Chapter 2

“You are pretty good at that.” I jump back in surprise. But now my back was pressed tightly against his muscular front and my backside, his genitals.

He was taller than me at six-foot-one and unlike me he was very muscular due to his regular workouts, which he takes great pleasure in telling me about. He has blue eyes and dark blonde short hair.

“Hmm, sorry and thank you,” I said stepping forwards again. But he followed me, so his body was pressed against mine again. I couldn’t move any further forwards because my crotch was pressed against the counter.

“When you’ve finished that I’ll show you how to knead dough correctly,” He spoke incredibly close to my ear.

I felt a little strange, I knew I should tell him to move but… I don’t know.

“How’s your little girlfriend?” He said it in disgust but didn’t move.

I tensed, “Fine. I guess,” I mumbled.

“You don’t sound too sure?”

“I’m going to the toilet,” I made an excuse not to speak and went to move. “Justin…” He moved his hand to my waist to stop me. I hissed in pain and hunched forward. I’m not going to lie, that hurt like a bastard. He quickly moved his hands away panicked.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” He actually sounds worried. I think he’s bipolar.

“I’m fine. Just a bit of gut ache, I need the toilet,” I lied again. But fighting back the pain I turned around and tried to act normal. Walking past him and into the back, I saw a look of worry on his face. I knew he didn’t believe me.

Getting to the toilets, I slid down to the ground and closed my eyes tight trying to block out the pain. I had been in pain all night but when he grabbed me, it was a million times worse.

Sometimes I just wish I was dead. I even have looked up the fastest ways to kill yourself, but the truth is I’m too much of a wimp to do it.

“Justin? Justin, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.” I felt a hand remove my hat and stroke my hand as if to comfort me. I looked up to see with worried looking Tristan.

“I’m fine. You go back out in case someone comes in.”

“No. I locked up, no one is coming in.” He continued to stroke my head. “Your dad will kill us.” I went to stand up, but moved too fast and fell back to the ground in pain. “Fuck!” I heard him exclaim lowly.

“I am not leaving you like this. You are clearly not fine.” He moved his arm under my legs and then over gently on my higher back and carried me into the staff room where he placed me on the couch.

“Now, tell me!” He demanded.

“Why?” I asked annoyed. “So I can help you not feel guilty? Well, it isn’t your fault. I am fine. Go back to treating me like crap and fucking your boyfriend in the cloakroom and I’ll go back to pretending everything is fine.” It was bound to happen eventually.

His face contorted with pain, shame and then guilt. “I know this doesn’t make it any better. But I’m sorry for the way I treated you. That guy wasn’t my boyfriend. I honestly didn’t even know his name. I am ashamed to admit it, but I only did it because I knew you would catch us.” He didn’t go into any detail. He was sat on the edge of the couch where I was laid and stroked my hair. It is actually comfortable. “Do you want to tell me what happen?” A short pause. “Or I can call your girlfriend for you?” Wow, he must be feeling guilty if he isn’t taking the piss out of me for dating her.

“You were right,” I mumbled looking down trying to hold back the tears building up in my eyes.

“She is a bitch. We were friends though and my father… I thought it stop… It did until Katie blabbed. Then I saw and things became bad again.”

I knew without looking up he was looking at me confused. “I don’t understand, Justin. What happened?”

Tears started to fall from my eyes, leaving a damp patch on the couch. “Justin…”

“I know, I’m pathetic. My mum left my dad when I was eight. He blamed me saying I was too effeminate. That she left because I wasn’t a proper boy. He told me I should have been born a girl at least then I would be some use to him with mum gone.” I felt his hand still.

“But that didn’t stop him. I couldn’t tell though because I was scared. I tried once and he beat me so bad that I was in the hospital for a week. He told them I fell down the stairs. I thought if I got a girlfriend things would be good. Everything would be good and he’d stop. He didn’t completely though, but he stopped hitting me so much. He beat me when he found out I wanted to be a baker, but he didn’t go very far. But Katie… I always knew she was a whore. I came home a few days ago and found her doing my dad.” I sniffled and cleared my throat.

“I didn’t mind though. I didn’t even like her like that. She showed no remorse and we split up. But she is always still around the house doing my dad. I thought it would calm him down having a woman. But it didn’t. He lost it when she told him we hadn’t done anything, even kiss. He beat me and… She just watched.” I glanced up at him with teary eyes, he wore a dark look.


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