Chapter 5

“What? Dad always argues?” I asked confused.

“He broke down when he found out you had died a couple of times on the table already. They weren’t sure at first you would pull through.” He gave me a sad look and I kissed his cheek making him smile, at least until he started talking about dad again.

“He broke down and confessed to everything. He begged and pleaded to see you. Obviously, they said no. He loves you, but he’s sick. But that doesn’t mean I won’t kill the bastard if I get a chance. But that isn’t likely since he was given a life sentence because he nearly killed you. Katie has to go to trial but is expected to get about five years. Your mother has to go to trial too. She is expected to get about the same. All three have been put on the sex offenders register for life.”

We just laid in silence for a while, saying nothing. I was surprised the other person wasn’t back yet.

“Who was with you before?”

“My dad.”

“Your dad? Why was he here?” He was nice and stuff, but I was never really friends. I wasn’t really allowed friends.

“He was worried about you, me too, but mainly you. He and a few people have been to see you.”

“Really? How do you know?” I asked guessing the answer already.

“Well, I…” His cheeks tinted a dark pink. “I was worried. I thought you were going to die. I didn’t want to leave you. I only left when I had too.”

“You stayed with me? What about the shop?”

“Dad got a temp in. You are more important to me.”

“You know, Tristan. I haven’t had a boyfriend before, but I would like one. I don’t know how it’ll work but I don’t want dad to ruin my whole life. I would like you to be mine.”

I start to think I read him wrong when he looked at me oddly. Maybe he only kissed me to make me feel better and he loves me, but as a brother.

“I mean if you have a boyfriend already… I’m sure you have lots of men like the delivery guy… Never mind. Forget I mentioned it,” I rambled and my eyes drifted down to hide the tears in my eyes. Despite how we started off, I really liked him.

“I haven’t touched anyone since then and that was only to make you jealous. I want you, I always have. You are mine,” He said in one quick succession and not even a second later his lips were on mine. Before I knew it, his body was hovering over mine.

I hissed in pain just as the door opened.

“Tristan!” He was yanked off me by his dad and hit around the back of the head.

“Can’t you keep it in your pants for ten minutes? He’s only just woken up. Couldn’t you tell you were hurting him?” He snapped at his son.

Tristan looked at me full of guilt. “Did I hurt you?”

I was about to say not as much as my dad would have, but thought better of it and said nothing.

“You should have told me. I never want to hurt you,” He said sadly.

“You hardly gave him a chance son. Your tongue was down his throat blocking any complaints,” His dad half teased when he saw I wasn’t hurt that bad.

I felt my cheeks heat up. “Dad, you’re embarrassing him.”

Just then the door opened and the doctor from before entered.

“Justin,” He gave me a smile.

“Good to see you finally wake. I’m your doctor, Dr. Raymus.”

He took the chart from the end of the bed before addressing the father and son in the room. “Would you mind stepping out the room while I check Justin over?”

Tristan looked ready to argue, but his father took his arm and cut in first. “We’ll be just outside. Let us know when you’re done.”

The doctor performed blood pressure, heart rate, pin test and a bunch of other tests I am too tired to even remember.

“I am really pleased with your progress,” The doctor told me once he was done.

He told me what Tristan had already, how my broken ribs had moved curing my coughing spell and so on…

“You are an incredibility lucky young man. Yours is a unique case, after the kind of damage to your heart most people would have died. You’re being here today due to several factors, but none more so than the treatment Tristan Parks gave while waiting for an ambulance.”

What kind of treatment did he give me?

How did he even know what to do?

“Oh, Mr. Parks never told you of his medical training?” He asked seeing my confusion.

I shook my head. “I had no idea,” I said honestly. “What kind of training did he have? What did he do to me?”

Smiling at my questions, he shook his head. “All you need to know is you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for his quick actions. The other question I am sure Mr. Parks will be happy to answer.”

I think I just fell in love with Tristan a little more and more with everything I learn.

As if he were psychic a knock sounded at the door and his head poked in.

“Are you finished? Is he alright?” He asked quickly stepping inside, his father behind him mouthing ‘Sorry.’

“Do I have your permission to tell them your results?” I was a little surprised the doctor asked me but agreed.

He went on to tell him a bunch of stuff I didn’t even try to understand. In all honestly, I just wanted to go home and sleep.

“When can he go home?” John – Tristan’s father asked.


“Surely not?” Tristan asked in disbelief. “He almost died. He needs doctors, pills and-“

“He is doing well,” The doctor interrupted. “He will not be able to do anything vigorous or strenuous for a while. But provided he has someone to stay with him, he has plenty of rest, regular check-ups and takes the pills provided I don’t see a problem him going home in as little as a couple of days,” The doctor explain. “But only if he keeps up with the progress he is making,” He added quickly.

“That will be no problem,” Tristan assured him. “Justin lives with me. I will be there for him.”

‘What? Since when?’ I wanted to ask but I was too tired to speak. The words wouldn’t come out.

“I was hoping that was the case…”

The voices faded and my eyes became heavy. I wasn’t able to hold it off any longer.

Sleep took over.


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