Erotic Shorts – My Sisters Wedding

“Andre’s flight has just landed,” Dionne said down the phone to her oldest sister.

At the age of twenty-five, Dionne’s sister, Sonia was marrying her boyfriend of two years.

Making her two younger sisters her bridesmaids, she sent the pair to pick up her childhood best friend and the man who would walk her down the aisle, Andre Carmichael, from the airport.

“It’s funny, I always thought she’d marry Andre,” Rianne, twenty-two, thought out loud after speaking to their sister on the phone.

“I mean, I know she had a crush on him for years.” So much so that she followed him to college and did the same business degree despite her never wishing to work.

She is your typical selfish, entitled, vein, gold digger. Their whole family knew it. But still people encouraged her by catering to her every wim.

Only when she finished college a couple of years ago he moved away to take over his family business. Sonia quickly started dating her now fiancé, Sid Evans. The now thirty year old rich boy who lived off his parents money. But also is the father of Rianne’s two year old daughter.

Yes, Sonia started dating him while her sister was pregnant with his child. It was no secret he was the father. Sonia never did the expected thing, never asking for her sister’s permission, if it would be awkward, just did without a thought for anyone.

He could have been the love of her sister’s life and it would have been the same.

“You never know, maybe you have a chance now,” Dionne joked with her older sister. But knew it would never happen, she never dated. She is a dedicated mother. Both sisters the opposite to their older one.

Her sister laughed. Andre was a very popular guy at school. But they hadn’t seen him since he left for college, several years ago.

Running a business had eaten up most of his time.

Dionne was only eleven it the time and had just starting to notice boys.

“Sounds good, but just between us…” The older sister leaned closer to Dionne. “I think Sonia is going to seduce him.”

The girls were laughing when the flight let out.

They recognised him straight away. He was just as handsome as they remember. Tall, smarty dressed with perfectly styled slicked back dark hair. He looked powerful, scary even.

People openly stared at the model looking man. But quite the opposite, he always hated having his photo taken. But it didn’t stop Sonia from trying.

“Oh my God! Is that little Ann and my tiny little Dora?” He asked approaching them with a smile.

He was always kind to them, treating them as though they were his own siblings.

They adored him and their sister was always jealous of the innocent attention he gave them.

“Hiya Andre,” They greeted him and he hugged them in turn.

Dionne didn’t mention it but she could have swore he groped her ass. An accident, she decided. After all, she was just the dorky eighteen year old in shapeless clothes.

Not bold and beautiful like her sisters.

‘Not ugly, just plain,’ Sonia aways told her in a condescending tone. Lily always got angry at her older sister and told her Dionne was beautiful.

“And this must be sweet little Lily,” He leaned down and greeted Rianne’s two year old.

“She’s Sid’s kid, right?” He asked as they walked to the car.

“Yes, one night stand before he got with Sonia.” And Sonia, the Queen of the world, most beautiful woman ever made sure to tell everyone how he choose her over her younger sister.

When the truth was Rianne had no real interest in him. Sonia was the back up prize. But try to tell that to the vein self-centered bitch they called a sister.

“But you never got together?” He looked confused.

“He wanted too. Followed me around for months before getting with Sonia.”

“But you’re alright now?” He looked genuinely interested. He was always very protective, even of Sonia.

It was a complicated story. But Sonia didn’t seem to mind being with the man.

“Yes. He’s really good with Lily. I couldn’t ask for a better father. We are actually good friends now.”

Something Rianne had only told Dionne was that he followed her even before they had sex. She had sex with him because she thought he’d go away.

The spoil rich man didn’t like being rejected and followed her afterwards.

At first she thought he got with Sonia because of her, but now days before their wedding she was convinced otherwise.

Dionne, on the other hand, wasn’t convinced. She saw the way he always insisted on hugging Rianne, watched her, get annoyed if there was any sign she was dating.

He even insisted on special days, just the two of them and Lily. Taking ‘his family’ for a special dates.

She wasn’t convinced the wedding would happen. After all, Sonia was only trying to make her friend jealous and move closer to him, while Sid wanted to stay close to Rianne and Lily.

But Sid’s parents would be happier with Rianne, they hated Sonia. All she did is complain and spend money which wasn’t hers.

