Chapter 7

“No, they are ours.”

Emily raised an eyebrow. “Okay, technically mine. But we are the same size other than your feet. So we will share.”

“Ken, I can’t borrow your clothes.”

“And underwear.” Before Emily had a chance to say something she quickly added. “But they are not mine. If we are going to be wives, then what mine is yours and yours is mine and you look better in my clothes. So there!”

Emily was learning fast, “You’re not going to change your mind about sharing, are you?”

“Nope,” She said smirking.

“Fine. I am surprised and everything fits me, I thought you were smaller than me. Other than in height and boobies.”

“Emily! If you say one more word about you being fat, I will stop this car and tie you to the top of this car naked!” She wouldn’t really, but she wanted to prove a point.

For the next half an hour the only sound was the sound of the car.

“Emily, please speak to me? I didn’t mean it. I really love you so much. More than anyone, even myself and you are so beautiful, so perfect. It just pisses me off that you can’t see that. You haven’t got one ounce of fat on you, your clothes are all shapeless or too big. I just am trying to prove to you…” She sighed sadly, but kept her eyes on the road.

“I’m… I’m sorry, doll.”

“No. I’m sorry.” Kennedy glance to the side to see Emily teary eyed.

Finding a gap in the traffic, she pulled the car over at the side of the road.

“Why you crying, doll? I’m not angry,” She said unbuckling her seat belt and leaning over to her girlfriend and wrapping her arms around her.

“I am so stupid. I keep saying things wrong,” Emily cried more and buried her face in the crook of Kennedy’s neck.

“I just want to be perfect for you. I am sorry. I love you. I don’t want to lose you too.”

“Aww, doll, don’t cry.” She covered Emily’s face in kisses. “Haven’t I already told you, you are my soul mate, my one love. I am never letting you go, even if you do become fat.”

“You might change you mind. You are so beautiful and loving, you could have anyone.”

“You may think that, but other people don’t. You are perfect for me. Who else would watch Doctor Who with me and eat fish fingers and custard?”

Emily pulled back and looked at her with a confused expression.

“But we don’t do that?”

Kennedy smirked and moved her hand over Emily’s denim clad crutch. “But we could. If you provide the fish fingers, I’ll provide the creamy custard,” She said suggestively.

Emily’s mouth fell open, “How is it you can turn everything sexual?”

“I have a gift,” Kennedy said grinning, “But at least you are not sad anymore.” She began placing kisses on her neck.

“I’m sorry I am so emotional.”

“It’s alright, doll. It’s understanding after everything that happened.” She gave her one last kiss before returning to her own seat and buckling herself back in.

“Here.” She held out her phone for Emily, who took it and looking unsure.

“It’s on contract, so I have unlimited internet. You can watch or play online so you don’t get bored.” She explained as she restarted the car and went back into the road.

Another half an hour later and a bunch of random YouTube videos and the phone began to ring.

“Who is it?” Kennedy who was still driving asked.

“Umm.” Emily looked at the caller ID. “It’s your mum.”

Kennedy sighed, “Put her on loud speaker and hold the phone close, please, doll?”

She did as she speak and a moment later a high pitch crying filled the car.

“Mum, I’m driving.”

“Sorry, darling. Just wanted to let you know baby Taylor is here, a healthy baby girl.”

“Taylor?” She laughed.

“Yes, nice right.”

“Mum, it’s stupid.”

“No, it isn’t,” Her mum defended.

“Mum, you have a grandson called Tyler and granddaughter called Taylor. I am not calling my child Ticker to make a full set.”

Emily silently giggled.

Her mum seemed to get the joke and joined in the laughing. The whaling baby seemed to quieten.

“Kennedy, if you have a baby you will probably name it Kiwi or something just to be different.”

“Ah, damn. You ruined the surprise,” She joked.

“I’ll let you go, darling. I just rang to check if you were on your way, if your friend was coming and to tell you about Taylor.”

“Yes, she is here. We will be there in about two hours.”

They said there goodbye and hung up.

“She seems nice.”

“She is. So are the rest of my family despite the stupid names.”

“You wouldn’t really call our baby Kiwi, would you?” She sounded so stupid, Kennedy couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Of course not, doll. I was thinking maybe Dolly, after her mummy and if it was a boy, Buck.”

“No. I’ll tell you what, I’ll name them, you can change the nappies.”

“Hey, how is that fair?” Kennedy whined.

Emily shrugged, “You want to be a mummy, then you got to do what they do. I’ll be carrying them and feeding them, so you get nappy duty.”

“Fine, but only if I get you try some milk when it comes?”

Her girlfriend laughed and agreed.


The rest of the drive was speak joking, watching various old BBC comedies on YouTube and taking a short toilet and snack break, before driving the rest of the way.

It took a total of three hours, not including stops.

Just before they arrived in Ambleside, Cumbria, Kennedy had Emily call her mum and put it on voice speaker again.

She asked her where they were and then said they are only twenty minutes away.

“We are going to the hospital. Don’t worry though, we’ll only be there for about twenty minutes because Ashley is tired, after being up all night,” Kennedy told her girlfriend knowing she was nervous.

“My parents and sister have all gone home, so it will only be us, my brother, his wife and baby.”

“Alright,” She say quietly. “Are you going to tell them about us?”

“I want too. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes,” She paused, “Do you think they’ll like me?”

“You kidding?” Kennedy asked laughing. “They will love you more than they do me.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“We’ll see.”

Emily spent the next few minutes of the drive oh-ing and ah-ing at all the pretty scenery.

