Chapter 16

Thirty minutes later and both the twins and Joanne had dressed in their original clothing. They even found some men’s clothing in the bag their dad had brought which fitted Junior.

“Very handsome,” Joanne grinned looking at her fiancé who was now dressed in modern jeans and a sweater, but still his own shoes. But they were passable for the time.

“Don’t be surprised by anything you see and if you have any questions just ask us,” Mike said as they walked back to the stern.

“Maybe you would like to go another time, papa?”

“No, angel,” Andrew hugged her as they prepare to go.

“I do not wish to. But do wish you all return. I will miss you. You are like a little ray of sunshine.”

“We’ll be back. I’ll miss you all too. I’ll bring you a present.”

“You don’t have to but thank you,” He smiled and said take care and goodbye to the others.

“I know how much you love her and I’m glad you choose her. She is perfect,” He whispered to his son. “Return well, son.” He hugged him for the first time in a long time.

She asked Derek, but he said the same as the captain.

“But bring me back a nice joint of meat,” He joked.

“I will. I’m sorry I hit you.”

“It is all forgiven and forgotten. It is good that you loved you father so, I wish my daughter were more like you.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll fix her for you,” She half joked. She wasn’t really looking forward to meeting her cousin, but she happy was to meet everyone else.

Another minute later and everyone was ready to go.

“I have some whisky in my grey bag. You and Derek drink it and be merry,” Matthew told them before pulling the lever. All six were holding hands and traveled at the same time. All left their bags behind but took their money and phones.

Beep beep Both Joanne’s and the twins phones repeatedly went as they turned them on.

“Check them later, I’ll call Sam now and then we can go home.”

It turned out the police never found out it was the twins who broke into the ship. So no one was after them.

“I’ll be there in two.” They heard a voice say through the phone.

“You got your car here, dad?” Mike asked as they slowly left the stern. “Yes, I’ll drive us.”

“It looks so different, yet the same,” Junior said in awe as he walked through the boat. He never let go of Joanne’s hand once.

“I understand why you were confused when you first come on board.”

“Did I ever tell you, you are gorgeous?” Luke fake gags and Junior’s cheeks redden.

“It is a good job you already claimed him because women will love him,” Her dad told her.

“Speaking of claim, did you know when we were in Poland and I got offered a job, house and all, as a hooker?” She said nonchalantly. The twins already knew the story and just smiled watching both their older brother’s and dad’s reaction.

“You, what?” Adam exclaimed.

“Are you OK?”

“Yes, I am fine. The normal guy who translates wasn’t there. So I stepped in. I forgot to use the masculine words and not the feminine.”

“There’s a difference?” Junior asked. She nodded, “With some words, yes.”

“What happened?” Her dad asked. “They offered me everything I could possibly want, home, money, anything, I told them no. Junior wasn’t stood far away and he was kind of glaring as he does,” She laughed slightly. “Anyway, I told them he was my husband and he would beat them. They got the message but said that I changed my mind the offer was still open.”

Before they had a chance to say anything else a familiar short man barely five foot six with mousey coloured hair, brown eyes and average build came around the corner.

His eyes lit up seeing Joanne.

“Jo!” She groaned in frustration, but he didn’t notice.

“Hiya Sam.”

“Where have you guys been?” He asked her and the twins, but was looking at her.

“Poland, visiting some of my gran’s family,” She came up with the idea randomly, but the twins went along with it.

“That is also where I met this gorgeous sailor man.” Sam noticed the unmissable giant at her side.

“This is Andy. Andy, this is our friend Sam.”

“Hello,” Junior said trying to sound nonchalant, but coming out sounding hard.

Sam wore a fake smile as he shook Junior’s held out hand.

“Hello,” He replied leading them off the boat.

“Sam, we will need to go on the ship tomorrow and…” Sam cut Matthew off.

“Just call me. I have a spare key, when you want to go just give me a bell.” Joanne couldn’t help but think he sounded as though bragging and by the expression on the other’s faces they thought the same.

“Alright, you twat. Is your mum and dad at home?” Luke asked him with a suggestive smile looking to his twin who wore the same smile. But Sam seemed oblivious.

“Dad is at work until late, mum is at home though.”

“You off home now?” Mike asked.

“No, I thought I might head to the gym for a couple of hours. It’s my new daily routine.”

Adam almost choked on a laugh. He knew as well as the others that he was only trying to impress Joanne.

“Alright, Sam, thanks. we’ll see you later.” They left the ship and went their separate ways.

“Bye, Jo.” She rolled her eyes but said it back. She felt his eyes linger on her for a while as they walk away.

“I don’t like him,” Junior said, nor paying attention to the new things around him.

“Would never have guessed,” Mike said sarcastically.

“He is harmless. He has had a thing for Joanne since we were young. But she was never interested. Not that we would let him try dating her or anything,” Luke told him. He honestly wouldn’t want anyone dating her. But Junior was different.

“Where’s the car parked?” Joanne asked making Junior looked up from her.

“Just around the corner.”

“This is Grimsby?” Junior asked looking around.

“Yes. See,” Matthew pointed into the distance, where a tall building was visible.

“The dock tower? Wow. I half expected it to be gone,” Junior said in awe.

“I’ll show you around later, Jr. Now is for your first ride in a car. Don’t be scared,” Joanne whispered the last part and kissed his lips.

“I love you too, princess.”

Coming to the silver SUV Junior stared at the car.

“Get inside,” Joanne climbed in and patted the space beside her.

Nervously, he climbed in.

