Chapter 2

She nodded and he walks her through the doorway and in an instant she is in another place, a large grassy field of flowers.
He held her, suspecting she maybe dizzy from the first trip.
“Where are we, daddy?” Her eyes widen at the accidental slip.
“It’s alright. You feel it, don’t you?”
“Yes, but I’m confused. I feel like you are my father, but also my lover,” She admitted embarrassed.
“This is why I want to tell you here. I am a shifter. A shifter is a being, a Human who can change form into a certain animal. I am a dragon.”
“Really? Could I see it?” She asked believing him without question.
“Yes, once I have explained.”
She nodded and they both sit down on the grass.
“Shifters stop aging when they mature. But can be killed. As a dragon, I am the strongest of all shifter and when my father was killed I took over as king. Not only of here but the Human kingdom we just came from too. Are you following?”
She nodded, listening intently.
“Shifters have a mate, one person who they will marry and share their life with but dragons are extremely picky. Which is why there is only myself, my two uncles and my younger brother left. But there are many different types of shifters. Dragons do love sex though.”
She blushes.
“I am not mated or married, but am over a thousand years old. I have had many of concubines of the years, all Human.”
“My mother?” She guesses correctly.
“Yes. She was disappointed I wouldn’t give her more. But I couldn’t because she wasn’t my true mate. But I did care a lot for her, as I do all of my girls. When she decided to leave I allowed her and made sure she was well off. It wasn’t until today I found out about you.”
“I’m your daughter and mate, aren’t I?”
He smiled. “Yes. It’s wrong in the Human world. But as my daughter you are a hybrid. Which means when I mate you, you’ll become a full breed dragon shifter. Not a watered down shifter like the normal Humans.
“You already have a dragon inside you waiting, which is why you know what I am to you.”
“So we can still marry?” She asks looking up at him through her long red locks. Her habit had completely hidden the voluptuous curves of her body.
Despite being short, she was definitely all woman.
“You are my mate. We will marry.”
She grinned but then frowned.
“Your concubines?”
“I will have no need for them. I will give them a choice to stay and work or return home.”
Her smile returns.
“But I must warn you, as the only female dragon you may find my brother and uncles are also your mates.”
“Four mates?” Her eyes widens.
“Do not be scared. They may not be. But I would rather warn you than surprise you. They are good men. Look similar to me, but my uncles have long bright ginger hair.”
He has long black hair, golden eyes and is tall and wide with muscles. He looks to be in his early thirties.
“My brother is over eight hundred. But my uncles are older than me, I don’t know how old exactly. But like me, none have been mated. They each have concubines. But as I said, concubines are purely for unmated males.”
“I am nervous, but excited to see what happens,” She admits but then blushes. “I really want to call you daddy. Is that wrong?”
He has to force himself not to groan. “I would expect nothing else. I maybe your mate, but I am also your father.”
“Daddy, I have burning between my legs,” She said embarrassed.
He couldn’t stop the groan this time and moves closer to her.
“Shouldn’t we marry before having sex?” She guesses what he is doing. She maybe shy but not naive.
“Mating is shifters way of marrying. But if it pleases you, when we return to the Palace we can have a Human wedding too.”
She smiles, “I just want to wear a grand white dress. I’ve never had pretty clothes before…. Well, not after mother passed. The nuns made everyone wear black or navy blue. We weren’t allow toys and had to do house work and study the bible or we were whipped.”
He pulled her into his arms.
“Mother Superior said I was a daughter of a harlot, so had to be shown special attention.”
“What do you mean?” He asked unsure.
“She would take me to the priest to make repentance. But he wanted me to lick his thing. I said no, so she whipped me regularly instead.”
He was starting regretting not killing her himself.
“Don’t worry, daddy. I am happy. I have you now and the priest was kicked in the head by a horse and killed. I laughed and she whipped me extra, but I didn’t care because the new priest was a good man. He took the nuns whips away.”
