Chapter 4

Emily flinched slightly as the member entered her. Kennedy noticed this and quickly stopped moving. She loved her and it was the most amazing feeling ever, but she still wouldn’t do it if it hurt her lover.

“I’m sorry, Emily. Do you want me to stop and pull out?” She asked rubbing her hand through her lover’s hair.

“No,” Emily answered lowly.

“Just go slow at first, please?”

Silently agreeing, Kennedy slowly started to draw her hips back and forth. The sensation of being inside not only another woman, but the most important, beautiful woman of her dreams made her stomach doing flips. Her manhood tingled and pulsed inside her, leaking gobs of pre-cum exited as she moved.

She felt a sense of pride, wholeness she had never once felt before. This was the woman she was meant to spend forever with.

“Does it feel alright for you, doll? I’m not hurting you?” She asked again noticing her lover was silent.

“No pain. Feels so good.” The next thing Kennedy knew, she was on her back with Emily now riding her.

“Oh God!” She exclaimed, “You are so fucking hot, doll. I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m going to last long this time,” She moaned watching the heavenly creatures breasts jump as she bounced up and down on her manhood.

“You cock is so big!” Emily moaned, drawing out the last word. She was holding Kennedy’s breasts as she bounced.

“Tell me that you like me?!” She ordered, “Tell me you love me?! Tell you’ll never leave me?!”

Kennedy pushed Emily backwards, onto the end of the bed, so she was was again on her back.

“You are mine!” Kennedy said possessively, “All of you is mine. I love the feeling of being inside you. I love you.” Moving her hips faster. “You will never leave me.” Harder. “My doll. Mine.” She possessively began to kiss her lover. The shivering body beneath her indicated Emily had once again reached her peak. Her core wrapped tightly around Kennedy’s cock, tensing and contracting.

This acted as a milking effect on Kennedy’s cock and sure enough, seconds later they were both moaning into each others mouths as they but explored with pleasure. Line, after line of what seemed like a never ending string of cum filled Emily’s womb.

“I love you,” Kennedy said breathlessly, “So much.” Kissing her lover’s lips.

“I love you too.” Emily wrapped her arms around Kennedy and hugged her close.

Kennedy laughed, “I may not be a real man anymore, doll, but I am still bigger than you and will squash you,” She said flipping them over, so Emily was now laid on her body and in her arms.

“You know I meant what I said right?” She told Emily.

Emily raised her head from Kennedy’s large chest and looked into her lovers eyes.

“Which part?”

“All of it.” She reassured her, knowing Emily was worried.

“You are mine now. I haven’t saved myself for this long, only to meet my soul mate and then to lose her. Being intimate with you made me feel complete, you make me feel complete. We are meant to be.”

Emily started to tear up, “I feel the same. When I am with you I am happy. You are like a part of me I didn’t know was missing. But without you, I feel empty.” She looked deeply into Kennedy’s eyes. “I love you so much. I can’t ever lose you too.”

“Don’t worry, doll. You won’t. I am going to make you my wife one of these days, we will have children somehow and I will take care of you.” As if on clue, Kennedy’s now flaccid member fell out of Emily and seed spilled from her hole.

This triggered a thought in Emily’s mind. “Ken?” She sounded weary.

“Yes, doll,” She answered content.

“Can you… I mean does your stuff still work?”

Kennedy looked at her confused.

“I thought we just established my cock works fine and your pussy and him love each other,” Kennedy said wiggling her eyebrows.

Emily couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s not what I meant stupid!” She slapped Kennedy’s chest just above her breasts.

“What then?” She asked genuinely confused.

“Does you cum work?”

Kennedy’s eyes widen as her lover continued.

“Will it make me pregnant? Because you know, I’m not on anything. I didn’t know if the hormones stopped it working or anything…”

“Crap. I didn’t think about that,” Kennedy said honestly. “But I don’t know. I didn’t think about asking it at the time when I started taking them. I honestly didn’t think I would meet anyone who would accept and fall for me, as I did for them.”

Kennedy looked at Emily and over her body, which was still on top of her. A smile made its way to her face “Would you hate me if I said I hope it does?” Kennedy admitted. “It may of not been my plan, but the thought of our child growing inside you…” She trailed off.

“I could never hate you. I love you and would love children with you, it’s just I didn’t plan for them so early. But I would be happy either way.”

