Chapter 3

Gabriel reached for the handle and opened the door, holding it open for us.
“Ladies first,” He indicated with his hand into the house whilst giving his younger brother a teasing smile. But looking back to Chris it was clear he wasn’t listening to his brother. In fact he wasn’t even looking at him.

He was looking at me with a strange smile.

“You can put me down now.”

He didn’t listen. Instead continued up a set of stairs. I clung to him tighter as you accended the stairs.

“I won’t drop you, princess. Hold on tight.”

I heard some talking followed by a raised voice. “Christos, what are you doing back? You’re supposed to be at school!” The male voice exclaimed.

More voices I couldn’t quite hear.

“Shouldn’t you reply?” I asked as we approached a door.

“Nah.” He opened the door. “This is my room.”

My eyes widened. “W.. What are we doing in here?” I stutter.

He pauses, looks down at me and smirks. “Don’t worry, princess. Today is purely to prove myself.” He placed me on my feet, but took my hand in his. “We’ll have plenty of time for sex and stuff in the future.”

I was actually surprised to see a slight blush in his cheeks when he mentioned doing it.

“I never said I’d have sex with you,” I argue half heartedly. To be honest, I’d be lucky to lose my virginity to him.

“We’ll see, Princess,” He said with a smirk carrying me into the bedroom.

I was about to argue when I noticed something. “Is that…?” He put me on my feet and I walked over to his chest of drawers. On top lay lots of little items. A hairclip, a pink bear keyring with Kim on the bear’s chest, pen and a girl’s cardigan. “The cardigan that was stole from the back of my chair on induction day. These are mine!”

Taking my hand, he led me to his closet. “Open it.” Glancing back at him confused, but I did as told.

If I was surprised before I was in total shock now.

I looked over the numerous photographs of me, some even from the first day. All taken without me knowing.

Looking to him, mouth agape, I couldn’t believe it. He actually blushed and but stared at me to gage my reaction.

“Christos, are you and your friend hungry?” A woman’s voice called up the stairs.

“Yes, we haven’t eaten,” He opened his door slightly and called back.

“What would you like?” She asked.

He looked to me. “Anything but seafood. I’m allergic.”

“She’s allergic to seafood, anything else,” He called back and then returned to me.

“I like you a lot, Kimberly.”

My heart hammers in my chest.

“All this and you didn’t know Chesley was my sister?”

Clearly not the response he was expecting.

“No. I’ve never seen you together and I try to ignore her. She is a pain in the ass. But she’s a good fuck according to David. I think that and the fact that they aren’t exclusive is why he’s been with her so long.”

Made sense. Outside the house I don’t exist to her.

“But you’ve been following me?” He blushed but nodded.

“You’re my girlfriend.”

I look back at the photographs and can’t help but smile.

“This is real? You really liked me since we were eleven?”

“Deeply.” Both our faces burn red and I take a chance. Moving closer to him, I hug him.

“Thank you, I like you too.” I’ve never been so happy. My parents care for me but I’ve never felt truly wanted until now.

We end up cuddling on his bed just talking about movies and such like until who I now know is his mother called to us that dinner is ready.

My stomach is in my throat as we enter the dining room. We are well past dinner break but no one mentions it.

No doubt my parents will be contacted and they will yell at me and no doubt Chelsey will be telling tales. But they don’t need an excuse to do that. Did I mention despite my good grades I am the bad child? Bull, I know.

“It is great to finally meet you,” His mother, a beautiful woman in her thirties said in greeting and hugged me.

A tall, dark and muscular man, his father could pass for his sons older brother.

Despite what I heard about him, Chris is a sweetheart and his parents and brother are great. They all made me feel so welcome.

The whole of lunch his brother tried to embarass him, telling me tales of his younger years. It was amusing Chris mostly didn’t seem to mind.

Afterwards we returned to school. We were late, but didn’t really get into trouble.

That evening at home went as well as expected. Only no one mentioned me missing part of school. Instead they yelled at me about stealing my ‘poor’ sister’s boyfriend.

I tried to argue but they ignored everything I said, repeating back Chelsey’s lies. Apparently it’s Chris – not David – who she’s been dating all months. And I stole him away by all but doing a strip tease if what my sister told them is to be believed.

It was true ridiculous accusations. But my parents believed her and send me to bed without food straight after school.

Unbeknownst to them I still had left over sandwiches from lunch, so I just ate them instead.

The morning was weird. My sister was acting smug and our mum was telling me I was doing the right thing.