She didn’t want to work. She wanted to be a kept woman.

“What about you, Dora?”

She looked to him confused. She hadn’t been listening. “I asked if you had a boyfriend?”

She couldn’t help but laugh, then shook her head.

All three sisters had different shade of brown hair – hers light – and grey eyes, but that’s where the similarities end.

Her sisters were the prizes, tall, slim and beautiful. Whereas she was short, thick bodied and very awkward. “I tend to say it as it is, right or wrong. Seems guys don’t like that.”

Especially when you tell them their mother looks like a man. That was her first and only date.

She sat in the back with Lily, her sister and Andre in the front but he kept turning to look at her.

Andre was staying at the family house where the three sisters, Lily lived. Sid stayed over more often than not, but always in a separate bed to his intended.

Their mother was living with her new husband and their father was dead.

“I find that hard to believe,” He said gaining her attention again. “I personally value honesty.”

“I’m not just honest, I get verbal diarrhoea.”

Rianne laughed, “It’s true. She hasn’t got a filter.”

“Hmm… So tell me, what do you think of this wedding.”

“I don’t think either wants to really marry,” She blurted out without a thought.

“What do you mean? The way Sonia speaks about it, she and Sid are loves big dream.”

Both sisters laughed. He seemed genuinely confused.

“He’s trying to make Ann jealous and Sonia, you.”

Rianne denied it but Andre was more interested in the latter.

“Me? She still has that stupid little crush?”

“You knew?” Rianne asked surprised.

“You kidding?” He laughed. “She all but asked to suck my cock. I love Sonia, but I’m not in love. Being with her would be like fucking my sister,” He cringed.

“Well, you’re going to have a lot of fun this week.”

“Eh. I hope you’re wrong.”


The moment they arrived to the house he was pulled into a hug by Sonia.

He didn’t make a big deal or anything, he acted as he always did.

Turns out he was used to her flirting but chose to ignore it.

He cared for her, just not in the way she wanted.

Sid hung was around glaring at him but only when he was near Rianne.

“Are you seeing anyone, Andre?” Rianne asked him as they all sat around for dinner.

“No, he’s a life long bachelor,” Sonia answered for him.

“Actually, I’m not officially seeing her, but I am interested in someone,” He said looking around the table, not missing Sid’s glare or Sonia’s hopeful expression.

“I’ve known her awhile, but just started talking again. She’s a really sexy little thing. You would like her, Sonia,” He told her making sure she knew it wasn’t her.

Sat with Dionne on one side and Sonia on the other, the latter kept brushing her thigh against his accidentally.

He was growing annoyed, he wasn’t the same man he was when they were younger. Now Sonia’s flirting just annoyed him.

But any hints he gave she didn’t get or choose to ignore.

“I was thinking we could go out for a drink, catch up?” It was clear what she was thinking.

“No, I’m tired.”

“I’ll show you to your room then,” She said a little too excited.

“No, you stay here. Spend some time with your fiancé. Dora will show me.” He stood up and taking Dionne’s hand and pulling her with him.

“No, I can…” Sonia began again but Andre was already walking away.

“Thank God that’s over with,” He breathed a sigh of relief as they walked up the stairs.

“She’s a lot more annoying than I remember.”

The girl couldn’t help but giggle and lead him to his room.

“She hasn’t changed any.”

“Maybe I have. All those hours around people wanting something from me made me bitter,” He suggested.

She shook her head. “No. You’re still a good man. You’ve just had the blinders removed.” He smiled at the comment.

“This is your room… What the…” Without warning he picked her up and pressed his lips to hers.

She didn’t stop him, he touch was hot. But she was extremely shocked as her carried her into his room, locking the door behind him.

“You have turned into a very beautiful woman,” He told her between kisses.

He wasn’t worried about being forward. He let his actions do the talking.

Making out on the bed, hands wandered and things got even more heated.

“So sexy…” He groaned cupping her breasts. The act alone made her gush.

A beautiful man, his every touch was so intense.

Nervously her hands wandered too.

It wasn’t long before they were pulling at one another’s clothes and going at each other like staving animals.

“You are so beautiful, Dora and you are mine,” He announced possessively.

She whimpered as he sucked on her nipple, slowly entering her virgin pussy with one of his fingers.