He held her, growing angrier thinking about it until he felt a pair of soft lips on his.
It all happened quickly after that.
One moment they are kissing and the next he is mounting her and slipping his shaft in her virgin hole.
“Jelben,” She moans his name.
“Call me daddy or Ben, my love.” He almost lost himself. Being intimate with her is like nothing he had experienced.
“I am going to bite you in a moment. It may hurt for a second. But it’s the only way to complete the mating.”
“My tongue and yours. After that we kiss and meld our blood. It only works with true mates. We’ll be joined forever, in body and mind.”
“I love you, daddy, already. I want to be with you forever. Even if we live a million years.”
Without warning he leans down and did as he said. The taste of metallic blood fills both their mouths and soon both begin to tingle as the mating took to them.
“I can’t believe you are my daughter. You feel so good. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”
“Daddy, I feel like I’m going to burst.”
“That’s good, that’s meant to happen.”
“Daddy!” Her pussy tightens and she cums around his cock as he shoots his cum inside her.
“Bethany… That was incredible.”
She growls and her eyes glowed gold. “Your dragon is coming. Don’t be scared, I’ll be with you.”
He knew the moment they shifted the dragons hormones would take over and they would mate again.
He rolled off her and watched as dark red scales appeared on her skin and slowly some bend and she grew to a massive height, but not as big as the male dragons.
The first shift is slow but it gets faster with time.
“Daddy, stay with me,” She begs before losing the ability to talk.
“I’m here forever.” He strokes her scales. “You are just as sexy dragon as you are Human. I don’t want to scare you. But I’m going to turn into my dragon now and have sex with you again.” He grins when he hears her purr.
His shift is much faster. His dragon larger and a brighter red than hers. His dragon sniffs around her excited at finally having a mate. Then quickly moves behind her and slipped his pointy dick inside her slick hole.
This is completely new to him. He had never done anything sexual as a dragon before. His dragon would eat the female if they tried.
One of his uncle’s concubines found that out the hard way when she tried to trick his dragon into mating her.
It didn’t work and he ended up not needing to eat for a week.
‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ His dragon and him are one being but his dragon hormones often made him do things he’d normally be more cautious about.
‘What’s that?’ His mates voice replies in his head.
‘In dragon form we can communicate through our minds,’ He explains. ‘And I love you, my beautiful mate.’
‘I love you too, daddy dragon.’ She nuzzles her snout against his and he growls in pleasure.
His dragon came gallons inside her. The moment his flaccid penis slipped out, so did a river of cum.
They lay in the grass for what seemed like hours before he decided to move.
‘Let me show you the kingdom and our second home. We can fly there.’
She jumped up excited.
‘My family live in the second castle too. So they will likely notice our approach and know if they are your mates or not.’
He watches her nod, but knows she is worried. He isn’t. He knew either way, things would work out.
It is simple to fly and soon they are both air borne and flying high. The kingdom looks like something from a fairy-tale. Only with a lot more animals.
‘Are all them animals shifters?’ She asked looking at groups of wolves, bears and other creatures.
‘Mostly, but a few aren’t. You’ll easily be able to tell when you are on the ground. Their eyes are more intelligent and they smell different.’
Villages, towns, forests. They pass much in a short time.
But soon a large building appears in the distance. A large, beautiful medieval type castle, but with windows and many modern and unfamiliar aspects.
Many people are watching from the ground in awe.
Likely surprised to see an unfamiliar dragon.
By the time they reach the castle they are met by a number of people but three large men stood out ahead of the rest.
They have their eyes glued to the darker smaller dragon.
Jelben lands and shifts back into Human form, immediately covered in a large velvet cloak. Shortly after a nervous Bethany lands.
She moves in close to him, shifts and almost in a blink of an eye she hid in his arms under his cloak.
“There’s so many people. I’m scared,” She mumbles and he kisses her head.
Lovely introduction to the new world.