Chapter 5

Benga sat red-faced, angry and saying nothing. He never said anything through the rest of dinner or even when they were back outside to work.
“Don’t worry,” Cook whispered to Alex seeing her concern. “He gets like that sometimes.”
She gave him a thankful smile and turned to look for a guard.
“Where do you think you’re going?” A low voice asked as she started to walk away.
She turned to see Benga looking down at her.
“The toilet.”
“No, I was going to ask the officer.”
“I’ll take you.” He said in a tone that left no room for argument.
After telling the guard on duty where they were going, they left.
“Why didn’t you ask me?” He asked seriously.
“You were busy?” She didn’t sound convincing. He gave her a look which said, ‘I don’t believe you.’
“I thought you hated me again…” She said in almost a whisper.
“I never hated you,” He looked confused, but then thought back to how he acted with her on the first day.
“That… That wasn’t you, it was me…” He signed. “My dad left my mom for a trannie. It’s petty, but I just never been good with gays or them since.”
“I’m sorry,” She mumbled.
“You shouldn’t be. You weren’t to blame. I didn’t mean to act cold at dinner, the letter made me angry. I was just trying to think of a way to get you out.” They arrived in the toilets. “You don’t deserve to be here, Angel.” He kissed her cheek.
“You’re a sweetheart, you know that?” She said, kissed him back and disappeared into a cubicle.
Not surprisingly when she stepped back out, Benga was leaning against the wall with a thoughtful look. But it changed to a smile when he saw her.
Without a single word, he grabbed her and pressed his lips to hers. Not just a short peck, but a spine-tingling kiss, that lasted well over a minute.
“What was that for?” She asked once he pulled back.
“Because I can and I enjoy doing so.”
“Do you think the guard would miss us if we were another ten minutes?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Why?” He asked with a knowing smile.
She groped his package, “I want sex!”
“You demanding now?” His voice was deeper than normal.
“Yes. Please, Sammy?” She begged rubbing herself up against him.
He took her hand and walked her around the corner to where the showers were, behind the toilet cubicles.
He stopped inside the shower stall the farthest from the door.
“Take it off,” He indicated to the jumpsuit.
Seconds later she was only in her t-shirt, as was he.
Reaching down to her core, he smiled, “Already ready for me.”
Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around him and he lifted her top up over her breasts.
With her back now against the wall, he pushed himself inside her.
They took a deep breath, “So big.”
“I’m all yours, Angel,” He began kissing her neck as he pumped inside her.
Unlike the first time the night before, he was moving into her fast and hard.
“OH, SAMMY,” She moaned a little too loud making him smile wider.
“You like that, Angel? You going to cum with me?” He picked her breast out of her bra with one hand and started teasing the nipple with his tongue.
“Yes. Soon. Bite my nipple.”
He was unsure but did as asked. Taking it into his mouth and biting it. But not hard enough to break the skin.
“Just like that,” She purred and dug her nails into his back.
He groaned. “You like pain too, Sammy?” She asked dragging her nails. “Yes,” He answered, nibbling his way to the top of her breast where he sucked down hard.
This made her body tighten with pleasure.
“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK,” He groaned loudly. The intensity of his seed filling her triggered her own release.
“Sam!” She scolded.
“What?” He pulled back from kissing her chest and looked at her confused.
“You came inside me again!”
“Oh, that…” He fought back a chuckle at her scowl.
“Put me down, we need to get dressed and back to work.”
He grinned, kissed her forehead and put her down.
“Alex,” He said sweetly after they had both gotten dressed.
“Angel?” He said in a singsong tone, giving her a one arm hug as they walk back to work.
“You like me really,” He poked her side. “And you know you wouldn’t mind any little Sammy babies,” He joked.
She gave him a warning look, but he could tell she was fighting back a smile.
“But seriously, I forgot. You are so sexy, I got carried away.”
“I know. I forgive you,” She said smiling again. “Besides, I love the way it feels when you cum inside me. The feeling is indescribable.”
“Well, don’t worry, Angel. I’ll happily top you up whenever you want. As for a baby… We’ll talk about that if it happens. Until then…” He gave her a quick kiss before they got to the garden.
“Let’s just enjoy the time we have.”
“Good to see you’re finally back,” The guard said sarcastically.
