Chapter 3

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you all that. I didn’t mean to make you angry at me. As strange as it sounds, you are the closest person I have to an actual friend.” I let out a watery laugh, “How pathetic am I? Sometimes I just wish I was brave enough to end it all. It’s not like anyone would miss me.”

“I am not angry at you,” He said putting his fingers under my chin and bringing my face up to look at him.

“I am angry at myself for not seeing it and ready to kill your dad and ex. You are brave. You put up with all of this and then came to work for more shit from me. And all because I am a stupid jealous idiot.” I looked at him confused by his last comment.

“I like you, Justin. More than like you. Why do you think I follow you about, watch you, complain to you and bitch about your ex? I even tried to make you jealous by fucking another guy.” My eyes widen realizing.

How didn’t I notice?

“I would miss you.” Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine and more surprising I was kissing him back and enjoying it.

It didn’t last long, he pulled back moments later looking at me unsure.

“That was my first kiss. I mean other than forced ones by…” I trailed off. “I liked it.”

He smiled and brushed his fingers across my cheek. “You are moving in with me. We will call the police-“

Before he could complete the sentence I burst into a fit of coughs and the pain increase tenfold.

“I don’t feel so good,” I managed to say between coughs. I started to get light head and it was getting harder to breath.

Looking at Tristan, I noticed panic in his eyes. He quickly pulled out his phone.

“Ambulance, quick,” He said into the phone to whomever he was speaking too.

It was becoming harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

“Please come quick he is having trouble breathing and he is coughing up blood,” I heard his panicked voice say.

“That explains the taste,” I mumble closing my eyes one last time.

“Please, baby, please stay awake!” I heard him beg me.

Did he just call me baby?

“Justin, please don’t leave me now. I love you, please?”

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


The sound of repetitive beeps fills my ears as my tired body finally wakes up from my unresting sleep. I opened my eyes only to find myself in a hospital bed with machines, tubes and wires all around me.

That didn’t surprise me, what did was the man sat sleeping in a chair beside my bed, holding my hand. He looked exhausted.

It was only then when I tried to swallow my saliva I realised something was stuck in my throat and I started to choke.

An alarm went off in the room and my loyal companion woken up. “Doctor, please hurry, he can’t breath.”

A doctor and a couple of nurses quickly entered.

“You have to calm down, Justin. You couldn’t breath on your own, so we put you on a ventilator. Your body is ready to breath alone now,” The doctor tried to explain, but I just wanted to be able to breath. “I am going to remove the tube now.” He gently, but firmly began tugging the tube from my throat. It was a horrible, yet invigorating feeling.

“Your throat is a little sore, so I want you to rest your voice for now.” My tiredness returned and I felt my eyelids becoming heavy again.

“I will return to check on him later. He is just sleeping, Mr Parks. Don’t worry.”


“You should go home and rest. I’ll wait here and call you if anything happens,” I heard an older man say as I started to wake up for the second time.

“No. I can’t. I want to be here when he wakes up again. He’ll be scared.”

“I know you care for him son, but you need-“

“I don’t care about him dad.”

My heart clenched at his admission. I actually thought he liked me. I kept my eyes closed, hoping they would either go or not notice I was awake.

“I love him, dad. I have always loved him since the first moment I saw him.” My heart soared I am surprised at how happy I am.

“If his dad weren’t locked up I would kill the bastard!”

“You and me both, son. You and me both.”

I am scared. I don’t know why, I don’t want to wake up and face the world.

Alright, so I do know why… I was scared at what my dad would do to me. I know they said he was locked up, but I’m sure he’ll be out soon and I’ll pay. I always do.

I know I should have reported him, but… I don’t know. I’m just too scared. I know it’ll make it worst when he gets out.

“Shhh, baby,” I felt a hand on my hair. “Don’t cry, everything is fine. No one is going to hurt you.” I didn’t even realize I was crying until he mentioned it.

“I’ll go get us some coffees, give you a minute alone.” I heard the older man said before I heard the door close softly.

“You are safe, Justin. He is locked up. He is never going to touch you again,” I opened my eyes. Again, like before it was Tristan by my side.

“Thank you, Tristan,” My voice came out rough for lack of speaking.

“Don’t talk, baby. The doctor said you have to rest your throat.” He turned and grabbed a glass bottle of water from the side table.

“Drink this, baby,” He opened the lid and slowly poured the cool liquid into my mouth.

“Lay with me? Please?” I ask in a slightly less husky whisper afterwards.

“I shouldn’t. I might hurt you.” He returned the bottle to the side.

“Please?” He looked at my teary face and smiled softly.


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