Chapter 2

“Sisters? You sure?” David asks with a cheeky smile.

“Yes, but why are you staying with me? Shouldn’t you be getting into trouble somewhere?” They didn’t seem as bad as the rumours I heard about them.

“Trying to get rid of us, princess?”

The way Chris spoke and looks at me made my stomach flip and I like it. I am sure this is why all girls like him. He just has a way about him.

“No,” The word came out almost as a squeak. He leans closer, “Good, because I decided you’re hanging out with us today.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

“Why?” I find myself getting unusually annoyed at him. “I have been in the same school as you for years. If you want to get in Chelsey’s pants you don’t need to be nice to me. Just point and she’ll drop them, she’s accommodating like that.”

I didn’t mean to sound bitter or jealous but I don’t want to be used. I’ve had that before.

“Woo, little sis,” David tries to calm me by the sounds of his tone. “We are here because you are cute and Chris has a crush on you.”

I expected Chris to deny it but he didn’t. There was no way that could be true. He just stared at me as if to gauge my reaction.

“If this is some kind of-” I didn’t get to complete my sentence. I was cut off by Chris lips on mine. They were hot and soft. I was in too much shock to react. Not to mention it was my first kiss and I had know idea what I was doing.

He pulled back only seconds later, staring at me with a wanton look in his eyes.
“You are so bloody gorgeous.” Before I knew it, his mouth was on mine again. This time he must have realized my lack of experience because he whispered against my lips, “Just copy me, Princess.”

Instead of pushing him back like I knew I probably should I let him kiss me. I did my clumsy best to copy his movements.
He made me feel like I was going to melt into a puddle.

His hand moved up and his fingers thread through my hair. Thankfully, he didn’t push me, he didn’t push his tongue in my mouth like I heard boys do and he didn’t touch me anywhere below my neck.

“This is so God damn hot.” I squeaked and pushed Chris away remembering his friend was there.
“Do I get a kiss too?” He was giving me a cheeky grin and wiggling his brows. I knew my cheeks were red, I could feel the heat from them.

“David…” Chris glared at his friend, almost growling. “Try anything with my girlfriend and I’ll cut your balls off.”

“What?” I opened my mouth to ask but instead Chelsey asked first.

Eh, she’s back…

If looks could kill…

Both guys looked to her, David stood up and drew his arm around her shoulder.
“Chris is going out with your little sister. Pretty cool int’it? Me and him dating sisters?”

David is going out with Chelsey? Since when?

Hang on a moment…

She looked ready to argue but I spoke first. “Since when am I-“
Chris pecked my lips again. “We kissed, you’re mine, Princess. Those are the rules.”

I wanted to argue but one, I didn’t think he’d listen and two, I actually like the idea of going out with him.

“You can’t date Kim!” You know who exclaimed.

Jealous, me thinks. Smirk
I do love annoying her.

“She is a looser, you’re … Not.”

“I won’t hurt you because you’re a girl. But say anything else about my girl and then I promise you’ll regret it.”


David ushered her away before she could say anything else, but didn’t look mad at his friend. In-fact he was grinning.


“I bloody hate her. I have no idea how David has put up with the cunt for a year.”

“Hang on… They’ve been dating a year? But she’s always out on dates with guys,” I think out loud.

“Open relationship, they both can have sex with other people.”

A million and one questions go through my mind.

“I can see those gears working in your little head…” He cupped my cheek. “We are exclusive. No one else.” He pecked my lips again.

Okay, that was one of my questions, but I am still completely confused.

“Why?” He looked confused but smiled.

“Why, what, princess?”

It was as if everything suddenly snapped and became clear.

“Is this some kind of practical joke? Did my sister send you to embarrass me? Because I know before today you have never looked my way. Let alone had a crush on me.” I began packing my lunch box and phone away. “The kiss was great. But I am not being the entertainment for you or anyone!” I stand up and he follows me, pinning me the the tree.