“Sorry, Sir. I’m a little constipated, you know… Change in diet and all.” She said it so convincingly that the guard was speechless.
Returning to work away from the guard, Benga started laughing. “You are so funny, Angel.” He kissed her forehead without thinking. But thankfully the guard didn’t notice.
“I love how you can say stuff like that. Most girls would be too mortified to say that.”
“I know I’m in prison. But are they really allowed to kill me like this?” Alex complained sat on the ground again in the yard that evening.
“You were in the toilet half the time, fucking. That’s why you’re tired,” Sid said jokingly.
“We only did that once,” She said defending.
A smirk appeared on his face, “I was just joking.” Then he looked to Benga, who was stood close to her.
“You deflowered poor turtle?” He asked amused. Benga sent him a look telling him he’s not saying anything.
He leaned in and whispered, “Was it good? Bet she was tight.”
Benga punched his arm, “None of your business.”
“But…” Cook joined the conversation, “We don’t exactly have birth-control in here.” Sid’s eyes sparkle realizing.
“Should we be expecting little turtles or Sam’s soon? Can you even get pregnant?”
“Mind ya business.”
“Shut up about it already,” Both Benga and Alex said at the same time.
Both Cook and Sid exchanged a look and started laughing.
“You should really start pulling out, unless you want her to look like a reverse turtle.”
That made Cook laugh more and Benga glared at him playfully.
“I think it’s too soon to even think about that. Why don’t you two fags go annoy someone else?”
“Oh, but I thought you loved us,” Sid wiped away a fake tear.
“Maybe Cook and I should just go for a walk and leave you two to it?” Alex pushed herself off the ground.
“I’m sorry, Turtle. Don’t go I was only messing. Come give me a hug, let’s be friends again?” Sid held out his arms.
“We are friends? I thought I was just here for you to stare at my tits and pick on me because of my little man.”
The three men laugh and Sid gives her a one arm hug. “Of course we’re friends. You’re funny. I love how you can take the piss out of yourself and Benga likes you too. So that’s a plus.” He leaned in closer. “If you haven’t already guessed he is a bit of an ass.”
Benga heard this and punched his arm.
“See?” Sid laughed and rubbed his arm.
The bell rang indicating recreational time.
They headed inside, Benga kept Alex close to his side as the entered the building and the rec room.
Not surprising eyes were on her. Everyone knew or had heard what she was either from the news or word or mouth.
“Is it true you’re a trannie? You have both?” A man Alex didn’t know asked.
“I am not a trannie. I am intersex,” She snapped.
Benga glared at the man and he backed down, but another person from somewhere else in the room asked a question. “What’s the difference?”
“Transgender had a choice on how they change their bodies. Intersex are born.”
Once again a glare from Benga and this time most of them left her be.
But she heard them talk among themselves questioning what parts she has or doesn’t.
Benga, along with Sid and Cook led Alex to an empty table and chairs. “Do you play cards, turtle?” Sid asked as they sat down.
Cook pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket. “Not really.”
“It’s alright. We’ll teach you,” He started shuffling the cards before handing them out.
“We are playing Poker. We normally bet for cigarettes or coin, but because you don’t know the rules the first game will be bet free.”
“I don’t have any money in here and I don’t smoke.”
“It’s alright, I give you a few dollars,” Benga offers and his friends raise an eyebrow.
After learning the rules and having a couple of games, Alex lost all the money she was given.
“I’m sorry. I’m rubbish at this game.”
They offered to let her continue playing, but she said no. Instead, she pulled her seat to the side and let another one of their friends – Gunnar – take her place in the game.
Then suddenly the group by the television started cheering and whistling.
“Fuck yeah!” “I want me some of that.”
Benga and the other turned their heads just in time to catch a glimpse of a topless woman. The woman obviously didn’t know the pictures were being taken.
But almost straight away the screen went black as Jordan pulled the plug. The men shouted and swore.
“She is mine. You disgusting pigs can’t look at her,” Jordan said bravely to the men.
“Fucking idiot!” Benga was thankful he turned it off. But he knew it wouldn’t make any difference, the world had already seen her.
“What’s with all this noise?” An officer came in and stopped anything from happening.
Still angry, the men reluctantly sat back and plugged the TV back in. But not surprisingly the shows segment was already over.
