Chapter 24

Edward was surprised the moment he entered the front room of his house his brother and father were up and hugging him.

“Hmm… Father, Andy, I am happy to see you too, but can you please stop now.”

Andrew pull back chuckling and Junior did too, but he wasn’t laughing. He looked more relieved than anything, this worried his father more than he would like to admit.

“I see you met Cookie and Annie.”

His younger son looked down at the tiny red head who was stroking his broken leg as though it were a little kitten. “Ha. Yes.” Cookie then proceeded to pull him to an empty chair.

“Sit er. No fall! You hurt more!” She told him off, tutting and shaking her head. He moved to make himself comfortable, but she placed a hand on his leg, stopping him. He looked up and was met by her hard glare. “I say stay!”

Sniggers and laughs could be heard from around the room.

“It would appear I have a new nursemaid,” He said quietly.

“Yes, Ma’am,” He mock saluted, but it made her happy. She grinned and nodded.

“Good girl.” She kissed his cast before running over to a much older man. Edward had never seen the man before, he was sat beside his father’s friend, Derek – who he affectionately knew as ‘Uncle.’ Cookie pulled on the man’s leg until he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

“Hello, Uncle.”

“Hello, Eddie. Good to see you.”

‘Her father, maybe?’ He thought to himself glancing at the second man.

“Edward,” His father said gaining his attention.

“Yes, father?”

“This is Annie and Cookie’s father, Matthew Harris.” He indicated to the unknown man.

“Hello, Sir,” He greeted the man politely.

He fought back a mischievous smile noticing his brother had his arm around her.

“Miss. Annie mentioned you and her marrying. I have to say, I did not believe her and so I offered my own hand.”

“You what?!” His brother snapped and his father fought back a laugh.

“How was I to know?” Edward asked innocently.

“Most thought you were a Mandrake, myself included.”

“Edward!” His father scolded.

“Papa, wats mancake? Is like girly verginatie?”

Edward almost chocked on his own saliva.

“Edward, she is two-years-old. Watch your tongue around her,” His father warned, but the young boy was much more interested in watching the older man explain to the little girl what a ‘mandrake’ was.

“It is bad word that people call men who like other men.”

His eyes widen, he couldn’t possibly tell the little girl the truth.

“Oh. Like homo, Papa?” Everyone seemed surprised, especially the nineteenth century males.

Her dad nodded and Edward asked, “How do you know about them, little Cookie?”

“Papa Leroy ad a frend he like kissin’. ‘Ut he told me ‘ot ta tell mommy coz she wood be angry at me n giv me ta the bad men.”

Edward didn’t understand her completely, but the way she was clinging to her father and the anger burning in the older man’s eyes, he could guess.

He didn’t know this papa Leroy or her mother or really care too.

“Leroy is Lottie’s husband,” He heard Joanne whisper to his brother.

“Is your mother here?” He hoped not. He disliked the woman already.

“No. She is gone,” Joanne answered with a look that promised to explain another time.

Men’s voices flew in from the hall.

“Ah, that will be Matthew’s sons,” His father announced as three men – two of them identical – entered the room.

“Edward, this is Adam, Mike and Luke,” He introduced them and each said “Hello.”

“They all will be staying with us for the foreseeable future.”

He was a little surprised, as his father rarely liked people staying over the night, let alone more. But he was happy to have company. Yes, he had friends. But since his accident he mostly spent time with his mother, her friend and annoying daughter.

“Daddy, we have to buy Cookie and myself a few pieces from town today.”

“Oh, yes.” He nodded. “Hmm, could you and the boys take them, Junior?” Edward waited for his brother to snap. He hated that nickname and everyone knew it. But no anger crossed his face.

“I was planning on.” His brother reassured the man. “I would never allow her to go without an escort.”

Wow, his brother was taken alright. He had never seen Andy so much as smile at the opposite sex, other than their mother. This side of him was completely new to him.

“Can I go, father?” He asked not wanting to be left alone again.

“Hmm… You should be resting your leg.”

“Oh, please, father? I have been resting for ages.”

His father stared at his leg but then nodded.

“Alright, but only if you take you medicine first.”

“I have not-“

“I’ll go get them. Junior, you get water.” He watched as his brother and Joanne rushed from the room.

“Father, I have not got any medicine,” He said confused.