“What… What about the girl at dinner?” She asked not getting it.

“I was talking about you.”


“Yes, meeting you at the airport today was like… Magic. We had an instant connection. I knew then you were mine.”

Not giving her time to argue, he moved down and buried his face between her legs.

She had to fight back loud moans so her sisters wouldn’t hear her.

Growing wetter, he didn’t hold back driving her to orgasm repeatedly.

“Andre…” Her body quivered and she mewled as she came.

Moving up, he positioned himself and entered her. Wet from her many orgasms, he entered her without pain.

They were embracing when a knock sounded at the door.

“Andre…” Sonia’s voice came through the door. “Can I come in?”

He rolled his eyes and mouthed sorry.

“Don’t tell her I’m here,” Dionne whispered.

He nodded but didn’t seem happy.

“Go away, Sonia, we’ll speak at breakfast.”

“I have a thank you gift.”



“Go away.”

She mumbled and whined but he blocked her out, not letting her ruin his and Dionne’s first time together.


She slept the whole night with him before returning to her own room before the others were awake. Even before Andre was awake.

He made it clear at breakfast that he wasn’t happy about then being a secret but he’d wait until she was ready to announce them as a couple.

She liked him a lot but didn’t want everyone knowing about the fling since he’d be gone soon and she’d be forced to deal with Sonia alone.

Sonia wasn’t any the wiser at breakfast. She flirted with him nonstop.

It became completely clear to him that the wedding was a farce.

Sid sat beside his daughter but would keeping staring at her mother adoringly.

His expression completely changed when he looked at Sonia. He looked bored and even a little angry. It was clear he couldn’t stand her.

Andre thought about speaking to him about it. But seeing the way Rianne looked at Sid, he decided to wait it out.

He was as convinced, as was Dionne, that the wedding wouldn’t take place.

The following few days were spent finishing wedding preparations and Sonia’s relentless flirting continued. Even suggesting he spend the night with her the day before the wedding so she doesn’t get tempted and go into her fiance’s room.

“Yes, I’m that’s what she wanted,” Dionne laughed as she lay in bed with him that next.
Every night Andre had spent tangled with Dionne and everynight her sister tried her luck.

They hadn’t discussed their relationship, except Dionne wasn’t ready to tell anyone.

But Andre wanted to tell the whole world.

The wedding day came first.

Sid looked like he was going to puke. He hadn’t smiled once. In fact when Andre joked about him looking ready to bolt Sid just grunted in reply.

Sonia, on the other hand, was smiling strangely.

“If anyone here knows of any reason why these two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Sonia side eyed Andre but he just stood smiling. Just when it looked like no one would speak, Sid spoke up.

“I do.”

“What the hell are you doing?” Sonia whispered annoyed and surprised.

“I don’t love Sonia. To be honest, I don’t even like her.” She looked beyond angry. “I love Rianne, only ever her.”

“You’ve been fucking my fiancé?!” Sonia yelled at her sister.

“What The hell do you care if I did?!” Rianne yelled back.
“Every one knows you don’t love him either. This whole thing is a joke. You’re just trying to make Andre jealous.”

Sonia looked around no one said anything.

“Sorry, darling, but it’s true,” Her mother spoke up. “There was even bets on who would snap first.”

“So there’s no wedding?” Andre asked interrupting the fight.

The registrar shook his head.

“In that case, could I have a word with you?”

The man nodded and a moment later the two men disappeared into the office. Rianne and Sid seem to have been forgotten and they had disappeared from the room.

“Hell, you think he’s actually going to marry her?” People started asking.

“Of course he will!” Sonia said confidently. “He’s always been crazy for me.”

People in the room laughed.

“Dora?” Andre called entering the room again. Sonia didn’t seem to hear the name only noticed him walk towards her.

Everyone was glued to the scene.
Still stood by her sister in her bridemaids dress. He approached the pair and fell to his knee.

Dionne gasped eyes wide.

“I know we haven’t discussed this and this is fast, but I love you and want to be with you forever.” The sisters were stood close but there was no doubt in anyone’s eyes who he was asking.

Other than Sonia, who of course was convinced it was for her.

“Are… Are you sure?” Dionne asked nervously.

He took her hand in his and that is when Sonia put two and two together.