I had no clue what they were speaking about until I was getting ready to leave and dad mentioned he was glad I was breaking up with Chris so Chelsey can have him back.

I live my family, but I dislike them. No way I’m giving into that witch. I like Chris.

He texted me throughout the night. He is actually really sweet.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about because I’m not breaking up with Chris,” I say leaving the house. I speed walk so she can’t catch up to be and whine to me.

Thankfully it was after I had my breakfast and made my packed lunch. Yes, I make it myself. I make most my food myself. My parents don’t believe I had a food allergy. Even after several trips to A and E.

I am met outside the school gate by Chris, David and their other two friends, Ray and Clarkie.

He greeted me with a hug and kiss. I was nervous but enjoyed it. “Hello princess.”

“Hello,” I greet him back and his friends. His friends were welcoming and clearly knew of Chris’s crush on me.

“Just to warn you, Chelsey is trying to break us up.” I tell him what happened and he is angry.

David promises to deal with it.

The school day was different. I don’t know how I’d never noticed it before but Chris is in most of my classes. He sits at the back and never speaks up in class. I usually have my head down and in my work, I don’t notice what’s around me.

People began to treat me different at school. Guys seemed nervous around me, whereas girls tried to speak to me. Thankfully my growly boyfriend kept most away.

Chelsey hung around us. But David took her aside and had words with her.
I don’t know what was said but come see his expression and it was kind of scary. She put on a innocent expression but it was clear he wasn’t buying her bull.

After a minute she huffed and nodded and they walk back to us, David now smiling and her pouting. God, I hate her at times.

I spent morning break and dinner with Chris, David and even my sister. Chris told me his other two friends hate her and refuse to be around her. I hate her two, so we get along surprisingly well.

“I don’t like her either,” David told me after mentioning his friends.

“HEY!” Chelsey exclaims. “You love me!”

I hold back a laugh.

“No way,” David says his smile not faultering. “You’re hot and sex is fantastic. But quite honestly, you drive me up the wall. Your voice is like nails on a chalk board.”

“That’s not true!”

“If you wasn’t such a skilled lay I’d never even speak to you.” It was cruel but part of me was pleased to see her upset.

That night was much like the previous, again no dinner because I refused to break up with Chris and bed early.

I messaged Chris to let him know and he wasn’t happy. He wanted to come over but I convinced him not too.

The next morning my dad took me aside. “Your mother and I am very disappointed in you. I know you and your sister has never gotten along. That you have always been jealous of her. But that is no reason to be so cruel! How could you steal your sister’s boyfriend?”

“I didn’t! He isn’t her-” I try to argue but he cut me off.

“Don’t lie! I don’t know where you get it from. Such a disappointment,” He went on comparing me to her. Saying things I knew wasn’t true. I tried to argue but it was pointless.

“I expect you to have done to right thing by schools end today or else,” He said with a warning.

I was forced to leave without breakfast or a packed lunch.

Arriving at school, hungry and fed up I break down when I see Chris.

I tell him everything and we end going to form group for register, but then skipping the first class to get food.

We return in time for the next class without a word mentioned.

Dinner is unusually in the sense that we have it with all his friends but I don’t see Chelsey once. In fact I don’t see her the rest of the day. Chris offers to take me home and speak to my parents but I tell him not to bother. After eating and relaxing I thought they’d likely take my electronics, maybe no dinner again.

So I warn him just in case that I might lose my phone.

Today is Friday, so we make plans to meet the next day.

Arriving home I wasn’t even asked about Chris. Instead I was asked to give them me phone and keys.

I hand them over expecting it.

“Not only have you stolen her boyfriend, but you made her second boyfriend break up with her too!” I was speechless. David broke up with her?

Not only that but they knew and are fine with her dating multiple guys?

I open my mouth to speak but they stop me. “No! Enough is enough. You’re out!”

“What?” I ask confused. “Out of what? School?” I ask thinking they were trying to break me up with him by changing my school.

“No. This house.” I wait for them to say they are joking. Only instead my dad hands me a bag.

“What’s this?” I ask confused.

“Some of your clothes and other basics.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“Be happy. I would have sent you without anything,” My mum said glaring.

I finally realise they are really kicking me out and all over a boy.

Cue me breaking down, I tell them every truth, promise everything, even to break up with Chris, something I really don’t want to but would at least pretend to do. But they refuse and all but push me out of the house.

“Don’t come back. You are a disgrace!” My mum sneers before shutting the door in my face. All the time it was happening Chelsey was stood smirking in the background.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, I leave the house in a daze.


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