“It’s so pretty here, Ken. How ever did you leave?” She asked her eyes still glued to the distant mountains.

“I’m honestly not sure myself,” Kennedy admitted.

“I wish I lived here,” Emily almost whispered, but Kennedy heard her.

“You will, doll. I promise.”


“Doll, you look great,” Kennedy reassured her, as they walked into the hospital hand in hand. But kept pulling on the shorts with her free hand.

“People are staring,” She whispered noticing a couple of old men looking.

“That is because you have great legs.” Kennedy looked them up and down. “I am about four inches taller than you, yet your legs are the same length as mine. They are so fricking hot.”

“Mum said Ashley is at the maternity centre, in the butterfly unit.” She looked at the signs on the wall until she found the right one. “This way.” She indicated to the sign.

“You know they are staring at your ass too?” Emily whispered to the men.

Kennedy was dressed in the same type of shorts, a pair of pink and black checked lace up Vans and a hooded, woolen, fitted, black and pink sweater.

She stopped abruptly and without warning pressed her lips to Emily’s. It only lasted about fifteen seconds, but it was far beyond chaste or platonic.
“There,” She said pulling back from a stunned Emily. “Now they know neither of us are available,” She said before continuing to walk to the ward, still holding her girlfriend’s hand. Leaving behind more than just the two men, shocked yet turned on. Even a few woman watched.

“My brother maybe twenty-six, but he is a little dopey. Thankfully though Ashley makes up for that with her brains.”

Stopping at the reception desk in the butterfly ward, Kennedy asked which room her sister in-law was in. She thanked the nurse and headed in the direction of the room.

Feeling Emily slow down and her hands getting sweaty, she stopped. “It’ll be fine, doll.” She stroked her girlfriend’s cheek.

“Duane probably won’t even figure anything out between us, that will be Ashley.” She looked at Emily with eyes sparkling with amusement. “I am honestly surprised he figured out how to do it to get her pregnant, let alone anything else. But I think that was probably mostly because of his wife’s instructions. Get it hard, put it in, no, not there!” She said the last part in a slightly higher voice. Emily couldn’t help but giggle.

“All good?” Kennedy asked cupping her cheek. Emily nodded. “That’s my girl.” She pecked her cheek and let her hand drop and that hold of Emily’s again.
“Let’s go.”

A second later they were stood outside the correct door and she knocked lightly, not wanting to wake the baby.

“Come in,” A deep mans voice called.
Kennedy opened the door and stepped inside to see a very tired, but beautiful woman on a bed, a very intimidating, but handsome looking man on the bed beside her and a baby in her arms.

“Kenny!” The man hurried over from the bed and picked Kennedy up into a hug.

Emily let go her hand and took a step back. Kennedy noticed this but she couldn’t do anything at that moment.
“Hiya chicky,” The girl on the bed called to Kennedy, watching in amusement as the man picked her up.
“We missed you, little sis,” The man Emily guessed was Duane said.

Kennedy giggled, “I missed you too, you big idiot and you, Ashley. Couldn’t wait to see my little niece,” She said as he put her back down.

“Who is your friend, Kenny?” The woman on the bed, Ashley asked smiling noticing the smaller girl stood off to the side.

Kennedy stepped back from her brother and next to her short girlfriend.

“Oh, hello. Sorry, I didn’t notice you there,” Duane said smiling.
“That’s because your a giant,” Kennedy teased her brother, who stood at six foot three inches and was very burly.

Rolling his eyes he ignored her and held out his hand, “Hello, I’m Duane, Kenny’s brother and that’s my wife, Ashley.”

“Hello,” Emily said shyly and shook his hand. “I am…”
“She is Dolly.” Kennedy interrupted, taking her hand and dragging her over to meet her sister in-law.

They both said ‘hello’ to Emily and Duane returned to his wife.
“Such a cute baby,” Kennedy cooed, looking down at her niece in Ashley’s arms.

“At least she takes after her mummy and not her other parent,” She added making her sister laugh. Duane on the other hand took a moment to catch up. “Hey!” Kennedy looked to Emily and gave who a look which almost said, ‘See what I mean?’

“She’s only messing, love.” Ashley stroked her husband’s cheek and then turned back to Kennedy and Emily who were stood by the bed.

“Want to hold the baby?” Ashley asked her sister.

“Yes, please.”
“Okay. Sit in a chair and Duane will pass her to you.”

To sit in the chair and hold the baby Kennedy reluctantly let go of Emily’s hand. But both sit in chairs beside each other.
“She really is a cute little grandma baby,” Kennedy joked holding the baby as gently as she could.

“That will change when she gets older. I just have to say, you are doing a better job than Duane did. He forgot to cup her head.”

He started grumbling about not being trained and the three girls all laughed.

“She really is cute though. She could be a little baby model. Don’t you think, doll?” Kennedy with a large grin and sparkling eyes, held Taylor up slightly for Emily to see.
“For sure. She is gorgeous,” Her voice was quiet because she was still nervous.

“She’s very quiet, Kenny. How did someone as loud as you make friends with this sweet girl?” Ashley asked her and then turned to Emily. “Sorry, it’s just her friends are normal slightly scary or just plain loud. But you seem nice and not scary in the slightest,” She explained not wanting to offend her.

“That’s true,” Duane agreed.
Emily giggled nervously.
“My doll is a sweetheart and I am sexy. Why wouldn’t she be my friend?” Kennedy said over-confidently.

“Oh my God!” Her brother exclaimed.
“When did you become so big headed?”
“Not big headed if it’s true. Don’t you think, doll?”


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