Chapter 13

The case didn’t go to court for over a year. Something we were all pleased about because it allowed us to get married and have the babies before without worrying about things.

The press found out about the case and covered the case. Finding out about everything, including why I went missing, everyone had been really supportive.

Throughout the trial I was either angry or trying not to laugh.

My parents tried to speak to me but I walked the other way. I only found out a few weeks ago but they turned up to the church when I got married. But Jonah had hired security to keep any uninvited people out. I’d like to think it was they realized what a mess they created and came to beg for forgiveness but I am more than certain it was to mess up my day.

The trial… Oh my God, the trial. It was a joke.

My sister initially stuck to her story, evening wearing what looked like funeral clothes. Including a little black hat with a veil. Lots of fake tears. But when given evidence to prove the drugs was hers she changed her story to how she was repeatedly abused by our parents and they forced her to do it.

I could tell she regretted it as soon as she said it and she tried to take it back. But it was too late.

I think at that moment my parents realized everything they had been told was true.

Mum walked out in tears whereas our dad just sat there. It looked like someone had punched him in the gut. Chesley cried and whined so much that the judge threatened to have her gagged.

It made me really happy.

David, Chris and I all had to take the stand.

“Is it not true you seduced Miss Thorpe and you lied about being drugged when your girlfriend, her sister found out?” The solicitor was just out of uni and not very good.

“No. She-“

The solicitor cut him off. “Haven’t you in fact been involved with Ms Thorpe for years?”

“No! I had only had sex with Kim before her sister raped me!”


The solicitor is lucky one of us didn’t belt him. He was a real jerk and got warned about his questions mulitple times.

From what I heard I expected the trial to take days, maybe weeks. But it only lasted two days and the jury were only out thirty minutes.

“Guilty on all charges.”

We left the court happy but shocked.

Ten years, with the minimum of seven years to be served.

A lot of screaming and feet stomping before she was dragged from the room.

Mum didn’t even come to the second day but our dad did.

David and Martha along with the triplets met us outside. I breastfeed them but also use formula to supplement. Feeding three babies is exhausting.

Before I can say more than ‘hello’ David began glaring at someone behind me.

I turn my head to see my dad approach.

“Kimberly, how are you?” He was so casual. I couldn’t believe his gall.

“Fine. What do you want?” I ask through gritted teeth. I didn’t want to cause a scene.

“Good. I just came over to invite you to dinner tonight. Your mum is making your favourite seafood paella.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I heard David mumble. Even he knew I couldn’t eat it.

“Chelsey’s favourite, not mine.”

“Nonsense, you both loved it.”

“No. No, I didn’t. The days you ate paella I’d eat a sandwich because mum refused to make me anything. I’m allergic seafood.”

He scoffed, “Of course you aren’t. I would know if my daughter was allergic to anything.”

I was about to lose it but Chris spoke first. “Yeah, because you’re such a good father. Ignoring his youngest being bullied by her mother and sister whilst growing up.”

“That not true!” He denied it.

“So you didn’t take their side in every argument? You didn’t kick her out at fourteen because she wouldn’t give me to Chesley? And you didn’t tell her to kill our babies? Your grandchildren?”

He opened his mouth to argue but then close it again.

“Exactly. Don’t contact us again.”

We walk away and head to Chris’s parents to have a family dinner to celebrate.

I don’t need my parents or my sister, I have a family, the best family a person could wish for.


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Tisha Edwards
Tisha Edwards
2 years ago

I now have a new love. This is great!

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