“I’m sorry, Angel. You alright?” Benga rubbed her back as she was sat next to him.
“I’m alright.” She wore a small smile, but he could tell it was fake.
“Don’t worry, no one will touch you.”
“No, they won’t,” Jordan said coming up behind her.
“You are mine, Manga,” He went to lean in. “You and your sweet cherry pie.”
Benga growled and stood up, “I have had it with you.”
The officer gave them a warning look and Jordan took a step back innocently.
“Alex is mine. Don’t even think about touching her because next time you won’t get off so lightly,” Benga said more quietly so the officer didn’t suspect anything.
Jordan laughed, “You are too old, grandpa. You might have tricked her so far. But you are too old,” He smirked. “We are almost the same age, she’ll always come back to me.”
“Jordan, you need to go before I beat you myself,” Sid said, his voice had lost all his normal playfulness.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved his hands. “See you later, Manga.” He sent her a wink and walked away, but continued to watch her from across the room.
“He’s completely loco,” Gunnar, the forty-year-old black man, playing poker with them said.
“Yeah. He normally keeps himself to himself, but is down-to-earth.” They all settled back down to the game.
But it wasn’t long before more people came to try their chances.
“Hey Hombre,” Keys, one of the men from the first day with his friend Marco came over.
“We want to borrow your Chica, we can make it worth your while.”
This time Benga didn’t bother standing. He reached out, grabbed the man’s genitals and crushed them in his hand.
The man whimpered in pain but muffled it with a hand to stop the officer from knowing. If he reported him to the officer, he knew he would get worst.
“Fuck off!” Is all Benga said before the men left quickly.
“Don’t worry, Turtle, with Sam and us by your side no one will touch you.”
“I’m not fucking you,” She told him clearly.
“I know.” The men laughed. “We’re not expecting any fringe benefits,” Cook told her before Sid added, “Though, a lot will probably be using you as jacking material.” This earned him another punch in the arm.
“Please don’t tell me that. I don’t need to know,” She said embarrassed and pressing her face against Benga’s arm.
A chorus of deep laughs echoed from their group, which included a few men standing around watching the game.
Looking around, Alex realized for the first time that not only that she become a part of one of the most feared groups in the prison.
But never before had she been in the company of a black man, now she was in a group almost completely made up of black or mixed raced men.
And what she had come to realize most is that unlike how they are portrayed on the screen, they are actually kind and protective. But hell if you do anything to make any of them angry.
Later, the night in their cell…
“I love how I feel inside you. It’s like nothing I ever felt before,” Benga said between breaths while running her swollen cock between his fingers as she strode him. “And I’m not just saying that because you’re bouncing on top of me.” He pulled her down and pressed his lips to hers before flipping her on her back after making sure she orgasmed.
Plowing into her only a couple of times, he didn’t even attempt to pull out.
“Fuck, Angel,” He let himself lay over her, kissing her deeply. But held himself up slightly to not put all his weight on her.
Moments later he rolled onto his side pulling her into his arms. “Sammy?!”
“Sleep, Angel. It’s bed time.”
“No! You did it again after you promised you wouldn’t!” She snapped but whispered at the same time.
“I’m not gonna lie to you…”
There were seconds of silence as she waited for him to complete it.
“Yes?” She asked expectantly.
“Just that.”
Alex growled and hit his arm.
He smiled, but she couldn’t see because it was too dark.
“Let me go, you idiot!” She whisper yelled and hit his arm again.
He continued to smile and held her as she tried to move out of his arms.
Eventually, she gave up and settled back into his arms muttering under her breath. “You’re impossible. Pain in the ass trying to get me pregnant. Idiot!”
She sighed and closed her eyes moving her face until her cheek was against his chest.
His arms relaxed, but his grip still tight. “Goodnight, Angel,” He kissed her forehead.
“Just because I gave up trying to escape your huge sausage arms it doesn’t mean you’re forgiven. I am just tired.”
Benga chuckled at the nickname and kissed her forehead again.
There was a moment of silence, but Alex was too nice, she couldn’t sleep with a bad word.
“Goodnight, Sammy,” She whispered quietly.
His smiled widened and for the first time since getting jailed he didn’t regret it.
“Sweet dreams, my perfect girl.”