Chapter 1

After that first day the pair became best friends, hanging out most days after college.

It had been two and a half months since then and despite the obvious feelings between the two neither had acted or even mentioned it since.

Emily had learned despite Kennedy being the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, that she is in fact a bit of a Tomboy. She didn’t enjoy wearing excessive amounts of make up or dressing like a Barbie. But she did like wearing dresses every so often. She loves computer games, reading and hugging. Which she often found herself doing with Emily as they watched movies.

In all, she was a lot like Emily, only less timid.

After another day at college, they lay on Emily’s bed at her house, where she lived with stepbrother, Steve Watts, twenty one, stepfather, George Watts, forty five and her mum, Diana Watts, forty three. Both Steve and George are average looking, tall, with beer guts to match. Her mother is also a larger lady. Emily was often told how she only got eyes from her mother, the rest came from her father’s side, her mum told her once.

They had just finished an essay and placed it on the ground, then laid back and relaxed.

After a minute she noticed Kennedy was staring at her intently.

“What are you staring at?” Emily asked, self-consciously touched her face to see if anything was amiss. Kennedy caught her hand, bringing it back down to the bed but not letting go.

“I was just thinking how beautiful you are.” Emily’s cheeks reddened.

“Apart from your gorgeous eyes, you look nothing like your mum,” She commented and paused for a second. “I know your dad and brother are only your step family, but if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your real dad?” Then quickly added, “You don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready, doll.” Using the nickname she had given her on the first day they met.

“It’s alright, I want too. You told me about your family. You are my best friend, Ken.”

Kennedy told Emily just a couple of weeks after they met, after she first met Emily’s parents and brother.

She told her about her mum and dad who were childhood sweethearts who married young. Her older brother who is married with his first child on the way and his older sister, who is also married with one small child.

Kennedy is close with her family but hasn’t seen them much recently. They all once upon a time lived in Grimsby, where she is once again. But her siblings moved away to Ambleside, Cumbria – The Lake District not long after getting married. Her parents soon followed. That is when she took some time off college. But returned to Grimsby to finish her education, though she still speaks to her parents and family often.

“I don’t remember him much. But what I do remember is he loved me… Or at least I thought he did. He would always play with me or watch princess movies.” She teared up a little remembering how he left. “When I was six, my mum came to pick me up from school, which was unusual in itself.

“Every other memory I have before that was of my dad picking me up. When we got home I went to look for him, only to find all of his belongings gone.” She swallowed a lump forming in her throat.

“I was inconsolable when my mum told me he had left us and wasn’t coming back. We moved to Grimsby a week later, she told me it was to be closer to her parents. Mum also told me she left our new address and number with the people at the house in case dad tried to make contact.

“I often asked her, why he left? If he ever tried to contact us? Or even why he didn’t like me anymore… She told me he was seeing someone else, he only married mum because she was pregnant, but he never really wanted a child. So when he got a chance to leave he did in haste. Not even bothering to leave a forwarding address or number so I could speak to him. He just abandoned us and never contacted us again.

“When I was ten she married George, who was widowed a few years before. I got a brother and here we are.”

She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt Kennedy trying to dry her face with her sleeve.

“Please don’t cry, doll,” She pleaded. “I love you, you know and you’ll always have me. I’ll never leave you.” She was now tearing up herself.

“I love you too, Ken.”

They are both often saying it to each other, but thought the other only meant it as a friend.

She gave up trying to dry her face and pulled her closer to her, drawing her into her arms.

“My sweet doll,” Kennedy soothed, kissing the top of Emily’s head. She rocked their bodies slightly.

They stayed like this for a while before Emily finally. “You feeling better?”

“Yes,” Emily mumbled in reply.

“I love hugging you. I wish I could sleep like this every night,” She confessed.

Kennedy’s heart filled with hope. She wanted nothing more than that, but was scared.

Over the last couple of months since they first met she was finding it increasingly harder not to just tell her.

But her feelings were growing so, that she decided she would try and talk to her and if she got up the courage she would tell her… Everything.

“Emily,” She knew it would get her attention, she very rarely now called her by her given name.

“Yes, Ken?” Emily asked pulling back to see the serious expression on her friend’s face.

“What is wrong? Was it what I said about sleeping together, because…”

“No and yes,” Kennedy said confusing and worrying Emily.

“You know I like you a lot, right?” Emily nodded.

“But I mean ‘a lot.’ Like I would like you to be my girlfriend like, kissing, hugging…” Kennedy trailed off, waiting for her friends reaction.

“What about men?”

“What about them?” Kennedy asked confused.

“What if we did start… dating and you find a boy you like?”

Kennedy was shocked by what she was hearing. She would never ever cheat on Emily. She is her doll.

“I have many things I need to tell you. But the first is I have never in my life found a man sexually attractive. I have only ever liked girls. I may of not done much with one, other than kissing a couple of times but that was enough to know. If anything I have more to worry about. I know you haven’t been with or found a girl attractive in this way before and you may not plan on doing it, but…” Emily cut her off.

“Before you finish, I would never cheat on you. I have never had these feelings towards a girl before. But I have to be honest I have never really had them to a man before either.”

Kennedy looked at her confused, “I don’t understand.”

Emily stand up slightly and leaned over her “Ken, I don’t know what it is about you, but you are different.” Kennedy stopped herself from laughing.

“I have never found any male or female sexually attractive before I met you.” Kennedy’s eyes widened.

“I honestly thought I was broken or something. I mean who the hell is like that.”

“But you said… The first day we met, you like boys?”

“If you haven’t worked it out, Ken, I am a bit shy. I struggle to speak to people at the best of times. Let alone when you speak to your first crush.” She leaned over her, Emily averted her eyes from her friend’s.

“I didn’t want you to know that I was not only a virgin, who had never been kissed.” Kennedy knew Emily was a virgin, but not the kissing part.

“But also some kind of freaky… Not even asexual, it was like I was none sexual. But then I saw you that first day and it was like ‘Bam,’ I felt as though I had wet myself.” Emily didn’t get a chance to say anything else because Kennedy flipped her back on her back and pressed her lips to hers.

“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that, doll,” Kennedy said against Emily’s lips.

They kissed each other hungrily. Emily’s finger’s looping themselves in her friend’s hair. She thought she felt something digging in her, but despite thinking it only something in Kennedy’s pocket, Emily found herself raising her hips to grind herself against the object.

She didn’t understand why, but it not only sent shivers of pleasure through her, but also her friend.

Kennedy groaned loudly against Emily’s lips and the innocent girl unknowingly grind herself against her secret.

Reluctantly pulling back, Kennedy smiles, “You really are perfect, doll.” She pecked the girls lips.

“But before you decide for definite, there is something I need to tell you.” Kennedy looked over Emily’s face once more, memorizing every detail. She wanted to remember the love she loved even if she did reject her.

“Emily, I am…”


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