Chapter 3

David is actually a really nice guy when you get past the whoring part.
I can see why Chelsey kept going back to him.
He has been great this past month. Yes, a month and I still haven’t spoken to anyone other than him. But I did send a text message to my mum from the Internet. I told her I was alright and not to worry. I had stopped crying and now I felt slightly numb.
No doubt I had lost both my jobs. But I would find another.
Surprisingly, David hadn’t gone out a lot whilst I’d been here. He didn’t even have anyone around. So much for my ideas of him being a player.
He had been ignoring phone calls from Chris and other people who knew me too.
When I asked why, he told me, he wasn’t good at lying and he would only speak to them when I was ready. He was really sweet, holding me when I cried, forcing me to eat, shower and watching bad movies with me. He even lent me some of his older sister clothes which she had left at the house. He was kind of like the brother I never had.
“Kim, Kim?” David shouted running into the guest room I slept in.
His parents were loaded and had a huge eight bed house, five of them guest rooms.
They had only bought it a couple of years before and Chris and Chelsey had never visited it.
“Wake up,” He literally picked me up and ran down the stairs with me.
“Watch…” He unpaused the TV.
“And you couldn’t show me this later why?” I asked trying to wake myself up.
“Shh and watch.”
Not even a second later a voice I knew all too well filled the room, begging for my attention.
“If anyone has seen or knows the whereabouts of Kimberly Thorpe…” His voice was shaky. He looked like crap. Like he hadn’t slept in weeks, his skin pale, his eyes red and he looked like he hadn’t been eating.
“Please contact the number below.” I felt my heart clench. How did he… Why?
“Or if you are watching… Please just call me, give me a chance…” Chris, the once bad boy who every girl wanted, but I had, was openly crying on the television in front of me. I couldn’t help but let my own tears fall.
The screen flicked to a news presenter with a solemn expression.
“That was Christos Dimitris.” His father’s company was pretty big, one of the biggest in the country. He was a celebrity in the business world and well known in the media. Mainly for the large amounts of business the company has been bringing into the country.
David switched it off after that.
There were minutes of silence where we just sat, he hugged me and rubbed my back. “I should go see him, shouldn’t I?” I whispered out.
He nodded, “He looked sorry…”
“Will you go with me?” I didn’t want to be alone. I knew Chris wouldn’t do anything, but it didn’t feel like going alone.
Two hours later and I was washed and dressed. David had agreed to go with me and was driving me in his car to the house I once shared with Chris.
He had called him, making sure he was home, he was. As soon as Chris realized who he was speaking to, he asked David a hundred questions. Including why wasn’t he answering his calls, but most questions were about me.
David didn’t answer, he simply told him he would be over to the house soon to see him.
Arriving at the house, I felt sick to the stomach. I couldn’t help but think about how Chelsey has probably been going around this whole time.
“Take a deep breath Kim, everything will be alright,” David reassured me.
Pulling my keys from my pocket, I unlock the door.
I had barely even got through the front door when I heard the most heartbreaking sound ever.
Entering the front room, we heard the sobbing sounds that were coming from Chris. The worst part was he was asleep in the chair, crying.
He looked a mess. I felt so bad for him despite what happened. He obviously regretted it.
I forgave him in that second.
“I’ll check if he has anything in, if not I can pop to the shop?” David whispered to me. I could tell by his expression he was as shocked as me.
I silently nodded and he left the room. I guess there wasn’t anything because less than a minute later I heard him leave.
Leaving me stood watching Chris.
Slowly and silently I approached his sleeping form. He looked so sick and vulnerable.
I didn’t want to wake him. He looks like he hadn’t slept much.
But I wanted to make him stop sobbing.
Slowly and care not to wake him, I sat in the arm of the chair. As if sensing my presence, his sobs turned into a whimper. I have never heard anything so heart breaking.
“Please Kim, please don’t leave…” I could barely understand his sleep takings, but I understood enough.
“Shh,” I whispered reaching out and stroking his now ratty black locks. “I am here, Chris.”
His whimpers soon stopped and he leaned into my touch.
I knew by his heavy breathing he was sleeping.
I laid my head against his and kissed his forehead.
I loved him no matter what. I couldn’t change it, I needed him. But it didn’t mean I had forgotten about what he did.
I must have dropped off for a few of minutes, because the next thing I knew I woke up almost falling off the chair arm when I felt Chris move.
His eyes are bloodshot, wide and staring at me with tears brimming. “Are you real?” He whispered hopefully. He sounded like a child. Why does he have to be so cute? I am meant to be angry at him.


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