“Do you want me to call someone and ask about it?”

“Do you have someone you can call?”

“Yes, if you like me too?”

Emily nodded, “Yes, it would just be nice to known if it was possible. But don’t get me wrong, even if it doesn’t I won’t feel any different.” She ran her hand over Kennedy’s breasts. “Working or not, you, my lady, are all the man I need… And woman.”

Kennedy laughed and pulled Emily again flat against her. “How did I get so lucky?” She whispered, but Emily heard her.

“You didn’t, I did. And just so you know, whether you were still a man or a man dressed as a woman, I would still feel the same. Like you said you are going to be my wifey one of these days.”

One thing led to another and before long their lips were again together, Kennedy was hard and this time taking Emily, theirs bodies glued together. Kennedy kept Emily on top of her the whole time, her arms wrapped tightly around her and their lips not separating once. This time was much more gently and loving. It showed each of them how much they loved the other and by the end, both were orgasming stronger than the last.

“You aren’t going to give up coming inside me and pull out, are you?” Emily asked knowingly. Kennedy smirked, “No way. My cum is happy inside you. Can’t you feel it inside you now, partying with happiness?”

“You’re such a geek,” Emily said laughing.

“I’ll have you know that in school, apart from my last year, I was one of the most popular boys. All the girls wanted me, all the boys wanted to be me,” Kennedy said proudly.

“And I was the invisible one who no one saw. I don’t think anyone would have noticed me at all if it wasn’t for Steve’s constant attention.”

Kennedy frowned, “I wanted to ask about that. What was they talking about should have let him when you were sixteen and you rejecting him?”

Emily sighed and went to roll off her, but Kennedy kept her in place.

“Like you know, my mum remarried when I was ten. Steve was twelve and almost straight away he started to act strange around me. My mum told me many of times over the years not to do anything with him because he was my brother. I never knew what she meant, why she got that idea. I had never shown any interest in that way and liked him like that. Up until I was fourteen we were best friends, he would look after me at school, help me out, keep me company.

“I thought he was just being a good brother. Mum was wrong when she said I was sixteen, Steve was. I was fourteen. Mum and George were out at a meal and was going to a nightclub after that. Leaving me alone with Steve.” Kennedy forced herself to keep a blank face, not liking where this was going.

“This was only the second time he had been left ‘babysitting’ me and I thought we would spend the evening the same, watching scary movies and eating rubbish. But we didn’t. After eating pizza, he threw the pop from his can over my head. I thought he was just playing and I went for a shower.

“I was just rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when noticed him in the doorway naked. I screamed and quickly got out and covered myself with a towel. But to my surprise he didn’t go away instead he came closer…” Kennedy clenched her first and jaw.

“He was mumbling something about me teasing him since I was ten and now I had you give him it. I was obviously confused. He came at me trying to kiss me but I pushed him back. He hit me and dragged me to his room tied my wrists and gagged me and told me the first time had to be like that, it would hurt, but next time I would be begging him. I was naked screaming into the gag and he was on top of me readying himself to go inside me when me mum and his dad burst in the room. Apparently a neighbour heard something and was worried so called them. George pulled him off and beat him and mum untied me and comforted me. I don’t know why but they convinced me not to say anything to the police or social services.

“They said they would take me away and I would have no one. I agreed and they promised never to leave me alone with Steve again. I later learned he had had a creepy obsession with me since we met and he would tell people at school I was his girl and they had to keep away. He also made a small hole in the bathroom wall and would watch me bathe and had since the beginning. I didn’t find out about that until last year when George redecorated and Steve started to scream at his dad.”

Kennedy was beyond pissed, she was ready to kill Emily’s family. “And your mum had the cheek to say this man is better for you than me? The little dick she is going to force you to marry if you go back. Fucking bastards, I’ll kill them. Sick pedo, rapist cunt. Homophobic, judgmental shits!” She spat.

“Don’t worry, Ken,” Emily tried to calm her. “We don’t have to see them anymore and they won’t be able to force me to do anything anymore because your going to marry me, right?”

Kennedy relaxed a little, still felt angry, but hid it not to scare or worry her love.

“Yes. I am going to marry you and we will hopefully have our own little baby.”

They spent the rest of the day laid in bed hugging, until they both drifted off to sleep.


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