Chapter 27

“Kids, I’d like you to meet your Aunt Ettie and Andy’s wife – Tilla,” Matthew began introductions. Indicating to the blonde, then the little, light brown haired woman.
Ettie looked just like her daughter.
“Ladies, these are my children…” Matthew looked around as though searching.
“She is resting with Eddie upstairs,” Adam informed his dad as not to worry him.
Ettie move closer to group of children.
After everything she had heard, Joanne was half expecting the woman to be as much a snake as her daughter but instead she surprised them by grinning and greeting them all warmly.
“Hello. This… This is beyond words. I am so happy to meet you all,” She said and began to get teary eyed. Luke raised a brow amused. Derek and her brother was embarrassed and Millie looked annoyed that no one was looking at her.
The others parents all took a few steps forward and Matthew introduced his children all by name again. Tilla greeted them all with a smile.
“Millie, have you heard about Annie and Andrew?” Ettie said excited. Joanne found it amusing how oblivious the woman was. Her husband, on the other hand, sent her an apologetic look.
But Joanne didn’t mind too much. She knew enough to know her cousin’s parents would scold her if she did anything too bad.
Ettie had little control of her tongue. She spoke about everything and anything. From the wedding to finding her new family and daughter partners.
Everyone seemed used to this and Matthew seemed amused and nodded at his children’s unasked question. ‘Yes, she has always been like this.’
“We can go dress shopping tomorrow,” She suggested.
“We have plans,” Matthew stopped his sister.
“Thank you, but the dress is arranged,” Joanne told her politely. She had spoken to Maalik about it and he had happily agreed. She will speak to him and his wife about what she wanted when she went to see him in a couple of days.
Seeing her sad expression she added, “I am having one made for me, but have no idea about designs. Perhaps you can help me design?” Her face lit up. “We are going to the dressmaker the day after tomorrow. Would you and Tilla like to come too?”
Junior’s mother smiled brightly. “Yes, I would like that.”
Despite their different life’s, the older women were very friendly and not as judgemental as any of the Harris children had expected.
“You want to marry Annie, son?” Tilla asked her son knowing how against marriage he was in the past.
“It is arranged and announce made.”
“What? When?” Joanne asked as surprised as the others. Whereas his father just laughed and said quietly to his wife, “I told you he was in a hurry.”
“I visited the Vicar whilst you were shopping earlier,” He explained. “We have to meet with him, but the wedding is booked for a months time. I wanted sooner but we have to give one months notice.” He clearly wasn’t happy about this which only amused his father and friends more.
“Junior, we need at least a couple of weeks, maybe more for the dress. Not to mention invite family and any friends you wish to come. We need the time,” Joanne told him and his mother agreed.
“Of course all your single friends will come…” Matthew excused himself whilst his sister was talking to check on his youngest. Tilla went with him since he didn’t know the lay out of the house.
“You know how happy I am to have you home. I have missed you, Mattie.” She hugged him with a smile. He smiled and hugged her back, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve missed you too. You and Andy have done such a good job with the boys.”
She smiled brightly and took a step back, giving him space. “You too. I love the children already.” She was always very maternal, mothering all those younger than her. “To be honest, I never thought you would ever marry.”
They shared a look and she nodded in reply to his unspoken question. “I’m not surprised,” He chuckled. “But you need not worry. I love you and Andy. I am happy you and he got together. You are perfect for one another.”
“Thank you,” She smiled.
“As for Juliet,” His eyes welled with tears at the thought of his wife. “She’s been gone almost twenty years, but it still hurts. I love her. She was an incredible woman. It was love at first sight. I had an idea how to get back, but couldn’t risk never seeing her again.”
She hugged him again. “But then she died and I still couldn’t leave. I never thought I’d be able to take them with me. Had I known…”
“Papa!” They pulled apart just in time to see a little girl with messy hair run to them grinning. “Papa, here! Here!” She jumped up grabbing his jacket.
He chuckled and picked her up.
“Oh my goodness,” Tilla cooed seeing the adorable girl.
This gained the girl’s attention. “New mama?”
Tilla was surprised but looked to Matthew for help.
“She is Grandpa’s wife.”
The little girl’s eyes lit up. “Mama,” And threw herself at the woman.
Matthew looked sheepish, but she shook her head letting him know it was alright. She was still a baby, she didn’t understand. She would explain when she was older.
“You are such a beautiful little girl,” She said now holding the small girl in her arms.
A shuffling noise drew their attention to her youngest who had just woken up and stood in the doorway rubbing his tired eyes.
“I butiful like Annie. I Erwood marry,” The tiny girl told them excitedly.
Both his mother and her father looked to the teenage boy who now stood shocked.
“It’s okay, son. We know,” Matthew assured him. “How are you feeling?” He held out an arm for him to take. He helped him down the stairs and Tilla carried Cookie.
“Oh my goodness,” Ettie squealed seeing the tiny girl. “Such an angelic baby.”
Cookie scrunched up her face and wiggled out of Tilla’s arms. “I no baby!” She stamped a foot.
The others try not to laugh.
Millie walked over with a smile, surprising Annie and her siblings.
“Of course you aren’t. You are a big girl.” The little girl puffed out her chest and grinned. From that moment on she was her cousins best friend, even holding hands. “See my baby!” She pulled her along to another room to show Millie her new toys.
“She is very good with children. She loves them,” Her mother told the others. Junior didn’t seem surprised. Apparently it was common to see her playing with her younger relatives.
“It’s only grow ups she’s a cunt with then,” Mike said quietly whilst their older relatives discuss how to approach Matthew and Ettie’s parents.
They won’t tell them the truth, at least not completely. They were old and even with evidence would struggle to believe their eldest.
“Horsie, horsie, horsie!” Cookie could be heard squealing excited.
“Cookie, no!” Annie yelled jumping up and running from the room into the neighbouring room.
The men – minus the youngest – all knew what was happening and looked amused, whereas the two older women followed her confused.
“Cookie, no!” They entered the room just in time to see the tiny girl being lifted off a large black dog. “You know that you don’t do that. Last time he bucked you off you almost broke your neck.” Cookie giggled and ran to Tilla. “Poo now.” She took the older woman’s hand.
The others entered the room just in time to see Tilla being dragged away.
“Cookie,” Matthew called to his daughter. She waved her free hand dismissively and called, “I poo now.” Andrew couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry, Tilla, I can take her.”
She shook he head. “It is fine.”
“It’s alright,” Annie said noticing how scared her cousin seemed. “He’s just a dog. He’s harmless. Like a overgrown teddy bear. He won’t hurt you. But don’t let Cookie ride him, because he bucks her off.”
“Alright,” Millie mumbled and nodded before timidly reaching out and stroking him.