect me.
“Is he scaring you, dad?” I ask and my dad looks horrified.
“Please forgive my daughter. She has no control of her mouth.”
“I know. She is very bossy and controlling,” Jason says to my dad.
“Hey!” They ignore me and my dad isn’t sure how to react.
“Is that why you are here? Has she been acting up?”
“Actually no. I am here to ask permission to marry your Lily?”
I feel as shocked as my dad looks.
“We’ll move in together and marry in a few days when we have dated a little.”
“When I agreed to dating with intention of marriage, I meant for a months, maybe a year,” I say laughing.
All my dad seems to hear is I want to marry the hulking security guard who has most of the station terrified.
My dad quickly turned from scared to protective.
I love my dad. This tiny man proceeds to threaten Jason, but give us his blessing.
“But hurt her and I’ll kill you.” I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting the huge smile Jason gave my dad.
Everything moved so fast after that.
It was completely unexpected, but my dad and Jason are best friends by the end of the evening. My dad even admits that he is planning on marrying Jinoro soon. That doesn’t surprise me since they basically live together already.
I am definitely going to have siblings in the future.
There will be more stories from the Rubus station,
but Jason and Lily will likely be only background characters.
Expect more Gen soilders.
I love it so far
Love thissss