“I have never been more certain.” Every was in shocked silence. Clearly no one had expected this. Even Rianne and Sid had returned at some point and were watching at the back.

“I knew at the airport you’d be my wife. Marry me, Dora? Spend forever with me?”

Tears welled in her eyes and she didn’t care about what the others thought anymore.

“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.” She jumped into his arms and they kissed.

The perfect day? Not exactly. Sonia demanded to know why he was marrying plain frumpy Dionne – her words – and not his sexy best friend.

“We were best friends once but only ever friends. But I’ve come to see you for what you are. A selfish, spoiled, gold digger, who would step on anyone to get what you want.”

“That’s not true!” She quickly exclaimed.

“So you weren’t going to force a man who is clearly in love with your sister and she with him?” She said nothing. “And Dora, you wasn’t just trying to do the same to her?”

Before anything else was said, thankfully their mother stepped in, leading her eldest to watch the proceedings. But like the true spoiled brat, she stormed out.

Shooting a look behind her that once upon a time would have worked on Andre running to his upset friends side.

But not this time.

“I, Andre Leslie Carmichael, take you, Dionne Lisa Remington to be my wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.”

When the time to exchange rings came Sid surprised them both by giving them the rings he had brought for him and Sonia.

In fact he give the whole wedding as a wedding gift.

“Thank you, man. This is amazing,” Andre thanked him at the reception afterwards.

“You did me a favour and we’re as good as family now.”

After escaping the church he had asked her to marry him and she accepted. When no one left the church they came back expecting Andre and Sonia to get married only to find that was the case.

They didn’t see Sonia until they returned to the home they shared. In a fit of rage, she had destroyed most of their belongings, including her infant niece.

“Where are you going?” She asked surprised when everyone went to leave with what little they could save.

“We are moving in with Sid,” Rianne said glaring at her sister before leaving with her fiance and daughter.

“I understand you’re upset but what you did was out of order. Lily did nothing to you.”

She had no remorse.

“It’s your fault,” She pouted. “It’s not too late. We-“

“And that’s where we leave.”
The newly weds left, heading to a hotel where they spent the next week before returning to Andre’s home where his parents were shocked to learn of the wedding.

They were unsure at first learning she was Sonia’s sister. Turns out her older sister wasn’t well liked by many people.

Working under Andre to learn to business, it didn’t take long for her to earn their approve.

She was made his official assistant.

They returned to their old town only a few months later for Rianne and Sid’s wedding. Unsurprisingly, Sonia wasn’t invited. She showed no remorse in destroying Lily’s things, including her favourite toy.

One sorry and a replacement and she would have been invited but she was still the selfish woman she always had been.

“I can’t believe your pregnant too. This is amazing.” Rianne and Dionne fell pregnant at the same time. Not only that, Andre and Sid became the best of friends.

Sid even agreed to move so the sisters could be closer.

“It seems that every time we have sex I fall pregnant,” Rianne joked.

But Sid hadn’t stopped smiling since becoming official with her.

Several months later…

Attending his friend’s wedding never did her expect he’d meet the love of his life.

He had always loved Rianne and Dionne. They were like the little sisters he never had. Sweet innocent little girls.

But seeing Dionne at the airport everything changed. She had grown into a beautiful woman. He couldn’t explain it, but there was an instant connection, like magnets pulling together.

If her sister hadn’t been there he’d of asked her on a date there and then.

But it all worked out.

“I didn’t think I could be any happier. But you proved me wrong.” Andre stared down at her newborn and back to his young wife.

“I love you, Dora. Thank you for bringing love into my frivolous life. Marry me again?”

She laughed exhausted from childbirth but happier than she thought was possible.

“I love you too. But I think you’ll be waiting a few years before we have sex again.”

He laughed out loud startling the newborn.

“Sorry, baby. Daddy loves you. You and your mama sleep. I’ll try care of you.”


Short but sweet.
I’m unsure what I think of this story, I may add to it another time. What do you think?

Is it too short, need more information?

If you have any story ideas or requests, message or comment and I’ll create you a short.
Requests can be for sexual or non-sexual, I can write both.

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Tisha Edwards
Tisha Edwards
1 year ago

More scenes between dora and andre. Couple acting time during the wedding setup

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