“I just need to belt you in.” Junior watched as she leaned over him, her chest against his. She pulled a long gray strap over him and clicked it into the seat.

“Don’t worry. It is just a safety measure, it is the law, everyone in the car has to wear one. It protects you,” She explained to him. But he wasn’t listening properly. All he could think was how lucky he was to have this beautiful girl.

“You’re not listening, are you?” She now had her belt on too. She looked at him amused as he grinned at her. “Partly,” He admitted, “But you are so perfect, I find it hard to do anything but look at you.” He stroked her cheek.

“Is he for real?” Adam asked his brothers low enough so his sister and Junior couldn’t hear.

“He really is. He is a great guy. But miserable with people and has no time for people he doesn’t like. But he is perfect with her. He follows her like a sheep and when he is at work he doesn’t stop looking at her all the time. He would do anything for her,” Mike told his older brother. “He truly loves her. He hasn’t even tried to do anything other than kiss her. If anything he’s the one making her wait.” Luke nodded in agreement. “But she loves her too. As gay as it sounds, they are made for each other. I wouldn’t want her dating anyone else.”

Matthew glanced in the rear-view mirror. He had only known the young man a short time, but he knew without a doubt Junior loved his daughter more than anything and she, him. He knew because that is exactly how he looked at Juliet when she was alive.

He soon drew his eyes back to the road and started up the car.

“What the…” Junior exclaimed and Joanne kissed his lips.

“It’s alright,” She whispered, calming him. His eyes sparkled with such love that it almost made her breathless.

“Urr, no more kissing. I think I’ll be sick,” Luke fake gagged.

“Err, you shut it. You have no room to talk.” Junior was still holding her hand, but his eyes were no longer looking at her. But at the world outside. His eyes filled with wonder, making her smile more.

“What? I haven’t had sex in almost three weeks.”

“It’s been little over two weeks and we both know you and your pervert twin are going to make up for it this afternoon with Sam’s mum.”

Mike nor Luke denied it.

“What if Sam comes home?” Adam asked from the front passenger seat.

“Adam, need you even ask?” Matthew asked. “Sam has been around every day to check if they – meaning Joanne – was in.”

The twins laughed and Joanne groaned, “I’ll make Yuki bite him if he annoys me.” She sighed, “I missed Yuki, he can come too, right?”

“Yes, honey. I already asked Andy, he said it was fine.”

“Who’s Yuki?” Junior asked looking away from the window.

“You’ll see,” She said innocently and kissed his cheek.

Not even two minutes later they were pulling up in front of the 1950s style terraced house. “This is it,” Matthew told Junior as he turned off the engine.

Joanne undid her belt and was about to reach for the door when she remember Junior. She turned to him and smiled, “I almost forgot to undo you. Maybe I should leave you here?” She joked tapping her chin although thinking about it.

“Press the red button,” Matthew told him and turned to his daughter as Junior found the button. “Don’t tease him,” He told her, but he was smiling with his eyes.

“Thank you, sir,” Junior said getting out of the car beside Joanne.

“Call me Mattie. We are as good as family now anyway.”

“This is our house. It is four bedrooms, so the idiots share. But that’s alright, because they aren’t allowed to bring their whores here anyway,” Joanne said walking hand in hand with him to the front door. “Ha, Mrs Perry is watching again.” She indicated to the house across the street, “She is a nosy old bag, she watches everyone.”

Junior laughed, “I think everyone has a neighbour like her.” He then looked around again, “A lot of people have those car things, don’t they?”

She chuckled and nodded.

“We’ve going to Sam’s house,” Luke said as his dad went to open the door.

“Alright. But don’t be out all night, because…”

“Yes, we know. We have things to sort out.” Mike said walking down the street with Luke, to where their friend lives.

“Oh and Adam,” Mike stopped and called to his older brother. “Give Junior a chance. He is a bit of a moody git at times, but he is a great guy,” Then turned and carried on walking. Luke digging him in the ribs with his elbow and laughing, “You are so gay.”

Junior felt happy that he had at least gained two of her brothers blessing.

Walking into the house behind Joanne, Matthew closed the door behind them and Adam went ahead to the kitchen.

A moment later a bundle of fur, knee high ran towards them.

“Yuki,” Joanne cooed and bent down holding out her arms.

The animal jumped into her arms and a long pink tongue came out of the fur and licked her face.

“What is that?” Junior asked chuckling.

“He is a Chow Chow. It is a dog breed from China. Isn’t he cute?” She looked to him holding the dog’s head between her hands.

“He looks like a mini bear.” He bent to look and rubbed the dog’s head.

“He’s coming with us, right?”

“Yep and he is Annie’s dog. So now he’s yours too,” Adam told him.

“That will be great, my mum has a female Dalmatian, you know?” Junior said amusedly.

“Ha, your mum would kill us if Yuki made some Chowmatian’s,” Matthew laughed as he spoke.

They were both soon in fits of laughter, “Yes, mum is a little crazy with Jess – that’s the dog’s name. She thinks of it as her baby girl.”

Another minute later and Adam had left the room to show Junior where the toilet was.

“You know who they are, right?” Matthew asked his daughter.

“Yes, your friend and his son?” She answered unsurely.

“Yes. But also the founders of Young’s Seafood.” Young’s Seafood was one of the largest fish and seafood manufacturers in England. Their main office was based in Grimsby, along with four large factories.

Her eyes widen, but instead of smiling like he expected he saw her eyes fill with tears and she ran from the room, up the stairs to her room.

“He can’t be,” She mumbled, with her father close behind.


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