Chapter 12

Despite superstitions Chris refused to spend the night away from me before the wedding.
He even refused a stag night, instead having a romantic dinner with me.

That was a week before our wedding. We had a long heart to heart and he admitted he was ashamed of himself. Despite being drugged and tricked he felt like he had cheated on me and he was disgusted with himself.

He felt he didn’t deserve me anymore. That night we had sex for the first time since I returned and it lasted well into the next day. It was by far the best sex we ever had.

Almost losing one another and everything had just made us both realize we could never live without one another. He is my soulmate and I am his. Those weeks apart were the only times we had slept apart since we started dating.

Chelsey tried to break us up but had only strengthen our bond. Not only that, David had also become an invaluable friend. He had returned home, but still stayed at our place a lot. Not that I minded too much.

As for my family, they all called me or at least tried.
I blocked Chesley number, after the first call. I have no desire to speak to her at all.

She even tried on other numbers. But hearing her voice I hung up and blocked the numbers. It was because of that I stopped answering numbers I didn’t know. After my parents repeatedly tried to talk me into leaving Chris and even getting him to down the ‘made up’ charges I blocked them too.

They showed they didn’t give a damn about me, even after I told them I was pregnant.

But what hurt most is my dad’s reaction. “Just abort the bastard.” I didn’t give him a chance to say anything else. I hung up and blocked all their numbers after that.

I cried a lot that day. Chris was ready to go around and kill him. David on the other hand called them and dropped some home truths. Including their promiscuity, swinging, her selling weed and pills – I didn’t know about that one – and why they broke up.

They completely love him, so it must have hurt. But I don’t givea damn about them anymore. They haven’t been my family for years. I should have cut them out when they first kicked me out at fourteen because ‘I stole poor Chesley’s boyfriend.’ But I am an idiot.

Most comically was when her solictor contacted David about being her character reference. He repeated would he said to my parents and the solictor went silent.

I heard they had to remortage their house to find another solictor after that. Something about not wanting to a losing case.

Our wedding day came and his family had to all but drag him away. I think he was still worried I’d leave him.

I’ve never thought I was beautiful, but I looked it that day. It was only a small ceremony, close friends and family – not mine. Only about thirty people. Walking down the aisle, I noticed straight away Chris was teary eyed, but smiling. His eyes glued to me, he looked like he had won the lottery or something. Seeing his reaction, I couldn’t help but get a little teary eyed.

The ceremony was amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better day. We did have to cut the reception short since I was falling asleep on my feet but it was perfect.

We went on a short break away in the scotish mountains. We spent all the time inside in bed, but it has amazing views.

Arriving back home Chris wanted to kill his friend when he found out he slept with Martha after the wedding reception. She is beautiful but very nerdy. Not the type I’d normally see David with.

But that being said, I know she has had a crush on him from years.

“I’m not going to hurt her. I really like her. Seriously,” David admitted. Both Gabriel and Jonah had threatened him too when they first found out they were dating.

They like him, but know what a player he is. But David promised this time it was exclusive and I for one believe him. He has been talking a lot recently about ‘the one’ and settling down. I think for that reason Chris and his family gave him a chance.

“Hurt her and I’ll make sure you lose more than just your cock!” Chris threatened.

From that day on when ever David was around Martha was too. Watching them together was beautiful. David was completely different then I had seen with other women. He was more like the sweet David I knew. Always hugging and kissing her, it was so sweet. It wasn’t long before they were exchanging the ‘l’ word and offically moving in together.

They got a place near us because it was near the college and uni for Martha.
His parents and older sister were as shocked as us, but love her too.

The triplets were born at thirty-five weeks. I gave birth naturally. But had originally planned a c-section at thirty-six weeks, but labour happened and by the time we got to the hospital it was too late. Thankfully they were all healthy and we only had to stay in a few days.

I know most would hate to have their mother in-law in the room but seriously, I couldn’t have done it without her. Chris was panicking that I was going to die – I bleed, but not excessively. Tess we even in the room acting as our doctor, so tried to calm him. We had grown much closer over the year. If I was into women I’d marry her too.

Identical twins Ivy and Iris were born first. Then finally their tiny brother Isaac.

It was a exhausting but well worth it.


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