“Is that what you really think?” He actually look hurt. “That I would do something like that to a girl?”

I shrugged trying to break myself free. “Stop fighting me!”

“I haven’t heard of you with a girlfriend. Why am I different?” I exclaimed close to tears.

“I have been crushing on you since induction day.” The test day of your chosen high school.

“Yeah,” I scoff. “That was years ago.” Only because I’m quiet doesn’t mean I’m shy. “If that was true why have I never seen you so much as look my way? Why do you always have a different girl on you?” I didn’t give him a chance to answer.

Here I am having this weird heart to heart with the bad boy I have only really just met properly. It was kind of laughable.

I broke free but only for him to grab my hand. I never realised before how tall he is. He was at least six-foot, huge compared to me.

He didn’t say anything, instead he just began dragging me along with him.

“Chris, stop!”

“No. I have to show you something.”

He took out his phone and asked someone to meet him before hanging up.

I was starting to get really worried as he stopped by the side of the road outside school.

“Don’t hurt me, Chris. I’m sorry.”

He turned to me, looking down at me with a look I didn’t recognise.

“You really think I would do that?”

“I don’t know… I mean maybe… No, I would hope not,” I stumbled over my words not sure what to say.

“One thing you have to know about me, Kimberley, is I will never hurt you, ever.” It was the first time he used my name and not just Kim as Chelsey had told him. Maybe he did know me.

“Just trust me this once, please?” He sounded nothing like the bad boy I had heard about.
If anything he seemed more than a little possessive and maybe clingy or maybe I’m misreading things.

I gave him a small smile and nodded. He gave me a beaming smile, “That’s my girl,” He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

He moved behind me. I tensed unsure what to expect. But much to my surprise he only drew his arms around my shoulders and hugged me against him.

It was pretty nice. I felt comfortable, warm.

We stayed like that, as we waited for whoever he called.

“Why me?”

“Because you are beautiful, sweet, honest and most of all, you.”

“Half that isn’t true and you know it.” I have no illusion to what I am, I added in my head.

He didn’t reply. I turned my head to look up at him only to see him glaring at someone. But not me.

“Got a fucking problem?” I notice a few guys from our school stood about ten feet away, behind the school gate staring at us.

They were what you could say the wannabe bad boys. Apparently kicking a round ball around a field makes them hard and sexy to girls. No idea…
But they looked terrified of Chris.

“No, man,” One of the guys said a little too quickly.

“Good. Best keep it that way!”

A dark sedan slowed down and pulled up beside us. I have no idea what make, but it doesn’t look cheap.

Chris opened the backdoor closest to us and indicated for me to climb in.
“You said you’d trust me,” He reminds me when I didn’t do it straight away.

I climbed in and shuffled to the other side when I saw Chris climbing in beside me.
“Well, hello little brother. Going to introduced me to your tiny friend?” The man in the drivers seat looked like a few years older than Chris. He had the same black hair and grey-brown eyes, not to mention the tanned skin.

“Gabe, this is my girlfriend, Kimberly. Princess, this is my brother, Gabriel.” Chris sat holding my hand.
“Hang on, hang on…” He was driving by this point.
“You’re telling me little Kimmy is a real person?” He asked sounding genuinely surprised.

“Her name is Kimberley, and yes, of course she is!”

His brother laughed. “Wait until the folks hear…”

Is that bad?

“They at home?”

I tuned out after that, my brain flood with questions.
Everything about this afternoon was confusing.

Not to mention I was worried about missing school, as I was positive we would.
Up until now I have not missed a a single day at school this year.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t notice the car stop, neither did I notice Chris exit the car and go around my side to open the door.

“The ground is damp, I will not let you walk and fall over,” He said after opening the door. Before I had a chance to ask what he meant, I was lifted from my seat and out of the car.

“Chris, put me down!”

“Dad’s been washing the car,” Gabriel explained with a smirk, the whole time his brother still holding me bridal style. He didn’t put me down, even when we reached the front door of the large house.


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