Chapter 6

It had been a year since leaving the hospital and I am happier than I ever have been before.
I am doing a lot better now and have even been speaking with Tristan about getting married.
Yes, we are that serious. He is completely different than I originally thought. He is incredibly kind and loving. He treats me like I’m made of gold.
Never once has he raised his voice, let alone a hand to me.
His parents have become as good as my own.
As for my own mother and Katie – my ex, my mother was sentenced as expected, five years and a life on the sex offenders register. Whereas Katie was sentenced to ten years and had also been put on the register for life.
After her parents spoke to their son – her stepbrother – they discovered they had been sexually involved for at least a year. I was as shocked as everyone. I had no idea.
He is in therapy, I am too and it seems to be helping.
Last I heard of my ex is she was in hospital because she is a cunt. I’m sure it didn’t help that she is a pedo. But she is a cunt, there is no other way to describe her.
My mother had been in contact. Turns out she had tried to find me. But she couldn’t and fell into a depression which lead to drugs and prostitution. She had been arrested many of time because of both. Which was how the police was able to locate her. But still, she never reported me missing, kidnapped or the abuse.
I met her briefly to hear her out, but it was all the same stuff I already know. My therapist said to would be good for me. They were right. It wasn’t me why my mother left, it wasn’t my fault. She was and is just a selfish bitch.
She didn’t even mention my sister. No, you didn’t hear wrong. She had a daughter with one of her clients. She never mentioned her when she was arrested. The police had no idea she existed since she failed to register the birth and gave birth at home alone.
She regularly left her home alone. They only discovered the little girl after the police got a search warrant to check her flat for any child porn.
There they found two year old Julia naked, dehydrated and malnourished.
She was taken to the hospital where I first learned of her existence.
I had to go thought some tests to make sure I was mentally up to it, but thankfully I passed and now she lives with me and Tristan.
If anyone asked we tell them she is our daughter.
I’m not going to say it’s been easy. She is very behind, she was barely crawling and didn’t speak.
We have had to spend a lot of time teaching her, giving her the attention she had missed but it has been worth it. She is the most beautiful, sweet little girl. And now, age three, she is finally able to walk alone and has recently started calling me and Tristan ‘mama’ and ‘dada.’ I am mama. Tristan shed a tear, he was so happy. He loves her as much as I do.
“I never wanted children,” He admitted after she had gone to bed. “But I am so happy to have our baby girl in our life.” He gave me the most brillant smile. “I love being a father with you. When she’s older maybe we can adopt another? When we are married of course.”
I cried, I was so happy. I love Julia. I was scared originally, but it worked out so well. Even Tristan’s parents think of her as their granddaughter and she loves them too. She runs at them when ever she sees them and cries when the leave.
There is only one thing I regret, is that I never got to tell my father how much I hate him.
But sadly that will never happen because he committed suicide shortly after I got out of the hospital. He did leave a suicide note though. I was allowed to see it, but only with my therapist there.
It said how much he regrets doing what he did but he loves me more than anything. There was more but what it boiled down to he was in love with me and didn’t want me to go. He never touched another child but he exchanged photographs and videos.
He admitted that he wasn’t interested in meeting my ex’s stepbrother but she talked him into it.
Much like my mother he blamed everyone else.
One line I will always remember. ‘Maybe if I had waited until you were older, treated you better then you would have come to love me too.’
It was sick and depressing. I am certain he had undiagnosed mental problems.
He is best off dead. I just hope he knows how much I truly despise him.
The only good thing to come out of all of this is I have come to learn who I can really trust.
“Mama, Booba peas?” Julia wakes me up first thing in the morning pointing to the television on the wall.
I hate the show. I have seen every episode at least twenty times, but she loves it. I can never say no to her.
Tristan wakes up hearing the familiar tune and groans. “Not him again. Anything but him.”
“Ryan’s toy review?” He sends me a warning look. He hates that annoying kid and his parents as much as me. Thankfully Julia was too distracted to hear me.
“Booba it is.” I lean over and steal a kiss. “You stay here, darling. I’ll make us breakfast and bring it up.” I go to move back but he pulls me in for another kiss.
“Dada, Booba!” Julia squeals bouncing on his legs causing us to break a part.
He sighed but smiled and I stood up from the bed.
I pull on a robe and pause in the doorway watching the love of my life watch cartoons with our daughter. Life isn’t always perfect, but mine is pretty damn close now.