Chapter 1

Over one thousand years old and never mated or married.
King Jelben Tovit had many concubines over the years, mostly Humans since fellow dragon shifters were very possessive and didn’t like to share.
There was different types of shifters but dragons ruled all. Female shifters in general don’t like sharing.
Only selected people knew of their kind and knew that the royal family are shifters.
Though the royal castle is visible to all, the shifters have a secret kingdom that is only accessible through a portal inside the castle grounds.
King Jelben rules both Kingdoms. But the Humans rarely see him. Since he doesn’t age they would ask questions.
Jelben is on one of his rare trips around one of the Human kingdom’s smaller towns.
He had found many concubines there. Shifters only wanted to mate and he wouldn’t settle for just anyone.
Many Human women have tried to get him to mate them, knowing it would extend their lives. But he never did but occasionally they would find love with another shifter who he would allow them to live with.
Normally he kept them until they grew old and would see they were well taken care of in their old age. But once in a while they would request to return to their Human town.
That was rare though since Humans tended to live longer healthier lives in the shifter kingdom.
Assom Cammiss, the King’s aid and best friend accompanied him. Unlike the King, he is a bear shifter who had mated a Human female many years back, changing her into a shifter too.
“I smell something,” Jelben went off in the direction of the smell, closely followed by his friend.
He stopped near a church, exiting the church was a couple of older females followed by a younger one.
“Her, she’s the smell,” He indicated to the younger female who looks to be in her late teens.
“But, Ben, she is a novice, a Nun in training,” His friend say using his nickname.
“Assom, you know as well as me that this could be my mate! I want to meet her. Have her brought to my castle.”
It was the first time he had such a strong reaction to a females scent.
It was a good sign she could be his mate. He had to meet her in person to confirm it though.
“I will arrange,” He bowed and followed the women. Jelben returned home ahead of him and had a feast prepared.
“I have brought her but there is something you must know,” Assom addresses him in his office, the young woman likely waiting in the parlor.
The King indicates for him to continue. “I did some digging into her background. It wasn’t hard since she was orphaned and raised by the church from age six when her mother died. Her mother is, Gildas Veers, your ex-concubine.”
He was in shock but more was to come.
“Her birth name is Bethany Veers, but she goes by sister Mary at the nunnery. Her mother never told her who her father was, but said he wasn’t good to be around. She is seventeen and I am certain she is a dragon hybrid. She has the key golden eyes, but doesn’t seem to know anything.”
“It can’t be possible. I have no children. I never mated anyone.”
“I know. But it must be possible. Just meet her. It is said shifters have strong bonds with their children and can tell on sight if they are theirs.”
It is well known but neither had children to test it. “I will meet her, but my hormones are saying mate.”
His friend smiled. “You wouldn’t be the first or the last to mate a family member. Though normally it is siblings, cousins and suchlike.”
Instead of turning him off, the possibility of having a daughter aroused him. He knew the moment he mated her – if she was a half breed – she’d turn into a dragon.
Dragons are rare in the shifter world now, with only less than half a dozen, all men, all related to the king in some way. Female dragons are rare and the males are known to be incredibly picky.
He walked into the dining hall and is immediately greeted by the same scent that had his cock hard and his dragon begging to be released. He was in no doubt if nothing else, she is his mate.
“Your highness, this is Sister Mary.”
She is dressed in a pale habit, a few strands of her red hair, which she had inherited from her mother, poked out. He had always been especially keen on red head, now he understood why.
She is much shorter than him, but extremely beautiful. Her golden eyes shone as they looked at one another.
She wouldn’t understand her feelings, but he knew she felt the same.
“And this is Mother Superior, Sister Ann,” Assom introduces a stern elderly Nun.
“You will address me as Mother Superior.”
“I am the King, I will address you as I wish,” He said taking an instant dislike to the woman.
She huffs, but he ignored her. He didn’t like the influence she had on his mate. She seemes afraid.
“I didn’t invite her, why is she here?”
“She insisted.”
“I am here to keep the girl on the righteous path.”
“Answer me, Bethany…”
“Sister Mary,” The old Nun corrected but he ignored her.
“Do you want to be a Nun? Why did you choose to be one?”
He had only known them a minute but he had a bad feeling about the older woman.
She never smiled. In fact she looked angrier than many warlords he had met.
The girl glanced at the woman as if scared to answer.
“Don’t let her scare you. I am the King. I will protect you,” He assures her kneeling down to her height.
The older woman took a step closer to her and Bethany instantly flinched and moves closer to the King.
“Mother Superior told me it is my duty to earn forgiveness from our lord, Jesus Christ,” She spoke for the first time.
Her voice was soft and sweet causing his dragon to go crazy under in skin.
“Her mother was a harlot and she is a bastard child-“
“Leave now,” Assom told the older woman knowing his friend would kill her if she didn’t.
“Don’t bother,” Assom told her when she went to grab the novice.
“She will be staying here, she will become the King’s wife.”
Bethany looks up to the King in awe ignoring the other woman’s argument.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you, Bethany?” He asks already smelling her readiness. She stared at him intensely and blushing.
“Yes,” She almost sounded like she was purring.
“I won’t allow this! This girl is spawn if the devil. I worked long and hard beating the devil out of her!”
They knew she wasn’t speaking figuratively.
“Justin, Evin?” The king called one of his guards and his mate who worked at the castle.
He was a Human turned wolf shifter after mating Evin, a female born wolf shifter.
“Yes, sir?” They stepped in the room.
“Evin, help Bethany bath and change her clothes for dinner.”
She nods her head and Bethany took her hand. They almost looked like mother and daughter, Bethany is so short. Likely under-fed by her carers.
Assom stopped the older Nun from following.
“Justin, send message to the convent that the Mother Superior has died after a terrible accident and Sister Mary has chosen to leave the order.”
He nodded and left the room.
“W.. What are you doing?” She looked terrified. “You can’t kill me, I’m doing God’s work.”
“Bethany is my daughter and you admitted to beating her. It’s an automatic death sentence.”
“But.. But you said you were marrying her?”
He smirks sadistically. “Yes. I’m going to marry and fuck my own daughter. I have a brother and two uncles too, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are her mates too. But I’m willing to share.”
She is speechless.
“I’m going to give you a choice, Assom can have his bear eat you or you can risk the wilds, see how long you last?”
Underneath it all she is just as self serving as anyone. She choose the wilds, unaware that she was choose the shifter desert. Home to many of rabid shifters who lost their mates.
She will likely be eaten and killed. There is a extremely slim chance of other things happening, but most are too far gone. Which is why it is off limits to everyone.
An hour later and he is reunited with his daughter.
“You look beautiful.” They both sat in comfort silence as they ate dinner. He was pleased to see she had a good appetite.
“Bethany, I want to be completely honest with you.” He sat down with her to talk after the meal.
“It’s probably best if I show you actually.”
He took her hand and led the shy girl through the castle to a strange water like doorway.
“This is a portal to a land where many races called shifters live. Many Humans have been here, even your mother.”
“You knew my mother?”
“Yes, you are beautiful, just like her,” He stroked her cheek causing her to blush.
“Will you go with me? It will help me explain.”
So Good to read this story again.