Chapter 29

To say his parents were disgusted at Cookie’s mother would be an understatement. So angry that if they could Matthew was certain his father would have words with her and his mother would likely strike her.

“It’s better for her here. She was shy at first but she speaks to everyone now. She is very lively and loves pirate stories. She speaks so well,” He tells them making them smile.

He went on to tell them about the rest of his children and how they got here.

“There is Adam, he is twenty-five and the twins, Mike and Luke, they are twenty-three and Joanne, she is nineteen. But most call her Annie.” And the fishermen call her Jo.

“Adam is techinically a year older than you, mum, since he was born in nineteen-eight-nine.” They all had a laugh about that before he continued on telling them about how Joanne ended up in them all being back in his home time.

“Your eldest daughter and Andrew junior?” He couldn’t tell who was more surprised. His parents or their friends.

He couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “That has been the reaction of most. From what Andy and Annie had told me, he was planning the wedding since the day they met. She’s always been friendly but never dated much. She was always very picky.” In truth up until he learned about her and Junior he suspected she was a lesbian. But he’d never admitted it out loud.

“I take it that Millie was very keen on him?”

“Yes but she has many suitors,” His sister bragged, his mother just nodded along.


Adam returned a little over half an hour later with Millie in toe.

Without prompting she walked over to her cousin. “Can I speak to you in private?” She asked politely.

“Alright,” Joanne said hesitantly unsure what she was up too.

Junior tried to follow but his mother stopped him.

Entering a back room Andrew used as an office, Millie closed the door behind them.

“I want to apologise. I was rude and likely deserved everything that was said.” Joanne stood waiting for her to say something bitchy but it didn’t come.

“I acted juvenile. I knew Andrew had no feelings for me, but thought if I persisted… Please forgive me? I wish to start this day again.”

Joanne was silent for an awkward moment before asking, “Did you mean that or did my brother make you say that?” It wouldn’t be the first time he had done that.

“No. But he did make me realise how brattish I have been.”

“Okay…” Joanne nodded. “But if this is an act…”

“It’s not.”

She nodded slowly. “Cookie will be happy.”

Millie smiled brightly. “Yes. She is adorable.”

They came to an agreement to try and be friends. Joanne decided to try but would be cautious. She still didn’t trust that it wasn’t an act.

The moment they left the room Cookie and Junior both approached them. “You kay?” Cookie asked hugging Millie’s dress. “Uniya is meanie pants.” She looked at him with the cute angry face only a child can do.

“Sorry,” He grumbled and looked to Joanne as though asking if she tried everything. She smiled in reply.

“Millie and I have made peace.”

“That is great,” Tilla said pleased and her husband agreed.

Junior wasn’t so happy but bit his tongue. He didn’t trust her in the slightest but Adam had clearly said something to her that affected her.

Joanne didn’t fail to notice Millie look to Adam for approval and he smiled with a slight nod. She raised a brow but no one else seemed to have noticed.

“I think you could both learn a lot from each other.”

Before much else could be said Cookie began pulling on Andrew’s leg.

“What is it?” He asked lifting her into his arms.

“I’m hungy, Gran’pa.” She hugged his neck best she could. She adored him.

“Dinner is ready. We are just waiting on your daddy.”

“I y’ll get him!” She jumped from his arms making both Tilla and Millie gasp concerned but she was already on her way.

But was quickly detracted by telling Edward off for walking around in his injured leg.

The teen boy was amused and did as told.

“Stay!” She ordered making him laugh.

Everyone was so distracted that they didn’t hear the door open and several enter.

The grandparents all watched with happiness as their new found family members interacted.

Tilla was the first to notice the group. It wasn’t long before the others noticed and all the introductions began.


Introductions were made and they all sat down to dinner and spoke happily, like they had always known one another.

Everyone, even her parents noticed a change in Millie. Normally bratty and demanding, she was polite and friendly. The one time she did become a little brat, one look from Adam and she stopped. She had clearly taken a liking to him. It was clear to all. Even the normally ignorant Junior.

Once dinner was finished with the youngest and Millie distracted, Evelyn shared her story. They all hung on her every word.

To say they were shocked would be an underestimate.

The siblings all took to their new grandparents quickly and it wasn’t long before Cookie was talking at them, announcing her marriage to Edward and her plans of becoming a pirate.

Edward almost chocked on his own saliva.

“Did Edward ask you?” Joanne asked amused, already knowing the answer.

“No, I decided,” She announced.

“I am meant to decide who I marry,” Edward half heartedly argued, more amused at the toddler’s announcement.

Instead of arguing she narrowed her eyes and shhed him, telling him to rest so his leg will heal.

Next came the matter of Junior and Joanne’s upcoming nuptials.

“I have it all arranged. This time next month we will be wed,” Junior announced proudly.

The first time his grandparents were hearing the date they were all shocked.

“That is not enough time to plan a wedding,” His grandmother tried to argue, worried.

“It will be fine. I have an appointment with a dress fitter in a couple of days and Junior will visit a tailor for a new suit.”

Junior looked ready to argue but his mother shook her head. “You, your father and all the men will go to your fitting and we will go with Annie,” Tilla said inviting her mother in law and Mattie’s mother.

“Perhaps we should send a message and couch and have them come here?” Joanne suggested. “I don’t know how much room they will have.” Ettie nodded in agreement.

“I need to collect some items from the shop. I will call on my way if you give me their address?”

“I need to go out. I will go with you,” Matthew told her making her smile.

“Yes. I think I would enjoy time with my brother.”

He returned her smile. “Then it is settled, tomorrow morning we will visit Mal’s home and then compwouldour list.”

The evening came fast and soon the sun was down and the moon out.

“My mother insists we all take a bath after a trip. We have one built in bath but also a tin bath. So why don’t you and Cookie take a bath in the bathroom first. I will go after you.” Joanne agreed and it was decided her brothers would take turns in the tin bath.

Washed and dried, bedtime was another matter. Cookie fell asleep in Andrew’s arms holding onto his beard. Having dusted the cot off, Tilla originally planned to have her room set up in the nursery, but after a word with Matthew, they decided it would be best to have her placed in their youngest son’s room, since they were both children. That way she wouldn’t be alone and wouldn’t get scared, but she’d still have her own bed.

Giving Edward another pill, he was sent to bed shortly after a sleeping Cookie was placed in her cot.

Tilla wasn’t too happy about the unmarried couple sharing a bed, but didn’t have much of a choice knowing it would happen either way. But did make her son promise not to do anything until they were wed.

“I would sully her! We have only hugged and kissed, nothing more will happen until we are wed.” A little white lie. But true in the sense they had waited to do anything else until married. Only a month away, it wasn’t long and they would still be able to spend plenty of time together.

Pleased with his answer his mother kissed him bid the couple goodnight and left them alone.

Moving into their bed, they kissed and hugged one another.

“I have to pinch myself every day to make sure I am not dreaming,” He told her with a loving look. “I love you so much. I never thought I would meet a woman who would make me feel his way.” He kissed her again. “I cannot wait to make you my lawful wife.”

“I love you and feel the same.”

“I know, princess,” He said smiling, stroking her head as she struggled to keep her eyes open. “Sleep, my love. We have forever.” He watched in awe, his heart full of love as she fell asleep in his arms.


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Apple Jack
Apple Jack
27 days ago

I love this story, it’s so sweet and heartwarming! 💜💜💜

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