“We picked up some medicine on our travels that will help you.”


“No buts! You will take the medicine!”

He swallowed a lump in his throat. His father didn’t shout at him for no reason.

Most likely because I broke my leg, Edward summarized.

“Papa, loo.” Edward laughed at the younger girl pulling on her father’s arm.

“But you only just went, Cookie.”

“I need poopie,” She pouted standing up and jumping up and down.

“Annie,” He said relieved when his daughter came in, Junior following a moment behind.

“No way.” She hand Edward a pill and Junior handed a cup of water.

“You can deal with smelly chops.” The young boy was surprised at how she spoke to her father.

“And you,” She indicated to Edward. “Take your pill.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Okay, okay.” Matthew stood up, picking Cookie up and left the room.

“So, Eddie. Why are you alone?”

He gave his father a cheeky grin. “I escaped.”

“From who? As if I didn’t know…” His father and Derek shared a look.


“You are a beautiful dog,” Edward was in love with Yuki since the moment he saw him. His own pet Dalmatian, Jess, was out with his mother.

They were all waiting for Cookie and then they were going to the shops in town to buy the girls some dresses as they only had one each.

They are planning to pay Maalik and his wife to make some, but that would take time.

Suddenly out of nowhere Cookie ran and climbed on the chair, hiding behind Andrew.

“Shh.” She whispered and ducked back when her dad came into the room.

“Is my little one in here?” A giggle drew his amused eyes straight to his childhood friend.

“Andy, do you know?” The older man smiled and shook his head.

“You lost her? Perhaps she fell in?” He suggested.

“Ha, perhaps.” Matthew frowned crossing his arms.

“That is a shame too. I was going to get Annie to buy her a new dolly, but-“

At the exact moment he mentioned a doll, Cookie popped up and tried to do a ninja roll over the Captain’s shoulder. But instead ended up stuck on his shoulder.

“Ha, that’ll teach you, midget,” Luke laughed.

“Gran’pa, ‘elp me!” She whined, poking his chest.

Edward was almost crying with laughter at what she called him.

“Okie. But I expect payment,” The white haired man joked.

“Thak qu, Gran’pa.” She kneeled on his lap, drawing her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“No, thank you,” He smiled and hugged her back.

“O.K. Now I go.”

He chuckled releasing her and helping her down.

She ran step to her dad.

“Papa, I ‘ave dolly now?”

“Only if you behave, don’t run off and do everything Joanne and the boys say.”

“I is an angel.” She place her hands on her cheeks and tipped her head to the side as Joanne had taught her too.

They couldn’t help but chuckle at the little girl.

“Just as long as you are not a ninja anymore. At least while your out.”

“Pomise.” She held her hand to her hand.

“Good girl.” He leaned down and kissed her nose.

“Now,” He straightened himself up. “Go say ‘see you’ to your uncles and then you can go. But clothes for you girls and the boys, first.”

Not hearing the last part she ran to Derek. “I see later.” She held out her arms for a hug.

He leaned down and picked her into a hug.

“See you afterwards, sweetheart.”

She kissed his cheek and him, her forehead, before releasing her, where upon she did the same to the captain.

“Don’t worry, Gran’pa, I lok after Erwood,” She whispered in his ear.

His arms tightened a little around by her and couldn’t help but wish for a moment she was his daughter. Oh, how he longed for more. But he and his wife had been blessed with two wonderful sons. In truth, he hadn’t even expected that many children. Not after a childhood illness where the doctor told him afterwards that he would likely never have any.

He had told Tilla before they married, he wanted her to go in with eyes wide open. But she still accepted him, children or not.

So when she became pregnant twice and carried both without problem they were both indescribably happy.

Now, having Joanne, Cookie and even the boys around, he felt like he had been blessed all over again. He couldn’t understand it, but it was as though they were his children too.

And Mattie, having his best friend back just made things perfect.

“I lub ya, Gran’pa.”

His heart skipped a beat. How happy a small girl’s words made him.

“I love you too, Cookie.”


A few minutes later and the group were getting into a coach, leaving Derek, Andrew and Matthew behind to confront and tell Matthew’s family he was back from the dead.

“Eddie! Where are you?”

“Bye bye, Millie,” He called out the window as the coach sped past her, leaving her in a daze of confusion and panic.


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